C33 Linings. Linings. Our Spring stock of plain and fancy lin ings for wool and wash fabriques is now complete in all particulars consisting of,, Selisias, Baciste, Percaline, Rhadamer, Satin Surahs, Hair Cloth. Percasilk, Collar canvas in gray and natural Corona for in terlinings of summer goods that serves better than silk and has much more style. Those "World Beaters" in Boys' Shirt Waists, known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Those labor saving garments that do not require the buttons sewed on every time the garment comes from the laundry. Known as ' - "MOTHER'S FRIEND." Faultless in style. Also Fauritelero'' waists in white and colors and more dainty than ever before. PILLOW SHAMS. Bureau Scarfs 18x36, 20x36, 18x54. Center Pieces 12x12, 36x36. Lunch Cloths in all linen 27x27, 36x36, 45x45, 54x54. Ladies Hosiery In Black . 17c, 25c, and 3 for $1.00 All the pretty things in Fancy Stripes 50 and 65 cents. Watch our special offering for Saturday. The Furnishing goods department this week is unusually attractive from the fact that the New Fedora Hats are on display and are the proper thing for well dressed gentlemen. The Shadings .are exceptionally soft and the blending of the materials used combine elegance and style. The shadings consist of a variety of Browns, Grains and Tans and with the contrasting bands at once convince you that people of exceptional experience have devoted much time to the "study of symetry. Prices $1.50 to $3.50. Crushed Hats are jaunty, eas and taking. They are to be found in Grays, Blues and Pearle, at $1.25. The new blocks in stiff hats, the Gadfly, are the latest and should be seen to be thoroughly appreciated. Fancy Shirts in all the new styles, both in long and short bosoms are awaiting your pleasure, but do not delay in this matter if you want to select while the variety is complete. - E. & W. Collars and Cuffs in all the late styles are always to be found with us. The late collars are Poynette, Yokena, Omro, Menlo, Arapahoe. Cuffs are Beach wood, Sherwood and Ears wood. PEASE & MAYS, All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures. 5. WILKINSON &. CO., General Storage and Forwarding. F, B. SAUNDERS, MGR. RJool and Cram. WOOL BAILING FOR EASTERN SHIPMENT. COHSIONMtNTa SOLICITCO. rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle, THUKSDAY - APRIL 13, 18i)9 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: AH Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft' ernooo. ibis rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. city each an untidy appearance, and which caused a visitor to our town re cently to Bay: "Somehow your streets and buildings look dingier- than tbey need to." We cannot afford to cause such remarks to be made, simply be cause we are careless in the little things. Oue of the prettiest and most suitable sites imaginable fot a cemetery is that of the Odd Fellows cemetery, and it is each day becoming more nearly what such a place should be a veritable bed of flowere. Up till this year the water supply-has hardly been sufficient for the need ; but yesterday the water was turned into a new two-inch main, with WILL NOT SIGN Irs. Cowan THE DEED. Kefues to Give Homestead. ' Up Her Mrs. Sarah Cowan, wife of James Cowan, agent at the Warm Springs reservation, and who is very well known in The Dalles, seems to be a woman of more than usual will power, and one who is not-going to part with her home unless compelled to. We only hope she may be able to retain it, though the prospects dp not look bright at present. Last night's Telegram says : . "A'peculiar case is that of Mrs Sarah E. Cjwan. She was brought here last inch branch pipes leading through- Saturday by Deputy United States Mar. out the cemetery. There is now no sbal Roberts from the Warm Springs First St , EeL Wash, and federal, - . ... -t , - V- , - THE DALLES OR. Meeting ot the Rebeccas tonight at their hall. Initiation will be the order of the evening. . Telephone your orders direct to ns for coal oil. Our oil wagon in the future will deliver oil only one day in tl e week during the summer months. Maikb & Benton. al2-lw. A number of our Democratic citizens were much disappointed today, the late ness of the afternoon train preventing their going to Portland to attend the banquet tonight. McMinnville has had a siege of re vivals, . John Naegle, the Methodist evangelist, and Elder Boltz, formerly of the Christian church in this city, having ju3t closed series of meetings there. It begins to look as if the river is rising from appearances at the D. P. & A. N dock. The wbarfboat has already been moved to the east of the dock, and the lower part of'the slip is being taken up and piled near the office. Word was received yeBterday, by her friends in The Dalles, that Miss Bessie Rowland is dangerously ill with pneu monia at her. home in Missoula. We hope, however, ' that the next news received will be that she is improving. Browning & Garrett, mining men of Spokane, Wash., are in town talking mines. They are largely interested in the Syndicate Gold Mining Company whose claims are located in Idaho. Both parties are gentlemen and seem to understand