The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1899, Image 3

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Special Sale of
Dress Goods
for Three lays.
Winter Iras reposed so long and contentedly in tne lap of Spring
that the demand for something more comfortable than an ordinary
Summer Wrapper for bouse wear, or an Organdy for street wear,
that we have concluded to give you a line of Dress Fabrics at the
following prices:
28 inch Fancj Checks at 09c ' 4
28 inch Pinhead Checks at 11c fsgpTJ- H V
SO inch Noveltv Checks and v 15?JhflMiillI 1 A
Plaida .' at 13c &mmtiY I Jl
32 inch All Wool Goods .. 20c j7 W'f
36 inch Mixed Goods at 20j Y Mir . ill
38 inch All Wool Goods at 23c SS&$&r S& 1 If
32 inch Scotch Plaids at 23c yMrA??r ' r I if-
38 in. All Wool Mixed Goods at 29c ?$Cy XC$sXj'
8 in. Novelty Mixed Goods at 33c ff
This eale is not inaugurated for ffciW yy
any other purpoee than to make it i ' ? Vv. JSbt '
an object to have von feel as V Jffr
though yon could afford to buy a Wv53ffiS' ' S L
good drees for little money, as we fNiyAxcov S rifa
realize that you must have some J jf'w
epocial inducement offered yon in CLw s. iff HjS-W
order to loosen the strings of your V3 w ( TPfX
Notion Department.
A full line of rufflings for dress trimmings has just been opened.
The mo:-t novel thing yet received in the line of belts is to be found
in this department, consisting of
Patent Leather, Bro-wn, Tan, Black and Red.
Also Bicycle Belts and Bags of the same material.
Up-to-date Neckwear for Ladies
In bows, stocks, puffs and c?ub
and hi"h colors.
Rufus Water house
In all the latest colorings and
designs ; Tecks, Four-in-hands
and up-to-date Puffs.
Call and
Inspect Them.
All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
APRIL 25, 189
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft'
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
A thorn in the flesh U more trouble
some than two on the bush.
Today Saltmarsh & Co. shipped a car
1 ad fct sheep pelts and pulled wool to
San Francisco.
The river is stationary today and still
remains at fourteen feet above the low
water mark. .
ine local talent 01 .rendletcn are ar
ranging to give a minBtrel performance
in the near iuture.
This is very early in the season to be
gin baling although at Moody's Ware
house the baler was started rip this after
noon and has been making things hum
County Treasurer Phillips today sent
a check for about $18000 to the state
treasurer, in payment of Waeco county's
state tax. j nis is nearly fOUUU more
than was paid last year.
juarenai leaner nas succeeded in re
moving the obstruction from the Wash
Silk Chiffon ties in cream
ington street aewer, which has been
giving so much trouble for the pact
week, and now has it in first claes con
dition, Thursday, April 27, don't forget the
day or date. Greatest bargains ever
offered in the piano line. To the first
customer we will sell a Hardman Grand
piano for $100. Jacobsen Book & Music
Co., The Dalles. " ap!25-2t
Frank Gunning, of this city, has in
vented a very unique implement which
will in all probability prove a success
when thoroughly tried. It is a eevtn
foot weeder, to be drawn by four horses
and designed mostly for ubo in orchards
and on summer fallow ground.
Last evening the members of the'
Calvary Baptist church gkve a donation
party to their Ministet Bey. Clifton.
Many friends of the clturch were also
preeent and a general sod time was had.
Music was the order 0 the evening after
which conversation was indulged in.
Word was received today from Hood
River by Coroner Butts that the badly
decomposed body of an old man bad
been found in the Columbia river a short
distance below the boat landing. The
coroner will leave by the first train and
will hold an inquest over the remains.
County Treasurer Phillips is prepar
ing to move his grocery store on the hill
from us present location, tie has se
cured the Wbittaker property which is
opposite bis present quarters, and wi
move the residence now on the same atd
place it next to the alley, while the
store will be moved to the corner.
Smith Bros, will not give their usual
Saturday night soiree this week on ac
count 01 iioDoy oayior appearing on
that night. However, on Tuesday, May
2nd, they will give a prize dance at the
Baldwin opera house. The pupils will
be permitted to choose their own
partners from among the audience.
Geo. McKennon, who was hurt in a
runaway accident a few days ago, be
came unmanageable today ana Airs.
Crawford, who has been nursing him,
was compelled to send for the officers.
McKennon was secured, taken before
Judge Mays and adjudged insane. He
will be taken to the asylum in the
Rain began falling last e'vtning and
continued off and on during the night,
about .48 of an inch having fallen.
It was one of those warm, pleasant rains
that are just what the country needs.
It will help the grass wonderfully, and
a few warm days now will make the
hills take on a still more vernal hue.
