i VOL. XI BLOWN UP BY STRIKERS The Bniiier Hill and Sullivan Mill Blown Up at farmer. ONE DEAD AN OTHER WOUNDED Property Worth $250,000 to $300,000 Shattered Train Seized by a Mob of 800 or 1000. Spokane, April 29. A Wardner special to the Spokeraan-Review says: Wardner today has been the ecene of the worst riots 6ince the deadly labor war of 1892. One man ia dead, another is thought to be mortally wounded, and property valued at $250,000 has been de stroyed by giant powder and fire. The damage was done by nnion men and sympathizers from Canyon creek, about 20 miles from Wardner. This morning a mob of from 800 to 10(0 men, all of them armed and many of them masked, seized a train at Burle, at the head of Canyon creek. There were nine box cars and a paseenger coach, and they were black with the mob. 1 The visitors brought with them 30C0 pounds of giant powder. After a parley of two hoars, 140 masked men, armed with Winchesters, Bnrke in the lead and Wardner following, started with yells for the Bunker Hill&ISullivan mill and other buildings, a third of a mile from the depot. They sent pickets ahead, and one of these pickets fired a ebot as a signal that the mill was aban doned. This was misunderstood by the main body -of the mob, who imagined that non-union miners in the mills bad opened fire on them, and they began firing on their own pickets. About 1000 shots were thus exchanged between the rioters and their pickets, and Jack Smith, one of the pickets, formerly of British Columbia, and a noted figure in drill contests, was shot dead. The fata error was discovered after a few seconds' firing and Smith's body brought down from the hillside. By this time the strikers had taken possession of the Bunker Hill & Sullivan mill, which they found deserted, the manager haxing directed his employes mot to risk their lives battling with the mob. Powder was called for, and 60 50-pound boxes were carried from the depot to the mill. The heaviest charge was placed among the machinery of the mill. An other charge was placed under the brick office building. Other charges were placed around the mill. Then the boarding-house, a frame structure, was fired. Fuses leading to the charges were lighted, and the Btrikers carrying the dead body of the picket, retired to a eafe distance. At 2:36 p, m. the first blaet went off. It shook the ground for miles, and build ings in Wardner, two miles away, trem bled. At intervals of about thirty seconds four other charges went off, the fifth be ing the largest and completely demolish ing the mill. The loss to the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Company is estimated from $250,000 to $300,000. In a few minutes the strikers went back to the station, the whistle was blown for stragglers, the mob soon climbed abroad and at 3 o'clock, just three hours after its arrival, the train pulled out for Canyon creek. During the fusillade from the guns of the mob, Jim Cbayne, a Bunker Hill & Sullivan millman, was severely shot through the hips. It is reported that he was carried off by the strikers, and bis wound is probably fatal. J. J. Rogers, a stenographer in the employ of the com pany, was shot through the lip, but bis wound as trivial. sVAn Makes the food more delicious and wholesome rtOYAL BAKmO POWQgft CO., WEW VOftK. ' CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A Pleasant, Simple, Safe but Effectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to incurable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloated eensation after eating, accomp anied some times with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the lungs and heart and difficult breathing; headache, fickle ap petite, nervousness and a general played out and languid feeling. There is of ten a fonl taste in the month, coated tongue, and if the interior of stomach could be seen it would show a slimy, inflamed condition. Thecure for this common and obstinate disease is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily and thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digest ion ia the one necessaiy thing to do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harianson the safest and best treatment is to nee after each meal a tablet, composed of Diastree, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Kox, Golden Seal and fruit 8cids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a pat ent medicine, can be need with perfect safety and assurrance that healty appe tite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom, passing back into the throat, reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for me three years for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot fiud appropriate words toexpress my good feeling. I have, found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as we'll as the simplest and mdst convenient remedy for any form of indigestion catarrh of the stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send for book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets can be found at all drug stores. - Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its c'utches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest teets, but her vital organs were undertermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not eleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of na a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. ?rial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY. MAY 1, 1899 sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size, 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed or price refunded. 