The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 04, 1899, Image 4

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An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrup of Fis, manufactured by the
Califoiinia Fiq Syp.BP Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining- the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them iu the form most refreshing' to the
taste ar.d acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening- laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly end enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
everv objectionable qiiality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
Other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the f ul 1 name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
jrr sie by all Druggists Price 50c. perbotUa
A fall of Forty feet.
Mrs. B. Abel. saw ber 3 year-old baby
girl pitch head foremost out of a window
of the fourth floor of her home in Port
Chester, New York, a tew days ago, and
terror 6tricken rushed down stairs to
pick np the dead body ot the little one.
Judge ot her surprise when on the stairs
near the ground floor she met the child
on her way up stairs.
The little one was cool and uncon
cerned. The fall of forty feet didn't
even make her cry. The family physi
cian found the child hadn't received a
scratch. Thoee who eaw the accident
stated the child darted through the air
head first but that just before reselling
the ground she turned and-struck on
her feet.
Miss Perry, Seventh, of
The greatest known palmist and
planet reader. Telia you the planet
you were born under and how it rules
you for success. No matter what your
past has been, your future can be
brighter. Don't tail to see thia gifted
lady. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodgirjg
house. Koum 16. Next to the Diamond
Mills. Apr 24
Measuring Party.
H. R. Blue ia a Wapinitla visitor in
town today.
N. Brooks and wife came over from
Goldendale yesterday.
J. T. Johnson arrived from Waeco on
yesterday afternoon's train.
Philip McCorUe was a Tygli Valley
visitor in ttie city yesterday,
V. H. PaMfon and A. .J. Brigham are
in from tu'ur cn business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Moore returned
to their home in Moro on last evening's
W. H. Fowler cme down from
Pend'e on on yesterday afternoon's
TIiop. Batty and wife and James Batty
and wife are in from their homes at
. Wapinitia.
Misses Julia and Clara Nickelsen re
turned last uiuht on the boat from
Portland, where they went to attend the
feauer recital.
Miss Mollie Dunlan, who came .down
from Waeco Monday and spent two days
with Miss Edyth Randall, returned
home last night.
Dr. Flynn and wife returned to their
bO'.ne in Portland, after having spent
some ti with his mother and sisters
in The D .lies. Mrs. Flvnn has been
qiiitt- hi i.t the past tew weike, but is
a m-ewhat improved at presetit.
Hotel for Sale.
A pood caving hotel at Uinatiila, at
the j n.c'ion of the O. R. & N. may be
purchased by applying to B" at Uma
tilla. This i9 very desirable property
and may be obta:n?d at a great bargain.
For ptrtieuWs allreaj, '-3" UaiUilU,
Or. , 4 lmd
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teetn. " tf
: Wanted, a girl or middle-aged woman
to assist in general house work. Call at
this office. Apl 25-1 wk
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tf
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the .market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Fresh cut flowers from Mrs. Stublings
green house can be had daily at Keller's
confectionary store or at Clark & Falk's
drugstore. . - apl24
It makes no difference how bad the
wound if you nse DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
scar. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The Lidies' Aid Society, of the Christ
ian church, will give a " Measure Party',
in the basement of the church on Friday
evening May 5th. Everybody invited.
It will be a pleasure,
' Beyond all measure,
To welcome you hearty
To our measuring party.
But before vou start,
The essential part
Is to count up right
Your feet in height.
All we dare ask
For our generous repast
In just two cents a foot.
Each extra inch, if any,
Will be taxed at the rate
Of a single penny.
Settlement Desired.
All persons knowing themselves ii -debted
to the undersigned, are re
quested to call and settle od or before
June 1st. Tnose having claims are also
notified to present.them on or before the
above date. O. C. Hollister.
May3 lwk
Notice Wafer Rent.
Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1.
O. O. F., will charge for use of water in
their cemetery at the late of $2 per lot
for the season, payable in advance to
the sexton. C. J. Ckaxdall,
T. A. Ward,
W. H. Butts,
A Wonderful Discovery.
The great Mtxican hair vigor, manu-
iac:u eti ty jyirj. Uora A. Dreyer, can
now be lmd in this c'tv.. Mrp. Dreyer is
prepared to treat a! 1 diseases of tte scalp,
and ladits wishing home treatment may
leave their address with Chas. Frazer.
Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar
ber shop and Blakeley & Houghton's
rlrng store. See display on Friday and
B turday at Biakeley & Houghton's
window . , m4-lm
The Eastern Oregon Land Company
hereby notifies all persons whom it may
concern, that it has changed its agent in
the state of Oregon, having appointed
Mr. G. W. McNear, of San Francisco,
Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson,
resigned'. .
Mr. McNear ia agent, with offices at
The Dalles, Portland, and San Francisco,
for all business of the Eastern Oregon
Land Compaiiy, the selling, leasing,
and general management of the E. O. L.
Co's lands in Oregon ; and, no cne, unless
duly authorized by the said McNear, has
authority to act, in any capacity what
ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com
pany. San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899.
D. V. Henaeie,
Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company.
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listleBSness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. s
Some of the results of neglected dys
peptic conditions of the stomach are
cancer, consumption, heart disease and
epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Care pre
vents all this by effecting a quick cure
in all cases of dyspepsia. Snipes-Kin
ersly Drug Co.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will cure it ; it "digests what yon eat'
and restores the digestive ' organs to
health. Snipes-KinerBly Drug Co.
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers
regulate the bowels. Try them and you
will always ubo them. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds
croup and whooping-cough readily yield
to One Minute Cougb Cure. Use this
remedy in time and save a doctor's bill
or the undertaker's. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
ciass, dry, far wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the best. Phone 25.
Mchl. Jos! T. Pjeters & Co
of Oregon, for the County of Wasco.
M. D. Kneeland, plaintiff,
O. D. Taylor, Sareb K. Taylor, John Burger,
Joseph A. Johnson, C. W. Cather, Stella K.
Eddy, J. C. Duncanson and W. Lucinda
Wheaidon, defendants.
To John Burger, Joseph A. Johnson, Stella K.
Eddy and J.-C. Duncanson, defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer The complaint filed against you iu the
above entitled suit within ten days from
the date, of the service of this sum
mons upon you, if set red within this
Countv; or if served within any other
County of this State, then within twenty days
from the date of the service of this summons
upon you; if served by publication thereof, then
on or before the last day of the time prescribed
In the order for publication, towit, within six
weeks from the 15th day of March,1899, the same
being the first day of publication hereof, and if
you fail so to answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in his complaint herein towit, for
judgment against defendant O. D. Taylor for
$1000 and interest at S per cent per annum from
Oct 1, 18'J2, and for his costs and disbursements
herein, and for judgment and decree against
each and all of said defendants, foreclosing all
right, title and interest of each of said defeud
ants respectively, iu and to all the south half of
the southwest quarter of the sonthwest quarter
of section 11, and the south half of the southeast
quarter of section 15, township 2 north, range
10 east, W. M., and directing the sale of all said
land, and that the proceejs be applied in pay
ment of said judgment.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw,
Circuit Judge, dated March 11, 1890.
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high' as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptlj
remit tea on aay ol collection .
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ox
INew York, Ban Francisco anc Port
D. F. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schxnck,
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb.
H. M. Bkaix.
S. S. S. Is tiis Only
Remedy 'Equal to this
Obstinate Disease.
There are dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to
afford temporary relief, but S. 8. S. is absolutely
the only remedy which completely cures it.
Bcrofula is one of the most obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases, and is beyond the reach, of the
many so-called purifiers and tonics because some
thins more than a mere tonio is reauired. S. 8. S.
is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it
goes down to the seat of the disease, tlfus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint.
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong
treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular
swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insist that
a, dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. H. E. Thompson , of Milledgeville, Ga. , writes : "A.
bad case of Scrofula' broke out on the glands of my neck,
which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I
was treated for a long while, but the physicians were un
able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used ,
but without effect. Some one recommended S. 8. 8., and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles.
Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently.
and have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Specific
is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines
the constitution. S. 8. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to
cure Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Bheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils,
Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc Insist upon S. 8. 8. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Cash tn loir Cbeckl.
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
1899. . C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasnrer.
Good Woud. "
To get the best dry fir and pine wood
that the market affords line up 40
Protnpt delivery. The Dalles Lumber
ing Co. - ' Jan27-2m
To Caret, m Cola in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c. " .
Wall Paper.
25 per cent eaved by getting figures
from the SnipeE-Kingersly Drug Co.
