The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 02, 1899, Image 1

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NO 333
A Year Ago tie World Was Electrified
ty' the Destruction of the
Spanisn Fleet.
The Cannons Roar and Flags in Pro
fusion Were Gaily Uufurled to
the Breeze.
San Fbancisco, May 1. The first an
niversary of the battle of Manila bay
waa nahered in early today by tbe firing
of cannon and the ringing of bells. All
public buildings, commercial houses,
and residences were decorated in national
colors, and on every side were displays
-of patriotism. Special exercises in com
memoration of Dewey's great victory
took place in almost every city and town
in California. In this city a national
ealnte was- fired from the cannon which
fired the first ehot of the Spanish at
Corregidor. Gunners from the battle
ship Iowa manned the gun, which is a
brass affair, reputed to be of manufact
ure of eighty years ago. This part of the
celebration occurred in Columbia square,
and was witnessed by thousands . of
At Golden Gate Park, in this city, the
national colors were the flag from tbe
McCullocb, which was unfurled to the
breeze amid the cheers of thousands of
people, accompanied , by a medley of
national airs by the military band.
Many officers and men from the battle
ship Iowa were in attendance. The forts
and war vessels in the harbor fired salutes
in honor of the day, and commanders of
all American and foreign vessels in the
harbor observed the occasion by decorat
ing their vessels with flags and bunting.
Outgoing steamers left port with all
flags flying.
The Day in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, May 1. Dewey day
was celebrated in this city with imposing
pomp and ceremony. The most im
portant event was the naval parade on
the'Delaware river, which was reviewed
by naval and civil dignitaries. Buildings
along the river front and throughout
the city were gaily decorated. The
cruiser Raleigh was the chief object of
The warship was anchored at the ex
treme turning point of tbe line of Daval
parade. Next to her was thp revenue
cutter Algonquin, and all available crafts
were at League island. All vessels to
participate in the pageant started at a
signal from the navy-yard, from a point
a short distance below League island
The parade proceeded up the Delaware
river, passing the Raleigh, Captain
Coghlan reviewing the procession from
the bridge of the warship. Throughout
the state celebrations are being 1 held in
honor of the hero of Manila bay. .
Celebration in Boston.
Boston, May 1. Dewey day was ce'e
brated here by display of flagB over na
tional, Btate and city buildings and
prominent business houses, and also by
receptions held by patriotic societies.
New York Schools Celebrate.
New YoEK.May 1. Dewey day was eel
ebnted in the public schools of this city
by special exercises, commemorating tbe
victory at Manila, and by flying of flags
on all school buildings.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colde.
croup and whooping-cough readily yield
to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this
remedy in time and save a doctor's bill
or the undertaker's. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
earful Sufferings of Prospectors from
Scourges of Alaska.
Seattle, April 30. Sixty prospectors
arrived here today from Copper river,
Alaska, on tbe steamer Excelsior. They
brought with them a repetition of tbe
story of privation and death, and many
bore evidence on their bodies of the rav
ages of scurvy and frost. A man named
Young hobbled eff the vessel on tbe
stumps of two legs. Another named
Alex Powell had but one foot.
F, C. Good win, of Oakland, Cal., whose
legs are black with scurvy and whose
knees are bruised by contact with tbe
ice, tells an interesting story of his
experiences, which were similar to those
of others. While camped in the interior
his partner, Westley Scheidecker, of
Grand Ridge, Ills., fell eick with the
scurvy, and soon became nnable to travel.
Goodwin strapped him on a sled and
started to the coast. After four days of
almost herculean labor, be arrived at
the month of tbe Shushitna, bat his
partner was frozen stark and stiff to the
sled. He buried him in tbe enow.
Continuing bis journey to the coast he
came across a tent, in which there were
two men sick with scurvy. They were
Dixon Hutton, of Memphis, Tenn., and
T. B. Rawlins, of Little Rock, Ark.
Another man happened along at the
same time, and be and uoodwm put
Dixon and Hutton on sleds and dragged
them to the coast. Other deaths are
reported, but their names are lacking.
All Authority Snliyerted ty the
Threats Made to Destroy the Bunker
Hill Mill If It Should be Rebuilt.
Wabdxeh, Idaho, April 30. The situ-.
ation is serious today. Little bands of
non-union men returning this morning
from the bills to which they fled yester
day, were insulted by strikers In men
acing manner, groops of whom are loaf
ing around town elated over their vic
tory. Those who can are leaving town.
considerable number going away
All social events are called off, and the
public school has been closed because of
tbe excitement and animosities existing
among tbe pupils. All kinds of business
are absolutely paralyzed, and everything
is at a standstill. Tbe strikers are offer
ing beta that if the mill is rebuilt, it will
be blown np again.
The Eastern Oregon Land Company
hereby notifies all persons whom it may
concern, that it has changed its agent in
the state of Oregon, having appointed
Mr. G. VV. McNear, of San Francisco,
Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson,
Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at
The Dalle?, Portland, and San Francieco,
for all business of tbe Eaetern Oregon
Land Company, the selling, leasing,
and general management of the E. O. L.
