VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 14, 1899 N ) 313 TYPICAL TAG4L TACTICS USED Betels Made an 'Attack Under Coyer of Darkness.- TWO AMERICANS WERE KILLED At Daylight the District Was Thorough ly Scoured and the Rebels Driven Northward, Leaving Several Dead on the Field. Manila, April 13. 4:05 p. m. At about 4 o'clock this morning a small body of rebels attacked a camp of the Third artillery from the swamp near Paomboau, .a mile and a half weat of Maloloe. Two privates were killed and a lieutenant and two others wounded, At daylight the American forces scoured the district, driving the rebels north ward and killing several of them. A private soldier of the Montana regiment was wounded. A Suspicious Incident Manila, April 13 9:40 a. m. Fran cisco Reyes, a man who recently pur chased Spanish gunboats at Zamboanga, Island of Mindanao, has received ad vices to the effect that the rleet sailed for Manila, and returned a few days later with the vessels stripped of their guns and ammunition. The purchasers' agents and native crews of the vessels on board the Ameri can steamer itutuan were conveyed to Zamboanga by the United States cruiser Boston, and instructed to await the arrival there of the United States gun boat Petrel. Instead of doing so, after the Boston sailed for Zamboanga, the Spaniards transferred their gunboats to the agents of S-nor Reyes, and the fleet left Zamboanga unescorted. It soon re turned and reported having been boarded bv rebels, who removed the gunboat's armaments. If the instruc tions of the American naval commander had been obeyed their capture would have been impossible. Zamboanga is fortified and still garri soned by Spaniards, and the affair is re garded as suspicious. A Long Drawn-Out War. New Yobk, April 13. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says : It is becoming evident to officials of the administration that the insurrection in . the Philippines is likely to drag along for a considerable time. Dispatches re ceived from General Otis show that the natives retreat when attacked by Amer ican troops in force, and the continuance of these tactics show that Aguinaldo has determined not to give the Americans an opportunity of crushing bis army at one blow, as is so greatly desired by the administration. It was stated at the war department that General Otis has not called for ad ditional troops, and insists that his present force, reinforced by the six ad ditional regiments under orders to pro ceed to Manila, will be ample. No action has yet been taken. by the war department looking to the muster ingoutof the volunteers, and nothing will be done until ' after the arrival .of the regulars. General Otis will then be authorized to re-enlist such of ' the vol unteers for six months as may desire to ' serve for that length of time. State Fair Dates. Salem, Or., April 12. The time of opening the state fair has been changed from October 6 to September 14, on recommendation of President Wehrung, by a mail vote of the members of the VA-n 'PUKE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YOBK. state board of agriculture. Mr. Web rung in recommending the change, said that he had received a large number of letters from farmers and others siying that if the change was made it would be more convenient for them to attend, as harvesting and hoppicking would be practically completed by the middle of .September, and fall plowing would not begin until a little later. The fact that the Portland exposition will open the latter part of September also had something to do' with the change. The fair will close September 21. THEY RIDICULE IT. Many People Ridicule the idea of an Absolute Cure for Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles. Ridicule, However, la Not Argument, a ad facts are Stubborn Things, . Stomach troubles are so common and in most cases, so obstinate to cure that people are apt to look with suspicion on any remedy claiming to be a radical, permanent cure for dyspepsia and in digestion. Many such pride themeelves on their acuteness in never being hum bugged, especially in medicinee. This fear of being humbugged can be carried too far, so far, in fact, that many people suffer for years with weak diges tion rather than risk a little time and money in faithfully testing the claims made of a preparation eo reliable and universally nsed as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are vastly different in one important respect from ordinary proprietary meaicines for the reason that they are not a secret patent med cine, no secret is made of their ingredients, but analysis shows them to contain the natural digestive ferments, pure aseptic pepsin, the diges tive acids,' Golden Seal, bismuth, by- drastisand nux. They are not cathartic. neither do they set powerfully on the organ, but they cure indigestion on the common sense plan of digesting the food eaten thoroughly before it has time to ferment, sour and cause the mischief,. This is the only secret of their success. Cathartic pills never have and never can cure indigestion ' and stomach troubles because they act entirely on the bowels, whereas the whole trouble is really in the stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after meals digest the food. That is all there is to it. Food not digested or half diges ted is poison as it creates gas, acidity, headaches, palpitation of the heart, loss of flesh and appetite and many other troubles which are often called by some other name. They are sold by druegists everywhere at. 50 cents per package. Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for little book on stomach diseases, sent free. : ' ; A Doctor Killed. -' Colfax, April 12. Dr.B. R. Mitchell, a prominent physician of Colfax, was accidentiy killed last night, his buggy being overturned and the doctor's - neck broken. Dr. Mitchell came here in 1886 irom bcotaaie, ra. .Trior to this tor a number of years he was employed by the Carnegie Company in their iron and coal mines. He was fifty years old. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of-Groton, S. D. : "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set. it and finally termi nated In consumption: Four' doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's 'New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthv woman." Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drng store. Reg ular tize 50c and ' $1. Guaranteed or price refunded.- 1 Three Washington Weddings. Washington, April 12.