Tb3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION FKICK. One week $ 15 One month. 50 One year 6 00 "WEDNESDAY - - MARCH 29, 199 MUST CAPTURE AGUWALDO. From the cable accounts of the fighting at Manila, it would appear that Aguinaldo must presently pre pare to do the "last stand" act that is so popular with the leaders of a lost cause, says the Spokesman-Be-"view. At last accounts the insur gents were fleeing toward Malolos where Aguinaldo has his strongest force perphaps to protect his pre cious hide -and a battle in that vi cinity may be looked for before long. It is the evident policy of the Amer icans to press the fighting vigorously from this on in order to end the re volution before the hot and rainy season is at its height and hence all possible speed will doubtless be made in chasing the Filipinos to their lair. Perhaps the best thing that could now happen would be an early battle at Malolos, the defeat there of the Filipinos and the capture of Agui naldo. The wily leader of the in surgents, however, may elude cap ture, but bis taking would mean more than several victorious engagements to the American arms. With Agui naldo secure the revolutionary party would disintegrate. It has not ap peared that the cabinet with which Aguinaldo bas surrounded himself is a 6trong one, so aggressive or so able as himself. While he has shown him self a scoundrel and a bribe taker, a 'soldier of fortune" and an adven tmer, it can not be denied that he is possessed of mental attainments far above the ordinary. The natives Lave rallied about him rather than about the party of which be is the head. With him out of the way the "backbone of the revolution would be gone. The natives would surrender to the superior force, go back to the reservation, as it were, and agree to fce "good Indians." Aguinaldo, nowever, must be captured or chased ut of the country; captured prefer ably. To accomplish that end will require great strategy, for the insur gent president and commanding gen eral has shown bimselt fond of fight ing in the open. When Malolos is taken the chances are he will be ab sent, but he should be pursued with utmost j diligence. Until he is re moved, peace in the Philippines is lardly probable. From the army recruiting stations all over'the country comes the report of an eagerness to enlist, especially on the part of the former volunteers, The large majority of recruits desire to join regiments which are at Ma nila or have been ordered thither. Foreign service, with Its discomforts, risks and promise of activity in the field, is attractive, while home duty, with its relative ease and and immu nity from danger, is distasteful; and there is a" pronounced desire to evade it. This proves that the martial spirit still prevails among the youth of the country. While the army re organization bill was before the sen ate, it will be remembered, there was a prolonged debate as so whether the provisions of , the bill gave the presi dent the power of conscription. This rush of recruits is in evidence that the time used in debating this ques tion ras wasted, since it shows that conscription is afar off, if, indeed, un der any circumstances it will ever again become necessary. Ore"gonian. For frj9t bites, barns, indolent sires, eczema, ekin dieeaee, and especially Piles De (Viu'd .Witch Hazel Salve Stands first and beet. . Look out for dis honest people who try to Imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. - Worthless goods are not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes-Kineraly Drog Co. Tbe steamer Spokane has been' placed in service on the Snake river between Sparta and Lewi; ton with double daily service and will be operated as a through -mail, express and passenger steamer, making round trips daily- except Satur day. Leave Biparia at 2 :30 a. m. ar riving at Lewiston at 12 o'clock noon. Leave Lewiaton at 2:30 p. m. arriving at Biparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The steamer Lewiston will take the place of the Spokane on the same echedale Sat urdays .and at ottier times will be oper ated on a wild schedule, taking care of all local work. The object of this . new schedule ia to place the Wieten and Buf falo Hump countries more in loach with points on the O. B. & N. . -tf Notice Co Tax Payers. I will promptly close the tax roll and tarn over tbe delinquent list to clerk on first Monday April.- Interest on all county warrants paid in for taxes shall ceaBe on and after the turning over of such roH. Robert Kelly, Sheriff, Wasco Co. The Dalles, March 15, 1899. Tie Dalles, PorilaDi ana Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator (S Dalles City Pally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, "Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. me Kegruiator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of Tbe Regulator JLtne. The above steamers leave Portland and Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample Portland Office. The Dalles Office, c i. uoctL. uoun street. W. C. Allaway, General Agent. A Beautiful Skin. Toadies, if yon desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect is simply magical, possessing the wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautiful trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft and smooth sKin where tbe reverse exists. Even the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar redness, yellow and muddy skin are permanent ly removed, and a deliciously clear and refined complexion assured. Price per small box, SO cents; large box, II, or six large boxes, $5. bent to any address post paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of ine aoove amount.- write ior tree circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St," Ean Francisco Cal FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A BNE RAL BANKING RUfclNEB Letters of Credit issned available in the Eastern States. : Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San. Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle wasn,, and various points in vregon ana Washington. - : Collections wade at all points .on fav orable terms. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. JSTURDEVANT, Dentist, Office over French & Co.'s Bank Phone 6, . THE DALLES, OREGON JJOLLIE V- CLEAR Y, Art Studio. Room 3, Chapman Block. China painting a specialty, JJR- eEISENDORFVKK Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, ' Tel. 828 - Vogt Block Branch Office Oregon. Viavi Company, ' Room 7, ovei French's Bank. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m- Charlotte F." Roberts. Local Manager, FRED. W.WILSON, ' ' ATTORN EY-AT LAW. THE DALLES, OREGON. umee ovei r irsr nat. suit. B J9 HUNTINGTON H S WILSON XT TJNTXNGTON 4 "WILSON, A. A A vull A M O A A AJA a THE DALLES, OREGON umce over rirai nat noun. tJast What Voa uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we .are .showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good . papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D.