The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 25, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 327
MacArtmir's Division Ea Route to tbe
Place from Malolos.
Aguioaldo in Command and Accom
panied bj His Staff General
Hale's Brigade Already Within a
Quarter of a Mile of the Citr.
Manila, April 24. 7:50 p. m. Gen
eral MacArtbur'a division left Malolos
today, apparently intending to attack
Manila, April 24.-7:30 p. m. Gen
Hale at 4 o'clock this afternoon had
crossed Bagdad and reached a position
a quarter of a mile from Calumpit, thus
commanding the river ford.
Prisoners captured by Hale's troops
say Aguinaldo, General Luna,' and the
Filipino staff are at Calumpit with a
great force of Filipino troops.
7:40 p. m. Before daylight the Fourth
cavalry, with thiee guns belonging to
the Utah battery, the Nebraeka regi
ment and the Iowa regiment under Hale
were proceeding in the direction of
Kulnhun, where the Bagdad (Tibabag)
is fordable, but commanded by trenches.
During the afternoon the troops crossed
the river.
Generals MacArthnr and Wheaton,
with the Montana regiment, advanced
to the left of the railroad, and tbe Kan
sas regiment moved forward to the right,
north of Malolos. They had with them
a long supply train with two armed cars
in front carrying two Gatlings and Colts
rapid-fire guns, and the six-pounders.
The insurgents attempted to destroy
their bridge outside of Calumpit, and
succeeded in badly warpiug the iron
framework. As soon as the soldiers
left the Filipino capital, the natives be
gan flocking in, as they did at Santa
Cruz before the last boat of General
Lawton's expedition bad sailed. Oar
army is compelled to abandon all towns
when an onward movement is com
menced, because of insufficient men to
garrison them.
No Change of Plans.
Washington, April 24. Secretary
Alger said yesterday's battle at Quinga
had not altered tbe plans of the depart
ment in any degree. General Otis, Gen
eral Law ton, Admiral Dewey and the
Philippines commission all were fully au
thorized to deal with the situation in the
Philippines according to their best judg
ment, and the department believed it
would be good policy to refrain from
meddling unnecessarily. The secretary
said that if Otis wants more troops he
shall have them, and meantime tbe de
partment will make every effort to
hasten' the relief of the volunteer troops
by the regular soldiers.
Colonel Smith Promoted.
Washington, April 24. The president
has appointed Colonel James F. Smitb.
of the First California regiment, to be a
brigadier-general of volonteers. Tbe
regiment is now in the Philippines
General Smith will be assigned to one of
the brigades of General Otis' army.
No Right to Usliness.
The woman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will alwavs have friends.
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health.- If she is weak, sickly
and all run down, she will be nervous
and irritable. . If she has constipation
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
kidney trouble, ber impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in. the world
to regulate the stomach, liver, and kid
neys and to purify tbe blood. It gives
etrong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good looking,-charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drng store. 2
Artillery for Manila.
Washington, April 24. Batteries C
and M, Seventh artillery, have been
ordered from' Porto Rico, and will be
sent to Manila. Three batteries of light
artillery will sail from San Francieco
for the Philippines today.
Bis Life Was Saved..
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frigbtlul death.
In telling of it he says: "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even sit np in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This marvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size' 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
tree at Blakeley & Houghton's drue
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Yesterday's Terrible Scenes at Newman,
Ga.. Re-enacted Near Palmetto
Mob Still UnsatisGed and Search
ing for Other Victims.
. Palmetto, Ga., April 24. The body of
Lige Strickland, the negro implicated by
Sam Hose in the killing of Alfred Cran
ford, was found swinging to the limb of
a tree about a mile from town this morn
ing. The ears and lingers bad been cut
off, and on the body was pinned a pla
card bearing these words: "We must
protect our Southern women."
Strickland was a negro minister, 60
years of age. Hose, just as the torch
was about to be applied to the wood nnder
him yesterday, admitted that he killed
Cranfoid, but said Strickland had given
him $12 to do tbe deed. The confession
of Hose caused great excitement here,
and a crowd of men left for Major Thom
as', where Strickland works, and at dusk
took the negro from the place and
brought him into town.
Major Thomas made a speech to the
mob while they were on his farm, urging
them not to take the negro and saying
he believed the fellow innocent. An
impromptu trial was held in the public
square. Everybody who knew Strick
land was called upon to give testimony
aa to his character. Several negroes em
ployed by Major Thomas said the negro
was a law-abiding citizen and was not
implicated in the Cranford affair. Other
people living near the Thomas place gave
Strickland a bad,-name. There were
several people in the crowd who favored
letting the law take its course, and sug
gested that the court adjourn to another
place a mile from : town, where several
people lived who knew '.Strickland. This
met with approval, and the "court"
moved out into the woods a mile away.
Here Strickland was etrung up two or
three times in an effort-to get his con
fession, but each time he denied that he
i-fid paid Hose to murder Cranford. Tbe
crowd seemed to be evenly divided, and
the speechmaking continued until day
light, when it was decided to take the
preacher to jail at Fairburn. This was
the last the negro was seen alive.
A couple of farmers coming into town
this morning reported finding the body
of Strickland hanging from the limb of
a tree, and shockingly mutilated. The
city marshal summoned two deputies
and drove to the scene. The body of
Strickland was secured and brought here
for an inpuest.
