The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 05, 1899, Image 3

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    Our line of Muslin
arc complete in every particular and we
ask you to come and be convinced that
such is the case.
We make a specialty of
R. & G. Corsets,
W. B. Corsets,
La Vida Corsets,
Detroit Waists.
Ferris Good Sense waists
For Ladies, Misses and Children, and the Naza
reth and Cupid waists for Children.
We have just received a line of high novelties in
wash goods that are just the thing for the coming
warm days that will catch you" napping if you put off
your bu3ring any longer.
All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures.
the Dalles Daily Ghfoniete.
WEDNESDAY - - - APRIL 5. 1699
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Ic3 cream soda now on sale at- the
Palace of Sweets. -. 4tf.
Boy b' and cbildrene' waists and blouses
ii treat variety at A. M. Williams
A. M. Williams & Co. promise us a
of news tomorrow.
sensational bit
Watch their ad.
Four carloads of cattle arrived at the
Saltuaarshe stock yards this morning.
They were being shipped by A. A. Mc-
Cully to Troutdale.
A gold ring was found on the street!
of the city yesterday. The owner-can
have the same by applying at the store
of H. . Liebe, and paying for this ad
vertisement. t
At the orbner'd inquest yesterday in
Antelope oyer the body of W. D- Jones,
the jury exonerated F. N.' Spicer on the
ground that the shooting was done in
self defense.
The Boston Tea Party by the . little
folks at the entertainment by the Guild
Friday evening will be worth hearing.
Arrange to go and also to purchase
something from the Ea1e.
Tbos. Fargber, who lives near Dufur,
received news of the death of his brother,
Alexander, last week at Dyea, Alaska,
where he was iu the employ of Frye &
Bruhn. No particulars of his death,
other than that he died of pneumonia,
have yet been received. He was very
well known throughout Wasco coun.y.
They are busy at Mays & Crowe's
store today unloading a carload of iron,
containing 55,000 pounds, direct from
the Colorado mills. A carload of water
pipe 35,000 feet is expected on to
night's boat.
Press C. Thompson, a well-known
stockman of Morrow county, died at the
Good Samaritan hospital Monday morn
ing, after a short illness. He was a
native of Missouri and was 72 years of
age. The remains were taken to Heppner
for interment.
Dr. Ford Warren and Dr. Gertrude
French arrived in Portland Monday
evening from New York. Dr. French
is much improved in health,, and will
resume her practice at onca. Mr. and
Mrs. French will remain in the East for
a time vfsiting friends.
Yesterday afternoon Indian Jack, who
ia supposed to be the murderer of the
Indian boy at Celilo, was arraigned be
fore Justice Bayard and committed for
examination, which will probably be
held tomorrow, providing the witnesses
reach the city by that ti-re. Constable
Hill leit for Celilo -last night to secure
The battleship Iowa . having been
ordered to proceed to Manila to relieve
the Oregon, and the latter to Han Fran
cisco as soon as the Iowa appears, Port
land people are now planning to have
the Oregon there for the celebration on
the Fourth. . What a drawing card that
would be. : That city is to have a cele
bration this year which is a celebration.
J. H. Richardson, the olil gentleman
who has been aa inmate at the poor
house for some time and wandered away
recently, was today examined by Judge
Mays and Dr. Shackelford, when be
waB adjudged insane. He is a wretched
looking old man, but is not violently
insane as yet. Officer Phirman will
leave with him this afternoon for Salem.