Co'a lands in Oregon ; and, no one, unless
duly authorizsd by the said McNear, has
authority to art, in any capacity what
ever, for the EaBtern Oregon Land Com
pany. -
San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899. .
D. V. Henabie,
Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company.
Dlicorered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest teeta, but her vital
organs were undertermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
recovery, by purchasing of us -a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, and was so much relieved on taking
first dose, that she slept all night ; and
with two. bottles, has been absolutely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz
Thus writes W. C Hamnick & Co., of
Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store.
Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
I consider it not only a pleasure but
duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in my case
by the timely nee of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very badly . with flux and
procured a bottle of tbi9 remedy i- A tew
doaes of it effected a permanent cure.' I
take pleasure in recommending it to
others suffering from that dreadful dis
ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This
remedy is sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
In Charge of Merriam.
Washington, May 1. Brigadier-Gen
eral Merriam, commanding the depart
of Colorado, has been ordered to Boise
City to consult with the governor of
Idaho regarding the necessity of United
States troops at Wardner in consequence
of tbe strike. Tbe general has placed at
his disposal any of the troops available,
whether in the department " of Colorado
or not. The troops in the surrounding
departments have, been ordered to hold
themselves in readiness to reepond to
orders to move when issued bv General
There are some companies in - the
vicinity of the strike, such as Fort
Spokane, Helena, Mont., Vancouver and
Boise, which can be ready in a very
short time. The whole matter is ia the
hands of Merriam.
never been claimed that Chamberlain's
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism, 'and hundreds
bear testimony to the troth of - this
statement. One application relieves
the pain and this quick relief which it
affords is alone worth many time sits
cost. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Millions Given An;.
It is certainly gratifying to the- public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, conghs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it. has absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, andget a free trial bottle.
Regular size, 50 cents and $1. Every
bottle guaranteed or price refunded., 3
The steamer Spokane has been placed
in service on the Snake river between
Sparta and Lewiston with doable daily
service and will be operated as a through
mail, express and passenger steamer,
making round trips daily except Satui-
day. Leave Riparia at 2:30 a. m. ar
riving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon.
Leave Lewiston' at 2:30 p. m. arriving
at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The
steamer Lewiston will take tbe place of
tbe Spokane on tbe same .schedule Sat
urdays and at other times will be oper
ated on a wild schedule, taking care of
all local work. The object of this new
echedule is to place the Wisten and Buf
falo Hump countries more in touch with
points on the O. R. & N. tf
Cuk In low CbMki.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
1899. C. L. Phillips,
" Conntv Treasurer.
We statft a
Gut-Piice Clearance Sale
of liadies' JVIisses'
and Children's
pine Shoes.
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., eays :
"I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or 'cold. It is tbe best
remedy for croup I ever used." Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Red Hot From the Gnu
Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead mm
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured bim. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
euaranteed. Sold bv Blakelev & Houeb
ton. druggists. S
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of tbe stockholders
of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at tbe
office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes
day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for J
the purpose of electing seven . directors
and transacting such, other business as
may properly come before said "meeting,
By order of tbe president.
J. C. Hostetlek,
Sec'y and Treas.
- The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899.
Have you seen those Caps at 25 cents.
Soldiers Cnder Arms.
A dispatch from San Francisco states
that tbe troops at the Presidio are
practically under arms and are ready at
a moment's notica to start for the scene
of the trouble at Wardner, Idaho, upon
the call of Governor Steunenberg. The
troopB at New Fort Spokane are also
under arms and are prepared to leave
for the scene of trouble on a minute's
notice. The men at Jeffereon Barracks,
Mo., and at Fort Snelling, Mn., are al
so being held in readiness to go to the
scene of trouble and assist in quelling
tbe riots. It is stated on good authority
that Company B, Twenty-fourth infan
try, now stationed at Vancouver Bar
racks, is under arms and prepared to
move at any time No soldiers are to be
seen about the town this morning, and
the report is generally believed, al
though the department officials refuse to
give out any information on tbe subject.
' Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland and Chicago have just
been placed in eervice via the O. R. &
N., .Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & Northwestern railways
daily every day in the year.. Cars are of
the very latest pattern, in fact being the
most improved up-to-date sleeping cars
turned out by the Pullman Company,
These new palaces will leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. R. & N,
arriving at Chicago tbe morning of the
fourth dav and running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf
- Position by lady to
country. " Inquire at The
work in tbe
Dalles Steam
Apr-25 2wka
The ancients believed that rheuma
tism was the work of a demon within a
man. " Any one who has had an attack
of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism
will agree that tbe infliction is demoniac
enough to warrant the belief. It has
An Epidemic or Whooping; Cough,
Last winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
the disease, having severe coughing
spells. We had used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy very successfully tor
croup and naturally turned to it at that
time and found it relieved the cough
and effected a complete cure. John E
Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House,
Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by Blakeley Sc Houghton, druggists.
ike in all our Special Sales bargains abound.
. and prices see our Shoe store windows; for
ther information tomorrow's ad.
A. " Wl. Wi LBJAEV3S & CO,
Ghtfoniele Publishing Co.
fleat ZXlovlt.
Qaiek GClofk.
Reasonable Piuees.
The Dalles, Oregon.