The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 29, 1899, Image 3

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and ....
in all colors, grades and styles. These are all new good a and dainty
in patterns and colorinue. Thia is the time of year to bey this class of
goods, for they will have to be made early in order to be prepared for the
warm days that we have in the early spring. Come and make your se
lections while the stock is unbroken, for the choicest patterns come in the
smallest pieces.
Hew Laces, pw EmMiiiies, New pons.
All these things are requisite with the line mentioned above,
and we have them in the moet approved Btyles.
Remember that three davs sale is a very ehort time, but ample if
you are inclined to avail yourself of this chance.
and for the balance of tho week with the most complete line of
Men's Clothing ever shown in this city. Prices that will fit any pocket
book and styles to please the most fastidious. We shall call your atten
tion particularly to the
Famous H. S. & M. Line of Guaranteed Clothing
This is the clothing now being advertised so extensively in the lead
ing magazines of the country. We would suggest to intending purchasers
the desirability of seeing this clothing and making comparisons, as we
know there can be but one result,
You will buy Your Clothing of Us.
With this sale in view, we purchased some months ago a number of
souvenirs of value.
We shall give one Souvenir
with each suit sold during the week from Ten Dollars up.. We are
displaying these souvenirs in our Furnishing Goods window. They will
interest you, come and see what they are.
All Goods Masked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
WEDNESDAY - - MARCH 29, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The. Dalles, January jo, 1899.
P. S. Gunning is busy today placing
the fire escapes on the Umatilla House,
Today Sheriff Robt . Kelly turned over
$5,084.84 to County Treasurer Phillips
Taxes are being paid rapidly, as they be
Our Furnishing Goods'
Department asks your
On May,
pianH 27ttu
come delinquent April 1st.
Several of our local barbere have re
ceived their certificates from the state
board of barber examiners, permlting
them to practice the tonsorial art.
Horse fead is so high in the. Atlin re
gion that it is said a man can carry $40
worth of hay in bis hands. The poor
horses there will regret they ever went
to Alaska. . ' .
Next Saturday . the ladies of the
Lutheran church -will have a eale of all
kinds of pastry bread, cakes and pies
in the store of I. C. Nickelsen. Call on
them and get something good to eat.
The Perkins hotel in Portland has
been leased by C. A. Harrson, formerly
proprietor ot the Rainier-Grand hotel
at Seattle and the Hotel Chilberg at Ta
coma. He will take charge April 5th.
Commencing thia evening the Christ
ian church will hold a series of revival
meetings, which will be .conducted by
Rev. Gentry Rushing, of La Grande,
who ' will arrive on this afternoon's
Clothing Sale
irain. A cordial invitation is extended
to everyone.
Captain John W, Lewis, a veteran of
the civil war, has been invited by a
number of prominent citizens to deliver
an address in this city on his experience
in the civil war. He has accepted the
invitation, and suggests the night of
April 5 as the time, and the Armory as
the placj. Telegram. ; '
." Men lay evening in Portland, . Dr. A.
W. Botkin, formerly of The Dalles, and.
Miss Mable Delano, of Portland were
united in marriage. The doctor, who
has been practicing in Arlington for the
past few months, intends making bis
future home in Athena, Umatilla county.
His friends here wish them much
happiness and euccess,
There will be a sale of useful and fancy
articles at the Salvation Army hall on
Thursday afternoon, March 30, com
mencing at 2 o'clock. The proceeds of
sale will be devoted to the self denial
fund. On Wednesday evening, the of
ficers and soldiers will bring their offer
ings to the meeting and relate their ex
periences in raising the eauie. -On
Thursday evening everything left from
the sale will be auctioned off after the
meeting. Everybody welcome, -.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. - Evane,
father of Si Evans, of 3-Mile, died at the
residence of bis son on 3-Mile. Last
summer Mr. Evans came to this place
from the sound to visit bis son, with
whom he has since . made his home.
About a month ago he was taken with
la grippe, and seeming to be unable to
take nourishment enough to support
bim, be finally succumbed to the disease'.
The funeral took place from the Calvary
Baptist church this afternoon . at 1
o'clock and the interment ;was make In
the city cemetery.
Quite a number of people were at
tracted last evening by the sweet sounds
of music issuing from Jacobsen'a store,
where Prof. Baldwin and Frank French
were giving some pleasing piano selec
tions, comprising some of the latest
catchy aire. . They were ably assisted by
Charles Twineham, the genial and pop
ular etevtard of the Regulator, andChas.
Threadbare, who played the mandolins
with very pretty effect. These young
gentlemen are abundantly possessed of
unusual talent, and judging from th
comments heard last evening, ehord
tney appear m pnouc tnev would be
..... . . A
given a hearty reception.
The meeting of the order of Eaelern
Star last evening was a ehort one, fend
emerged into a reception in honor of one
of its members, Mrs. Levi Clark, wh
will soon leave to make her home in
Hood River. One of their famous ban
quets was served, and the arrangement
of the tables was particularly novel and
pretty, being so placed as to form a star,
each point of which was decorated in
the various colors, yellow and
white, while the center was in green.
After the banquet the time was spent in
guessing games, which were greatly en
joyed. During the evening Mrs. Clarke
was presented with an immense bunch
of violets. '.
Travelers in the East are always
pleased to find along their route in the
railway stations views of the wonderful
scenery along tne Colombia river
and proud to point to them- and say
these belong to our' grand Columbia,
We have seen many beautiful views,
but never have we seen any that equal
those taken by Moore, of Portland, and
which are to be hung up in the Regula
tor. They are 18x22 inches in size, and
are so perfectly clear and real that every
leaf of the foliage and every waterfall
would seem to be standing out in dis
tinct, view. One of Oneonta Gorge is
particularly fine, as is also that of the
falls at the Caecades. They are perfect
xne mystery ot tne valise which was
found along the river bank a short ways
below the city about a week ago, has
been solved. It was feared that investi
gation might disclose something very
sensational a drowning or likedieaster;
but it has proven a simple case of theft.
