The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1899, Image 1

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Nil I i J (
NO 329
Season Will Open Will a Slrasi
Met. -
Oregon Warehouses Hold 6,000,000
Pounds of Last Year's Clip, of
Which The Dalles Has 3,500,000
Pendleton, Or., April 25. Indications
point toward an extremely sluggish wool
market, with no dealings before July
and August. With an opening then, of
active baying, the market will be belated
two to three months. .This is the view
of the representative buyers, commission
men and woolgrowers of Eastern Oregon.
Fignres gathered from the various
wool centers give a total of 6,000,000
pounds remaining unsold from the clip
of 1898. Of this, The Dalles has by far
the largest amount, having " 3,500,000
pounds in the warehouses, one house
alone containing 2,000,000 pounds.
There is no precedent for the present
situation in wool here and at all Eastern
Oregon towns. The enormous quantity
of the 1898 unsold wool on hand nils the
warehouses to over flowing, even the
platforms being in some places crowded,
and yet already the 1899 clip is due to
arrive from the hundreds of shearing
camps, and there is no room in which to
store it.
Absolutely no sales are being made,
. though a small quantity moves out from
time to time on consignment to- Eastern
buying houses.
Over in Utah, buyers have arrived
from the East, and are offering 8 to 10
cents for territory wools. This price
fails to induce growers to part with their
holdings, and attempts to buy have so
far proved futile. Growers hereabouts
declare that the 8-cent figure will not
touch a pound of wool, 1898 or 1899 clip,
but that 10 cents would take some from
those who feel the pressure of financial
obligation, matured or nearly due.
Here, no offers are being made, how
ever, buyers having failed to begin im
portuning for purchases. '
A well-known buyer, whose headquar
ters are in Pendleton, stated today that
woolgrowers on the North Pacific coast
have lost full 4)4 cents on every pound
of wool held from the 1898 clip, and that
the loss cannot be recouped. He said
that buying manufacturers (those not
already stocked up) know their vantage
ground, and will refuse to give way an
inch in their stand they have taken.
It is probable the 1899 clip will be
somewhat below 1898's in grade, the cold
winter having caused some break in the
fiber, and in many bands reducing the
total yield of wool per fleece.
Strange as it may seem, however, the
wool men are apparently in good
financial position, and maintain their
credit with banks and ' stores. This is
true to a remarkable degree, and indi
cates a wonderful vitality in the wool
growing industry of the North Pacific
coast. '-
A Pleasant, Simple, Safe but Effectual
Cure for It
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered the next thing to incurable.
1 A
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The usual symptoms are a full or
bloated sensation after eating, accomp
anied some times with sour or watery
risings, a formation of gases, causing
pressure on the lungs and heart and
difficult breathing; headache,-fickle ap
petite, nervousness and a general played
out and languid feeling.
There is often afoul taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, and if the interior of
stomach could be seen it would show a
slimy, inflamed condition..
The cure for this common and obstinate
disease is found in a treatment which
causes the food to be readily and
thoroughly digested before it has time to
ferment and irritate the delicate mucous
surfaces of the stomach.
To secure a prompt and healthy digest
ion is the one necessaiy thing to do, and
when normal digestion is secured the
catarrhal condition will have disap
peared. ; -
According to Dr. Harlanson the safest
and best treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet, composed of Diastree,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nuz, Golden Seal
and fruit acids.
Theee tablets can now be found at all
drug stores under the name of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a pat
ent medicine, can be need with perfect
safety and assurrance that healty appe
tite and thorough digestion will follow
their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a
local condition resulting from a neglected
cold in the head, whereby the lining
membrane of the nose becomes inflamed
and the poisonous discharge therefrom,
passing back into the throat, reaches the
stomach, thus producing catarrh of the
stomach. Medical authorities prescribed
for me three years for catarrh of the
stomach without cure, but today I am
the happiest of men after' using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannotfiud appropriate words to express
my good feeling. I have found flesh,
appetite and sound rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest
preparation as well as the simplest and
most convenient remedy for any form of
indigestion, catarrh, of the stomach,
biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and
bloating after meals.
Send for book, mailed free, on stomach
troubles, by addressing the F. A. Stuart
Co , Marshal), Mich. The tablets can
be found at all drug stores.
Klondikers Drowned. ..
"Victoria, B. C, April 25. -A story has
reached here from Alaska to the effect
that a party of six returning Klondikers,
on? of whom is said .to have been bring
ing out considerable treasure, have been
drowned near Fifty-Mile, where the
river trail is now impassable. The story
was given at Skagway by a late arrival.
but it is unconfirmed by the other late
comers. No names were given.
. "Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of . the ear
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is canaed by an inflamed ' con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rambling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition,' hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. '''".
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. - Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
tSold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Hall's Family Pills -are the best.
- Diphtheria at Eugene.
Eugene, Or., April 25. The presence
. of several cases of diphtheria in the out
skirts of Eugene has caused considerable
W. r
uneasiness, and at toe Ueary school,
which some of the children had been at
tending up to the time of the appearance
of the disease, the attendance is greatly
decreased. In one room where the
regular attendance is about fifty, only
nine were present yesterday. All possible
precautions are being taken to prevent a
spread ot the disease.
Bis "Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death.
