C-3 3 Dress This is the one subject that we have given less attention to than any other, owing to the fact that the demand has been for Wash Fabrics, but our line of spring and summer wool goods in Covert Suiting, Figured Novelties, Bayadere Stripe, Matelasse, Changeable Effects, Bourettes, Serges, Diagonals, Ladies' Cloths, Are now attracting considerable attention and we are anxious that all who contemplate buying should know that we are prepared to show all these late things with the most carefully selected, line of trimmings ever shown in the city. This line is now thoroughly complete in every particular and is extremely interesting to the mothers, as these garments are dainty and just what you have been asking for. Infants' Eiderdown and Cashmere Sacques in all colors and prices. Infants' Long Slips in white Infants' Long Flannel Skirts, handsomely em broidered and hemstitched. Childrens' Dresses from 6 months to 14 years; all colors and st3'les. Just received a shipment of ' Black Cat" brand Hose 20c, 25c, and 35c per pair. PBASB & MAYS. v- All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - - APRIL 20, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Read A. M. Williams & Co.'s al. New drees goods just arrived at Pease & Maya. unuaren b lancy reeier jackets in Pique and Welts, all colore and daintilv trimmed, at Peaee & Mays. Club ties, stock ties, bow ties, separate stocks, Tecks, four-in-hand and chiffon ties, and chiffon . ruffs last arrived at Pease & Mays. , Yesterday morning when A. Bruner, a sheep herder, was splitting wood, the ax slipped and cot his left foot very, severely. Dr. Hollieter was called and was compelled to take eeven or eight stitches in the wound. bam L. Simpson, the Oregon poet, whose "Beautiful Willamette" made hina famous, ha9 decided to qnit the Webfoot s'ate. He will ho to San Fran Goods.. -CaSf Whip Cords, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Plaids, Stripes, Pin Head Checks, Broadcloths, Sacking. The... Young Hopeful's Department. cisco and engage in literary work, for wmcn occnpation he is by natural en dowment well qualified. j) . v;. Keeu, the new state nan com missioner, will arrive from Portland this evening and remain over tomorrow. .His headquarters will be at the Umatilla. Any fishermen who desire licenses enouia eee mm tomorrow and procure them. . The Salem bowling team which will play against the - club, team Saturday night, is composed of Messrs. McGrew, D' Arcy, Hatch, Barker, Griffith and Minto. It is probable The Dalles team will consist of Messrs. Bradshaw, Nolan, Houghton, Baldwin, Schmidt and either DeHuff or Hertz, the latter name being decided by the result of their try-out There are to be a number of change in the location of busmesB firm's soon. We understand P. G. Daut, the optician, will remove his store to a portion of the building which is to be oc cupied by the First National bank, while C. F. Cathcart will occupy his preeeut stand, putting in a cigar store. Other changes are .contemplated, but not de ter mined upon. , . Last night at the Masonic hall the Royal Arch degree was conferred upon three candidates. The remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent, at the close of which a banquet was served A delegation, consisting of E. L, Smitb A. S. -Blowers, G. R. Castner, G. E. Williams, W. A.' Slingerland and E. E Savage came np from Hood River and were present at the meeting. The nurse, Mrs. Ida Crawford, who is 'n attendance on George McKennon, the man who was badly . injured in runaway Monday evening, informs ns that he shows litt'e eigne of improve ment, being in an unconscious state most of the time. The left side of his head was badly cut and the skull press ing against the brain causes him untold suffering. An-, operation . will be performed tomorrow "morning. "Hello, Endershy," was heard to -vibrate over the Oregon Telephone wires yesterday afternoon, the line being con nected with that poptoffice yesterday. No doubt the people of that section will be delighted to be in direct communi cation with the outside world. It will be particularly advantageous to them should 'phones be placed at various farms throughout that section.. Mr. and Mrs. W. "H. Biggs returned on last evening's train, after having spent six months visiting relatives in Missouri and California.' Their first visit was in Canton, Mo., after which they went to Kansas City for a short trip. They report the winter a bard one. Coming to Southern California they spent some time in Los Angeles and other cities. On their way home they remained in San Francisco about two weeks. Altogether they have had a delightful trip. - Mr. Biggs says Los Angeles county is still suffering sadly for want of rain, only about four inches hav ing fallen this season. Much of the fruit crop will be loBt. Mr. and Mrs. Biggs will remain here for a short time at least, and we trust will decide to make The Dalles their home. Citizens no doubt would be much concerned were they aware that a scorpion was killed Monday afternoon on the sidewalk surrounding H. Nielsen's etore; and the ladies would take to wearing rainy-day skirts for tear of them stealing a ride on their trains. They are not frequent travelers through the streets of our citv. however, and this one proved to be a foreigner, as it jumped from a pack of umbrellas which the umbrella mender laid down on the sidewalk. It is supposed