PI VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 29, 1899 NO 331 FILIPINOS SUE FOR PEACE HacAitbnr Gained a Great Victory Tiraisiay. REALIZES THEIR HOPELESSNESS American Forces Succeeded in Crossing the Rio Grande-Agaioaldo's Emis saries Called on Otis, but Their Request for a Respite Was Denied. Washington, April 23. Otis cabled the war department thie morning; that the commanding general of -the insur gents bad received from tbe insurgent government directions to suspend hos tilities pending negotiations for a termi nation of tbe war, and that the insur gent staff officers are now on the way to Manila for that purpose. The text of Otis' dispatch follows: "Manila, April 28. After taking Cal umpit, MacArthur's division' crossed the Rio Grande river in the face of great obstacles, driving the concentrated forces of tbe enemy back of the railroad two miles. "Our casualties are slight, the num ber not yet being ascertained. ."This morning the chief of staff from the commanding general of tbe insur gent forces entered our lines to express admiration of the wonderful feat of the American army in forcing the passage Makes the food more delicious and wholesome rovai BAKtMo powoen co.( new vomc. of the river, which was thonght impos eible. A staff officer reports that tbe in surgent commanding general has re ceived from the insurgent government directions to suspend hostilities pending negotiations for termination of the war, Tbe staff officer with b!? party is now en route to Manila, and will soon arrive. "Yesterday a forca of 1800 insurgents attacked tbe troops at Taguigs, and were driven back by the Washington regi ment. Our loss was two killed and twelve wounded. . OTIS." . Tbe dispatch from Otis was immed iately telegraphed to President McKin ley at Philadelphia. Tbe officials of the war department believe hostilities are about concluded. Manila, April 28.-6:25 p. m. Tbe Filipinos' advance for peace has been fruitless. Colonel Arguelez and Lieuten ant Joe. Bernal, who came into General MacArthur's lines under a flag of truce, told General Otis they were representa tives of General Luna, who bad been re quested by Aguinaldo to ask General Otis for a cessation of hostilities in order to allow time for "the summoning of the. Filipino congress, which body would de cide whether the people wanted peace. General Otis replied that be did not recognize the existence of the- Filipino government. There will be another con ference tomorrow. Tbe Filipino officers walked down the railroad track to the Kansas regiment's outpost at 9 o'clock .this morning. The Kansas commander there escorted them to Wheaton's headquarters, where they were provided with horses and sent to tbe headquarters of MacArthur. The latter invited the Filipinos to eit down at lunch with him, and conversed with them. He refused, however, to speak authoritatively on the subject of their errand, referring all inquiries to Otis. The Filipinos were then escorted by Major Malloney to Manila, reaching this place at 3 p. m. Otis' aide, Lieut enant Sladen, was awaiting their arrival at tbe depot witb a carriage, in which they were driven to the place. News of tbe arrival of tbe Filipinos under a flag of truce spread through the city rapidly, and many officers gravitated to the corridors of the palace. At 5 o'clock, the two Filipino officers, eECorted by Lieutenant Sladen and Major Malloney, left tbe palace. They did not look elated as the -result of their talk witb Otis and members of the Filipino commission. Bis Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonder ful deliverance from a frightlul death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken witb typhoid fever, that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even . Bit up in bed. Nothing helped me.- I expected to soon die of consumption, when I beard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am well and strong.. I can't say. too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for All throat and lung trouble. Regular aiae 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle tree at Blakeley & Houghton's drne store; every bottle guaranteed. 2 For the best results nse the Vive Camera, For sale by : the Postoffice Pnarmacy. " tf . The Peacock Copper. . Baker City, April 27. Along with news of more copper finds near Eagle Valley, sixty miles from Baker City, there were received today from Wt W, Kirby samples of true peaoock eopp r ore, taken from tbe claim descovered by him. Kirby, W. R. Parker, of this c't , and the Miracles are the owners. The property is eight miles below Ballard's landing, and seven miles from the famous Peacock copper mine, in the Seven Devila district, . Idaho. The Kirby is on the vast cor per ore body wbicb extends fifty, miles into Oregon. Tbe claim is nearly a mile long, and of unknown width. Stripping of four acres shows copper ore of average valpe of 3d per cent copper, or, at today's market price of copper, of 19 cents per pound, an average valuation of (108 a ton of ore.. The ledge baa been cross cut to a width of forty feet. Complete Stoek of Door and Window Draperies, "by the piece, pair or yard. Rugs, Ready :Made Sheets .and. PillOvsr . Cases, Counterpanes, etc. We have just added to our stock of House Fur nishing Goods a nice line of Tbe Best lo tbe 'World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered witb a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and having read their advertisements in onr own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for . colds and coughs. The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake ley & Houghton Drnggiste. At Newton. Chillicothe, Mo., April 28. Latest reports from Newton, which was visited by last night's tornado, are that twenty perssns are thought to have been killed and between thirty and forty injured. The eastern half of tbe town was en tirely destroyed. The path of the storm was about 500 feet wide and hardly a dwelling in its course escaped. Frame houses were lifted from their foundations and crushed like eggBhells. More sub stantial buildings were partially wrecked and hall a hundred persons are homeless. Tbe homes remaining standing were thrown open to the homeless, and every thing possible is being done to care for tbe injured. . : Feather Bed Pillows and "to keep the ball a rolling" we set one of the lines aside and price it for iyionday Only at each The weight is 3 lbs. per pillow; covered with best quality feather ticking and filled with combination Chinese and Japanese goose feathers. ' . FINER QUALITIES IF YOU WANT THEM. A.M. WILLS MRS & CO, JUST OPENED Second St. One Door West of Parkin's Barber Shop. We carry all the leading brands of: Imported, Key West and Domestic Cigars and all the standard brands of Tobacco, Pipes and Smoker's Articles. SOSfiE :70 Sanchez Y Haya' El Belmonts El Capitan General La Mai, La Solica Celestinas Monograms Arthurs Upmans, Africanas Stanfords Selmas El Telegrafo La Veri. Give Us a TnaL.... GclthG