Wurday's Our First Curtain Offering for the Year This is the season for renovating your homes for the summer, and the hanging of fresh new curtains goes a long way toward the beautify ing of these places of abode. We will start the ball rolling by hanging some of the latest and prettiest things known to home decoration at prices that will catch your eyes and involuntarily cause you to pur chase some of the late handsome things. Nottingham Curtains..... from 50c to $6.50 per pair Point d' Ireland from $3.75 to $8 50 per pair Brussels Net ...:.from $5.00 to $11.00 per pair And these inleed are jews of the first magnitude, and if you will onlv come and view these graceful things they may give you an idea with what email expense one van make a dark and unsightly home a pertect bower of sunlight and beauty. Our Bedroom Curtains with ruffles are dainty and pretty and range in price from $1.25 to $4.00 pair Point d' Esprit by the yard for curtains of all kinds. We carry a most complete stock and range from 25c to 60c per yard. Never has there been such a bouhdless variety of designs in Swiss materials by the yard for curtains and scarfs as we are showing this season. - Dotted, Vertical Stripes, Bayadere Stripes, Lace Stripes, Grecian Figures. . We also have a complete line of Derby Curtains, Tapestries, Porterieis, Etc. Hangings of all kinds. Rxls, pins and blinds just received. All Curtains purchased at this sale will ba draped at the home of the purchaser free of charge. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY APRIL 8, ls)99 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OCR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements mast be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will, be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule Will be positive. . CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Smith's soiree at the Baldwin tonight. Every lady who attends the play Mon day night will be presented with a Boavenir of Ku-lyard Kipling's poems. Baldwin, Nolan and Houghton wert Special. the winners in the bowling tournament last night,' with the splendid score of 513. By reading the report of the county school superintendent in another col umn you may gain a fairly good idea of echool affairs in the coanty. Business men wanting a spring busi ness suit, should bear in mind the special suit offerings advertised by A. M. "Williams. & Co., for next Monday. It's a matter of business. Rev. Hoadlev, professor . in the Port land University, will preach in the Methodist chuich tomorrow morning and evening. The Sunday school will convene at 10 o'clock. A young couple named Newton Lord and Jennie Helper were married in an Etstern town recently and the editor of the local paper was almost clubbed to death by the indignant groom because he made use of the heading 'Lord-Helper Many complimentary remarks are being passed today concerning the splen did lecture given by Rev. Rushing last night at the Christian church. His Euhject was "The World's First Woman," and everyone present was delighted with the manner in which he handled it. . Roscoe Oakee, the traveling man, in former days so well known in The Dalles, is "doing" the city todav. He is not greeted quite so familiarly as of yore, all on account of the abeenceof a mustache, which has so completely changed his ap pearance that even the young ladies fail to recognize him. In spite of the law against selling liquor to Indians, it is' not an uncom mon thing to encounter a drunken Indian in and out of the city. . Last night T. J. Driver arrested a brave who had so much of the "fire water" that he had to be put in the cooler, where he spent the night, and today as well. Sheriff Kelly returned last night from Salem, n here he went to take Richardson to the asylum. While there Mr. Kelly inquired as to the. Dalles inmates in the asylum, and found they were all in about the same condition, with little signs of improvement, except' the case of Miss Laura Donaldson, who is now in the convalescent ward. Arthur Clarke, the popular and cour teous young jeweler of The Dalles, ar rived here last Mondav, and will locate in Heppner permanently. His stock of goods will arrive in a day or so, but as yet he has not secured a suitable build ing. Mr Clarke is a polished young man and will be a valuable acquisition to our society circles. Heppner Times. At the regular businers meeting of the Epworth League held lastnight the fol lowing officers were elected : President, L. Ruch ; 1st vice president, Miss Nettie Fredden ; 2d vice pretodent, Hilda Beck ; 3d vice presidentsMrs. Warner; 4th vice president, Majkfel Collins ; secretary, Miss MaybelCrose ; treasurer, Mr. Flemming; Chorister, E. J. Collins; organist, MissL. Ruch. Sleeping-Par rates are being reduced on the Great Northern and Northern Pacific roads. At