the ecorpion crawled into an umbrella while the old fellow was on his way from Hood River here, he having walked from that place. It is a very large one, being about two and a half inches from tip to tip, and is now preserved in alcohol in Mr. Nielsen's store. : - Senator McBride has been urging up on the officials in Washington that work be taken up and pushed to secure, the right of way for the proposed boat ra'lway at The Dalles. lie con sulted the chief of engineers as to just what had been done in this direction, and was told that for the right of way and for the terminal facilities of the boat railway, 323.83 acres of land were equired. Of this amoant. up to June 30 last, title to, or right of way over 188.09 acres had been obtained. .In view of this fact, be has nrged that the' matter be pushed to a speedy conclusion, that the right of way may be completed, and some of the money now on hand be ex pended in getting the project under way n time to secure a further appropriation from the next congress. -Until the right of way is obtained, none of the fund on hand can be expended, and congress will make no further appropriation. The fact that the right of way was not fully obtained prevented any appropriation for this project in the last congress. jMgniwatcnman rnirman was this morning about 1 o'clock called upon to straighten out aman (?) whom, he should of at once thrown into the Co lumbia, and prpbably. would have done so, had not hfa reepect for our grand river caneedyfiim to hesitate to so Bully its waters The aforesaid individual lives somewhere in the vicinity of the garrison, and unfortunately has a wife who is now helpless, and four children, who for years have been scarcely able to eke out an existence, and have been wandering from pillar to post, the thing who calls himself their protector spending every cent for that which pnts the finishing touches on the job which nature pretty . aoiy accomplished in creating a fool. At 1 o'clock this morn log be came home reeling, and kicking open the door gained admission and made things lively for his family for a short time, when Phirman was sent for, and the culprit landed in the city jail Such brutes Bhould be settled once for all, and tie amazing thing, is that women have no more stamina than to put up with their brutality. When TrarellDK Whether on pleasure bent or -business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it-acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on 'the kidneys, liver and bowels preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute Congo. Cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the undertaker's. . Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.,. ;v " '. ' - ... : .Handsome plaids and stripes are the newest thing in silks for shirt waists, at Pease & Mays. - MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. A Deaf Mate Thrown Off the Track, Dot Mot Seriously Injured. " Another instance of the folly of a deaf mute 'attempting to walk a railroad track was given yesterday afternoon. As No. 4, east-bound passenger, rounded a curve about ten miles below town, the engineer noticed a man on the track, and whistling supposed he would - step atide at once. He was astounded, how ever, to see he made no move, and it was impossible when the discovery' was made to stop the train, which was going at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour, and the engine struck the man, throwing him about eight feet up onto a bank. ' The train men, supposing of course he was dead, stopped as soon as possible and goini back found he did not appear to be badly hurt, but what his injuries really were they could not fully deter mine as he was uuable to hear them or speak to . them. They assisted him to the train, and brought him to The Dalles telegraphing ahead for a physician to be at the Umatilla House. ' Upon reaching that place, tie walked out of the car and could not be found when the doctor arrived. Nightwatchman ' Phirman, however, ran across him shortly after and took him to the city, jail, as he seemed to have no friends and no one to look after him. Dr. Logan was called this morning and fonnd that his ankle was badly eprained and also a torn wound on his left elbow. Further than this he was not injured. He informed a reporter that his name is Will Gillett, and that be lives at 61, North First street, Portland. He had come up from Portland Monday, to work for a fisherman below the Locks; but not finding him, and being told that he had gone up the river he started in search of him. Had about made up bis mind to turn back, when the train over took him. . He says be did not even see the train, and blames no one for' the ac cident but himself. Claims he has a good home and that his people will probably Bend money for him to return. The poor fellow may thank his lucky stars he escaped as easily as he did, as it was positively miraculous that he was not instantly killedT . It is feared the re bults may yet be more serious than present appearances would indicate. THE BOYS TO RETURN. Says the Latent Report Oregon's Fourth of July Celebration. A dispatch published in '" another column to the effect that the soldier boys will return home in June or July, will gladden the hearts of thousands of Oregon people, who, with the assurance that their duty has been well done, now are anxious tor their return. Portland is - already