The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1899, Image 3

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...Dress Goods...
This is the one subject
that we have given less
attention to than any
other, owing to the fact
that the demand has
been for Wash Fabrics,
but. our line of spring
and summer wool goods
Covert Suiting,
Figured Novelties,
Bayadere Stripe,
Changeable Effects,
Diagonals, Ladies' Cloths,
Whip Cords,
Pin Head Checks,
Are now attracting considerable attention andffl'
wft ata an vi cms that all whn rnnt.ATTmlflt.A ' lin vi n aiJI tj
" " 1 .7 'PWj
1 111 Tj l ' llil
snpuia Know mat we are preparea to snow an tnese
late things with the most carefully selected line of
trimmings ever shown in the city.
Hopeful's r
This line is now thoroughly complete in every
particular and is extreme' interesting to the mothers,
as these garments are dainty and just what you have
been asking for.
Infants' Eiderdown and Cashmere Sacques in
all colors and prices.
Infants' Long Slips in white
Infants' Long Flannel Skirts, handsomely em
broidered and hemstitched.
Childrens' Dresses from 6 months to 14 years;
all colors and styles. .
Just received a shipment of "Black Cat" brand
Hose 20c, 25c, and 35c per pair.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - APRIL 21, 1899
Telephone No. J.
doabt prove quite ' an attraction lor
many of our citizens; It's not every
day that Stetson's five dollar hats are
given away.
There will be a grand stereoptican ex
hibition and lecture on "Social work
of the Salvation Aarmy" by Eneig
Hawkes, at their hall on Saturda
evening. Everybody invited. . Admi
eion 10 cents.
Recorder N. H. Gates received a mei
sage by telephone today from civil en
gineer W. J. Roberta of Pasco., say in
that he would be down a week from
day and would then look into the m
ter of the proposed new sewer system
August Buchler is putting oat so
of the finest lager beer ever placed
the market. He is enterprising and
added many improvements to his
ready large' plant. On Saturday
Sunday, the 29th ana 30th inst..
place his celebrated bock bet
draught. - .
Mesais. Hosteller and McClnre e
on their bicycles thur morning for the
irouc ureeK mines wnicn at present are
attracting much attention. These gen
tlemen are going oat with the intention
of locating a clahn. They left with all
necessary equipments to camp ont where
night overtakes them.
A telegram was received yesterday
by Mrs. John McAllister, who
visiting her mother, Mrs.
g that her
o is at Pasco was badly hurt
Allister left last night for the
point. No further particulars are
inable at present.
Last fall when the new water system
was put in they were left with about a
foot of dirt above the-level of the street.
However, the rain descended and the
wind blew, but as a leveling power it
had no effect. Today workmen are en
gaged placing our busiest thoroughfare
in a presentame enane and leaving no
race of recent upheavele.
A car of infusorial soil was shipped
today from Mosier to the state. of New
Jersey. This soil is a fine siliceous
material composed mainly of the shells
of microscopic plants. It is used in
making - polishing power and in the
mannfacttire of dynamite. Several car
loads have heretofore been shipped from
U Mosier and they have quite a trade in
his line.
Frank Spicer was brought in from
Antelope yesterday evening by Con
stable J. H. Jackson and bis prelimi
nary examination was set for this after
noon. The state issued a warrant for
Spicer in the matter of the killing of
W. D. Jones a short time ago. The
coroner beld an inquest at the time and
the jury exonerated Spicer. - However,
it was thought best to bring the matter
before the grand jury if possible, con
sequently the above proceedings.
Taxidermists say that the Elk "teeth"
are not teeth at all, in the common
sense.' They lie clear and clean of any
tooth in the elk's bead. ' They are-in
either side of the upper jaw, two inches
from the front of the mouth. Immed
iately beneath the "tooth" is a toothless
hollow. The part of the "tooth" below
the gum bulges blunt and round, and is
eimiliar in shape to some of the wooden
golf sticks. The taxidermists say they
do not know, what uee these organs are
to their original possessors.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, .1899.
