C3J FRIDAY-AND These two days will be devoted entirely to the sale of Piece Silks AT LOW Plain Indias at J: U (: jfL 43 cents. . . Plain and Changeable Taffetas at 73 cents. 24-inch Check and Stripe Taffetas at 93 cents. 28-inch Foulards 69 CentS. ' 20-inch Foulards ." -33 cents. ;jr. " Plaids, Stripes FigiTaflfetas 93 cents. ?" i ; . , h High Novelties for evening wear $1.19, $1.33, $1.39, -if-ci;-' All Remnants of Silk at 25 per cent off. 5 RESE & MAYS . All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. .'.: . The Dalles Daily Chponisle. FRIDAY APRIL 28, 1899 Telephone No. I. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS : All Changes in Advertisements most be handed in before io o'clock A. M.yas no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. ' This rule Trill be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ' Bobby Gaylor . .: ."' '. At the Vogt tomorrow' night. Angnst Bochler wHl place hia cele brated Bock beertfn tap Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Crawford R.'Thoburn, pastor of Centenary Methodist church at Portland wilffaedlcate the new Methodist church aLMoro next Sunday. Fresh eolio paper and Eastman's films all eiz as direct from the manufacture's at Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co, As we go to press this afternoon the attending physician ' informs -'its - that Mr. Butts' condition has asso-jied more serious indications, there being unmis takabla signs- - ot . internal, iniary and serionB results from the shock received At Columbus, O., three of the lead ing churches Congregational, Methodist and Baptist have adopted the rule that women remove their hats. There is op position among the women, , but the movement 'promises to make gradual SATURDAY. progression." At the Baptist church several maids are employed to wait upon the ladiee as they enter, take their .hats and wraps and issue checks for them. The Salt Lake papers alt speak well of the Bobby Gaylor Company,., which plays here tomorrow night;. The Tribune says be is a very sharp-witted Irish comedian, and that whenever he yisits that city be is sure of a crowded house: James S. Stewart, editor of the FosBil Journal, went all the way from Fossil to Portland to hear "Ian Maclaren." Mr Stewart is one of the liveliest, brightest editors of the state, and - never misses an opportunity to hear something good He was brought up in the same town with John. Watson, and they played to gether as boys.' That is! one reason, he. was so anxious to see him. The Dalles zephyrs have , again been dealing in real estate today, and it baa come up with' a "vengeance, much to the dieguBt of teamsters who have had to encounter it. A number of wool teams came in this inorntng in spite of the sand. . The wool which is now arriving is said to be thalr from the -country nearer town,- non from the Antelope section having ajyet made its appear ance. Large loads of pelts are now be ing brought i every day. . ' Portland scalpers have been taught lesson in buying up theater tickets by their experience " in" that regard with the seats for the Bostonians, and they are now - returning them to the bo: office. ' The city council baa also passed an ordinance providing a brokers' and speculators' license for ; those dealing in theater tickets. , 'A license fee of $20 per day ia fixed for all persons: engaged in selling theater tickets for profit except the manager of a theater Tiolation of the ordinance is punishable by a fine of $50 or 25 days imprisonment, or both. The accident which... happened to. Mr. Butts yesterday afternoon- is deeply re gretted by his friends, who feel he is scarcely able to withstand its results. It is difficult as yet to determine just how badly he is hart, bat having; been kicked in the chest it ss feared he may be injured internally: His left collar bone was broken,, while his face and scalp received some slight wounds, and his right elbow was also badly bruised. He became conscious before he reached the house yesterday but it has been necessary to administer opiates tore lieve his suffering. He is now being cared for by Mrs. Crawford, the trained narse. ." : . - - One of the ' neatest,, prettiest little business places in The Dalles will be oc cupied by the Cant Optical & Jewelry Co. in Mays & Crowe's building, which ia now being completed. A partner ship has been formed by P. 6. Daut and S. D. Stonfer, and as Boon as the furn itnre arrives and everything is in trim they will be ready for business. - Some of the very latest and nicest furnishings have been ordered, and will arrive iu about ten days. : Cathcart and Strauss have formed a partnership and now oc cupy Dant's old stand on' Second street, where they: will be ready tomorrow to furnish customers with the best brands of cigars and. tobacco. :r' r --, . Wednesday being the eightieth anni versary of Odd Fellowship, it was de cided by the members of the order in this city to hold anniversary exercises on the regular meeting night' of the Rebekahs. Accordingly, about eighty members and guests were present at the K: of P. ball to enjoy the program pre pared. ' The literary and musical pro gram consisted of a solo by Dr. Doane, a duet by Messrs. Crandall and Doane, a solo by Miss Maie Cushing, (with guitar accompaniment; and a short ad dress by Hon. John Micbell regarding the order and . its -benefits. The grand march, which was led ' by ; the leading officers of the orders, and which at once proceeded to the email hall in quest of the banquet,, was somewhat different from the usual custom which prevails, from the fact that every gentlexan was required to have a partner, and .'could not get a "lady of hia own," but must have some one's else sweetheart or wife. That may account for the. fact that the banquet, which was served by A. Keller, was said to be his very best effort in that line, and to have Wen also the most enjoyable the guests ever Bat down to." . ;" ' ': " :' " ' .' ' , . The Game at Salem. 