3 DQQ ODQ MONDAY, 37th. TUESDAY, 28th. WEDNESDAY, 29th. Organdies Lawns and .... Dimities. in all colors, gradea and styles. These are all new goods and dainty in patterns and colorings. This is the time of year to bay this class of goods, for they will have to be made early in order to be prepared for the warm days that we have in the early spring. Come and make your se lections while the stock is unbroken, for the choicest patterns come in the smallest pieces. Hew L3G8S, iew EmDrodieries, Ifew RiDDons. All thesa things are requisite with the and we have them in the most approved stvles. Remember that three dave eale is a very short yon are inclined to avail yourself of this chance. line mentioned above, time, but ample if ouvemr Clothing Sale Our Furnishing Goods' Department asks your attention Ofl flloiioay, piaiGii 27tf. and for the balance of Iho week with the most complete line of Men's Clothing ever shown in this city. Prices that will fit any pocket book and styles to pleaee the moet fastidious. We shall call your atten tion particularly to the " - Famous H. S. & M. Line of Guaranteed Clothing This is the clothing now being advertised so extensively in the lead ing magazines of the country. We would suggest to intending purchasers the desirability of seeing this clothing and making comparisons, as we know there can be but one result, You will buy Your Clothing' of Us. With this sale in view, we purchased some months ago a number of souvenirs of value. We shall give one Souvenir with each suit eold during the week from Ten Dollars up. We are displaying these souvenirs in our Furnishing Goods window. They will interest you, come and see what they are. PBASB & MAYS. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1999 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before to o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft' ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Fotos for fun for everyone next Satur day. Come early. Gilford. . . " .' Mrs. General Maud B. Booth, wife cf the leader of the Volunteers of America, will arrive in "Portland Tuesday, April 4tbj on the Soatkern Pacific train from J Sixth street California. She will be accompanied by her secretary. Miss Jennie Hashes, and Lieutenaut-Colonel W. Duncan. The peach trees are beginning to put forth their blossoms in the orchards of our city. - Who said we wouldn't have peaches? . The condition of Mrs. J. H. . Wood continues 'about the same, her case being a serious one, and causing the physi cians much concern regarding "its treat ment. The revival services at the Christian church, commencing this evening, will begin at 8 o'clock, instead of at 7 :30. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Next Saturday the ladies of the Lutheran church will nave a eale of all kinds of pastry bread, cakes and. pies in the store of I. C. Nickelsen. Call on then and get something good to eat. The family of Rev. D. V. Poling is to. day engaged in moving into the residence I formerly oocapied-by Hugh Gourlay on Mr. Gourlay is building a neat little cottage adjoining, into which his family will move when it is finished. Otis Patterson left on the afternoon train for Portland to attend the annual "Mystic Banquet" to be given by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons in that city tonight at 9 o'clock. This is always a great event among the members of this order. During these uncertain times of the war and the anxiety felt by relatives of the soldier boys, many cablegrams would be sent to the scene of action were it not for the expense thus incurred. It is said that every word sent to Manila costs $2.47. One young" inan well known in The Dalies, sent a cablegram from Manila to bis mother in New York wa'ch coH $32. A meeting of the teacheis of the public school will be held at 4 o'clock to day, when arrangements will be made for their trip to Dnfnr Saturday. Convey ances have been engaged and will leave here at 8 o'clock. The ladies of Dufur will serve lunch at the school bouse up on their arrival, and in the afternoon the program will be carried out. Any one interested in the educational meet ing, and who may desire to go, may do so by informing Supt. Gilbert tomorrow. The Portland Rolling Mills Company has purchased the wreck of the ship Glenmorag. which has lain high and dry on the shore at Long Beach, Wash., j since March, '96. Sojourners at that point this summer will therefore be i entertained with the sight of the gradual j demolition of the big bulk, which will be taken apart and cent to Portland, to be melted and rolled into the strap iron of commerce. Tha purchase was made from the last party who tried to float the vessel. The Salem Statesman says: "The early closing movement will be inaugu rated among Saiem's business bouses Monday next. - The movement includes the dry goods, shoe and clothing estab lishments of the city, and, commencing Monday, they will close every day, Saturday excepted, at 6 p. m. All of the business men representing the above departments have acquiesced in tbe agreement, which includes Sunday clos ing also." When will Tbe Dalles follow suit? At least let the business houses begin its consideration. It is reported by people arriving in Baker City from the west that along the railroad from aB far as The Dalles there is a vast number of men making their way to Huntington, or rather to the scene of construction operations on the line of the Northwest Railway, expecting to get work. Some are beating their way on the O. R. & N. while others are tramping it, with camping outfit and bedding on their backs. At Meacham Sunday, there were a hundred or more, with here and there a genuine hobo sandwiched in. The Northwest Rail way company has advertised for 1,000 laborers and at the rate they are coming the ranks will soon be filled. Baker City Democrat. Another evidence of the artistic taste of Finest Jensen is given in tbe arrange ment of the Easter window at A. M. Williams' store. At one end of the window he has placed an old fashioned tomb made of white banting with purple trimming. The gates are ajar and in side may be seen a large faster egg drawn by six beautiful white doves and driven by an angel, who holds the silken reins. "In the mouth of one of tbe doves is a green spray, betokening the coming of spring. The eky is studded with stars, while the remainder' of the window is draped In dainty summer goods. " It is a clever device representing the opening of spring, and is also very pretty to the view; Much distress