The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 324
Br. J. L. Wortiiai Tales Clair of
PaleiutoliET at Tale.
supposed "witches," and he took their
lives. .' -
In hia confession be said he com
mitted these murders to sacrifice his life
for the Lord's cause and the love of bis
people. It n thought religion un
balanced his mind.
Dr. Wortman Was Born in Oregon and
Educated at the Schools
of This State.
New York, April 20. Dr. J. D. Wort
man, who has been elected to the chair
at Yale made vacant by the death of
Professor O. C. Marsh, is assistant cura
tor of the vertebral paleontology of the
American museum cf the natural history
in this city. At the time of Professor
Marsh's death he was under contract to
go to Yale as his assistant this fall, with
the ultimate end in view of becoming
his successor.
Dr. Wortman was born in Oregon City,
Or., August 25, 1856. His early life was
spent in the West, and there he was
ducated, being graduated from the
university of Oregon is 1876. It was
while in college under Professor Thomas
Condon, professor of geology, that he
first became interested in the study of
paleontology, and while an undergradu
ate be accompanied the professor on
several scientific expeditions to the Bad
Lands of Wyoming,
Immediately after graduation he'came
East and became associated with Profes
sor . D. Cope, of Pbiledelphia. From
1877 to 1884 he conducted explorations
in the Western fossil beds for Professor
Cope during the summer, and in the
winter studied anatomy under Dr
Joseph Liedy at the Philadelphia
In 1884 Dr. Wortman was appointed
anatomist for the United States medical
museum at Washington. While there
he studied medicine at Columbia medi
cal college, and in 1887 took the degree
of M. D. The same vear he become
demonstrator of anatomy in the George
town medical college. The appointment
of assistant curator of vertebral paleon
tology of the American museum of the
natural history was tendered him in
1891, and he since that time has been in
New York.
During the time of bis association with
the museum, Dr. Wortman has con
ducted all the held work. The collection
of fossils, which is the finest in the world,
is practically all his work. He also has
written a large number of articles and
books along bis chosen line, both in col
laboration with other scientists and
Dr. Wortman has also contributed a
number of articles to scientific journals,
Simon Hotema Confesses Having Mar
dered Three People.
St. Louis, April 20. A special to the
Republic from Antlers, I. T., says Simon
Hotema, the full-blood Choctaw Indian
who was arrested on the charge of mur
dering a man and two women last Frl
day near Cold Springs, has written a
confession of his gnilt, in which he at
tributes his actions to the teachings of
bis peculiar creed.
In bis confession he states that he
killed the three persona and did bo be
cause of their "evil practice of magic
among the Indian people." Prevalent
sickness ' had been ascribed to these
MYAn m
J i I l t 1 A
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Instantly Relieved and Permanently
Cured by Stuart's Dyspepsia
A New Discovery, Bat Not
a Patent
Regulars Otis Has. Together With Those
It Is Proposed to Send Him, Ample
for All Purposes.
Homeward Movement of the Volunteers
Therefore Will Begin Earlv Next
Month, as Stated in the Dispatches
Received Yesterday From Otis.
Dr. Red well relates an interesting ac
count of what he considers a remarkable
cure of acute stomach trouble and
chronic dyspepsia by the use of the new'
discovery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
He says: "The patient was' a man
who baa suffered to my knowledge, for
years with dyspepsia. Everything he
ate seemed to sour and create gases in
the stomach ; be had pains like rheuma
tism in the back, shoulder blades and
limbs, fullness and distress after eating.
poor appetite and loss of flesh ; the heart
became affected, caueing palpitation and
sleeplessness at night.
I gave him powerful nerve tonics
and blood remedies, but to no purpose.
A3 an experiment I finally bought a
fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at a drug store and gave them to.
him. Almost immediately relief was
given and after he had used four boxes
he was to all appearance, fully cured-
"There was no more acidity or sour
watery risings, no bloating after 'meals,
the appetite. was vigorous and he has
gained between 10 and 12 pounds in
weight of solid, healthy flesh.
Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
are advertised and sold in drug stores,
yet I consider tbem a most valuable ad
dition to any physician's line of rem
edies, as they are perfectly harmless
and can be given to children or invalids
or in any condition of the stomach with
perfect safety, being harmless and con
taining nothing but fruit and vegetable
essences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal.
Without any. queetion they are the
safest, most effective care for indiges
tion, biliousness, constipation and all
derangements of the stomach, however
slight or severe."
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made
by the F. A. Stuart Co., of Marshall,
Mich., and are sold by druggists every
where at fifty cents per package-
Little book on stomach diseases mailed
free, address, F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall,
Captain of the Falke Arrested. .
St. Paul, April 20. A Winnipeg,
Manitoba, special to the Dispatch says:
A special dispatch to the Free Press from
Victoria, B. C, says the steamer
Aorangi, from Australia, brings news of
the arrest of the captain of the German
warship Falke, at Apia, for supplying
arms to Mataafa. The arrest was made
by the British commander.
The Beat la the World.