mining. The passengers from yesterday after noon's train arrived in the cjty about 6 o'clock this morning, the wash-out at Rawlins having caused the delay. To day No. 1 has been annulled, and the passengers who should have 'reached here at 2:55 this afternoon will probably not arrive until tomorrow about noon. The difficulty today is caused by a wash out on the Platte river at Laramie, on the Union Pacific. Now A. M. Williams & Co. is coming to the front with another improvement. They are taking out the old fashioned glass doors in front ot their shoe depart ment and putting in large plate glass windows. We learn C. F. Stephens is soon to put large show windows in his dry goods store. These make an entire ly different appearance to a building. Who'll be the next? Let the good work go on. Captain John W. Lewis, who recently delivered an interesting lecture at the O. JN. j. armory, in response to an in vitation from the school board, yesterday afternoon gave a brief talk to the pupils of the high school. The lecture was largely devoted to personal experiences during the civil -war, and life in Libby prison. The closest attention was paid to tbe speaker, and all who had the privilege of bearing him considered the lecture a rare treat. Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. JE. Schanno returned last night from Salem, where the former went to attend a meeting of the horti cultural Doara. .Mr. schanno reports a good meeting. It is intended, he says, to move tbe office of the board from Salem to Portland. While the con tinued showers during his stay prevented much investigation of the fruit orchards, Mr. Schanno thinks from all he gleaned while there that the injury to tbe fruit in the Valley is more serious than in Eastern Oregon. The latest scheme to swindle farmers being worked is the collection of a "war tax" from the ignorant class of agri culturists. The swindlers travel singly and when they have selected their victim they present their authority consisting of printed blanks, receipts and a printed copy of a purported reyenue law requiring farmers to pay a certain per cent on tbe value of their property for war . tax purposes, alter which they proceed to collect - whatever amount they; are able to get from' the farmer. ' - There is one sort of rubbish which even the long sweeping dress trains can not succeed ' la ridding bur streets Vf; and that is the scraps of paper which are con tin ually thrown ; broadcast thro ugh oet them. As we have repeatedly said, it fB these etnall matters which give a reason why each lot should not be kept in perfect trim, and tbe place be made a garden instead of a tomb. Since Supt, J. D. Lee took charge at the penitentiary he has devised a way of giving fresh air and exercise to the three female piisoners. On fine days the three women accompanied by one guard, are permitted to spend a few hours walking outside the stockade, these rambles, thus far, having Seen taken on the board walk between the prison and asylum. Twice have the female prisoners enjoyed this privilege, and as the weather improves, it will be accorded them oftner. This is as it should be. The sun shines for tbe nn just as well as the just; If 'twere not so, how few of God's creatures would en joy the warmth of its rays. It eeems terrible to contemplate these female prisoners having been eo long deprived of outdoor exercise. With a persistence whiah is unac countable, tbe old Ubinamafti each year plants a vegetable garden fin the beach at tbe foot of Washingtonstreet, and al most as often, just aboui the time the vegetables get so the old fellow can make something off of hem, old Colum bia creeps up and swallows them down as it tbey bad been planted to appease bis hunger. No amount of persuasion will 'convince hub that there is any other spot on tbf globe for a garden. At present he isiiccostinz all his friends with "Yon tibkee high walla?" and most of them seem to "tinkee." The steamer Spokane has been placed in service on the Snake river between Sparta and Lewiston with double daily service and will beoperated as a through mail, express and passenger Bteamer, making round trips daily except Satur day. Leave Riparia at 2:30 a. m. ar riving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon Leave .Lewiston at 2-.au p. m. arriving at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. ' m. ' The steamer Lewiston will take tbe place of the Spokane on the same schedule Sat nrdays and at other times will be oper ated on a wild schedule, taking care of all local work. The object of this new schedule is to place the Wisten and Buf falo Hump countries more in touch With points on the O. R. & N. tf - The party of .lawvers, composed of Judge Bradshaw, Diet. Atty. Jayne, W. H. and H. S. Wilson and Douglas Dutur, who bad the misfortune to be in a runaway on their .way to Condon last Sunday, returned yesterday afternoon none the worse tor their experience, which they consider a lucky escape. In stead of occurring just as they reached Banneman'a the horses started to run two miles this side of that place, and scattered lawyers at intervals for some distance, H. S. Wilson staving with the hack