The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1899, Image 3

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These two days will be devoted entirely
to the sale of Piece Silks
And will comprise the Colored Taffettas, Plain,
Changeable Checks and Stripes, Foulards, Faille, Bro
cades, Fancy Plaids and Stripes." j
Those who want Silk for Fancy Waists, Dresses or
Trimmings will find it to their advantage to call early
and make their selection before the handsomest ones
are sold out.
Notion Department.
A full line of rufflings for dress trimmings has just been opened.
The most novel thing yet received in the line of belts is to be found
in this department, consisting of
Patent Leather, Brown, Tan, Black and Red.
Also Bicycle Belts and Bags of the same material.
Up-to-date Neckwear for Ladies
In bows, stocks, puffs and c!ub
and high colors.
Rufus Waterhonse
In all the latest colorings and
designs ; Tecks, Four-in-hands
and up-to-date Puffs.
Call and .
Inspect Them.
All Goods Maiked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- APRIL 27, 189
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, will
arrive in the city tonight, and may be
found at E. Jacobsen's store tomorrow.
A number of the young ladies of this
city are planning to take in the opera,
"Robin Hood," in Portland Saturday
ur. J no. Jti. Hudsonr has arrived in
The Dalles and has formed a partnership
with Dr. O. C. Holliter. . They are to
be found at Dr. Hollister'a old office
rooms in the Vogtplock. ' 3t
The weather eport says we are to
have occisiona rains tomorrow. ' Let
them continue; we care not how it pours
while the atmosphere is so clear and
delightful. This morning, however, we
thought from the look of the Klickitata
.'. we might expect snow.
wouia it not be a splendid idea lor- a
rock brigade to be formed and by this
means rid our streets of those "measly"
' little rocks which are eo provoking to
Silk Chiffon ties in cream
in Plain Figures.
those who are compelled to encounter
them in driving about the city? Now is
the time to enlist and shoulder a rake
Those who intend to visit the seaside
this year would do well to figure on
little advance in the price of living, as
it is said hotel proprietors will raise the
the price of board on account of com
modities going up. The harvest of the
summer hotel is brief, and therefore
must be great.
The board of fire delegates held f
meeting last night to consider the appli
cation of the South Side Hose Company
No. 5, to become a permanent organiza
tion and to be equipped by the city. It
was recommended by them that the
council at its next meeting equip the
company with a hose cart and hose.
We have heard nothing regarding
petition being started for the early
closing of our stores during July and
August. It only requires the energy of
some' enterprising man or determined
woman to get this petition circulated
and signed. Just as soon as our mer
chants find it ia the wish of the ladies,
it will be done.
In spite of our anxiety for news con
cerning the fate of our bowlers at Salem
last night, only the meager, unwelcome
news came that they had been beaten
by the Illihee team, which came out
twenty-seven points ahead. It makes
quite a difference to those interested
here just how many games they won. or
lost. Twenty-seven points is not mucti
of a victory unless our team failed on
games. But we muBt wait patiently for
the return ot the bowlers on the evening
train. ,
The ladies of the Good Intent Society
of the Methodist church were delight
fully entertained by Mrs. H. P. Lee, at
her home over Pease & Mays' etore
served . a
afternoon, about twenty
being present. Mrs. Lee
delicious lunch during the
A large number of the mem
bers of the Ladies Aid Society also met
at the home of Mrs. James Snipes, on
the hill yesterday. A splendid program
was given and the afternoon passed most
pleasantly with conversation, etc., and
was greatly enjoyed. '
Mr. Mulvey stated last evening that
the biggest single night's receipts in the
history ot the Grand had been ou Thurs
day evening, the closing night of the
Rays iii a Hot Old Time," eays a Den
ver paper. "Last night ran only a few
dollars below, when Bobby Gaylor
and his very much up-to-date company
caused the audience to laugh until its
sides ached. Gaylor is himself a neat
comedian and one of the cleverest nar
rators on the stage; he is well supported
by a specialty company, whose abilities
are given full opportunity in McSorley's
Twins. The piece made so much of a
aughing success last night that it will
be continued next week up to Wednes
day." The following pupils of the- Hood
River public school passed the eighth
grade final examination April 19, 20, 21,
as prescribed by the course of Btudy in
the following branches : English litera-
ure, writing, spelling, arithmetic, gram
mar, geography, drawing, vocal music,
physiology, United States history, read-
ng and mental arithmetic : Louis Bald
win, ueiie Jtioweu, Mary wouara,
Nettie Kemp, Gladys Hartley, Pearl
Cox, S. M. Blowers, Ida Stranahan,
Altha Parsons, P. C Logsdon, Nellie
Clark. They now hold certificates which
entitle them to enter the Ninth grade of
any school in the county without further
W. H. Butts met with an accident at
4 o'clock this afternoon, which we much
fear will prove a serious one to a man of
his age, especially as he has scarcely re
covered from a siege of the erippe. Mr.
Butts was standing on the crosswalk on
Second street, between French's bank
and Nielsen's store, when a runaway
team came down the street. They were
not attached to a wagon, bat the harness
was on them and as one endeavored to
run one way and the other another, he
could not get out of their way, but was
thrown down and a bad gash cut in his
head. He was also nnconscioup, not
even coming to as he was placed in an
express wagon and taken to his home.
Mrs. H. Lauretsen and daughter,' Miss
Emma, returned on last night's boat
from White Salmon, where they went to
attend the funeral of Harper - Hansen
yesterday afternoon. The services, which
were conducted by a minister from Hood
River, were very largely attended, the
circumstances of hie sad drowning and
the length of time which had elapsed
before the body was found, making the
funeral a very. impressive one. In spite
of the many months which had. passed
since the riyer claimed him as its victim,
the body was not so badly decomposed
as might be expected, and Miss Jacobsen
informs us bis tie remained in the same
bow which she tied for him before he
left her home on the fatal afternoon of
the drowning. .
Harry Patterson, who has been going
the rounds of the coast imposing on the
various churches, is now said to be in
Helena, Mont., still plying his old
vocation. A year ago he came here and
affiliated himself with the Baptist people
claiming that his church letter was then
on the way from California. In the
meantime being out of the "where
withal" he appealed to some of its
members and received assistance, leav
ing one day for new fields of labor with
out mentioning the fact to his creditors
tie now shows up in Helena and is will soon receive a clinrch
letter from The Dalles. The pastor
there, however, has taken the precau
tion to write here concerning him, and
no doubt will receive a letter from the
church- which will open somebody's
eyes, but not contain church ere
The best of good times was that had
by about twenty of the young lady
friends of Miss Harriet Marden, who re
cently returned from Washington, they
being .invited by Mrs. O. W. Morgan to
spend last evening with her at the home
of Dr Belle Rihehart. . A surprise pro
gram was the novel feature of the even
ing, every guest being required to con
tribute something to the "amazement
of the others, and attempt to call into
play talents which they failed to possess
and thus as one after another gave solos
recitations and speeches, the latter be
ing on such subjects as "Woman'
Rights," Politics, etc., the remainder of
the company positively grew hilariou
in their enthusiasm. Another pleasan
diversion was a guessing contest
which Miss Nona Ruch was the success
ful contestant, and Miss Alma Schmidt
the winner of the booby. About the
walla of the parlors were pinned slips of
paper of every imaginable shape, and
containing parts of quotations which by
placing them together decided the
partners for lunch, and when all were
seated at the tables, these quotations
were read and the names of the authors
guessed. The refreshments could not
have been more tempting, end were
served in just such a maurier as to make
them taste all the better. Mrs. Morgan
is a genius when it cornea to entertain
ing, and filTs every minute with some
thing attractive to her guests.
Regarding; the Death of SIrs.N. C. Wilson.
- The Arizona Republican has
lowing concerning the death
the fol
of Mrs.
Norman Wilson at Phoenix :
"la the passing away of Mrs. N. C.
Wilson, whose .death occurred shortly
after 11 o'clock ou Wednesday evening,
Phoenix. as a community Buffers the loss
of one of those kindly epirits whose in
fluence is to touch the heart and to stir
the soul to nobler and better aspirations.
Kind of heart, generous to a fault, with
a genial hospitality which extended
itself alike to stranger and friend,
talented, always filled with a desire to
make happiness for others, to those who
were eo fortunate as to call her friend
ship their's, she lacked nothing of a per
fection of womanly tenderness and gentle
Christianity. Her fortitude, maintained
far beyond her physical strength and
almost to the last . moment, inspired
hope in t.he hearts of those who watched
tenderly for possible improvement. A
trip to the mountains bad been planned
and its possible benefits anxiously an
ticipated by all ; but upon the day set
for departure the gentle spirit calmly
and peacefully took flight to those at
titudes to which the soul alone aspires.
The deceased was born in Moulton,
Iowa, April 3, 1875, and has been a res
ident of Phoenix for over four years, In
which time she has gained an ever
widening circle of most sincere friends.
It is two years since, as Leona Woold
ridge, ehe married Mr. Wileon, and the
deep affection existing between the two
had ever been the cause for admira
tion among those who knew them best.
As one of the most genial spirits in the
commercial life of Phoenix Mr. Wilson
will receive the sympathy of his asso
ciates, and the family that of the entire
community. .
Dallea Public Schools.
Following is the report for
the quar
'90. ter (4 weeks) ending April 21,
East Hill Primary.
Miss Nan Cooper 1 and 2
Mrs. Roche 3B, 4B and 5B
Court Street.
Miss Dotithit 1st
Miss E Cooper 2d
Miss Roberts 3d
Miss Wrenn 4tn
Academy Park.