We believe ' Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the beat in the world. A few
weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold
and a troublesome cough, and having
read their advertisements in our own
and other papers we . purchaeed a
bottle to see if it would effect ns. It
cured us before the bottle was more than
half used. It is the best medicine out
for colds and coughs. The Herald,
Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton Druggists.
"We always do just as we advertise to do."
Last Saturday was Boys' Day at this store, and parents as well as the boys profited
by coming here. The number of extra suits we Bold was good evidence of the appreciation our free
waist offer met with. Next Saturday we have concluded to give the men a chance, and to
make this day the record-breaker of the season in our Men's Clothing Department, we offer
Washington, April 20. Secretary
Alger has received a reply from General
Otis to his inquiry as to whether the
reinforcements proposed to be sent to
him to relieve the volunteers . would be
enfficient for the- purposes of the cam
paign. Otis replied in the affimative,
the estimate of 30,000 mh to constitute
the army agreeing with his own calcu
The program for the movement of the
regulars out to Manila and of the vol
unteers homeward, there'ore, will be
carried out according to General Otis'
statement contained in his dispatch of
General Otis adds to his message the
hopeful remark that be expects very
shortly to be able to report decided
improvement in the situation in the
Tbd volunteers in the Philippines will
return home in the order in which they
sailed for Manila. The date upon which
each-troop sailed follows:
May 25," First Caliiornm, Second Ore
gon and detachment California artillery ;
June 25, batteries A and B, Utah ar
tillery. Tenth Pennsylvania, First Colo
rado and First Nebraska; June 29, First
North Dakota, Thirtieth Minnesota,
First Idaho and First Wyoming; July
19, First Montana; July 23, First South
Dakota ; October 19, First Washington;
October 27, Twentieth Kansas ; October
30, First Tennessee; November 3, Fifty
first Iowa; November 6, troop Nevada
cavalry; November 9, First Wyoming
battery. -
Remarkable Care far Rheumatism.
. : Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va.
About three years agj my wife bad an
attack of rheumatism which confined
her to her bed for over, a month and
rendered ber unable to walk a step with
out Assistance, her limbs being swollen
to double their normal size. Mr. S.
Maddock insisted on my using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty
cent bottle and used it according to the
directions and the next morning she
walked to breakfast . without assistance
in any manner, and she has not had a
similar attack since. A. B. Parson."' For
eale by Biakeley & Houghton Druggists.
With every Gentleman's Suit of Clothes, of value from $12.50 to $20.00, sold between the hours of 9 a. m. and 8 p. m. Thi
will allow every one plenty of time to thoroughly look over two of the largest stocks of their kind in the city, and if they
come early enough, to go home and tell their friends of this our-THIS SEASON'S
With any $.12 50 or $13.75 Suit of Clothes FREE .choice of our $2.50 Hats
With any 15.00 or 16.50 Suit of Clothes FREE ,. . .choice of our 3 00 Hata
With any 17.50 or 18 00 Suit of Clothes FREE .choice of our 3.50 Hats
With any 20.00 Suit of Clothes FREE choice of our 5.00 Hata
NOTE This special eale is on strictly from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. only. We make no except
. tions; bold back not a cingle suit from this offer. Our entire stock of Spring Suits thrown,
open for selection. We do not confine you to a few selected back numbers in this Free Hat
Sale, but ask you to take your own choice of our entire stock, including all 1899 spring produc-.
tionF. The bats quoted above represent the following well-known and justly celebrated brands:
At $2 50 the "Big Bear Brand." At $3 60 the guaranteed "Lion Brand" of G. 8. H. Co.
At $3.00 the "Triest Lion Brand." At $5.00 world-renowned "John B. Stetson" Brand. '
Campaign Against the Filipinos.
New York, April 20. A epecial to the
Herald from Washington says : Not
withstanding the presence of the hot
season and the imminence of the' rainy
season in the Philippines, there is to be
no cession of active hostilities against
the Filipinos,
This fact developed at a conference be
tween the president, Secretary Alger,
Secretary Long and Adjutant-General
Corbin. It was also decided not to issue a
call for the 35,000 volunteers authorized
by the army reorganization law. .
It is the purpose of the administration
to send to the Philippines almost as
many regulars as there are volunteers to
be returned. There are fifteen volunteer
regiments which, according to General
Otis, will return home commencing
May 5. .
- Six regular regiments are now on their
way to Manila. With their departure
only three infantry commands will re
main in the country available for service
in. the East. It is understood that if
conditions continue satisfactory in Cuba,
a couple of regiments of infantry will be
drawn from that island and the Eleventh
from Porto Rico. .
Tnere is talk also of dispatching cav
alry to General Otis.
His Life Wan Bared,
Mr. J.- E. Lilly, a prominent- citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death.
In telling of it be says: "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even sit up in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption,' when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This marvellous medicine- is
the eurest and quickest cure in tbe world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 cents and $1.00. : Trial bottle
tree at. Biakeley & Houghton's druz
etore; every bottle guaranteed. 2
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
regnlate tbe bowels. ' Try tbem and you
will always use them. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -
Ghtfoniele Publishing Co
We Have...-
Heat XXXopt.
Quick U2otk.
Reasonable Ptfiees.
The Dalles, Oregon,