There can be no doubt now that we
are to have a play Monday evening
which ia exceptionally fine. Everyone
has read Henry IbBen's "Doll's House,''
but - they have not heard it played by
Clara Thropp, who appeared in it six
hundred times in the Duke of York's
theater in London. Our people should
be sure this time and not miss a good
"It'll all come out in the wash" sure
ly now that the laundry is fitted out so
completely. The lateet improvement
was its enlargement. Finding that the
room in the center, was too dark to be
used as an ironing room, the building
on the east hag-been added and fitted
up, so that there are now three apart
ments. There is not a particle of reason
now for sending laundry away from the
city, as it can be fullv as well done at
XTrof. and Mrs. Thfos. Condon, of
(Eugene, arrived in the city on last
night's train to visit or a few days with
Mr. and MrB. J.. B. Condon. Their old
friends will be glacf to again greet them
in The Dalles, where nearly thirty years
ago Prof. Condon was stationed as
pastor of the Congregational church. To
them, no doubt, the city will be changed
almost beyond recognition, as years
have passed since even a visit has been
made; but among the sea of strange
faces, here and there will be recognized
that of a friend of days lang syne
B.C. Judson, the industrious industrial
agent of the O. R. & N. Co., has secured
of the Carmen Island Salt Company, of
San Francisco, a quantity of their
crystal rock salt, to test in some of our
wheat fields as to its value as a fertilizer
as well as its power to draw moisture.
Mr. Judson will experiment with the
salt in the Umatilla and Walla Walla
counties. The salt will be sown broad
cast upon the grain at different stages
of its growth, and a record of the con
ditions under which it is applied and
the effect of the application, will be kept
as a guide to future use. It is thought
that the evil effects of drought may be
measurab'y prevented by judicious use
of salt. ' -
An expressman iound out-yesterday
that the bed of the Columbia river was
as "soft as downy pillows are," and a
little bit stickier, for, attempting to
navigate it with a team of horses and
a wagon, he eot stuck not "on it," but
in it. Having taken a small boat down
to float on its billows, and not being
able to drive through the wharf boat,
he decided to drive into the water a
short distance, which was not a difficult
matter, but like the fly who walked into
the parlor, he found it another matter
to get out.' It might not have betn
quick sand, but it was a quick trip the
outfit made in itedeecent; while it took
about three hours, with all eorta of
contrivances, to get on the solid ground
again. . .
Concerning the Blue Jay. the Embalmed
Kecf.aud Other Matters.
To Cure m Cola In One Day. -
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
The Gbeenhork, March 29,
Editoh Chronicle :
Spring commenced here a few days
ago, according to the almanac and some
other signs and tokens, hut it doesn't
look much like it. Just outside our
parlor window the snow lies seven or
eight feet deep and the thermometer is
down in the twenties. If spring is really
here, old winter is still lingering on her
lap so heavily that he has mashed her
out of sight. It is astonishing how life
less the woods become where the winter
lasts for seven or eight months, and the
spring Is late and autumn early. A big
saucy blue jay or two, and a stray
mountain magpie now and. then, con
stitute the sole living creaturee, if I
except a little blue gray enow bird, that
has the temerity or lack of sense to stay
here. The snow bird is, I really believe,
the same fowl that in the summer lime
we call mosquitoes, only it has grown a
crop of feathers for the winter, and has,
like "Poor Uncle Ned," "hung up its
fiddle and its bow," likewise its mando
lin. The blue jay stays, I think, for no
other reason than that it thinks it may
be able to steal eomething. and the mag-.
pie remains so that he will not misi the
chance to rob the blue jv if the latter
steals anything. .They are for all the
world like a miner and a mine "pro
moter." I have watched the blue jay
flutter down when our table cloth was
shaken, or when the cook would throw
out scraps, and just as sure as the top-
knotted idiot found something to make
a meal of, he would set up a squall that
could be beard a quarter of a mile, and
instead of enjoying his find he would
hop around and squawk : Meat! Meat!
and it wouldn't be half a jiffy before
from the big white fir tree near the
house you would hear the magpie laugh
Ha! Ha! and in the other half of the
same jiffy he woa'd be in possession of
the plunder and the blue jiy would be
kicking himself with his hind feet.
And then at the next chance the blamed
fool would do it oyer again. I have tried
to find some excuse for the jay bird's
actions to discover some reason why
be made such a perennial and continuous
fool of himself, and I have been unable
to satisfy myself beyond a reasonable
doubt. At present I incline to the
opinion that it is because his mother
cuts his hair "pompadour," and so he
can't help himself. This c inclusion is
tortineu by trie lact that the magpie
wears his hair "close-cropped." He
doesn't look so pretty that way, but be
eats the meat while the jay with the
mule-roach cut dauces a two-step on the
snow to appease his hunger and warm
his toes.
