C3) Special Sale Dress for Winter has reposed so long and contentedly in tbe lap of Spring that tbe demand for something- more comfortable than an ordinary Summer Wrapper for house wear, or an Organdy for street wear, that we have concluded to give you a line of Dress Fabrics at the following prices: 28 inch Fanc Checks at 09c 28 inch Pinhead Checks at Hi: SO inch Novelty Checks and Plaids at 13c S2 inch All Wool Goods at 20c 36 inch Mixed Goods . . .at20j 38 inch All Wool Goods at 23c 32 inch Scotch Plaids at 23c 38 in. All Wool Mixed Goods at 29c 38 in. Novelty Mixed Goods at 33c This eale is not inangnrated for any other purpose than to make it an object .to have you feel as thoueb yon could afford to buy a good dress for little money, as we realize that you must have some Bpecial inducement offered yon in order to loosen the strings of your purse. MAY DESIGNERS Now Ready. Notion Department. ' A full line of rnfflings for dress trimmings has just b.een opened. The mo;t novel thing yet received in the line of belts is to be found in this department, consisting of Patent Leather, Brown, Tan, Black and Red. Also Bicycle Belts and Bags of the same .material. Up- i-to-date Neckwear for Ladies In bows, stocks, puffs and c!ub and hi"h colors. Gentlemen's Department. Rufus Water house Neckwear In all the latest color! designs ; Tecks, Four and up-to-date Puffs Call and Inspect Th PEASES All Goods Maiked the Dalles Daily Chronicle, MONDAY APKIL 24, 189t TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before to o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft' ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING' CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. , Weather Tonight and Tuesday, rain. A position of trust and and an aching tooth are always hard to fill. John Eberle, the tailor, has placed a neat sign in front of bis place of business, Today Mays & Crowe's received a car load of farming implements from the East. The sheriff sale in the matter of Mc Laughlin vs. Watson was postponed un til May 1st. f Miss Bessie Rowland, who has been quite low with pneumonia, is' reported t oat of danger. The front of the New York Cash Store is receiving a new coat of paint, which adds much to its appearance. . Bobby Gaylor will appear at the Vogt opera honse on Saturday evening' in the farce entitled "McSorley's Twins." On Saturday and Sunday, April 29th and 30th, August Buchler will place his celebrated Columbia Brewery Bock beer on draught. This is the finest beer that of Goods Three Days. ties, Silk Chiffon ties in cream. & MAYS. in Plain Figures. has ever been . placed on tap by any brewery 01 the Pacific coast or that h as come from the East. apl24 1 - Tomorrow evening the Modern Wood men of America will give a social and entertain their friends at the K. of P. hall. Special sale on childrens' trimmed hats and leghorns Friday and Saturday, Apiil 28th and 29th, at Caitpbell & Wilson's. apl24 Fresh cut flowers from Mrs. Stublings green house can be had daily at Keller's confectionary store or at Clark & Falk'e drugstore. apl24 Campbell & Wilson have just re ceived a large line of baby bonnets, childrens' capB and sun bonnets. Call and see them. apl24 Mayor Nolan made an exceptionally fine score Saturday evening, having tied tbe single score association record in four games which is 226. Mays x urowe are pntting np a corrugated iron building on the lot ad joining their hardware store, which will be used an a bicycle repair shop.' There will be a special meeting of Wasco Lodge No: 15 A. F. & A. M. at 7:30 p. m. this Monday evening. Work in F. O. Degree. By order of W. M. I Although it is quite early in the sea son, nevertheless wool is beginning to Icome in This morning a four horse 1 load was received at Moody's warehouse, Jim uox, cnampion sntner ot the Pacific coast,' has associated himself with tbe tonsorial emporium at tbe Umatilla House where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers The Astoria team for The Dalles tournament is not made up as yet, says Bp tbe Astorian, bnt Captain Laws will be able to announce the composition of his champions in a few days. What a time the boys will have when they visit the two commercial dobs of Portland and Tbe Dalles. - s Yesterday evening Andrew Keller met with an accident that cost him the end of his finger. Mr. Keller was making ice cream and went to take a piece of ice out from between tbe cogs of the freeTivJchen the middle finger of bis left band waVcanght and taken off near the first joint. Mr. Frank Malone, says the Antelope Herald, has on his rauch a pet deer and a shepherd puppy which have become the best of friends, and of late, in separable companions. They can be seen playing together at all hours of the day, tbe deer usually 'taking the lead, with the pappy following, in all their friendly "romps." Wm. Skragga died early yesterday morning of pneumonia at Mrs. E. Juliens on Court street. Mr. Skaggs, who was better known as "Uncle Charlie," was about 52 years of age. and . was well thought of by all who knew him. .He has lived near The Dalles for a number o: years, having made his home with Lee Bolton on Ten Mile,' He was a native of Indiana, but had no relatives in the west. His funeral will take place t morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from t ie Calvary Baptist church, E. E. Lytle, president of the Columbia Southern Railroad Company, has re turned from a trip over his proposed road. He traversed the preliminary survey in company with bis chief engi neer from Moro to Antelope, and is so well satisfied with the appearance of things that he has ordered his chief engineer to at once make a permanent survey and set tbe grade' stakes. As soon as this is