However, on the higher altitudes like
the Klickitat bills there was a very
s'ight coating of snow. The rain settled
the peculiar condition of the atmosphere
which most people thought was filled
with dust.
A great many theories have been ad
vanced as to the cause of the dust in the
atmoephere here yesterday, but the ma
jority of the people are of the opinion
that it came from somewhere m Eastern
Oregon while the minority claim that it
was wafted to our vicinity from the
central states. However, from all re
ports received from Sherman county it
is a fact that they had a - terrific wind
storm there on Sunday. In some places
large holes were blown in the earth and
wheat inlocalilies was grertly damaged.
However, this only occurred in patches
and no eerious barm was done.
Mies Edna Gates, of Portland, who
has just completed a course in vocal
music with Herr Antone Schott, of Sun
Francisco, is in the city. Mies Gates is
desirous of organizing a class in vocal
culture in our city, and to that end will
visit The Dalles on Saturday and Sun
day, May 6th and 7th, and any who
desire to consult ber regarding lessons
may find ber at the home of Mrs. B. S.
Huntington. She will also sing at the
Congregational church on the morning
of the 6th, and at the evening service
the Methodist church. Our people will
then have an opportunity to hear Miss
Gates and judge of her merits, for she
comes highly recommended.
A most important meeting of the
officers of the grand cabin of the Native
Sons of Oregon was held recently In
Portland, at which committees were a p
pointed to take charge of and arrange
tor the grand reunion of the Native Sons
to be held in that city on the I3th and
14th ot June next. This will be the first
gathering of Native Sons, but in the
future it will occur annually on the 13th
and 14th of June; this time is set, as it
immediately precedes the annual meet
ing of the Pioneer Association, which
occurs on the 15th day of June, so that
the Native Sons may join with and in
conjunction with them, celebrate the
gaining and retention of the grand
country "Where rollB the Oregon."
Bobby Gaylor, who will appear at the
Vogt opera house Saturday, April 29, is
not ouly funny nearly any comedian
can be that but he is highly original,
and for this reason alone he will be the
most popular farce comedian who has
visited us for eome time. His method
of telling stories is of an entirely unique
order, and it keeps the audience in roars
from start to finish. There is a plot to
"Mcoorley s lwins, ot course some
thing about two pair of twins, with
many complications, and a song or
dance, or both, every other minute. The
supporting company is very capable in
helping out tnb situations and the sing
ing. There is a diminutive soubrette,
w bo contributes some character songs,
and a coon song artist of course also
dancers, etc. Gaylor himself is most
versatile be not alone tells those awful
ly funny stories, but he sings or dances
as the occasion requires.
mere is a nveiy opposition among
salmon buyers on the Columbia river
this season. The caeh buyers are more
numerous than they have been for many
years and the number of gasoline
launches employed far exceeds that of
any other eeason. Competition is so
keen among them that many of the
older and most responsible buyers are
talking of quitting the business. They
say the new buyers resort to all kinds of
schemes to secure salmon. They operate
on the river from Tongue point up to
the mouth ot the Willamette and on
both sidefl of the river. They meet the
boats on the river and pay cash for the
salmon. This is a convenience to fisher
men, as by disposing of their fish in this
manner they save several hours which
would be consumed in pulling to the
canneries to deliver their catch. Some
of the launches are in the employ of the
cold storage and private canneries, and
otten pay nan a cent a pound in excess
of the regular price in order to induce
the fishermen to sell them their fish.
Wanted, a girl or middle-aged woman
to assist in general bouse work. - Call at
this office. Apl25-lwk
O, R. & K. Co.
Experimenting: All Along
the Cine.
Eastern Oregon has a great divereity
of soils and altitudes, and how to make
its bleak and bare spots produce and
put up for their war taxes is one of the
laudable ambitions of the O. B.& N. Co.,
which is making persistent efforts to
develop the natural resources of the
country. The problem of making the
rich areas produce is no problem at all
for they show for themselves, and need
only the necessary working. Taken in
the aggregate, the unproductive spots
comprise a large area, and if they can
lie made to do their share of the gen
eral work, the breadstuff j of the world
will show an im.T.ense increase. '
At Telocassett, Grande Ronde Valley,
the O. R. & N. Co., is having three and
a half acres sown to ten varieties of
grasses, and when the survival of the
fittest shall show which of the grasses is
the most successful in defying sterility,
drouth and tempest, that kind will be
pread pretty promiscuously througout
similar localities. A. B. Lckenby has
charge of the seeding. He is an expert
on grasses, and agrostologist for the
Pacific coast division of the United
States department of agriculture.
Among these ten varieties, the kinds
that inspire the most confidence is Brown
grass. It Is a kind that refuses to be
Bat down upon by wind or weather.