planning a Fourth of July parade, which would cause enthusiasm that would know no bounds, and fairly cause the snow-capped peaks of Oregon to bellow iortn a . welcome such as our braye boys justly deserve. What a parade that would be. But would not each citv and village who contributed these heroes come in for their ehare, and demand that their' liberty car be filled with these gods of liberty, as -they might well be termed? When the return of the volunteers was first talked of, the government an nounced that - the various regiments would be brought home in the same order ia which they went out. . This would make the Second Oregon and the First California the first to come. Thirty days is required to ' make the passage from Manila to San Francisco. If the first transport sails May 5tb, therefore it should arrive early in June. That at least part of the Second. Oregon will be on this vessel there is no cause to doubt, The boys will probably be in Portland by June 15th. - Willamette Valley Cnatanqua. This association, the yearly meetings of which onr people look forward to has engaged some stars of great magn tnde for the next meeting of the as sembly, which will be held at Gladstone Park from July 18th to 29th inclusive. Among them are Sam Jones, J. DeWitti Miller, Frank Beard and Camden Co- 1 bern, all platform entertainers of nation-! al reputation. This is the strongest array of talent ever engaged for this assembly, and it was .only through the combined efforts of the assemblies at Ashland and in California that made it possible to secure these celebrities. . Ar rangemeuts are perfected to make the coming assembly at Gladstone Park a greater event than any kindred organi zation in the United States, except the parent Chautauqua in New York. The, management are planning new features for the assembly, and expect a daily, attendance of 5,000 people from all parts of the Northwest. ; Recreation, art, song, oratory,- games, instruction, life and happiness at Glad stone Park for twelve full days. To thoroughly', en joy 'the- assembly one should camp during the whole season. Every season brings an increasing num- ber of campers. Reduced rates will be given on all lines of transportation, and the living expenses are nominal. Season tickets' $1.53. Day tickets 25 cents. Children under ten free. PKBSONlL MKNMON, W. S. Neece is in the city from Moro. C. M. Brown is a Grass Valley visitor in town today. Joseph Moll and John Allen are in from Ridgeway today. John Cnappelle and James Sare field came over from Goldendale yesterdav. aud spent today in the city.- J. B. Venable and A. R. Mitchell of Rufus, are in. the city today, and will leave for home on the evening train. Dr. Siddall boarded the afternoon train for Portland. When he returns we trust he will remember us all with a good sized nugget of the Atlin gold. Mrs. Lee Weiicel came in from Prine- ville yesterday and left this morninn on the boat to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wilkins, at Corvallis. Her cousin, Mrs. Woodbury, came up from Portland yesterdav and accomtanied her down the river. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious ness, eick-headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and con gested. DeWitt's Little Early Rieers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently, by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They aee good fills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Boy Wanted. A good steady boy, of 16 years or over, can find employment at The Chronicle office. He must enter with the deter mination to master the trade and not imagine he is ready to graduate after a few days work. Good Wood.' To get the beet dry fir and pine wood that the market affoids ring up 40. Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber ing Co. Jan27-2m New plain and changeable Taffetta silk just received at Pease & Mays. THE DKLLES STEAM LAUsMDERY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our Hobson's choice, but the Cevera high as some people C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. hays mm hae Lisks' is the Best, exclusive .Pon9t Purchase agency for t? be best pf heaviest -Sore seeing Tinware made. A. "Os. Guaranteed-never to rust. 0". r Aftetf the holidays.. We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc.," that we are eelling at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. - - . " - - '; ; ' . .v ..It-.' (.,' ,K : i . v.-.'L-1 ,- i ' - .'.. - '. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 17o Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon. 1041 wanes X Ten Hours. With each returning season the Lozier Manufacturing Co. show something; new and desirable in Bicycle construction. This season finds them with more good things than ever.- One of these good t nines is the BURWELL BALL and ROLLER BEARING. Examine the illustration notice par ticularly that the little steel Roller be tween the balls transfers the motion without interruption and the Balls can not grind together as in ordinary bearings. There is nothing ordinary about Cleve land Bicyc!es; every piece of material and every hour of labor is the best money can buy. We cater to a trade that wants the best and knows the best. 1 Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycles. prices are not standard rates, which are not- think, and we want to and Court Street, THE DALLES, OR, pie mm