The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1899, Image 1

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    mmkiM m&B Cte
NO 323
Boat aiii Crew From tbs Turtlon Dis
ajgear ana Their Fate Mmn
Unfortunates Presumably Held Prison
ers Men Said to Haye Been Cap
tured After Being Ambushed and
Cut Off From the Main Command.
Manila, April 19. 4:35 p. m. Ad-j
miral Dewey has been notified of the
disappearance of J. C. Gil more and 14
members of the crew of the "gunboat
Last Saturday the Yorktown anchored
off Baker, east coast of Luzon, 200 miles
from here, where there was . a Spanish
garrison of about 50 men, which bad
been defending: itself against several
hundred Filipinos for months pact.
Lieutenant Gil more, Ensign Stanley and
a boat's crew were sent up the river
from Baler bay to communicate with
the Spaniards. Ensign Stanley, who
landed at the mouth of the river, reports
that he heard three volleys, a bugle call
and cheers np the river, but the auto
matic gun which was part of the equip
ment of the boat was not heard.
Stanley then paddled to the Yorktown
in a canoe.
Search was made for the Yorktown's
crew, but no trace of them was found,
and the Yorktown sailed tor Iloilo, and
her commander' cabled to Admiral
Dewey. His theory is that the Filipinos
had captured or sunk the boat or that
the Spaniards had rescued the Ameri
can party.
fined proposition to build a railroad to
Goldendale. The conditions are not
made public. Hon. Joeeph Nesbitt, act
ing chairman of the committee, says the
conditions are better than expected, and
he has no doubt that Goldendale will
have a railroad in the near future. The
railway survey now in progress has not
been completed, and the company is
powerless to act in the. matter of acquir
ing the right of way, which is not one of
the conditions of the proposition.
Engineer Hammond went from here to
the Bonjoura survey party on the Big
Klickitat river, -while Mr. Lytle returned
to the Columbia Southern headquarters
at Moro, Or.
London, April 19. The Filipino junta
claims to have received a cablegram
from General Luna, commander of the
rebel forces in the Manila district, direct
from Manila, on Friday declaring that
General Law ton, "whose object was to
proceed to Baler and effect a junction
with the United States gunboat York
town," was inveigled by the tactics of
the Filipinos into "perilously extending
his line, with the result that one of his
columns, consisting of 140 officers and
men, on reaching a place called Binc-
gonam, was ambushed by a large foice
of Filipinos, that communication with
the main force was severed and that
the entire column was captured."
The Filipino advices further assert
that General Lawton, who was at La-
guna de Bay, on hearing the news, "re
tired to Manila, stating that he bad been
recalled by Otis on the ground that a
native rising in Manila was imminent."
The foregoing is said by the members
of the Filipino junta to be a separate
affair from the disappearance of a boat's
crew of the Yorktown in the vicinity of
President Ly tie's Terms Made Known
to the Committee.
Goldendale, Wash., April 18.-Tbe
Goldendale railroad committee held a
conference Saturday in Goldendale,
Before that body of Klickitat's best
citizens appeared President Lytle, of
the Columbia Southern, and his chief
engineer, A. E. Hammond. The former
submitted to the committee a well-de
Absqiajtedt 'Pure
Makes the, food more delicious and wholesome
Four Washington Goldseekers Reported
So Says tie Latest Cablegram From
"We always do just as we advertise to do."
Pore Proo
Last Saturday was Boys' Day. at this store, and parents as well as the boys profited
by coming here. The number of extra Bnits we sold was good evidence of the appreciation our free
waist offer met with. Next Saturday we have concluded to give the men a chance, and to
make this day the record-breaker of the season in our Men's Clothing Department, we offer
Will Render Willing Service Until
Transports are Available Don't
Want More Volunteers.
Victoria,-B. C, April 18 Men just
arrived from Klondike say that the
Yukon is already breaking np, and is
flooded from Marsh lake up. One party
of four, headed by Stuart, of Snohomish,
went through the ice near White Horse
rapide, April 2, and were drowned, with
their dogs. While the Litkie party, now
here, was crossing Summit lake last Sat
urday, John Deland went through the
ice and was only rescued with difficulty.
Grave anxiety is expressed for those now
on the trail.
A tangle in titles is reported from At-
lin, where many Americana located
claims last year, only to be ousted by the
passage of the anti-alien law of this
spring. During the winter claim-jump-
ing by the wholesale has been progress
ing, and there are now three or four dis
putants for every claim on Spruce and
Pine creeks. Some of the Americans
are taking British partners to hold their
Last Ballot of the Present Session at
Harrisburg Results in no Election.
Habbisbubg, April 19. The last bal
lot to be taken for United States senator
at the present seseion of the' legislature
was taken today, and resulted as follows
Quay 93 ; Jenks 85 ; Jones 69 ; Not voting
6. Necessary, 124.
The legislature adjourned until noon
The Nyce resolution, calling upon the
attorney-general to prosecute all those,
including Quay, who have been charged
with receiving interest on state money,
almost precipitated a riot in the senate
today. The resolution was finally laid
on the table, by a vote of 33 to 6.