Mr. Leckenby is going to supervise for
the O. R. & N. Co. the setting out of
fifty sacks of Bermuda grass roots that
the traffic department has just received
from Freeno, Cal. They are to be set
out at Bigzs, Waso. Grants, Blalock,
Arlington, Wallula, Riparia, Walla
Walla and Rowena. A special effort is
to be made to get this Bermuda grass to
grow on sand-land along the O. R. & N.
lines, where it might serve the double
purpoee of anchoring the drifting sands
and affording good pasture for stock.
Bermuda grass generally defies drought
and makes a thick sod, and keeps ever
lastingly green. The roots may be
pulled up, hung on a clothes-line for a
few weeks, then replanted, and they
will come up smiling and make green
the landscape. A stray root fell off a
brakebeam In the Portland Terminal
Company's yard two years ago, and al
though it has been constantly kept
awake nights by switch engines and
owl trains, it has spread to a patch
seven feet square now, and looks pros
perous, and as though glad it is alive.
Miss Ferry, Seven
Seventh of
The greatest known palmist and
planet reader. Telle you the planet
you were born under and how it rales
you for success. No matter what your
past has been, your future can" be
brighter. Don't tail to see this gifted
ady. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodging
house. Room 16. Next to the Diamond
Mills. Apr 24
Notice Is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at the
office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes
day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for
the purpoee of electing seven directors
and transacting such other business as
may properly come before said meeting,
By order of the president.
Sec'y and Treas. "
The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever eores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felone, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and Rches
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Ladles, Attention!
. Mrs. C. L. Phillips has just received
the largest assortment of childrens'
headwear, ever brought to this city
direct from the factories. And will also
have a great discount sale on all ladies
trimmed bats the balance of this week
it :s now time to plant your roses
lilacs, snowballs, duteias, wiegelas
syringes and other flowering herbs for
sprina and summer blooming. The
cannas, helitropes, marguerites, geran
iums and fuechias are now ready for
garden planting at from - 5 cants to 50
cents. Pholox spirea, hardy heliotrope,
and garden primrose at 10 cents per
plant. Pansiee and daisies at 25 cents
per dozen at Mrs. A. C. Stubliug's.
Position by lady to
country.' Inquire at The
work In the
Dalles Steam
Apr-25 2wk
, Use Clarke & Faik'a Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
When Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, preventing fevere, headaches
and other forms of sickness. For sale in
50 cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
Notice Rent.
Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No.' 5, 1.
O. O. F., will charge for use of water in
their cemetery at the 1 ate of $2 per lot
for the season, payable in advance to
the sexton. C. J. Crandall,
T. A. Ward.
W. H. Butts,
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
Icecream soda now on sale at the
Palace of Sweets. 4 if.
Hartford bicycles, '99 models, $35 at
Mays & Crowe's.
Columbia Vedette bicycles, '99 model,
$25 at Mays & Crowe'e.
Featherslone bicycles, '99 models, $30,
$40 and $50 at Mays & Crowe'e.
Columbia bicycles '99 models beet
on earth $50 at Mays & Crowe's.
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
For the best results use the Vive
Camera. Far ' sale by the Postoffice
Pharmacy. tf
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Well, I have been thinking of purchas
ing one for some time. Wife, don't let
me forget to call tomorrow at -
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by
Ritev the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet a? nsic, Musical Instru
' ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Otir stock of Stationery and Booksis complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon. .
The Eastern Oregon Lmd Company
hereby notifies all persona whom it may
concern, that it has changed its agent io
the Btate of Oregon, having appointed
Mr. G. Wr McNear, of San Francisco,
Cal., in the place of Mr. T. A. Hudson,
Mr. McNear is agent, with offices at
The Dalles, Portland, and San Francisco,
for all business of the Eastern Oregon
Land Compaty, the selling, leasing,
and general management of the E. O. L.
Co's lands in Oregon ; and, no one, unless
duly authorized by the said McNear, has
authority to act, in any capacity what
ever, for the Eastern Oregon Land Com
pany. San Francisco, Cal., April 12, 1899.
D. V. Hknakie,
Pres. Eastern Oregon Land Company.
1041 Miles
With each returning season the Lozier
Manufacturing Co. show something new
and desirable in Bicycle construction.
This eeason - finds them with more
good things than ever. On of these
good things is the BURWELL BALL,
- Examine the illustration notice par
ticularly that the little steel Roller be
tween the balls transfers the motion
without interruption and the Balls can
not grind together as in ordinary
There is nothing ordinary about Cleve
land Bicycles ; every piece of material
and every hour of labor is the beat
money can buy.
We cater to "a trade that wants the
best and knows the beet.
Sole agents for Cleveland B'cyclet.