Read A. M. Williams & Co.'s ad.
New dress goods just arrived at Pease
& Mays.
niiaren a fancy reefer jackets in
Pique and Welts, ail colors and daintily
trimmed, at Pease & Maya.
Club ties, stock ties, bow ties, separate
stocks, Tecks, four-in-hand and chiffon
ties, and chiffon ruffs just arrived at
Pease & Mays. .'-
The condition of Geo. McKinnon is
decidedly better and from all indications
he will pull through all right.
The management ' of the club have
-kindly invited the ladies to be present
at the bowling1 contest tomorrow' even
ing, ... . s . .
The following gentlemen were
' eubpoensel in the case of the State of
Oregon ve. Frapk Spicer are in the city
attending the preliminary examination :
W. J. Ashby, J. D.v Tunny, Frank
Bithop, J. Hamilton - and vVilbur
Bolton. '
Seven bead of work horses were
shipped to Portland this morning on
the boat where they will be offered for
sale. -
Regardless of the weather the river is
still rising which makes many who are
anticipating an extreme high water feel
nappy. -. - .-
Today is when the moon crosses the
celestial equator, and this is the date on
which "the greatest general . storms of
this period are to be apprehended.
Geo. A. Malone, advance agent for the
"Bobby Gaylor and McSorley's Twins
Co.," is in the city, arranging for his
company to appear on Saturday April
Wm. Gillett, the deaf mute who was
struck by a passenger train Wednesday,
has so far recovered that be was sent to
his home in Portland on this morning's
R. H. Lonsdale returned last evening
from a trip through Sherman county
and reports farmers through' seeding
and are jubilant over the prospects of a
good crop. '. -
John Crocker has received a new Rus
sell traction engine and Is preparing to
take it to Klickitat county, where he
will use it in connection with a thresh
ing machine, i .,-''. -
A surveying party of eleven men came
np from Portland last evening and left
this morning for Washington. . They
will be engaged ' in making surveys for
the Columbia. Valley Railway'.' "'..- .'i
That free hat offer of A.M.Williams
& .Co's, advertised for tomorrow, will no
' Bachelors' .Entertainment.
Work on the tirade Between Goldendale
-and J.yle Will Commence Immedlate
Jy IfKlghtuf Way la Donated.
President Lytle, " of the Columbia
Southern R. R.' Co., was in Goldendale
Saturday for the purpose of interviewing
our people in regard to "the immediate
construction of the railroad from Lyle to
Goldendale. -
The company's proposition to build
the proposed line is very reasonable.
No bonus whatsoever Is demanded of
our people the company only asking
right of way and depot grounds. If the
people will give these, the company
bonds itseltto commence grading the.
road not later than July . 1st, but will
not agree to complete the . road before
January 1st, 1901, although it is the
desire of the company to have it com
pleted by October let of this year. The
road, if commenced, 'will be finished as
quickly as possible. .
We believe that the farmers whose
anaa are put into bad snaps by the
surveyare entitled to a reasonable com
pensationand by that is meant no
fancy price. Each one whose lands
are not crossed by the 'survey, should
lend a helping hand in procuring right
of way. Some will be found who will
give right of way without any consider
ation whatever, while others will de
mand outrageous compensation. The
latter, it is hoped, will be few and far
between, as they will but deter the
building of the road and will gain noth
ing thereby. -
.With a railroad from Lyle to Gjlden
dale, the expensive wear of farmers'
wagons, harness and horses in hauling
off the products of the farm will be a
thing ol the past. Freight rates will be
reduced, the cost of living decreased and
a greater demand created for the pro
ducts of the farm. Home markets will
be increased and the outside ones can be
reached at all seasons of the year.
If on business or pleasure our people
may wish to make a journey, how much
more agreeable it will be to ride in the
passenger coach of a railroad train rather
than to melt in a vehicle on a hot sum
mer day with sand and dust to contend
with, or freeze in winter with muddy
roads, in winter's blasts, sheets of rain
or driving snow.