until he found himself at the bottom of a ditch six feet deep. E. S. Weir, the merchant of Arlington, was very seriously injured, having his collar bone and two ribs broken, while he was otherwise badly brnised. Being a large man, he snnered m consequence tbe more. He is still at Banneman'a, where his wife is now nursing him, and be will probablv be compelled to remain there for ten daye. had failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. Snipet-Kinersly Drug Co. Golden Kagle Bicycle. Golden Eagle bicycles $25. You will find tbe Golden Eagle a very satisfactory wheel and one that is thoroughly and absolutely guaranteed, with tbe guaran tee made good here. Maieb & Benton. To Care a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Featherstone bicycles, '99 models, $30, $40 and $50 at Mays & Crowe's. Indian reservation, pursuant to a decree of the United States dietrict court, to co - Del her to transfer her homestead property in Albany to the Bank of Cali fornia to satisfy a judgment in the sum of $6000 against the defunct Bank of Albany, of which her husband, James L. Cowan, was the .owner. "The property in question was deeded to Mrs. Cowan by ber husband prior to the suspension of his bank, and she claims to have made improvements on it in the sum of $5000, with money be queathed to her by her father. Her husband, who now is agent at the Warm Springs reservation, signed a deed conveying that property to the creditor bank, but Mrs. Cowan stead-' lastly refuses to do so, despite a decree of the United States court. "Tbe strange feature of this cise is that the federal authorities profess ignor ance as to why Mrs. Cowan was brought here, unless it is to coerce her to sign a paper, which in tbe present status of tbe matter is entirely unnecessary. "Under a decree issued by Judge Bel linger, the property claimed by Mrs. Cowan was sold bv the United States marshal and bought by tbe Bank of California, the only bidder at the sale. The marshal executed a deed of the same to the purchaser, according to law, which provides that in case a transfer is not made of property within thirty days of the issuance of tuch de cree the marshal's deed shall operate' the same as a regular conveyance. "In view of this, it is difficult to un derstand why Mrs. Cowan should have been brought here. The court has noth ing more to do with her. But , the fat. is, as ttated by a prominent attorney today, that she is here undet rule of practice of the United States supreme court, which authorizes her detention by the United States marshal until she complies with the decree of the United States district court. "The rule does not designate the man ner in which she shall be detained, so tbe marshal has placed her in the keep ing of ber married daughter, Mrs. Meikle, on the East Side. "As Mrs. Cowan is determined not to sign away her property, ber absence from the reservation may be indefinite." Columbia bicycleB. '99 modele beet on earth $50 at Mays & Crowe's. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take, larger pictures than any other Camera on tbe market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. " tf 11041! Exiles in Ten Hours. With each returning season the Lozier Manufacturing Co. show something new and desirable in Bicycle construction. This season finds them with more good things than ever. One of these good things is the BURWELL BALI and ROLLER BEARING. Examine the illustration notice par ticularly that the little steel Roller be tween the balls transfers the motion Without interruption and the Balls can not grind together as in ordinary bearings. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric Btreet car line, writes that bis little daughter was very low with croup. and her life saved 'after all physicians There is nothing ordinary about Cleve land Bicycles; every piece of material and every hour of labor is the best money can buy. We cater to a trade that wants the--beet and knows the best. Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycles. maier & Benion When Traveling; Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on tbe kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Notice Wa,er Kent. Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1. O. O. F., will charge for use of water in tbeir cemetery at the late of $2 per lot for the season, payable in advance to the sexton. C. J . Cbandall, T. A. Ward. W. H. Bctts, Trustees. ;hays&cbowe We The Best is Cheapest, have the Lisks' is the Best, exclusive V. Don't Purchase agency for t Tinware be best tfP heaviest fore seeing Tinware made. N.tN. Guaranteed never to rust. Cleveland Bicycle. There may be other standards but the Cleveland bicycle is the standard for excellence. There is no standard higher than quality. - See them at ' Maieb & Bkntoh's. Fonnd. At The Dalles steam laundry, a thimble. Oner can nave -same by call in an i pajlng for lliis notice. Aftet the Holidays.. We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical' Instru ments, etc, that we are selling -at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. " 1 Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, Tha Daiiee, Oregon. -