In telling of it he says : "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. - My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even eit up in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. - I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This marvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 cents ' and $1.00. . Trial bottle
tree at Blakeley - & Houehton'a" drug
etore ; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Story of Lieutenant Sisson, a Manila
Hero, and His Fiancee.
Columbus, Neb , April 25. The death
of Lieutenant Lester E. Sisson, of the
First Nebraska, at Manila, and the find
ing of his financee's photograph near his
heart, where the fatal bulled entered, is
the final chapter in the pretty romance,
the introduction of which was"1 written
in this village several years ago.
The photograph is the likeness of Mies
Anna Taylor, one of the belles of Colum
bus. She is the . youngest daughterof
John F. Taylor, a wholesale lumber mer
chant and a distinguished citizen of Ne
braska. Today the young girl is inconsolable,
and her grief is pathetic to witness. She
is at the residence of her parents, and
none but the most intimate friends of
the family are admitted. The financee
of the dead soldier has not been known
publicly as the betrothed of tbe dashing
lieutenant, although their attachment
was generally understood throughout
Columbus and mutual friends knew of
the engagement. -
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health. If she is weak, sickly
and all run down, she will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, . her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruption's
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in tbe world
to regulate the stomach, liver and kid
neys and to purify the blood. It gives
strong nerves, bright eyes, .. smooth,
yelvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2
Slow Seeding.
CoRVALLis, April 25. The present
rains interfere seriously with seeding.
Considerable acreage is yet to be sown.
One farmer has 120 -acres, another. 100,
and a third 80, with 40 acres of it. to
plough. There are comparatively few
iarms on which seeding has been com
pleted. Few farmers in the locality like
to sow grain as late as May 1. A large
fall acreage, however, which preponder
ates always in crop production, makes
up for any lack of promise in tbe spring
crop.' ' .
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouee. Finest kind - of
chicken feed." rrch25-tf
To Hare the Filiuinos Use Artillery for
. tie First Time.
Aguinaldo's Army Defends the Place
Energetically and, Thus Far the
American Forces Have Been Un
able to Effect Its Capture.
Manila, April 26. Aguinaldo's army
today is defending Calumpit energetical
ly, which is eaid to indicate that tbe
rebels are finally making their last
ditch which the Americans expected
them to make at Malolos. For the first
time the Filipinos are employing artil
lery. They brought two guns into
action today,- firing modern shrapnel
which burst over the heads of - Wheat
on's brigade without effect.
Fighting was resumed at 6 o'clock
this morning. During the night the
engineers repaired the Bagbag bridge,
enabling the troops to cross the river.
. Wheaton's brigade advanced in ex
tended order with the Kansas regiment
west of the railroad and the Montana
regiment eaat, and took up a position
covering one and a half miles on the
south bank of the Bio Grande. Tbe
Americans found trenches on the south
bank of tbe river deserted, which fur
nished our men with cover from which
they could pick off the Filipinos when
ever one showed his head.
The Utah battery was ordered into
poeition in the center of the Kansas reg
iment to silence the rebel guns and at 11
o'clock our rapid fire guns came into
line. At noon the rebels are still pour
ing a heavy fire in the direction of the
Americans who returned it spiritedly
Two Americans were killed and seven
Lawton is meeting with the greatest
obstacles in tbe character of the country.
His troops have only had a few skir
mishes thus far, resulting in five men
wounded, but he has been forced to put
men at work building . roads and the
transport service is giving much trouble,
bullocks dying of exhaustion and China
men are employed in pulling some carts.
Therefore, the genera! has been unable
to cover the ground . he had "hoped to
cover. The Filipino sharpshooters are
harassing tbe American flanks.
If you suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right" side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation," bilious
ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy -your liver is torpid and con
gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
ill cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing the congestion
and causing the bile ducts to open and
flow naturally. They abb good fills
Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.-.
: The steamer Spokane has been placed
in service on the . Snake river 'between
Sparta and Lewiston with double daily
service and will be operated as a through
mail,' express and passenger steamer,
making round trips daily except Satur
day. . Leave Biparia at 2 :30 a. m. ar
riving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon
Leave Lewiston at 2 :30 p. m. arriving
at Biparia at 7 ' o'clock p. m. The
steamer Lewiston will take the place of
tbe Spokane on the same schedule Sat
urdays and at other times will be oper
ated on a wild schedule," taking care of
all local work. The object of this new
schedule ia to place the Wieten and Buf
falo Hump countries more in touch with
points on the O. B. & N. tf
Use Clarke &- Falk's. Quinine Hair
1 y-- - "
TABLE DAMASKS. (Napkins to match.)
- Bleached, Half Bleached and
Turkey Red, Gold, and Red
DAMASK NAPKINS. (Linens to matcn.)
All kinds of Towels: Damask Towels, Linen Huck Towels, Glass
Towels, Cotton Towels, Turkish Towels.
By the yard: Cotton Towelinz, bleached and unbleached; Linen
Crash, Bhdseye Linen, Damask Toweling, Glass Toweling.
Damask Table Covers. (Fringed, Hemstitched)
Ghroniele Publishing Co.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern. Grown
' In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
S ; - 3E5 : B S
31 F-
1 1
and Green. . .
We HaVc...
eat IXXoflt.
Quick Cdoik.
Reasonable Prices.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal.
Fine for Breakfast Hush and
Gem, 25c per tack.
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats
- From 100 to 150 bushels per
acre baa been raised from
these Oats. For sale at
Feed and Grocery Store.