- Three nota able weddings were solemnized in this city today. Miss Jane Brown Fuller, fifth daughter of Chief Justice Fuller, was married to Nathaniel Leavitt Francis, of Boston. The bridegroom is the only son of a wealthy and prominent Boston family, and graduated from Har vard in 1892. The wedding occurred at St. John's Epiec pal church. - Miss Mary Jones, daughter of Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas, was mar ried to Frank W. Piatt, of St. Paul, at the Mount ' Vernon Place Methodist church. Miss Constance Ingalls, daughter of ex- Senator John J. Ingalls, was married to Robert Schick, of Reading, Pa., at the Church of the Aecension. Mr. Schick is a lawyer, and a graduate of Princeton and Harvard. ' THE NEW FISH COMMISSIONER F. C. Reed, of Astoria, Succeeds the Late H. D. M'Guire. DEVELOPMENTS CAUSE CONCERN Serionsness. ot the Crisis Recognized at - - : Berlin. - GERMANS NOT TO BLAME Salem, Or., April 12. F. C. Reed, o' Astoria, was this afternoon appointed fish commissioner by Governor Geer, to fill the vacancy caused by the drowning of Hollister D. McGuire, of Portland. He will receive a salary of $2500 a year and traveling and other expenses. He will be required to furnish a bond for $25,000. Commissioner Reed is a staunch Re publican. Hh was a member of the state senate in 1882 and 1885, as joint member from C a.tsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties. He is not new to the work of protecting the fishing indus try, as he was a member of the old fish commission, which was abolished in 1893. - A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise; Bocklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it.- Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. '5 : 4 Want the Troops Returned. . M'MinkivlleV Or.,-April 12. A call will appear in the local papers tomorrow, for m mass meeting, at the opera house next Saturday afternoon, to give expres sion concerning the detention of the vol unteers in the Philippines who enlisted for the Spanish-American war and kin dred matters. Fourteen men, who have sons in these volunteers, have signed the call. They say they da not wantUc due pressure brought to re-list their sons, nor the officers seeking to hold their positions to speak for the men in the ranks. ; . For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, . skin disease, and especially Piles, . De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. " Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Opinion Based on a Dispatch from Rose Consul's Report Interpreted as Exonerating the German Resi dents from Blame- New York, AprtI 13. A dispatch to the Herald from Berlin-says: Up to a late hour the lights burned in the foreign office, where much agitation reigned dur ing the afternoon, owing to the latest news from Samoa. The ambushing of the American and English detachment by Mataafa'e war riors is taken here in the most serious light. The dispatch which reached the minister of state from Consul Rose is taken as exonerating the Germans from any band in the matter, as was at first feared might possibly be the case. This removed the obstacles to Germany's at once, naming her commissioner, who, it is said, will be the first secretary ot the Germany embassy at Washington. A personage in a position to speak au thoritatively says the reports in German papers that the German government put in a claim for damages are untrue. All such questions as that are entirely mat ters for the consideration ot the com missioners. All this Samoa trouble is a small but wretched business, for which it seems a terrible pity that 400,000 marks worth of German property has been damaged and lives of American' and English seamen have been needlessly sacrificed. The foreign office has received several dispatches from the commander of the cruiser Falke, in which he makes no mention of any disagreeable discussion with "Rear-Admiral Kautz. The German government takes this as sufficient proof that all stories told on the Bubject must therefote have been inventions of per sons ' interested in making trouble be tween Germany and the United States. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, ot Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Week nerves had- caused severe pains in the back of his head. ' On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood ' and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into ev.ery muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 5oc. Sold by Blakeley & Houhton, druggists. 1 Honors to M'Conville. Lewibton, Idaho, April 12. The re mains of Brigadier-Gtneral McConville, who,- as major of the Idaho volunteers, was killed at Manila on February 4, while leading the charge at Santa Ana, arrived at noon today on the steamer Spokane. The remains were in. charge of Adjutant-General Weaver, of the Idaho National Guard, and were accompanied by the widow and son of the deceased, the latter having accompanied the body from Manila. "T Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco - warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tf SStrfkafiStriSs -ir'Sk jff?fc jtSic xfik jk jStr rfV At Happy 'is the man or woman who can eat a good hearty meal without, suffering afterward. If you cannot do it, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cube. ' It di gests what yon eat, and cures all forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Oat Saturday Special Offer. Tomorrow Saturday, will he Boys' Day at this store. With every boy's suit sold,' value from $1.50 up, we give with our compliments' Free A loy s Waist Quality to ba determined by value of suit bought. 2 Our entire stock of Waists and Blouses will be subjected to this offer. With a S1.S0 suit a 2c waist With a J2.00 tult a 38c waist With a 2.50 suit a 42c waist With a 13.00 suit a 50c waist With a 13.50 suit "..a 6Se waist With a H 00 suit : a 75c waist With a $1.50 suit a 88o waist With a 15.00 suit a 11.00 walt With a 5 50 suit a 11.25 waist With a J6.00 suit a $1.25 waiss Wfth a 6.60 suit.. a 11.25 waist t A. Williams & Co. S Ghtfoniele Publishing Co Ttie... We Have... PRINTERS. fleat GClotfk. Quick CUopk. -Reasonable Prices. The Dalles, Oregon, White Russian Granulated Rye Meal. Fine for Breakfast Mush and Gems, 85c per sack. The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats From 100 to 150 bushels per acre has been raised from liese Oats. For sale at . . J. H. CROSS, Feed and Grocery Store. 12 Z CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at : J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d St Federal Sts. 3 13 S JZLm