first a' reduction to ?IU was- announced ; out a compromise has been made whereby a rate of $12 will be made from the East to this coast, instead of $13.50 as now charged. Ultimately it is thought a reduction will be made on all lines west of the Missouri river. - Just as we go to press word was re- cived in the city that a murder had been committed near Viento this after noon, it seems that the workmen on the road got into a lively diecussion, be coming very angry. Finally one of .the men ordered the other to do something in connection with the work in hand, and being refused, he picked up a reck and bit the other in the bead, killing him instantly. The latest from Spokane eays that the smallpox reports have been greatly ex aggerated. Instead of twenty-seven cases there have been so far only five cases, and'until last Sunday there were only three. Sunday morning the two ad ditional caees were reported from a lodg ing-house, which was occupied by twenty persons. The house was at once quar antined, and it is thought the exposed persons will escape the disease. For some time past an item fias been going the rounds of the press to the effect that there are at present about 1,500,000 pounds of wool stored in the warehouses at The Dalles. We are informed today by one warehouse company that they have almost 2,000,000 pounds iu their warehouse alone, therefore we conclude the total amount has been greatly under rated. .111 a short time the new crop will be arriving, and buyers will find The Dalles just the place for their pur chases. K. of P. hall would scarcely contain the crowd that gathered to listen to the entertainment and enjow1 the pleasures afforded by the ladies of the Episcopal Guild last night. Afer viewing the articles on sale at he . booths, and making purchases ofthe same, a short program was given and at its close all were attracted to the refreshment room, where ice cream aiw cake were served The latter part of tfhe evening was spent in dancing. The (ladies were very sue ceEEiul with their sale, ana realized a goodly earn for their labors ; probably over $100. . .Messrs. McNear, Thayne, Curry and Martin, of the Eastern Oregon Land Company, are at present in The Dalles attending to business in connection with, and changes which will be made in the work of the company. T. A. Hudson having resigned from the agen cy; the management passes into the hands of G. W. McNear, of Portland and San Francisco. While we regret to hear of the resignation of one who has proven himself so proficient an agent as Mr, Hudson, at the same time we are glad to learn that his successor is a man thoroughly interested in the welfare of this Section end one of the largest wheat exporters on the coast.' Mr. McNear will at once open an office at The Dalles, and Mr. C-E. Curry will probably be appointed his local agent. It is Mr, 1 McNear'a intention to actively enter into the further development of the property, particularly the agricultural lands in Sherman county. The exten sion of the Columbia Southern bevond Moro will be of great value to the company's property,' as it brings much of it within convenient reach of market and gives them cheap transportation. The story of "A Doll's House" the wonderful drama in which Miss Thropp will be seen here on Monday night, is one of engrossing . interest. Nora, the petted and spoiled wife of Torvald II el mer, is the central figure of the play. Her youth bad been passed as a doll child, she is Helmer's doll-wife and their home is "A Doll's House." After eight years of married life, theshadow of a dread secret crosses her path and opens her eyes for the first time to worldliness, selfishness and crime. When the love and confidence of her husband is weighed and found wanting, the whole fabric of her life crumbles to dust and Nora stands, revealed a' woman. Of the remarkable characters in this ranch discussed play it is not too much to say that they are the creation of a genius .whose knowledge of human nature is as profound as it is wcnderfuL ASSAILANT OF COOK . CAPTURED The FiTe-Handrcd Dollar Reward Well Earned. The assailant of Frank Cook, head brakeman on the O. R. & N. who was nearly murdered laBt week near Hay station by a tramp he was putting off the train, has been captured at Tekoa by Joe Canutt, sheriff of Whitman coanty, who has landed him in Spokane county jail. The sheriff says : "The man gives a badly confused ac count of his movements during the last week. He even gave me two names, the first name being Joseph Johnson and the second Richard Barrett. So dis connected is the fellow's explanation of himself that I would not attempt to repeat it to you. However, he has acknowledged being in Starbuck and Riparia within the laet few days, but is utterly unable to give the dates. "The capture of Johnson or Barrett was a clever piece or work. ie ap peared suddenly-in Tekoa and his strik ing resemblance to the man described by Cook as' the latter's assailant ' im pressed Deputy Quinn very forcibly. Quinn watched his man closely. Last night the stranger ginned up pretty well, and Quinn cultivated his acquaintance still more closely, and the man gave uimself away during the evening by saying to Quinn : ' Yes, I did strike Cook over the head, and the , would do it again. ' "The stranger's arrest prompt'. y fol lowed bis declaration. 