C3) Special Sale of Dress Goods for Three Days. Winter Las reposed so long and contentedly in tbe lap of Spring that the demand for something more comfortable than an ordinary Summer "Wrapper for house near, or an Organdy for street wear, that, we have concluded to give you a line of Dress Fabrics at the following prices: 28 inch Fane? Checks at 09c . feij'l 8 28 inch Pinhead Checks at 11c RSFI" If VI 30pdNoveU.y .Che!:k8.8n.d at i3c y I 1 32 inch All Wool Goods !!". '. at 26c XJ!" 1 36 inch Mixed Goods at 20c Y jMSffifSs J 38 inch All Wool Goods at 23c SfcMmjr V ' If 32 inch Scotch Plaids at 23c VS5 iffly V 38 in. All Wool Mixed Goods at 29c X'l S Ci A J 75 8 in. Novelty Mixed Goods at 33c v C'Vf This sale is not inaugurated for I-jJpC jr any other purpose than to make it vliffiv ' J&jf an object to have you feel as J$fl though you could afford to buy a f good dresB for little money, as we fCyrvSy S realize that you must have some fo) v(wa special inducement offered yon in order, to loosen the strings of your tfsSi JT ft fcjv purse. 3-2--wiyv-, MAY DESIGNERS Now Ready. Notion Department. A full line of rufflings for dress trimmings has just been opened. The most novel thing yet received in the fine of belt9 is to be found in this department, consisting of Patent Leather, JBrown, Tan, Black and Red. Also Bicycle Belts and Bags of the same material. Up-to-date Neckwear for Ladies In bows, stocks, puffs and c!ub ties. Silk Chiffon ties in cream and high colors. Gentlemen's Department. Ruins Waterhouse Week-wear In all the latest colorings and designs ; Tecks, Four-in-hands and up-to-date Puffs. Call and Inspect Them. PBASB & MAYS All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY .... APRIL 26, 189 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A; M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Thre9 cars of sheep passed through last night from tte Willamette Valley on their way to Spokane. . There will be ameeting of the Artisana tonight end all members of the order are requested to be present. - Thursday night new officers will ar rive to take charge of the Salvation corf a. Also Staff Captain Turn er of the Canadian division will be here. Wool is slowly but surely beginning to arrive. Today the Waeco warehouse received two heavy wagon loads of the product from the Deschutes.. Bobby Gaylor, who will appear here Saturday evening, comes with some very flattering press notices and will un doabtedly be greeted with a big house. The following gentlemen of the D. C. and A. Club left on the train this morn ing for Salem where they will play a re turn bowlinz game with the Illihee Club at their room 1 tonight : Messrs Houghton, Baldwin, Kurtz, Nolan, Mays and Schmidt- Yesterday Fritz Herzig, a native of Switzerland, appeared before County Clerk Kelsay and declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. Yesterday there werefifty-two sheep- shearers in town, most of them being Mexicans. This looming two four horse loads left for Antelope where they will begin ehearng. There will be a special meeting of the board of tire delegates in the city ball tonight at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted. There has been a good deal of com plaint about the condition of the road to the free bridge on' the Deschutes, but we have it from good authority that the same will be put in first-class condition mmediately. Court has bee a grinding very slowly of late at the recorder's office, but this morning the monotony was broken when Louis Lund, of Antelope, was brought before his honor and fined $10 for being dinnk and disorderly. A man giving the name of Martin Hines and claiming to be a resident of Spokane, applied to the nightwatebman about 2 o'clock this morning for lodging, saying he was ill and out of funds. He is apparently quite a sick man and is being cared for at the city jail. Sunday's Oregoman contains an item of interest to our citizens in general, and our merchants especially. Tyee Asso ciation proposes to give a R. R. ex carsion on June 4th, and have appointed a committee to decide whether the same shall go to The Dalles or Salem. The excursions from Portland the past two years have greatly benefitted all, and aside from the fact that at least five thousand dollars were left here by the ex cursionists, the town has been greatly benefitted by being advertised. Our merchants should make an effort to in duce this excursion to come here. All resident or visiting Odd Fellows or Rebekah members and their ladies are cordially invited to be present at an Odd Fellows Anniversary reception and eocial at the I. O. O. F. hall on Thursday evening, April 27. at 9 o'clock p. m. 2t Deputy Sheriff F. Sexton and J. C. Meins left this morning for Salem with Geo. McKinnon, who was adjudged in sane yesterday. McKinnon is quite harmless but is suffering from the effects of a runaway accident in which bis skull was fractured. It is without doubt that the Hook and Ladder Co., need a new track. ThiB mornings alarm proved that the present apparatus is practically of little value. In coming out of the house the front wheel oh the truck was cramped under the ladder and it was some minutes be fore the matter could be remedied. This should not bare occurred but the old