-W. VATTSE, Third St. A Neglected Cold is the forrnnner of almost every ailment. It de bilitates the svstem and leaves it an easv nrev to disease. Loss of hearing and dimness of sight are amongst its ill effects, Oar Syrap of Tar, Tola and Wild Cherry for Colds and Coughs is not only a cure bnt a preventative. It tones up the system, increases the vitality and acts as a general bracer. Price 26c and 50c per bottle. - . : . nut li you aon t liae our preparations we have all other kinds. We fill the doctor,s orders too. M. Z. DONNELL, ...DRUGGIST... A good drug sign. You well know that a good drug sign is tbe patronage which is bestowed on the Btore. It is the pority of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply tbe best drugs at the best price. ' We are particular about the compounding of them. - RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SecDM Street. THE DALLES sania Fe Rome ' Offers travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their scenio attraction. O. K. & N. view Ogden and Denver. . Shasta Route view Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lis Angeles and Alberquerque. A dailv line of throogh PULLMAN PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Chicago. This is The Short Line from southern California ' To the East Apply to the agents of the O. R. & N. Co. or the undersigned, .for folders and descriptive literature. ' - - . J. J. DEVEREUX, : Uen. Agt. Worcester, Bldg. Portland, Or. .'v.:- IfT C. J. STUBLING ' . - . . Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. : Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WSlSSSTironr$2.75 to ! 3.00 per gallon. IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 A LilCIDIA IBIiniB tt m 3.-86 ONLTT THE PUREST XlQtJOKS SOLD. HOP GOLD SEES on draught, and Yal imported Aie ana rorter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. MSG Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot en kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTllfed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- fYYl "FloilT This Flour is manufactured expressly : for family "KJJ-L nee : every sack 1b guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. s r Rockford Quick Shot" - 12 -Plate Magazine Camera. Simplicity Durability "Turn the lever and you are ready for another." No plate holders with slides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog plates. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot, 'J the only magazine cams era that holds the plates seenrely after they are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Best on earth. 3Jx4K 1., ....... $6.00 4x5 $9.00 With one dozen plate holders. Manufactured under the Conley patentp by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., KOCKFORD, ILL. We sell only throueh local fleents. Ask onr I agents to show you this "Quick bhot." Gfandall&Bartjet DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "welT-kno-wn Bake, and am new prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Pancy Grocer es. GEO RGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ..Spring Is And F. S. GUNNING, the blacksmith, is prepared to put your buggies plows and farm implements in proper shape. Second and Langhlin Streets, 'Phone 157. Rdvetftise in... Mash Whiskey (4 to 15 years old.) per gallon. (11 to 20 yeara old.? lo 6 t'O ter gallon. (4 to 11 yeare old.' Blatx and Hop Gold Beer in bottles areholise Oompany Quick Sellers No Complaints i ne anipes-Mnersiy urug. UO, I - AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. Coming. THE DALLES, OREGON. dG Oil UO 1 iJo Dkpabt - FOB tim k schbdvxjs. Fbom DaIuLks. Arrivb Fbom. - Fast Mail Bait Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast Mail. 8:15 p. m. worth, umaha, KanJ sas City, St. Louis, 11:50 p. m. (jmcago ana cast. Spokane Flyer 5:40 p. m Walla Walla, Spokane,! Spokane Flyer. 5:00 a. m. Minneapous. be raui, D u 1 u t h, Milwaukee,! vimcago ana .asu 8 p m. From Portland. Ocean Steamships. For Ban Francisco January 22, and every five days thereafter. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.bunday Saturday 10 p. m. Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.bunday To Astoria and Way .uanaings. 6 a. m. Willamette River. 4:30 p. m. E X.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.bunday eaiem oc way iana b. 7 a. m. Willamtttk and Yam 8:30 n. m. Tues.Thur. hill Rivers. Oregon City, Davton. and Way-Landings. Mon.,Wed., and Sat. ana n. 6 a. m. Willamette Rnris. Tue.,ThurJ 4:30 p. m. Portland to Corvallis, Tue., Thur ana eat ana vvay-Lanaings. and Sat. Shake River. Riparia to Lewiston. Leave Lewiston. daily Lv Riparia Qaliy take No. 4, leaving 'lhe Dalles at .5:30 p. m., ujomiug uuwi uuuuwiiuiib at neppuer junction. Returning makingdirectconnectlon at Heppner junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at S:15 p. m.; ' No. S2, throught freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., departs 8:50 a.m. Mo. 24. local freight, carries passengers, east bound; arrives 4:30 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs 9:30 p.m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m - For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Uo.'s agent The Dalles, or address W; H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or, rf ORTHERN y PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. PAUL. MINTS EAPOI.I DOLDTB VAHGO GRAND FOB CBOOKSTON WIHMPKO HELENA o SUITE TO Tfairoagb Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST Mid SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALT, A WAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. 25 ARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., -rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon NORTHWESTERN TRAVELERS ARE "North-Western" Advertisers Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAQO and "the EAST via " MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment of its trains is the most modern of the car bnilder's art embodying all the luxuries, comforts anti-necessaries of travel. "TSE KEW; EORTH-WESTEBH LIMITED" . (20tb Centary Train) , . Is electric lighted both inside and out, anrT equipped with handsome butfet smoking librarj car, compartment and standard sleepers, fre chair cair and modern day coach; and on which no EXTRA FARE is charged. It makes connec tions at M inneapolis and St. Paul with Northern ' Pacific Great Northern, and "Soo-Pacific' trains; and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 SOp. m. ; St. Paul 8.11 p. m. ; and arrives Chicago 9.30 a. m. For berth reservations, rates, folders and illustrated booklet FREE of tbe "Finest Train in the World ' ' coll at cr address Ticket Offices 248 Washington St., Portland; 606 First Avenue. Seattle; 05 Granite Block. Helena: 113 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis; 395 Robert St, St. Panl; 405 West Superior St., Dnluth. ot address T. W. Teasdaxb. General Passenger Agent, St, Panl, Minn.