3 Mrs. George Will Lecture. Canton, O., April 20. Mrs. George said today, as to her future plans : "I will lecture on woman's right's. I believe women ought to vote, and that a jury ought to be half women. I think a woman has just aB much right to make something out of herself as a man." Mrs. George has had eeveral propo sitions from theatrical managers, but re fuses to consider the nr. Several offers of marriage have been 6ent ber, but they are all ignored. Working Klght and Dtjr The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. 3 . Teacher Examination, Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county board of "exam lners thereof will hold a public exami nation at The Dalles, Ore., on Wednes day, May 10th, .1899, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m. Dated this 29th day of April, 1899. ' C. L. Gilbert, Co. School Supt. Wasco Co., Ore. Apr29-td The Eastern Oregon 'Land Company hereby notifies all persons whom it may concern, that it has changed its agent in the state of Oregon, having appointed Mr. G. W. .McNear, of ban fcrancisco, CaK, in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson, resigned. Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at The Dallee, Portland, and San Francisco, for all business of the Eastern Oregon Land Company, the eelling, leasing, and general management of the E. O. L. Co's lands in Oregon ; and, no one, unless duly authorized by the said McNear, has authority to act, in any capacity what ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com pany. San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899. D. V. Henarie, Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company. Apt 25-4 1 .The ancients believed that rheuma tism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been claimed that Chamberlain's Pain Balm would cast out demons, tut it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear ' testimony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain and this quick reliet which it affords is alone worth many time sits cost. For eale by Blakeley & Houghton. Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers between Portland and Chicago have just been placed in service via the O. R. & N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern railways daily every day in the year. Cars are of the very latest pattern, in fart being the most improved np-to-date sleeping cars turned out by the Pullman Company. These new palaces will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the-O. K. & N. arriving at Chicago the morning of the fourth day and running through with out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf CONFERENCE ENDS WITHOUT RESULT EnToy Stuck to the Prwsitim Male Before. DECLINES TO GRANT ARMISTICE Full Amnesty Was Promised the Rebels Upon Surrender, but They De clared They Wanted a Guarantee of Good Faith. Manila, April 29. 3 p. m. The con ference today between Otis and Colonel Manuel Aguelezes and Lieutenant Jose Bernal, who came from General Luna under a flag of truce yesterday to ask for a cessation of hostilities, were fruitless. It is understood the Filipino commis sioners were given the terms npon which the Americans will consent to negotiate. The Filipinos admit they have been defeated, and it is expected will return with fresh proposals from General Luna. Washington, April 29. The following dispatch was received this -morning from Otis: "Manila, April 29. The conference with insurgent representatives termi nated this morning. Their request was for a cessation of hostilities of three weeks to enable them to call their con gress to decide whether to continue the prosecution of the war or prepare terms of peace. The proposition was declined and full amnesty promised on surrender. It is believed the insurgents are tired of war, but seek to secure terms of peace through what they denominate their representative congress. OTIS." Red Hot From the Onn Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead man of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions.. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. 3 Notice. Notice is hereby given that there, will be an annual meeting of the stockboldei s of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at the office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. ' J. C. HOSTETLER, Sec'y and Treas. . The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899. I consider it not only a pleasure but a Lduty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in ncy case by the timely npe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few dojes of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful dis ease. J. W. Lynch. Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by Blakeley & Houghton An Epidemic of Whooping Cough, Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We 'had need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully tor croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure: Jons E. Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Regarding Gaps .. . . Don't buy a Cap elsewhere for your boy or girl until you have looked over our stock. We have rearranged our Cap department, devoted more space to the convenient showing of Caps, and have today made some new prices, which will interest vou. Choiee fJ LrTfl Each. reads our new price-ticket on some twenty-five dozen 1899 Spring Caps, which we have quoted heretofore to you at 29c and 33c. No other reason for the reduction, but the fact that we are sold out of the regular 25c goods. This lot con sists of cloth and crash Caps and Tarns, and includes some fourteen different styles and twenty different colors. Sizes 1 6-8 to 7. : Come soon. . v A.M. WILLIAMS & CO. Ghroniele Publishing Co. The... Th7 Dalles, Oregon, NO 332 We Have... PRINTERS. Quick U2oik. Reasonable PMces.