Let the people unite as one with the
determination to make a railroad a
urety beyond question and immediate
ly) our hopes will not have then been in
vain the long desired is assured.
Goldendale Sentinel.
Keep in mind the interesting program
and social at the Christian church to
night, and be in attendance. Exercises
begin at 8:20. The following numbers
will be rendered ;
Bachelors Chorus.... ."..Three Craws
Recitation, "I Love Thee".. . . ,
.Gordon Wilson
A Bachelor Falls From Grace . .
. . .., . Tableau
Recitation "The Darkies Advice"..
. B.Emerson
Recitation, "Old Maid's Auction";.
.......... ; . . . ., .E. H. Merrill
The Ghost and Miser Tableau
Select Reading..... ..Harry Miller
Dialogue, t he Old Jaw " Uone ' . . . .
Meeers. Wilson, Stewart and Wetherell
I..O. O. ii. Closing Ode. ...... .....
."Good Night Ladies"
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poBtoffice at The Dalles nn
called for April 21, 1899. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Bluvle, John F
Fast, H C
Hadley, Asa
Kneeland. Harry
Lanson, Maud
McCoy, Anna .
Rof t, J H .
Raymond, Lena
Scbindler, Joseph
Scbatz, J C
Conklin. E G
Goldblatt, Abe
Kellev. V J
Linseth, Master S L
Monagbam, Martha
uieon, j
Rex, Mand
Smith, J T
Simpson, Robert
Thomnsnn. C W
Reddebopp, Walhelm
H. H; Riddeix, Postmaster.
Fast and Present.
Met a feller t'other morninr
Most amusin' sort o' cuss: .
Hed a cur'us style about him
Cert't'y eould'nt well be wuss.
I says: "Where you hall I'm pardner?"
An' he smiles in knowln' way,
An' replies In forren lingo:
"Porto Rico, U. S. A."
Seen a feller down on Broadway,
With a shockln head o' hair,
An' a lot o' tropic garments
An' a most outlandish air,
"Whur's he from?" a feller shouted,
- But before we'd time to say,
This yere heathen turned an' answered:
"Honolulu, l. S. A."
Met a feller yere on Olive,
w itn a somoer-e-ro on ;
to hide her baldness. . '
In other days these same women
wonld have done their hair up on wav
ing pins over night, but the time has)
passed when women are willing to go to
bed looking like frights. And that is)
another reason for increasing baldness
that so many women keep their heads
overheated by the use of the pompadour
rolls. ' . .
' Subjected to incessant use of tongs and
the scalp overheated by the roll, hair
dies a natural death. Dame Nature
submits to abuse just about bo long and
then she takes revenge. She is taking
revenge now nice little bald spots on
women" s heads, the result of hair drop
ping out by the handful.
Had a lot o' shaggy whiskers;
Nearly all his clothing gone.
Stopped an' asked me for a quarter;
avs: "Mr home is fr uwnv
"Where you from?" The varmint answered:
"Santiago, U. S. A."
Seen a feller at the Southern,
With a heavy iron box; - .
Had a top coat lined with bearskin,
Wore a dozen pair o' socks.
Sized him up to be a miner,
Judgin' by his awk'ard way;
Seen him write in big cha-rex-ters;
"Circle City, U. S. A.
Seen a saddle-colored heathen,
Wearin' earings in his nose;
Linen cuffs around his ankles;
Most indecent lack of clothes.
"Where'd this heathen guy spring frum?"
I inquired in lofty way ; "
An' he had the nerve to answer:
"Frum Manila, fj. S. A.
"Gee!" I says, "I never heard of
These yere cannybuls before!"
Air these heathens to be voters?
Will ye stan' fur any more?
Next you know, you ask a feller
Where he's frum, and he will say,
With a lordly kind o' nourish:
"All Creation, TJ. S. A." .