has been caused among the relatives of Use boys now facing the bullets.at Manila on account of the un certainty of the names given in the list of the dead and wounded, and the mis takes made in the names of the com panies. No doubt when dispatches are received and comment is afterward given in the Portland papers, they . depend somewhat on the official rrster for in formation, and seeing tbe same name In various regiments, often get tbe nanus confused in that manner. Among the Hat of the dead given in Monday's Ore- eonian was William W. Cook, of Com-. pany L. In tbe notes below, the initia were given as William E. Among Th Dalles boys who . inlisted was Willia . Cook, son of Dr. Cock, who lives some distance in the country, and grand son of Mrs. Kerrisoa. What more natural than that the latter should think it her boy who wa9 killed, and tbe thought almost prostrated her, unti yesterday's Oregonian gave the assnr-l ance that it .was " William M. Cook, o Junction City, a private in Company D Tbe suspense in such cases often causes II more pain than the certainty, and we are glad for the sake of his relatives' that their fears were unfounded. Today... Just Received Full Line of Be a Mays S Crowe Customer Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tackle Bicycle Sundries Crawford Bicycles Cleveland Bicycles Golden Eagle Bicycles Smokeless and black Powder Loaded Shells. and S Goods. Bicycles Rented and Repaired. porting Standard Trout Flies 12c per doz. English Trout Flies 25c per doz. Jointed Fish Poles, Lancewood Tip ...50c each Jointed Fish Poles, Split Bamboo, Silk Wrapped, (Jork handle $1.00 each Reels, large assortment 20 to $1.50 each caii at Mays & Crowe's ewstore- Copywrighted.I LET THEM SEE THE ENTIRE CITY The Editor Mutt See Something Beside tbe View on Flnt Street. The committee on arrangements for the entertainment of the National Edi torial Association, which met Tuesday night in Portland, recommended to the secretary of the association that the excursion reach The Dalles on the morning of July 3rd and make the trip down the river to Portland by boat. It is very likely that Secretary Page will act on the recommendation given and report at once. A? soon as word is received from him, tbe committee in The Dalles will immediately arrange for their entertainment. 'As they will prob ably remain here two hours at least, 'it is thought best to provide breakfast for them, and at the same time see that they have an opportunity to view the city beyond the limits of First street. Fatal would be the result to our town we-e they compelled to gaze on the beauty of that street alone, with its massive buildings, well-kept lawns, and the boulevards leading in every 'direc tion. True, it would be a rare privilege to obtain a view of China as here repre sented, or to gaze upon the awful grandeur of the ruins on the river bank; comprising all there is left of the ones famous can of salmon ; bottles which In their palmy days contained some of tbe most bealing balm ; rare bits of china valuable documents in fact, curios of all kinds. But at the same time to give them a comprehensive idea of the city they should be taken to some of the benches in the background. To this end it baa been suggested that the' residents be called upon to lend their assistance ' by ' turning out with their horses and buggies, carriages, carts! backs.' w heelbarrows, etc., and by so doing every vieitor can be driven through the city and to the hills beyond where the beet view of the mountains and river can be obtained, such was the plan adopted by the people of Love land, Colo., and one which made lasting impression on their guests. eath of Alias Nellie Hudson. Cows Herded. All pereons wanting their cows herded, (beginning April 1st), will do well to see Joslin & Sons, on Tenth street, west end. - Mch4-lm Two gentlemen who arrived in tbe city from Nansene about noon, brought news of tbe death of Miss Nellie Hudson daughter of Henry Hudson, at that place this morning. About ten days ago she was taken very ill with a severe case of grippe, which caused heart trouble, and ended in her death. - Miss' Hudson's death will be great! deplored by the entire community "near her home, as well as jn tbe districts where she has taught. For several years she has been a teacher in the schools of the county and was to begin a term of Bchool in Dist. No. - 28 next ' Monday. The fact that she has taught a number of terms successfully in her home district, o. 30, is proof of her competency, as the ome school is usually the most difficult o manage, bne was to bave taken part the program for the educational IT PAYS. We have a complete line of- 1 ishing Tackle Todes apd pabrie We are ready to show them in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the earliest selections secure best results. Tbe stock is complete and new and we in vita you to look at it. . p Stepri?s. A. Ad. KELLER, ...Trie Renvvnea oia Oro Fino Saioan... 90 Second St., second door from Court. THE DALLES, OREGON 111 October 15 A. AD. KELLER The Dalles. Or. $0.98. $1 worth of checks good for 10c drink. er cigar. Tom Burke's tP Homestead Whiskey Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and check witu each purchase The Largest and Best of August Buchler Home-made Beer and Porter. Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. Aftet the Holidays. We bave a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are eelling at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. -" 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. White Russian Granulated Rye Meal. Fine for Breakfast Mash and Gems, 25c per sack.. . The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats From 100 to 150 bushels per acre has been raised from these Oats. For sals at ID ? J. H. CROSS, I Feed and Grocery 6 tore. - Z CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d & Federal Sts. next Saturday, missed by all and who meeting at Dnfnr will 'be greatly attend.' - Miss Hudson was in her 24th year, and possessed one of those gentle, trustworthy dispositions which is so attractive in woman, and which causes all to feel deeply grieved at her demise. Her mother and several other members of tbe family are eaid to be very ill. 23 '"."23" ID Attention, W. R. C.l AH members of J. W. Nesmith's W. R. C. are requested to attend a regular meeting Saturday eveningApril 1. By order of ' Mas. Ulrich, Mis. Grimes, . President. Secretary. Fresh cracked "Nebraska corn at tbe Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-ti