Miss rhlrman 1st
Miss Flinn 2B-3B
Miss Martin 4B-5B
Miss Ball otn
Hiah School.
Mrs.Baldwin 6B
Miss L. Rintonl 6A-7A
MissT. Rintoul.... -. 7th
MissMichell 8th
H. 3. Department.
Miss Hill J
Mr. Landers ...)H8
Number of days of schooi, 20.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 94.
John Gavin,
City Superintendent.
Miss Perry,
Seventh . of
a Seventh
The greatest known palmist and
planet reader. Tells you the planet
yon were born under-and how it rules
yon lor success. JSo matter what your
past has been, your future can be
brighter. Don't tail to see this gifted
ladv. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodging
house. Room 16. Next to the Diamond
Mills." Apr 24
The Eastern Oregon Land Company
hereby notifies all persons whom it may
concern, that it has changed its agent in
the state of Oregon, having apoointed
Mr. G. W. McNear, of San Francisco,
Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson,
resigned. -
Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at
The Dalles, Portland, and San Francisco,
for all business of the' Eastern Oregon
Land Company, the selliug,- leasing.
and general management of the E. O. L.
Co's lands in Oregon ; and, no-one, unless
duly authorized by the said McNear,' has
authority to art, in any capacity what
ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com
pany. San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899,
D. V. Henarie,'
Prea. Eastern Oregon Land Company. .
It you have piles, curb- them. No
use undergoing horrible operations that
imply remove the results of the disease
without disturbing the. disease ' itself.
Place your confidence in De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. . It has never failed to cure
others ; It will not fail to cure you.
Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co.
l i o
51 40 43 1
43 42 38 4
58 51 48 3
54 45 43! 12
It Will Be Vastly Different From
One Given Last Summer.
Editor Chronicle : Noticing an ar
ticle in your paper yesterday to the
effect Xbat another Sunday excursion
from Portland to our city is contem
plated in the near future, let me just
inquire through your columns whether
or not it is to be of the same nature as
the last one, and if so, how, in the name
of common Bense, can the city -receive
any benefit whatever from their coming?
Had "Citizen" given particular at
tention to the notice in yesterday's
paper he would have divined that it was
put in in the form of an advertisement.
Therefore, we would add that whether
the city receives any benefit thereby is
according to the light ia which it may
be viewed, and depends altogether on
the kind of excursion given.
If the citizans of Portland choose to
come to our city and spend the day in
a quiet, respectable manner, we certain
ly should welcome them, no matter
what our own opinions regarding a
Sunday excursion may be. -
But if, on the other hand, the day is
to be spent as was the last Sunday when
an excursion came from that place, they
should be politely requested to remain
at home and thus prevent the quiet of
our Sabbatn being disturbed by their
drunken brawla and disgraceful pro
ceedings. For truly the citizens of The
Dalles were justly indignant at the
rowdyism displayed by many who were
with the excursion last summer. While
among them were some of the beet
people of Portland, who came to pass a
time with friends, they were disgraced
and chagrined by an element which evi
dently belonged to the scums and who
came with the intention of taking the
town by storm.
The order under whioh the excursion
was given was not responsible for their
actions and aa deeply regretted it as did
the members of the order here, which
is composed of eome of the best citizens
of The Dalles. -
The gentlemen who visited our city
yeBterday for tbe purpose of'determin-
America's Foremost Comedian,
With his merry associates
in tbe hilarious farce
pioSoileg's Twins.
Reserved seats (1.00,
children 50c.
back seats 75c,
; : 1
QHy Opera House
tiii Satuitfag, 29.
44 34 .32 3
48 46 43 3 . B H
49 41 39 1 Ui A m BB 11
55 51 4- 1 J
41 33 1 "
43 41 39 o ssissnr
7til68i:640 46 U ma Mai
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
jn water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
partsj certainty of ho repair bills, make the best authoiities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on
ing the advisability of running the ex
cursion to The Dalles expressed the
opinion that every individual who thus
behaved while here should have been
called upon to pay the penalty of their
actions. They also assure us that such
proceedings will not again take place,
and should they decide to come here.
we may expect an orderly crowd, who
will respect the rights of our people and
the feelings of those under whose auB
picea they come.'
Well, I have been thinking of purchas
ing one for eome time. Wife, don't ltt
me forget to call tomorrow at
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
1041 Mi
Ten Hours.
With each returning season the Lozier
Manufacturing Co. show something new
and desirable in Bicycle construction.
This Beason finds them with more
good thingB than ever. One of these
good thines is the BURWELL BALL,
Examine the illustration notice par
ticularly that the little steel Roller be
tween the balls transfers the motion
without interruption and the liana can
not grind together as in ordinary
There ia nothing ordinary about Cleve
land Bicycles; every piece of material
and every hour of labor ia the beet
money can buy.
We cater to a trade that wanta the
beat and knows the best.
Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycle.
earth.. Sold exclusively by