done, which will be in about two weeks,- a crew of graders will be put at work, and dirt will fly freely, and work will be rushed so that the line will be in running order in time to move this season's wheat crop. A peculiar condition of the atmosphere was noticeable yesterday afternoon and today. The atmosphere was filled with a fine yellow duet, being very light in weight, making the air look hazy, and has the appearance of a threatening shower. -The air being eo compact with this matter that the mountains in our immediate neigbboahood were entirely hidden from view. Some of our citizens thought it smoke as it resembled, the condition of the atmosphere during the Summer months when forest fires are in the Cascade mountains. One of our noted astrologers prophesized, some time ago, thai one of the planets in its course would come so close to us that the earth would be 'covered with a fine dust to a depth of a quarter ef an inch, and it is possible that ibis time has arrived. A Letter From the Philippines. The following is a letter from A. A. Bonner, private in Company L, of the Second Oregon volunteers, to his mother; Mrs. S. L. Armstrong who resides in Thompson's addition in this city : In the field, Camp Surprise, March 16. Dear Mother. - 1 will write you a few lines today, as we are not moving. We have just had a two day's battle and have captured the city of Pasig, which is situated about the center of the island. We are now in what is called the flying column, which is composed of the Twentieth and Twenty-second regulars, Fourth cavalry, two batteries of artillery, two battallions of the First Washington, and seven companies of the Second Ore gon, and io a column intended to go any where on the island. In our regiment we- have . had a no caber killed - and wounded. The insurgents loss was not bo great, as they were entrenched and in timber. We are now in one of the most beauti ful and fertile countries on the globe. Sugar-cane and corn grow everywhere. I have not been in Manila for some time. Have not had any mail for three weeks. Am well and enjoying myself and am having a good time. Yesterday morning the insurgents surprised us at daylight, and we bad a stiff little fight at close range, but we soon charged them away. Most of the fighting is at long range with - artillery and sharp shooters. The insurgents are firing at our lines most every hour of tbe day, but are doing bat little damage. My shoulder is so uore from shooting that I cri hardly write. I, have fired about five hundred shots in two days. I am temporally detached from my company now, and am scouting and eharpshoot- lng, anu tnac way 1 get to see lots more of the country than many of the others. We will probably be on the campaign nntil the iniurrection is quelled, and are apt not to be home before another year, We are now np the river about forty miles from . Manila and camped on Lagoon a bay. It makes no difference how .bad the wound if you use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ; it will quickly heal and leave no ecar. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.-.. OUR BOWLERS INVINCIBLE. The llllhee Clno Bowl a Good Game, ' Iiot Were Outdone by The Dalles Team. Enthusiasm . ran high at the club rooms Saturday night as the contest bowling game between the club team and a team from trfe Illihee Club of Salem began, and, s4ch strike, spare, or mark of scientific bowling was greeted with applause from the platform, where were seated a large tin in be r of spectators, and the many persons who thronged the room, endeavoring to watch the game, caught up the refrain nntil it was general, and entirely impartial, one team receiving no more appreciation than did the other. The Salem team, composed of Messrs. Barker, McGraw, Minto, yD'Arcy, Grif fith and McNary, provedthemselves to be gentlemen, who hail not neglected to bring their manliness with them but showed in every way their good breed ing; and so the games progressed with out the slightest interruption. Be it aleo said pi our home team, which was made up of MeEsrs Bradsjiaw, Houghton, Nolan, Kurtz, Baldwin and Schmidt, that they know how .to treat a visiting team, (if we da ssfy it . ourselves) and while they made such, remarkable scores, for they were scores to be proud of, there was no nndne demonstration. Everyone present was proud of The Dalles team, and well they might be, for they played as if possessed, the first game being what the boys call a "crack a jack," and footing up to 302 pointe. The visiting team also proved tbem eelves to be a splendid lot of bowlers, and made good scores throughout.- In spite of the weariness caused from a delayed train, they showed not its ef fects. But our team came out with 100 points ahead. Tbe Salem team fell not, but The Dalles team 'were truly in vincible, and cheer after cheer arose as it was discovered 'they had won three games out of the four played. The total scores by gameB were as follows: ' 1st Bradshaw 48 Baldwin 65 Kurtz 57 Houghton 44 2nd 39 - 43 35 41 34 47 3D . 39 54 45 35 4-11 38164 51203 26163 45 165 46 169 Schmidt.. ....... 36 Nolan . 62 57226 302 239 286 263 1st 46 35 42 2XD 36 45 35 38 51 62 3D 48 33 53 25 34 36 4th 37167 Barker ...... Griffith M cNary Minto. . . 37150 36171 45 46154 McGraw 47 30162 D'Arcy. . .. 