A telephone message received today at
10 o'clock says the mob which lynched
Strickland captured Albert Sewoll, a ne
gro who expressed himself to the effect
that the death ot eyery negro should be
avenged, and has put him to death. Tbe
mob is said to be still on a hunt for ne
groes, and it is probable two more will
be lynched.
Remarkable Care for Rneam&tlsm. .
Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va.
About three years ag 3 my wife had an
attack of rheumatiem which confined
her to her bed for over a month and
rendered her unable to walk a step with
out assistance, her limbs being swollen
to double their normal size. Mr. 8.
Maddock insisted on my using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty-
cent bottle and used it according to the
directions and the next morning she
walked to breakfast without assistance
in any manner, and she has not had a
similar attack since. A. B. Parson. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
The steamer Spokane has been placed
in service on the Snake river between
Sparta and Lewiston with double daily
service and will be operated as a through
mail, express and passenger steamer,
making round trips daily except Satur
day. Leave Riparia at 2:30 a. m. ar
riving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon.
Leave Lewiston at 2 :30 p. m. arriving
at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The
steamer Lewiston will take the place of
the Spokane on the same schedule Sat
urdays and at other times will be oper
ated on a wild schedule, taking care of
aU local work. The object of this new
schedule is to place the VVisten and Buf
falo Hump countries more in touch with
points on the O. R. & N. tf
In-almost every neighborhood there is
some one whose life has been saved by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been
cured of chronic diarrhoea by tbe nse of
that 'medicine. Such persons make a
point of telling of it whenever opportu
n'ty offers, hoping that it may be the
means of saving other lives. For eale
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
Precautions Taken to Prevent the
General's Assassination.
Siotrx Falls, S.D., April 24, Letters
received from members of the First regi
ment, South Dakota volunteers,' during
the la9t few days are unusually interest
ing. ' Among them is a letter from Otis
Fobrnsdn, in which be gives an account
of his experience as a sharpshooter, and
tells of the precautions to prevent the
assassination of General Oti?. Regard
ing the latter, he says 50 yards from the
palace squads are posted all around the
grounds for fear the natives may at
tempt to assassinate General Otis, and
that the soldiers are always ready for
emergency. ' -
The Best In the World.
We believe Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is tbe beft in the world. A few
weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold
and l troublesome cough, and .having
read their advertisements in our own
and .other papers we purchased a
bottle to Bee if it would effect us. It
cured us bef re h holtle was more than
half used. Ir in th best medicine 'out
for colds and coughs. The Herald,
Andersonvil't, I"d For shIh by Blake
ley & Hoiiich" n DrniitfiHtB.
fill Not Abrogate Clayton Bnlwer
Treaty for NotMng.
Thinks Right of Entry Through Alaska
to Northwest Territory Would Be
About Right and Will Try to Se
cure It.
New York, April 24. A special to the
Herald from Washington says: Although
willing to abrogate theClayton-Bnlwer
treaty, Great Britain has made it plain
to the United States that she expects an
equivalent in return for her action. This
equivalent will be exacted during the ne
gotiations of the American-Canadian
commission, which is to reeume its ses
sions in Washington in Angust next.
It is becauee of a demand for conces
sions equal in value to that which' will
be given 'to the United States in the
abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty
that the negotiations have not progressed
with tbe promptness at first expected.
It is apparent to the officials now that
Great Britain proposes to use the propo
sition to abrogate the treaty to further
its own aims in connection with the
settlement 0f the Alaskan boundary and
reciprocity questions.
Great Britain is determined to make
every effort to secure entry to the North
west Territory through Alaska, and tbe
United States is not willing to give it to
her.. It may be, therefore, that she will
suggest that in return for such an out
let she will surrender all her rights in the
Nicaragua canal.
Preeident McKinley and Secretary
Hay have determined not to enter into
any negotiations with either Costa Rica
or Nicaragua respecting the Nicaragua
canal until the new istbmain canal com
mission has submitted its report. Tbe
Nicaragua canal commission will report
within a short time, and the president
will then announce the personnel of tbe
Istbmain commission. Tbe new com
mission will then proceed to Panama and
later to Nicaragua, and it is the expect
ation of the president that it will submit
its report in time for consideration early
in the next sesson of congress.
- I will give a liberal interest in a most
valuable invention to party furnishing
small amount of money to pay the ex
penses of getting patent for the same.
This is an article which every housewife
will want, and can be manufactured at
home at a small cost and large profit.
For further particulars-address "D. A.,"
this office. '
Bismarck's Iron Nerve .
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach,, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, nse Dr. King's New .Life
PUls. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drug store. 2
It you have piles, cure them. No
use undergoing horrible operations that
imply remove the results of the disease
without disturbing tbe disease itself.
Place your confidence in DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure
others ; it will . not fail to cure you.
Snipes-Kinerely Drng Co.
Cash in It oar Cbecka,
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
18S9. O. L. Phillips,
' . Countv Treasnrer.
Stop long enough to look at some of the best
7.50 suits for men
... . . . , , - . -
It has ever been our privilege to show.
TROUSERS also at $2 00, $2.50, $3.00
and $4.00, that are leaders in their
line. -
The latest and most popular Hats
for Spring wear display ed in our east
Ghioniele Publishing Co.
We fi&Ve..,
J4eat lUotfk.
Quick Cdotfk.
Reasonable Pruees.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal.
Fine for Breakfast Mush and
Gems, 25c per sack.
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats
From 100-to 150 bushels per
acre has been raised from
tiiese Oats. For sale at
Feed and Grocery Store.