While we don't malce macb pretension
In our quiet sort o" way,
Still we like that last short sentence
Fits us to a t-y-tay.
So we keep a Mpreadtu' ontward "
Hay "expandln'," If we may
Till some day you'll see uor Pianos
In "All Creation, 17. 8. A."
One of our expanders, Mr. E. Jacob-
sen, will "do the act" in The Dalles all
next week. We Hope every householder
will assist in the performance, as we are
prepared to fill to the letter even his
most extravagent promises, when he of
fer's you the finest pianos in "All Crea
tion, U. S. A., or any other seaport.
Very respectfully,
Jacobsev Boos & Music Co.
The Dalles, Oregon, U. S. A.
Handsome plaids and stripes are the
newest thing in silks for shirt waists, at
Pease & Mavs.
Ten IKI ours.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it Will core itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will cure it; it "digests what you eat'
and restores the digestive organs to
health.-:- -Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. .
Modes of locomotion change with
times. ,
It was not many years ago when The
Dalles was the distributing point for all
Eastern Oregon and a large Bhare of
Idaho, trade having extended as far as
Boise City. Passengers leaving The
Dalles In those days had bnt one choice
the stage coach and they were always
crowded. The arrival and departure of
the thorough-brace with four and six
horses attached was the event of tbedav.
How well do we remember hea-ing of
the dreary all-day and night journeys
in lumbering, creaking vehicles. -
Few remain in our vicinity today, and
from all appearances it- will be but a
short time until they are a thing of the
past. . :
But the old stage driver, he will still
be with us, vigorous as ever, always
ready to rehearse with pathetic earnest
ness the glories of tbe old coaching days,
and iikely will often resent the intrusion
of the railroad.
That the Iron-horse has crowded out
tbe thorough-brace in Sherman county
is not surprising, and should it pursue
its course on to Prineville, Crook county
would not be out of reason, for at
preeent that place is not nearer than
Tbe Dalles to a railroad, and is the
center of a very large stock conntry
Aa interior pieces are settled, more
becomes the need of quick transporta
tioh and it is but a matter "of time until
the shrill whistle will reverberate among
the hills' of the southern ' pait of our
county and we will; with' the old stage
driver, regret the demand of the age
Truly the world grows 'smaller every
day. " '
Whn Traveling .
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys,' liver and
bowels, preventing . fevers, headaches
and other forms of sickness. . For sale in
50 cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.-. '
- Notice Water Rent. ,
Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1.
O. O. F., will charge for use of water in
Mast Women Wear Wigs.
If the pompadour head prevails much
longer women will be bald and wigs a
crying necessity. Already from across
the water comes rumors of wigs worn by
smart Parisians, whereat our men groan
in spirit and beseech their womankind
not to adopt this latest freak of fashion.
Bnt it isn't a freak of fashion : it has
reason for being, and many a woman
will bail witn delight this opportunity
With each returning season the Lozier
Manufacturing Co. show something new
and desirable in Bicycle construction. -
This season finds them with more
good things than ever. One of these
good things is the BTJRWELL BALL,
Examine the illustration notice par
ticularlv that the little steel Roller be
tween the balls transfers the motion
without interruption and the Balls can
not grind together as in ordinary
There is nothing ordinary about Cleve--land
Bicycles ; every piece of material',
and every hour of labor is the beBt .
money can buy.
We cater to a trade that wants tha,
best and knows the best.
...piaier& Beaton
Sole agents for Cley eland Bicycles.
We The Best is Cheapest,
have the. Lisks' is the Best,
exclusive mVD Purchase
agency for ths Tinware be
best f Waviest CVfore seeing:
Tinware made. V
Guaranteed never to rust. i
their cemetery atthe i ate of $2 per lot
for tbe season,
the sexton. '
payable in- advance to
- C; J. Cbandall, '
, T. A. Ward.
W. H. Butts,
Ritep the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc.", that we re selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalies. Oregon.
,Vv. ' .' i " " 1 J "" 111 " - " "
111 -"- '."""""