29 53180 ' 244 v 267 '234 239 At the close of tbe ganieytfle teams re paired to tne Umatilla irouse, where a banquet awaited them uch as hungry bowlers, and monarens as well, could thoroughly enjoy. The tables had been beautifully decorated by Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Senfert, who showed splendid taste in arranging the club colors, yellow and white, to blend so perfectly in the entire enect. rrom mar chandeliers were draped tbe two Bhdes, while the same effect was noticeable on the table. Tbe flowers were of the choicest kind, a large bunch of callae being prominent, while the bouquets of roses were beautiful The best of good will prevailed and each speech evinced the enjoyment which was paramount. Most of the visiting team left yester day morning, feeling satisfied they had done their best, and that, though not victorious, they were more than pleaeed with the trip. TELLS YOUR FUTURE. Perry, Seventh of Daughter. - Seventh The - greatest known palmist and planet reader. Telia von the planet you were born under and how it rules you lor success, jno matter what your past has been, vour future can be brighter. Don't tail to see this gifted lady. Now at Mrs. Richmond's lodging bouse. Boom 16. Next to the Diamond Mills. - ' Apr 24 When Traveling: Whether on pleasure bent or .business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Fffes, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. - For eale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Notice -Warer Rent. Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. , will charge for use of water in their cemetery at the 1 ate of $2 per lot for the season, payable in advance to the sexton. C. J . Cb andall, T. A. Ward, W. H. Bctts, Trustees. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor cf the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: "I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is tbe best remedy for cronp I ever used." Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. EXPANSION. Met a feller t'other mornln" Host amusin sort o cuss: Hed a cur'us style about him Cert t y could ntr well be wuss. I says: "Where you hail fm pardner?" An he smiles in knowin' way, An' replies in forren lingo: 'Porto Rico, U. S. A." Seen a feller down on Broadway, " yr 1111 a snocKin iieau o nair, An' a lot o' tropic garments An' a most outlandish air. "Whur's he from?" a feller shouted, But before we d time to sav. This yere heathen turned an' answered: nonoiuiu, u.s;a. Met a feller yere on Olive, -With a somber-e-ro on: Had a lot o' shaggy whiskers; nearly an nis ciotning gone. Stopped an' asked me for a quarter; Says: "My home is far awav." -"Where you from?" The varmint answered: Santiago, u. o. A. Seen a feller at the Southern, With a heavy Iron box ; Had a top coat lined with bearskin, wore a uozen pair o socks. Sized him up to be a miner, Judgin' by his awk'ard way; Seen him write in big cha-rac-ters; 'Circle City, U. S. A. Seen a saddle-colored heathen, Wearin' earings in his nose; Linen cuffs around his ankles; Most indecent lack of clothes. "Where'd this heathen guy spring frum?" I inquired in lofty way; An' he had the nerve to answer: 'Frum Manila, U. S. A. "Gee!" I says, "I never heard of These yere cannvbnls before!" Air these heathens to be voters? Will ye stan fur any more? Next you know, you ask a feller Where he's frum, and he will say, With a lordly kind o' flourish: "All Creation, U. S. A." . While we ilnn't make mnch. pretension In oar qnlet sort o way. Still we like that last atiurt sentence Fit us to a t-y-tay. So we keep a spreacliu' outward pay 'exiiantiin'," it we may Till some flay you'll see nor Pianos in "All ureatloo, U. a. A. One of our expanders, Mr.. E. 'Jacob- sen, will "do the act" 111 The Dalles all next week. We hope every householder will assist in the performance, as we are prepared to fiil to the letter even his most extravagent promises, when he of fers you the finest pianos in "All Crea tion, U. S. A., or any other seaport. Very respectfully, Jacobsen- Book & Music Co. - The Dalles, Oregon, U. S. A. Boy Wanted. .A good steady boy, of 16 years or over, can find employment at The Chronicle office. He must enter with the deter minatiou to master tbe trade and not imagine he is ready to graduate after a few days work. w Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, WS The Best is Cheapest, have thy Lisks' is the Best, exclusive AsV Don't Purchase agency for theV Tinware be best heaviest fore seeing Tinware made. Us. Guaranteed never to rust. . V x I '&Ss? After the Holidays.. We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are eelling at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. j Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Brnises, Bnrne, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile enre on earth. Drives out pains and aches " Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " . 2 It is now time to plant your roses, lilacs, snowballs, dutsias, . wiegelae, syringaa and other flowering herbs for spring and summer blooming. The cannas, belitropes, marguerites, geran iums and fuechias are now ready . for garden planting at from 5 cents to 59 cents. Pholox epirea, hardy, heliotrope and garden primrose at 10 'cents per plant. Pansies and daisies at 25 cents per dozen at Mrs. A. C. Stublirig's. d2w-wlm TJse Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for sunburn and wind chafing. tf 1I1 SVui'les in Ten Hours. With each returning season the Lozier Manufacturing Co. show something new and desirable in Bicycle construction. This season finds them with more good things than ever. Ont of these good thines is the DTJRWELL BALL and ROLLER BEARING. Examine the illustration notice par ticularly that the little steel Roller be tween the balls transfers the motion without interruption and the Balls can not grind together as in ordinary bearings. There is nothing ordinary about Cleve land Bicycles; every piece of material and every hour of labor ia the best money can buy. We cater to a trade that wauts the beet and knows the. best. ...jnaier & Benton Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycles. The Dalles, Oregon.