truck has seen so much service and has been patched up to much that it is even a wonder that it holds together. The matter should be taken in hand and some means adopted for securing for those who are willing to serve the city without pay something that is modern and that will be of more service than the present apparatus. After. lodge last night the Modern Woodmen o? America gave a very pleasant entertainment to the members and a number of invited guests. There were several selections from a grapho- phone secured for the occaseion, after which Messrs. Long and Gifford de lighted the audience with a clarionet duet. A reading by Mrs. Eddon was greatly appreciated, after which the star number on the evening's program was rendered. It was a solo by Mr. Geo. Ross, whom to many of the au dience was not known to be a musician. However, he acquitted himself in such a manner that he was compelled to re spond to several encores. His instru ment was rather antiquated, being one of the old style hand organs, but never theless Mr. Ross proved himself to be an entertainer of no mean note. After the program dancing was the order, and, with Prof. Brigfeld at the piano, was a most pleasant pastime. At 10 o'clock this morning an alarm of fire was sounded and in an incredibly short space of time the department was on the scene ready for action, but hap pily their services were not needed for the fire was extinguished with a few buckets full of water. The fire was in a room in the O'Barr hotel and was caused by a lamp exploding. Dr. Geis endorffer, who.was attending a patient at the hotel, smelled coal oil and spoke to Mr. Smith, the landlord, about it. As they started to investigate one of the help cried fire and pointed to the room in which the flames were creeping to the ceiling. Several men came to the rescue and with what water was at band succeeded in putting out what likely would have been a very serious conflagration bad but a few more min ntes elapsed before it was discovered. Verdict or Coroner's Inqnest. The body found at Hood River yester day proved to be that of Harper Hansen who was drowned at White Salmon on August 14th of last year. Coroner Butts went to Hood River and held an inquest yesterday with the following result : We the iury empanelled by tbe coroner ot Wasco county .state of Oregon, hnd from tbe evidence beiore us tbat the body now before us is that of Harper Hansen who was drowned on August 14th, 1898. J. ill. KANT, -' P. A. Bradford, Jr. C G. Copplk, J. B. Castner, J. P. Watson, D. E. Rand. Dated at Hood River, Oiegon, April 20. iy. When TraTellns; Whether on pleasure bent -or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forma of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syiup Co. only. It yon have piles, curb them. No use undergoing horrible operations that imply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Cash in Xoor Checks. Ail county warrants registered prior to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 19 1899. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. HOME AGAIN. Jay Saltzman Returns From tbe Philip pines A. Graphic Account of the I-ife of a Soldier Un tbe Island. Jay Saltzman, who is well known in The Dalles, having gone to echool here for a number of yearer has just returned from the Philippines and wa9 in the city last evening on his way home, which is at Burnt Ranch, Wheeler county. He enlisted in- company I, Fourteenth regiment, last year, while it was sta tioned at Vancouver. Last fall he strained himself, and for eeveral months was in the hospital at Manila. He was out in time to engage in some of the early fights with the Filipinos, but was again taken sick and eventually discharged on account of dis ability. He left Manila March IOi'.i on the Arizona, in company with about 150 other discharged men, and reached San Francisco April 6th. "Going over on the transport," said Mr. Saltzman, "we encountered enough to take the patriotism out of any map. Several days before reaching Honolulu our meat all spoiled. We continued to eat it until we reached Honolulu. We were fed on it for twelve days there, and then lived for eighteen days more before reaching Manila, with no other kind of meat. "I saw strong men so weak with hunger they could scarcely get out of bed. If the spoiled meat was eaten it gave one cramps so badly that starva tion was preferable. "After we reached Manila the food was better. Until the Filipino war broke out0 we bad frozen beef from Australia, and it was good. After the trouble began we were given canned beef, and half of it was spoiled. ' I was only in one tight with the rebels. That was at Cingalon, February 5th. The battle began about four miles out from Manila, and from 7 o clock in- the morning until 3 in the afternoon it was a hot affair. , We advanced steadily, but slowly, firing all tbe time. The rebels would turn their guns upside down and hold hem high over their heads and fire. u this way nothing but their hands and the guns were -visible above' the trenches. Of course they couldn't Lit us shooting in that fashion, but they kept up a hot fire until we were within twenty feet of them. Then they broke and ran into the canebrake. 