'Barrett was brought to town on the next train, and at 8 o'clock this morn ing wbb taken ovei to the hospital. where he confronted Cook. As soon as the latter saw him be said : " 'That is the man who struck me over (he head.' 'Handcuffed, Barrett was next re turned by as to the city jail and locked up." When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. . OUR CHURCHES. Regular meeting Christian Scientists every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the small K. of P. ball, in the Vogt building. All are invited to be present, Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. ' Regular services at 11 a, m. and 7 :30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6i30 p. in. - Sunday echool at 10 a. m. Services at the Christian church -to- morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Preach ing at . both services uy tev. y. Rushing, pastor. Subject for tomorrow night, "The Unknown God." - Congregational church, corner Fifth and Court streets', D. V. Poling. pastor Services at usual hours." Morning -sub ject, "Have-1 Done -My Best?" Mrs Huntington will sing the morning of fertory. Lost. Package of papers of no value except to owner taken from table of fjmatill House last evening. Finder will be suitable rewarded , by leaving same at Umatilla House. S. P. Hanawalt, 4-8 2t Golden Eagle Bicycle. . Golden Eagle bicycles $25. You will find the Golden Eagle a very satisfactory wheel and one that , is thoroughly and absolutely guaranteed, with the guaran tee made good here. - Maisb & Benton". PIB8ONII1 HEN TIOJJ, H. R. Blue is a visitor from Wapinitia. A. E. Lake is in the city today from Moro. - - H. GleDn returned from Portland last night. W. E. Woodcock came in from Wamic yesterday. Mrs. Julia Thomas left this morning to visit in Portland. B. F Allen, Prineville's banker, came op from Portland last night. L. E. Morse and Wm. Rankin are visitors from White Salmon. A. J. Swift and daughter, and W. H. McAtee are in the city from Wamic. Chas. W. Wallace is in from Ante' ope visiting bis sister, Mrs. Morgan. R. B. Sinnott returned last night from a visit in the Willamette valley. Miss Lillian Shelton, of the Chronicle force, left this morning for a short stay in Portland. Jas. Blakeney came up on the evening train yesterday. He will return to Port land Monday. Dr. C. Gertrude French came up from Portland on last evening's train, and will remain over Sunday. Thos. Wood, who has been in Port land for some weeks having his eyes doctored, returned home last night. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Heppner ar rived in the city last night from Port land, and will spend a few days visiting relatives. We understand that President Mohler an t Manager Campbell, of theO. R. & N. sse J tbrcagh the city last night on their way to New York City. A. E. Hammond, chief engineer' of the road now in course of construction on the Washington side, passed through on his way to Portland yesterday. - Alfred Huot, who is a strident at the Business College in Portland, came up from Portland last night and left this afternoon to Bpend Sunday at home on 8-Mile. BOKN. In Dufur, Fridav, April 7, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Douglas, of the Dufur Dispatch, a daughter. We congratulate the Dispatch on the new typo. frra Sporting" Goods, Fishing" Tackle, Bicycles and Sundries, Rubber Hose, Anti-Rust Tinware Pruning Shears, Steel Ranges, Racine Buggies, The place JUi Todes a )d DD 1 ll6 & Rite the Holidays. . . We have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices. - Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. Jacobsen Book & Miisic Co. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. OMew Today... Just Received Full Line of Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tack e Bicycle Sundries Crawford Bhycles Cleveland Bicycles Golden Eagle Bicycles Smokeless and black Powder Loaded Shells. Bicycles Rented and Repaired. ...piaieT&8em Rushford "Wagons, Garden Rakes and Hoes, Spray and Well Pumps, Seeders and Cultivators, Poultry Netting, Lawn Mowers. to buy is P j 11 pa brie to Mod wEl We are ready to' show them in Dry : Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principlef Those who make the earliest selections secure best results. The stock is complete and new and we invite you to look at it.