1-f.J:., Our bowlers did not return last even ing as was expected, but it ia probable remained over in .Portland to' attend the opera." m the be tear Statesman, how ever, we find the scores by games, which show that The 'Dalles ' team .was not beaten eo badly after all, winning the first two games, and. coming , but..: only twenty-seven points behind on the total games. At the close of the games, the visitors were entertained . at the club rooms, where- lunch was served. No doubt a third game will be planned in order to determine the stronger team of the two, although Dalles people, have already decided that question ' in their own minds. The scores were as follows II.LIHEE CLUB.'; ; - ; , 1BT . 2KD- 8d 51 54 52 46 34 47 4tk . Barker.;..,..!. 47 .34 36 43 36168 45178 McNary.. .'.. . Minto. ....... .- 21 41 34 27 33. 52158 45179 50128 40150 McGrew. . .:. . . . . 47 30 3d Griffith.. .. D'Arcy... .". p .-. ! 206 223 , 284 248961 DALLE 8 COMMERCIAL CLUB. 1ST 41 51 38 29 33 52 : 2nd 44 34 . 31 41 . 31 45 3D 40 , 53 24 45 .25 40 Baldwin, . ..... 39164 Kurtz.:......., Nolan.: ........ Houghton,.. V... Mays. .:. ... ... . 1 Schmidt. ...... 49187 46139 ; 37152 31120 35172 244 226 227 .237. 934 . IVhen Traveling: Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleaeantly and ef fectually : on : - the : kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of eickness. ; For eale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists Manufactured by the California. Fig Syrup Co. only. - - - -- - - Notice. ' ; Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockholders of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at; the office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. j By order of the president. - : J. C, HOBTETLEB, . : . : Sec'y and Treas The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899. ' ' ' ' Wall Paper. ; 25 per cent saved by getting figures ! from the Snipea-Kingersly Drug Co. THE GIPSY OUTFIT. A Bear That' Was BareHow the Baby I Frightened DcokHaad. i The passengers who came up on the boat Wednesday were greatly interested in and amused by a gipsy outfit which was taken on at Corbett's Landing, and consisting of. three men, two women, a boy, . two small children, three bears and numerous other adjuncts wholly in diepeneible to the completeness of such an aggregation. One bear in particular succeeded in making itself conspicuous for its very bareness. It was impossible to determine to . what type it belonged, but from all appearances it might have been a pole or bear, being lank enough to be either, and surely lacked enough fur for a person taking only a furtive glance to decide it to be the latter.. His neck was bare, the "greater part of his body was bare, he being in the act of shedding, while his legs were barely covered. ' -' ' ' ' " But he bare his ' share of the burden and could dance the two-step or a cake walk as gracefully as many society peo ple upon whose fortunes be depends for a living. ' His only fault in that line is that he might be. classed among the "hoggere." He ia also, a scrapper from away back and knocked the other bears out in every round. ; ."'. . When the steamer landed the. women bad their numerous goods, chattels and valuables arrayed on the beach, and the deck bands began the process of piling them on the deck. , Noticing an old gunny sack. lying among the other rubbish, one of the men grabbed it up and was in the - act of slinging .: it .on board, when it was seen to move as if alive and the brave man immediately dropped it like a hot potato, only to be informed that it contained a baby, and so it was tenderly brought ashore. Many passengers ' who . watched their actions: on the trip op were led to wonder.at the concern which one of the gipsy women seemed to feel regarding a little 3-year-old child who" appeared to be lli. As. one of the gentlemen passed by she besought him to do some thing for her little one. -' Stooping down be felt its head and pulse and told the woman that, her child was quite sick, and needed care.. She burst- into tears and grabbing the little one in her arms, hugged it to her breast as tenderly as would any more civilized mother, and prehepa- more tenderly than would many mothers of this age. Even among these ncouth, wandering people ' the' mother love is still predominate, and those who noticed her cuddle i the unattractive little babe eo tenderly, ' felt there w yet some good in"her make-up.' ' "" Onr Brave Oregon Soldiers. ;- On every side do we hear praises of the brave Oregon boya who are now fighting for their country. '' Here is what "Freedom ' . a Manila newspaper say 8 : Tii; j f I i " "In the battle of Malabo n on Saturday, March 25th, the ; Second Oregon regi ment U. S. V. took an active and lead ing part, and displayed courage, valor and ' endurance of the highest ' order. For years to come the work of this regi ment last Saturday will be