This is to be a great year for the
.Greenhorn (I mean the .camp.) Many
mining properties will change hands
and much development work will be
done. That is, of course, supposing
that the snow will go off before next
winter sets in. At present it does not
look as though this would happen. In
spite of the snow, however, we have
been able, to keep some political matters
in sight, among them the commission
appointed to investigate General Miles,
and, incidentally, the beef furnished the
soldiers in Cuba. The commission have
found there was something in the beef
question, also in the beef, and Secretary
Alger has gone down to Cuba.- It is to
be hoped that he will get nothing but
some of that same beef mixture to eat-,
while on his visit. . It -is also to be
hoped that the commission will return
to Washington before the people put
into visible form the wish that it be
treated to the embalming procees. It
certainly needs it, for the way it has
conducted its proceedings smells as rank
as the ranking officer who piesides over
it. About the biggest piece of what
Josh Billings called "damphoolishness"
was the notifying the beef cauners and
packers that the commission would
investigate .their plants on a certain day.
This showed wisdom t qual to a detective
who notified suspected parties that on
a . certain . day . he would search their
houses for : stolen ceo la. What the
country wants no is for the commis
sion to report, then for the judiciary to
move, and put every greedy", murderous
scoundrel who furnished the vile staff
to the government where they belong
and that is where the spring comes,
earlier and the c'imate is warmer than
Don't it seem strange '.that 83ms peo
ple can only learn by personal exper
iences? Is it not equally strange that
the pages of biBtory convey no lesson to
the class noted as the "Great American
Hog?" Hog, did-1 say? Why to com
pare the gluttonous instincts of a bog to
the grasping, selfish and inordinate
greed of euch so-called human beings
as would sell disease loaded meat to the
government for the use of soldiers fight
ing for the cause of humanity ; to com
pare a bog to euch as these would be to
insult the most 'ornery razor-back that
ever out run a nigger in Georgia. I am
not a pessimist, nor am I an anarchist,
but the- story of the boys in Cuba,
tarnished beef not fit for an Indian's
dog,, makes me feel that the law is not
sufficient, and that the Arkansas way of
dealing with the race problem is the
way to tackle these swindlers of the
government, and murderers of our
soldiers. It is the only method, too, f j
the law will not touch them ihey have
too much money. They, and such as
they, will cause anarchy some day. And
then there will be a spilling of some
aristocratic lymph, and the opening of
some arteries that will let the money
gained by dishonest methods flaw out
of the family circulation. Such things
have .happened, will happen agaiu and
yet again, because the law never has
teen enforced against this class and
never will be. It will clear the atmos
pbere for a little while, but only that.
The hanging of a murderer does not
prevent others committing murder, but
it stops that particular one. The proof
is plain that rotten meat, meat treated
with death bearing chemicals was fur
nished the soldiers, deliberately and
with full knowledge of its deadly char
acter. It is plainly shown bv whom
the canned disease and embalmed death
was furnished. .Has auy one heard of
any steps being . taken toward the
punishment of the murderers? Well,
hardly. , I may be wrong if so, it is be
cause I live a mile above most people
and because I am
A 5reknhobn.
Wh-n Traveling
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, preventing fevers, headaches
and other forms of eicknees. For sale in
50 cent bottles by all leading druggiels.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
" Just Received Full Line of
Shot Guns
Fishing Tack
Bicycis Sund hs
Crawford Bicycles
Clcvaland ;i;yyes
Golden Eagla Bhycles
Smokeless and black
Powdfir Loa ed hells.
Bicycles Rented
and Repaired.
Sporting- Goods,
Fishing Tackle,
Bicycles and
Rubber Hose,
Anti-Rust Tinware
Pruning Shears,
Steel Ranges,
Racine Buggies,
Rushford Wagons,
Garden Rakes
and Hoes,
Spray and
Well Pumps,
Seeders and
Poultry Netting,
Lawn Mowers.
The place to buy is
apd pabrie
' We are- ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
ycu to look at it.
Ritev the holidays.
We have a large stock ol Pianos, Organc, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacdbsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.