Fresh eolio paper and Eastman's film?
all sizep, direct from the manufacturers
at Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'s.
For the beat results use the Vive
Camera, ' For sale by the Poetoffice
Fbarmacy. tf
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk:
pure concentrated flavoring extracts. I
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
tor health. Thny neither urine nor .ij kun To
x 2 w? esmple tree, or fall box for -
teo. Bold bj dresgiflt dr. B0SANK0 CO. Phila. Psu
Remove Pimples, Prerent
Bilionsnoss, Purify the Blood.
Vure Headaohe and Dyspepsia.
H. M. Bbal ,
ipst national Bank.
BoardiQj4ou5? 2
Table board
$16 per moptl?
2 Qor. 4tr; arjd dJrpior;. 5
Public . I
Bouuling Alley 2
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and flight 2
Cooftaous tveatnaent
to all Boculefs...
Speeial Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully solicited.
HafPy Esping, Propfietop.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting: diseases, all effects ot seit-
abuse. or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to ale cheeks anf
restores the lire ot youtn
By mail SOc per box; O boxes
for S15.50: with a written gnaran
teo to euro or refund the money,
Canton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, EUL.
Corner of First and Court Street,
Phone 341.
..M Renown n Bid Bio
FiRu SQlOGil
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or.
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
or cigar.
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's fP Homestead Whiskey
Specialty ia Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Bast Daaisstie Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August Buchle
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the'Swiaa Pub. Co., New York.
The Dalles. Portlani ani Astoria
Navigation Co.'
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlat
sirs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above sttfamers have been rebuilt,
and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899.
The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure,
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The above steamers leave The Dalles at 8 a. m.
and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destina
tion In ampl time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office. The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. Court Street
W. C. Alia way,
General Agent.
Administrator's Notice,
Notice is herebv eiven that the undersigned
has been regularlv appointed by the county
court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county ,as
administrator of the estate of John Brookhouse,
deceased. All persons Having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present them,
with the proper vouchers, to me at the office
of Slunott & Sinnott, in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of Jhig notice.
Dalles City, Oregon, January 20, 1899.
R. J. GORMAN, Administrator.
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
TMani Jeffcrm Phone 159 i
Administratrix Sale of Real Estate.
Notice !s hereby given that under and by virtue
of an o. der of the county court of the btate of
Oregon for Wasco Countv, made on the 8th day
of January, 1898, in thematterof the estate of Dr.
W. E. Rinehart, deceased, I will sell, at public
auction, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, in
said county and state, on the 6th day -of May.,
1S99, at the hour of one o'clock p. in., to the high
est bidder, all the real estate belonging to said
estate, to wit: Lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
K and L, in Block 65 in The Fort Dalles Military
Reservation Addition to said Dalles City, in said
county and state.
Also the west half of the southeast quarter and
the east half of the southwest quarter, section 24,
in township 2 north, range 14 east, in Wasco
countv. Oreeon.
Terms of sale one-half In cash at time of sale
and one-half in six months, secured by mort
gage on me premises.
Dalles Citv, Oregon, April 7th, 1899.
Emily B. Rinehart,
apr8-il Administratrix.
..CHflS. F-TO-
and Fafmefs
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged the best beer in The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquor
and Cigars.
of all Kinds always on hand.
6:00 P. M
8:30 A. M.
17:30 A. M.
Los Angeles.El Paso,
TtrpftH. Rnlftm. Rnae- '
burg, Ashland, Sac
ramento, Og den, Ban
f ranciseo, moiave,
and I
. 1
Roseburg and way sta
Via Woodburn fori
Mt-Angel, Silverton, I
West Scio, Browns- )
ville.Sprlngfield and
Natron J
jCorvallis and way)
stations (
9 A. M.
4:40 P. M
5:50 P.M.
Daily (except Sunday).
l;50p. m. (Lv. Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m
7:30p.m. JAi..McMinnville..Lv. 5;o0a, m
8:30 p.m. Ar.. Independence.. Lv.) 4:50 a.m.
Daily. tDaily, except Bun aay.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at San Francisco with Occl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail 'steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
Rates and tickets to Eastern
and En-
All above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. -
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
rid ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tu
dav, Thursday and Saturday it 8:05 p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday.
Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt
Through Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates irom
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent,
TrisCoiugia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
P.. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & Lanolin. 'PJione 157