pointed out as an example of what can be achieved by volunteers. : No veterans of Welling, ton or Napoleon or Grant could- have done better. No one can possibly con ceive the heroic bravery of the Second Oregon on - this - occasion ' unless ' be walked over the battle ' field : over the insurgent trenches, one after another ; through the thickets and jungle; over open stretches where for 500 yards the boys faced a steady rain of ballets ; and npto the .final insurgent lines which consisted really of a fort, with stone loop holes. This is not exaggeration".; It is hot half the trnth. The whole truth concerning - the work! of this, regiment wilj not be written. Naone eaw it all and descriptions ot tnose ruenes tbrougn fielde where the air. was Jairlv charged with pulsing lead would hardly be be lieved. Why was 1 the ' regiment not annihilated? God only knows. .There is an old saying that .; it takes a ton of lead to kill a soldier.' The natives are phenomenally poor marksmen.. This fact and a favoring providence saved the Oregone-as- it -, jdioV.-other regiments lrom destruction. - - 'The insurgents with repeating Ma nsers threw torrents 01 leaden nail at our lines at random some bullets must find a victim. ' - - ; "Col. Sammers should be proud of his regiment; the Eighth Army Corps should be proud of this record ; and the good people of the state of Oregon can words express how they feel? .-. People of Oregon, your sons have this day proved that their blood is tike "that shed at Thermopylae - and Bunker' Hill the blood ot heroes."- - - r. If you have piles, cube them." No use undergoing horrible operations that Bimply remove the results of the disease without, disturbing the - disease itself. Place your confidence in Da Witt's Witch Hazel. Salve. It has never failed 'to cure others ; it will not fail to care you. Snipes-Kinerely Drag Co. ; TELLS YOUR FUTURE. MlsV lerrT.":" Seventh of ' -Daughter. . Seventh The greatest, known ' palmist and planet reader. Tells you the planet yon were born under and how it rules you tor success, jno matter what your past . has been,, your future can be brighter. , Don't tail to see this gifted lady. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodging house. Room 16. Next to the Diamond Mills.: " " Apr 24 M otlce. The Eastern Oregon Land Company hereby notifies all persons whom it may concern, that it has changed its agent in the state of Oregon, having appointed Mr. G. W. McNear.of San Francisco, Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson, resigned. :..-".,,'. . . . . . . Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at The Dalles, Portland, and San Francisco, for all business of the Eastern Oregon Land Compacy, the selling, ..leasing, and general management of the E. O. L. Co's lands in Oregon ; and, no one, unless duly authorized by the eaid McNear, has authority to art, in any capacity what ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com pany. ' . . San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899. D. V. Henarie, Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company. ' : ,"' Apt25-4t Mo Right tu Ugliness. T . The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive . must keep her health. , If she ia weak, sickly and all run down, she will. be. nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotcbeB. ekin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate the stomach, liver and kid neys and to purify the blood. ; It gives strong' nerves, - bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin," rich complexion.: It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid.' - Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2 Opera House ONE NIGHT ON L.V, . -April fee . America's Foremost Comedian, With his merry associates in the hilarious farce Reserved seats $1.00, back eeats 75c, children 50c. VOGT Mm mm picSoil's Twins Tab I BEST 01! For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity in water heating, greatness in, fuel saving, simplicity of con struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in parts, certainty of no repair bills,1 make the best authorities unanimous in their declarations thit the Is the rery best on I HELLO ! Well, I have been thinking of purchas-. ing one for some time. Wife, don't let me forget to call tomorrow at JACOBSEN BOOK & MUSIC CO 'S, 170 Second Street, The Dallas. H0413 EViiies in Ten H-dours. With each returning season the Lozier Manufacturing Co. show something new and desirable in Bicycle construction. This season finds them with more good things than ever. One ' of these' good thines is the BURWELL BALL and ROLLER BEARING. Examine the illustration notice par ticnlarlv that the little steel Roller be tween the balls transfers the motion without interruption and the Balls can not grind together as in ordinary bearings. There ia nothing ordinary about Cleve land Bicycles; every piece of material and. every hour of labor is the , best money can buy. We cater to a trade that wants thai best and knows the best. Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycler. Cash In onr Checks. , All countv warrants registered prior to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 19, 1899. 1 C. L. Phillips, ' Conntv Treasnrer. . Ice cream soda , Palace of Sweets. now on sale at the. -- : 4tf. "' Use Clarke & Falk's Qainine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf earth. Sold exclosively by Olaie Hi EM