No Bight to UEllneai.
. The woman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friende,
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health. If she is weak, Bickly
and all run down, she will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, .skin -eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate the stomach, liver and kid
neys and to purify the blood. It gives
strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
yelvety skin, rich : complexion. It will
make a good looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2
Washington, April 19. The following
cablegram has just been received from
General Otis :
'Lawton returned from the Lake
country on the 17th inst., bringing the
captured vessels. The insurgents are
very much scattered and retreat before
our forces and await an opportunity to
attack the detachments. The better
class of the people are tired of the war
and desire peace. The enemy built their
hopes on the return of our volunteers to
the United States. Its army is much
demoralized and the loss by desertion is
lare. They will probably prosecute a
guerilla warfare, looting and burnicg
the country which it occupies. The
health and spirits of our troops are good.
The volunteers return will commence
about May 5th. They will render will
ing service until return transports are
available. The embarkation will con
tinue through June and July. Reports
from the Visayan islands continue very
The inter-island commerce is heavy
and the customs receipts are increasing."
Don't Want Volunteers.
Washington, Apr. 19 A conference at
the White House between the-president,
Alger, Long and Corbin resulted in a
confirmation of the original decision of
the administration to at present refrain
from availing itself of the authorization
of congress to organize a volunteer army
of 35,000 in addition to the present
regular army.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr: J.'E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death
In telling of it he says: "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't even sit np in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to eocjn die of consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. ' I can't say too much in its
praise." . This marvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world,
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
tree at Blakeley & Houghton's drnz
etore; every bottle guaranteed. 2
With every Gentleman's Suit of Clothes, of valne from $12.50 to $20.00, sold between the hours of 9 a. m. and 8 p. m. This
will allow every one plenty of time to thoroughly look over two of the largest stocks of their kind in the citv. and if they
come early enough, to go home and tell their friends of this our THIS SEASON'S
With any $12 50 or $13.75 Suit of Clothes FREE choice of our $2.50 Hats
With anv 15.00 or 16.50 Suit of CIothesFR EE choice of our 3 00 Hats
With any 17.50 or 18 00 Suit of Clothes FREE. . . choice of our 3.50 Hats
With any 20.00 Suit of Clothes FREE choice of our 5.00 Hats
NOTE This special sale is on strictly from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. only.. We make no excep
tions; hold back not a single suit from this offer. Our entire stock of Spring Suits thrown
open for selection. We do not confine you to a few selected back numbers in this Free Hat
Sale, but ask you to take your own choice of our entire stock, including all 1899 spring produc
tions, ine nats quoted a Dove represent trie following well-known and justly celebrated brands
At $2 50 the "Big Bear Brand." At $3 50 the guaranteed "Lion Brand" of G. S. H. Co.
At $3.00 the "Triest Lion Brand." At $5.00 world-renowned "John B. Stetson" Brand.
You need have no boils if yon will
take Clarke. & Falk'e sure cure for boils.
Sine Wave System.
Washingtox, April 18. Experts in
the signal service branch of the war de
partment were experimenting today
with a wonderful new telegraph system.
They sent 120,000 words an hour, more
than double the feat of Pollock of Vienna,
whose achievement was cabled to Amer
ica yesterday. The system is known as
the sine wave system. Perforated paper
tape is fed into the transmitting machine,
and a similar tape comes out of the
receiving machine. Both are run at the
sa me speed by electrical motors.
Remarkable Care for Rheumatism.
Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va.
About three years ago my wife bad an
attack of rheumatism which confined
her to her bed for over a month and
rendered her unable to walk a step with
out assistance, her limbs being swollen
to double their normal size. Mr. S.
Maddock insisted on my using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. I purcbaeed a fifty-
cent bottle and used it according to the
directions and the next morning she
walked to breakfast without assistance
in any manner, and she has not had a
similar attack since. A. B. Parson. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists,
Snake River Fruit.
Colfax, Wash., April 18. Reports
from orchards along Snake river are that
all the peaches are killed. Orchardmen
report that but few of the trees have
bloomed, and even in such cases the
blossom does not indicate a peach.
Many of the trees have been killed
entirely to the gronnd, ruining many of
the best orchards in the county. Apri
cot will be a very poor crop. Among
the early fruits, cherries alone will yield
The Best la the World..
We believe Chamberlain's Congb
Remedy is the beat in the world. A few
weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold
and a troubleeome cough, and having
read their advertisements in our own
and' other papers ' we purchaeed a
bottle to see if it would effect us. It
cured ua before the bottle was more than
half used. It is the best medicine, out
for colds and - coughs. -The Herald,
Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton. Druggists.
. Hartford bicycles, '99 modele, $35 at
Mays & Crowe's.
Chronicle Publishing Co.
fie at IXlovlt.
Qaiek CClok.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon.