Th3 Dalles Daily Ghronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PlilCE. One week $ 15 One mo nth '. 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY - - : - APRIL 1. 1899 A HERO AT HOME. The death of Mayor William S. MasoD, of Portland, is a reminder that there are heroes in business life as well as on ihe field of bat tle. The Spokesman-Reyiew fays: Through a high sense of honor, he died comparatively a poor man. The circumstance is narrated by the Oregonian : "la 1892 he became president of the Portland National bank. This institution, because of some unfortu nate loans, succumbed to the late financial pain;, but Mr. Mason fctuck to the ship until the last depositor was paid in full, sacrificing the great er part of his personal fortune in doing so. Through the swindling operations of the Ainslie Lumber Company, the bank lost 90 per cent of its assets, and Mr. Mason used about $130,000 of his private fortune to eare the depositors. Only his high sense of honor and justice prompted-him to make this sacrifice, for he was bound neither legally nor morally to use a dollar of his own resources to pay the depositors." Knowledge of the circumstances is necessary to a full comprehension of the magnitude of this great sacri fice. At the time of his death Mayor Mason was G7 years of age. His private fortune was tho acquisition of a lifetime of honorable business effort. He had reached an age where his sacrifice meaDt that henceforth until his death he could not expect ever again to command an inde pendent fortune. It involved the surrender of those fond hopes cher ished by every hard worker, of a few years of quiet retirement in the sunset of life from the rough and tumble of active business cares. It is said he was not under moral obligation to apply his private for tune to the payment of the depositors of his bank. But he thought differ enlty, and he was right, albeit superb heroism was needed to act on the loftly conviction. And why not? A man of character, integrity and acknowledged business acumen engages in bankiDg, and these qualities draw deposits to his bank. They are the moral assets of tbe institution, and friends, ac quaintances and observers bank upon them. 'A crash comes, and it is disclosed that his j'idgmrnt of men was at fault. He had selected incapable or dibhonest helpers, or he had approved large loans which proved unsound, and as a consequence his bank be comes insolvent, its doors are closed, and its depositors are about to lose their hard savings. There is a moral obligation on that man to bring up the reserves of his private fortune. This i3 high ethics, and few men will live op to the exalted standard, but 'tis well the few arc found. They are tbe balance on "Fortune's wild wheel." They save civilization from disaster. Cit'es aie enriched and ; their histories ennobled by the citizenship of men like the late Mayor MasoD. He leaves a beloved and an honored memory. "His life was gpntle, and the elements So mix'd in Lien, that nature might stand up, And say to all tie world. 'This was a i m KsatwM VITALITY, M tOSTVGOR Bako manhood Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting tuseases, all effects of. sell- abuse, or excess and. indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks ano restores the fire of youth. i By mail BOc per box; O boxes ior $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Gintsn & Jackson Sis., CHICAGO, ILL. VAUNTED FRENCH TITLES. Some of Them Are Not Worth the Price of the Card they Are Printed On. ' The Revue des Revues has been late ly occupied, in showing that the titles promenaded by the members oi tne Jockey club of the Pommss de Terre, of the Union and of the Rue Royale are not -worth the cards on which they are printed; that in France to-day there does not exist a single solitary prince, duke or marquis possessed of an au thentic title. The allegation is inter esting, particularly so in view' of the fact that if untrue the collectible dam ages would be heavy. The Faubourg Saint-Germain, the mythical home of this mythical aristocracy, has not, how ever, demeaned itself with anything &o uncivil as civil proceedings. But the Gaulois, its accredited organ, has re plied that the allegation is unpatriotic, and that for the delightful reason that, it is calculated to throw a scare into the hearts of American girls, who, be ing heavy consumers, have largely in creased the national wealth. The argument has not appealed to M. Francesque Sarcey. "Should it oc cur," he says; "should the hour come when our f prigs of nobilitj- are no long er bought by exotic quails, I for one would not weep for grief." M. Sarcey adds: "The idle descendant of a Cru sader is a sucking pig. The female i'ankee is a peacock. What good can such a couple work? There may have been unions between them that have not turned out badly, yet in that case the parties have been more lucky than wise." M. Sarcey concludes: "I know of nothing-less estimable than these bargains, which are less contracts of marriage than bills of sale." Collier's Weekly. Kitty Witches Row. Great Yarmouth, in England, has the narrowest streets in the world. They are called rows, and are merely nar row passageways between buildings. There are 45 of them in all. stretching in the aggregate more than seven miles in length. The narrowest of them is called "Kitty Witches" row. The en trance to it is but 29 inches in width; and the other end spans 56 inches. Peo ple living across from each other can easily shake hands across the interven ing space. One reason given or their construction is that in case of invas ion, these narrow lanes would prove invaluable as means of defense. An other reason suggested is that the high tides might flow through hese streets as outlets. Golden Days. A Beautiful Skin. Ladies, If you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect is simplv magical, possessing the wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautitul trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of i'orm, brilliant ees, soft and smooth sKin where tbe reverse exists. Even the coarsest and most repu'sive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar r. dness, yellow aur1 muddy skin aiepermanent ly removed, and a dellcioasly clear and refined complexion assured. Price per small box. SO cents: large box. SI. or six large boxes, ?ft. bent to any address post puui aim unaer plain wrapper upon receipt oi the above amount. Write lor free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 1S1 Montgomery St," Ean Francisco Cal, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KXERALBANKING BTTfclNES Letters of Credit issued available in the - . Eastern States. Stent Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New. York, Chicago, bt. Ononis, San t rancieco, .Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon ana Washington. . Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French Sc Co.'s Bank Phone 6, THE DALLES, OREGON TyjOLLIE V- O'LEARY, Art Studio. Room 3, Chapman Block. China painting a specialty, JR- OEI9ENDOBCFEB Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt Block Branch Office Oregon Viavi Company, Room 7, ovci French's Bank. OfEce hours, 2 to 4 p. in ch rt lot te F. Roberts, Local Manager. FRED. W.W1LEON, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. THE DALLES, OREGON, Office ovei First Nat. Bint. B 8 HUirnHGTOS H 8 WILSON HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW. THE DALLES, OREGON Office over First Nat Bank. Jast "What Voaiaant. New ideas in Wall. Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects -at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. IMegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrs for a small price, at oar store on Third Street. Also a fall line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. There is no part of our business -which does not receive its full share of attention and the stock oi Drugs, Medicines and Toilet Goods. we carry are not surpassed by any in the city. Our Prescription Department, however, is con sidered tbe most important and the utmost care is exercised in compounding and rilling orders. ine purity oi tne arugs used and absolute ac curacy in measuring and weighing ensure per feet results. M. Z. DONNELL ...DRUGGIST... A good drug sign. :.T Yoa well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which ?s bestowed on the store. It is tbe parity of the goods handled and tbe manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps Ibis business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply tbe best drags at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secona Street. THE DALLES Offers travelers choice of the following routes fast. They are. all famous for their scenic attraction. O. R. & N. view Ogden and Denver. hhasia 1: j ute view Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, L-;s Angeles and Alberqnerqne. A dailv lire of through PULLMAN PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Chicago. This is The Short Line - from southern California To the East i . Apply to the agents of the O. R. & N. Co. or the undersigned,, for folders and descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Oen. Agt. Worcester. Bldg. Puri!n-.l, Or. Y -A . - EC Sap Fg Mb C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail ; I Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency, for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY trom $2.75 to $6.00 per gallop. TMPfl RTTITl nnflTT A fl (mm 47 11 to il flf IMPQBTED 00GITA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 ALIIOItJA IBilDlIS 1' h. jii.ib ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN" IMPORTED arid DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot e 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, "mf Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- TY TPl OUT This i'lour is manufactured expressly for family - nse : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Rockford "Quick Shot" N Simplicity Durability 12-Plate Magazine Camera. "Turn the lever and vou are readv for another." No plate holders with slides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog plates. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot,'! the only magazine cams era that holds the plates securely after they are exposed. No rattling or "break ing of plates. Best on earth. 3ix4 ....$6.00 4x5 $9.00 With one dozen plate holders. Manufactured under the Conley patents by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., ROCKFORD, ILL. We sell only through local agents. Ask our agents to show you this "Quick Shot.-' Grandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bake, and am now prepared to supply every body with. Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ...Spring Is And F. S. GUNNING, the blackemitb, is prepared to put your buggies plows and farm implements in proper shape. Second and Langhlin Streets, 'Phone 157. Rchetftise in.. The... Mash Whiskey (4 to 15 years old.) nar nollnn II to per gallon. (11 to 20 years old. to ijo tO ier gallon. (4 to 11 years old. Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles Quick Sellers o Complaints The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. AGEXTS, 1 he Dalles, Oregon. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. - Coming... THE DALLES, OREGON MJolJiio , -iio Depakt time schedule. Arrive fob i rom Dalles. From. Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail. ll:0p. m. eaB City, St. Louis, 3:15 p.m. Chicago and East. - Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis. St. Paul, Flyer. 5:40p.m. D u 1 u t b, Milwaukee, 5:00a.m. Chicago and East. 8 p. m. From PoB.Ti.Aiin. 4 p. m. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco January 22, and every live days thereafter. 8 P- m- 4 p.m. Ex.bunday Columbia Ev. Steamers. Ex.Sundaj TO' Astoria and Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:80 p. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.bunday Salem & way Land's. 7 a. m, Whxamttk and Yam- 8:30 p. m. Tues.Thur. hill Kivers. Mon.,Wed., and tat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landings. 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue.,Thur and Sat. and Way-Landings. and Sat. Snake River. Leave Lv Riparia Riparia io Lewiston. Lewiston. daily daily Parties desirinfF tn crn tn Hpnnnpr ehnnlil take No. 4, leaving 'Ihe Dalles at 5:30 p. ra., making direct noTmpp.lions nt. HpTitiTipr innr.fiin Returning niakingdireetconnection at Heppner junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at No. 82, throueht freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., departs 3:50 a.m. No. 24. local frpfffht. PArrfps nnsKpnffprH. onst bound; arrives 4 :30 p. m.. departs 8:15 r. m. No. 21, west bouud through freight, does not carry passengers: arrives 8:15 t. m.. denarts 9:30 p.m. To. 2d, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8: SO a. For full particulars call on O. K; & N. Vo.'s agent The Dalles, c address W. H. HCRLBUBT, Gen. Fas. Agt., Portland, Or. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. rj s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. rAin. ' MtNNKAroI.I DtJLUTH KAKGO GRAND FUR CBOOESION WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS BAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C ALLA WAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. ARLTON, Aesi. G. P. A., 25 rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon MOBTH WESTERN TRAVELERS ARE "North-Western" Advertisers because &iZTFli mr- Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment of its trains is the most modern of the ear builder's art embodying air the luxuries, comforts and necessaries of travel. "TEE HEW Mffl-WESTERH LIMITED" (zctb Century Train) Is tlectric lighted both inside snd out, anr! eauiDDCd with handsome buifet-smoking-librart :ar, companoieDt ana sianuuru aiKizpKia. ir chair car and modern day coach; and on which no EXTRA FAKES is charged. It makes connec tions at Minneapolis and St Paul with Northen; Pacific. Great Northern. end "Soo-Pacific" trains: and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 80p.m.; St. Paul 8.10 p. m. ; and arrives Chicago 9. SO a. m. For berth, reservations rates, folders and Illimfr.itj.ri hoot-let JREE of the "Finest Train in the World" cnli at or address Ticket Offices 218 Washington St.. Portland; 606 First Avenue. Seattle; 205 Granite Block. Helena; 113 Nicollet Avenue. . Minneapolis; 895 Robert St.. St. Paul; 405 West Superior St.. Duluth. sr address T. w. Teasdalb. General Passenger Agent, Si. Paul, Minn.