A young lady who came up from White
Salmon about a month ago placed her
valise in the hall at a private residence
in the city, from which place it was
stolen. This morning the valise and
contents were identified ; but a man's
bat which was taken at the same timn
was not among the articles found. The
tramp or whoever stole it, finding there
was nothing in the valise which would
be of value to bim, cached it among the
rocks on the river bank by way of get
ting rid of it apd covering his crime.
Best of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial .- manner, . when - the
springtime comes, use the .true And per
feet remedy, "Syrup of Figs. ' Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig .Syrup Co.' only, and for eale b
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.'.
" " Cows Herded.
AH persons wanting their cows herdei
(beginning April 1st), will do well to ee
Joslin & Sons, on Tenth' street,' west
end. " ' Mch4-lm
E3ew -Today;.;'
- Just Received Full Line of
Shot Guns
Fishing Tackle :
Bicycle Sundries
Crawford Bicycles :
Cleveland Bicycles
Golden Eagle Bicycles
Smokeless and black
Powder Loaded Shells.
Bicycles Rented
and Repaired.
0 U1U1W1
Dr. James Sutherland ana Miss Ursula
11a Kneh United In Marriage.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon Dr. James
Sutherland claimed as his bride Miss
Ursula Stella Rucb, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruch, the wedding
ceremony being performed by Rev. J. E
Wojd, Of the Methodist chnrch, at their
residence on the corner ot Fourth and
Court street
e decoration of the parlors for the
occasion was conspicuous for its dainti
ness, palms and potted plants making
the scene an attractive one, while cut
flowers drooped from numerous vases
Lohengren'a wedding march teas played
by the bride's eUter. Miss Louise Ruch.
as the bride entered the prlor, leaning
.1 - r i x . i i
panied by . her bridesmaid, Miss Rose
Michell. The groom was accompanied
by W. A. Campbell, who acted as best
The bride was very pretty in a silk
gown worn by her mother on a similar
occasion thirty years ago. Over it was
draped white moosselauie de soie, with
bow - knots forming dainty trimmings.
She carried an immense' bunch of pure
white rosebuds. , The bridesmaid was
attired in light green silk moire and
carried pink carnations
At 3:30 o'clock a wedding dinner was
served, at which the following beside
the bride and groom were seated : Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Ruch, Misses Louise and
lone Rucb, George Ruch, Jr., Hon. and
Mrs. John Michel, Miss Maude Michell,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Michell, Miss
Michell, Misses Rose, Annette and
Myrtle Michell, Miss Nellie Michell,
Miss Clara Grimes, of Portland, and Mr,
W. A. Campbell.
The large number of handsome presents
received conveyed to the young people
the congratulations and good wishes of
their friends, who took thia means of
expressing them
The bride, who from hep- infancy has
grown np in The Dalles, is too well
known to its people for The Chronicle
to add anything as to her sweetest of
character and womanliness. The groom.
also so well ' known to every resident
having been a practicing physician here
for a number of years, : needs not our
praises as to his worth and integrity
We can only extend our share of good
Dr. and Mrs. Sutherland will leave
on the evening train for their future
home in Spokane, where the-groom has
an extensive practice, and where we
trust success will attend them.
- Surprise Party.
On Saturday eve, March 25th, Mr,
Robberts, with bis SundaySchool class
ot the U. B. church, called, at the home
of MiBB May Barzee, to surprise heron
her 13th birthday.
Those present were Mr. Robberts,
Geo. Betts,' Oscar Anderson, Earl Rob
berts, Hallie Rice, Loyd, Barzee, Misses
Ninon "Odkes, Mable Anderson. Martha
rat on
inlays CC
Be a
We have a complete line of
ishing Tackle
Standard Trout Flies...
English Trout Flies
Jointed Fish Poles, Lancewood
Jointed Jjish Jfoles, bplit Bamboo, bilk wrapped,
(Jork handle..
Reels, large assortment.
Call at
Todes apd pa brie
He nenowiieil Old Oro Fino Saloon....
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or.
il worth of checks
good for loc drink, g Best Domestic
sr cigar.
tieck wltn eacn purchase
Aftet the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos. Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling ct popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
- - 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal.
Fine for Breakfast Mush and -Gems,
25c per sack. .
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats
From 103 to 160 bushels per
acre has been raised from
'tese Oats. For sale at
Feed and Grocery Store.
Bartell, Myra Bonner, Nora Barzee and
May Barzee. j
A program was arranged - by Mrs. C.
I. Engly while Mrs1. Barzee ruehed to
the kitchen .to pat on the taffy. - AH
took some part in speaking and singing,
and playing games - Mr. - Robberts ap
peared on the program with some very
nice comic selections. - .
Abont 10 o'clock all matched to the
kitchen, to take part in the taffy pulling.
Everyone apparently had a good time.
rOV6 Customer
12ic per doz.
25c per doz.
Tip : ...50c each
$J.OO each
20 to $1.50 each
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"'
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections eeenre best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
Tom Burke's Homestead. Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Liquors, nines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.'
B E 33 S
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
S 23 E5 D
Tbns a pleasant evening was spent and
Miss May was. completely surprised'.
Nine beautiful and useful prteent9 were
received by Miss May.
. - Notice.
Have yon a larm for eale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding;
farming lands that Ibey wieh lo dispose
of?. If to, please write to any agent of
the O. K. & N. Co., and he will send
you a circular which will interest you.