'We followed them, and found them n trenches on the other side. Driving them from there they fied to a block house not far away. It was while in this second trench tbat the hottest fighting occurred. "The rebels who were fighting us that day were Aguinaldo's crack men. They wore white helmets and had good guns, and if anv one tells you they will not fight, don't you believe it. If they ever learn to shoot like our boys can, they will be a hard lot to handle. "I think it will take a long time to conquer these islands. They will neve be worth the lives and money it will take. There are so many natives that killing a few thousand doesn't count- There are millions to take their places "In each battle there are a number of men in the rear armed only with knives When a man in front is shot, his place and gun is taken by one of thesf . 'Carbines and sixshooters are the weapons Uncle Sam can use to best ad vantage there. Bavonets and sabers are worthless, and are really in the way. "The boys there think Dewey's mis take was in not sailing out when he had destroyed tbe Spanish fleet. But Dewey is the idol there. All of the boys would like to see him put in charge. Thev think Otis is a good office man, but h is too slow for active field work." Mr. saltzman says it. there are any boys there who do not want to come home he couldn't find them. "For a few days after the fighting be gan, be said, "while excitement ran high, tbey forgot all about home, but tbat eoon passed away, and thev are longing for home again." Ladles, AttentlonI Mrs. C. L. Phillips has just received the largest assortment of childrens headwear, ever brought to this city direct from the factories. And will also have a great discount sale on all ladies trimmed bats the balance of this week ap!26-2t Notice. The Eastern. Oregon Land Company hereby notifies all persons whom it may concern, that it has changed its agent in tbe state of Oregon, having appointed Mr. G. W. McNear, of San Francisco, Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson, resigned. - Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at Tbe Dalles, Portland, and San Francisco, for all business of the Eastern Oregon Land Compaty, tbe selling, leasing, and general management of the E. O. L. Co' s lands in Oregon ; and, no one, unless duly authorized by the said McNear, has authority to act, in any. capacity what- ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com pany. San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899. D. V. Henabib, Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company. . Apt25-4t TELLS YOUR FUTURE. Miss Perry, Seventh of Daughter. Seventh The greatest known palmist and planet reader. .Tells you the planet you were born under and how it rules you for success. No matter what your past has been, your future can be brighter. Don't fail to see this gifted adv. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodging house. Room 16. Next to the Diamond Mills. Apr 24 Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be n annual meeting of the stockholders of the Golden Eagle Mining Co.,- at the office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of tbe president. J. C. Hostetler, Sec'y and Treas. The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899. Notice Water Kent. Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1. O. O. F., will charge for use of water in their cemetery at the late of $2 per lot for the seasoD, payable in advance to the sexton. C. J. CbakdalL, T. A. Ward. W. H. Butts, Trustees. Don't think you can cure that slight aitack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure it ; it "digests what you eat and restores the digestive organs to health. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ONE NIGHT O.NLY, Saturday, April 29. America's Foremost ComediaD, With his merry associates in the hilarious farce 's Twins. Bptfll.00. Wk seats 75c. children 50c. IfOST 0pera House lobby laylor piGSorleu TUB im BEST For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities unanimous in their declarations that the Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by MAYS & HELLO ! . , Well, I have been thinking of 'purchas ing one for some time. Wife, don't let me forget to call tomorrow at JACOBSEN BOOK & MUSIC CO.'S, 170 Second Street, The Dalles. 1041 Mil in Ten Hours. With each returning season the Lozier Manufacturing Co. show something new and desirable in Bicycle construction. This season finds them with more good things than ever. Ono of these good things is the BURWELL BALL and ROLLER BEARING. Examine the illustration notice par ticularly that the little steel Roller be tween the balls transfers tha motion without interruption and the Balls can not grind together as in ordinary bearings. There is nothing ordinary about Cleve land Bicycles; every pieca of material and every hour of labor is tbe best money can buy. . We cater to a trade that wants the best and knows the best. Sole agents for Cleveland Bicyc'.es. Some of the results of neglected dys peptic conditions of the etomacn are cancer, consumption, heart disease ana I epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre vents all this by effecting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepeia. Snipes-Kin- 1 ersly Drug Co. GROWS rnaier s Demon