The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1899, Image 4

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An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the
California. Fiq Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining' the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
as the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
-or irritating them, make it the ideal
laxative. .
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle.
Joseph Shefar is
from Des Chutes.
in the city today
Mrs. VV. L. Bradshaw was a passenger
on the boat thie morning tor Portland.
John Booth was up from Portland
yesterday, returning on" the delayed
afternoon train.
G. P. Bailey, a Baptist miesionany of
the Oregon state board, arrived" in (he
city yesterdav, and expects to make his
ho ne in The Dalles.
Mrs. Emery Oliver, who has been
spending several months with her
parents, Mr. end W. E. Sylvester, will
leave this afternoon for her home in
C. M. Grimes, John Crate and Henry
Phirman went down on the boat to
Bingen this morning, for the purpose of
: receiving a band of cattle from the Trout
- creek region.
jMr. and Mrs. E. 0. McCoy left on
-yesterday's afternoon train on their way
to laliforma, in the hope of benefiting
Mrs. McCoy's health, which for some
- '-time has been poor.
-J. K. Harvey, of Centerville, is in
town today and called at The Chroni-
eta office. He reports everything lively
. among the farmers in his vicinity, and
..much railroad talk about the town.
Best of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy. Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and. for eale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Proposals for Stone Work.
Bids for the construction of a section
of county road mostly stone work
along bluff near town of Hood River,
are hereby invited. Sealed bids to be
sent to J. S. Harbison of Hood River by
April 10th, 1899. Capt. J. H. Dukes, of
Hood River, will show parties the loca
tion and furnish particulars. Right to
reject all bids reserved.
J. S. Harbison,
Road Supervisor.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Waa the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
yon want these qualities and the succees
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
A Houghton's drug store. 2
Oak Wood Oak Wood.
For the next thirty days I will eell
for cash, oak wood, either first, or sec
ond growth, at actual cost, delivered
A good chance to get your wintet 'a
supply cheap.
Phone 199. or leave orders at WilkTn
oti warehouse, First street.
sx25 ' F. B. Saunders.
Casta. In xoar Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to May 1st, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 27,
1899. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasnrer.
Tf you have a cough, throat irritation,
weak lungs, pain in the cheBt, difficult
breathing, croup or hoarseness, let ub
eaggeet One Minuto Cough Cure. Al
ways reliable and safe. Snipes-Kiaersly
Drug Co. "
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
eonburn and wind chafing. tf
Continued from Third.
and when she makes a move so does
As I told you in the first part of my
1 etter, about taking part in battle of
Caloocan, it was something that I
wouldn't haye - miesed for anything.
We heard that our forces were to take
the city, so after retreat, Earl Sanders,
A. J. Gordon and myself took our guns
and made a break for the firing line,
which we reached about 8 o'clock at
night. We immediately proceeded to
the Kansas regiment, Co. K, where we
were acquainted with some of the boys.
As we all came off of guard that morn
ing, and being worn out from excite
ment, we soon fell aBleep. But it was
short, for about 9:45 we were fired upon,
but in ten minutes we frightened them
off. But for a brief time only, for soon
tbey reappeared and the great fight wag
on. It was a grand sight. We couldn t
seethe enemy, but the flash of their
guns was enough and we turned loose
on them. We continued the fight for
half an hour, and all was still until
2 o'clock in the morning when tbey
opened fire on us again and came with
in sixty yards of our entrenchments.
We sent volley after volley into their
lines, but tbey gave it right back to us,
and I could hear the Mauser bullets
sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" over
my head. Firing was kept np on both
sides until daylight, and then we made
a gallant charge, driving the Filipinos
from their entrenchments with a heavy
loss. Our loss in this battle has not
given, but I think it was very light.
Two men were wounded by my aide, but
I think they will recover.
The Filipinos then retreated to the
city of Caloocan where the big fight was
to come in the day, but I couldn't
stay any longer. The sharpshooters
were still firing from the trees and we
got a squad to round them up. We
brought down six of them and I am
credited with getting one, as the other
fellows say they didn't hit him, eo it
must have been me. The officers of the
Kansas regiment are a fine set of men
cool-headed. They were not the letet
b't excited. The captain would walk
up and down the trenches and eay,
"Boys, we will have to give them some
more volleys to the left as it seems to be
getting thick over .there," and alter we
would get through, he would say, "That's
the way to fix those Negroes, give 'em
b 1." Even during the night he would
come and talk to us, and invited Sanders
to roll up In his blanket and Earl did.
Just imagine a lieutenant and a private
from a different regiment rolled up in
one DianKec. J. would like to see our
officers do that.
When we got back we were fired into
the guard, and fined $6 and five days,
but that was cheap. I wouldn't -have
missed that night's fight for foO. I got
what I long wished for to be under fire
When the first command came to load-,
I wasn't next to myself, and in the ex
citement I never got to shoot. I didn't
even get my musket loaded. It wasn't
because I waa afraid of anything, bnt I
was rattled. After the first few shots
were fired, and I got a smell of powder,
I was just at home and could scarcely
shoot rapidly enough. Its a fine sight
to see a whole line fire at once; it makes
vou want to fight. I would like to tell
yon bow it started, but save no more
time to devote to this.
Don t worry about me, as l have gone
through all the battles I will ever get
into, unless I run off again.
Have you a farm for sale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
the O. R. & N. Co., and he will send
you a circular which will interest you,
Good Wood.
To get the best dry fir and pine wood
that the market affords ling up 40,
Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber-
ngCo. . Jan27-2m
"(jive me a liver regulator and 1 .can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's
Little' Early Risers, the famous little
pills. Smpes-Kinersly Drug Co. .
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggista refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Before the discovery of One Minuts
Cough Cure, mintaters were greatly die
turbed by coughing congregations'. No
excuse for it . now. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -
' Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts. . tf
Use Clarke k Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. . tf
. Columbia bicycles, '99 models best
on aarth $50 at Mays & Crowe's. V
Featherstone bicycles, '99 models, $30,
$40 and $50 at Mays & Crowe's,
Dropped It In the Hat at Zeke'a
Silver Weddlns and Wanted
It Back.
Last spring Zeke Murch and his wife
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary. Zeke lives on a side hill
farm in one of the outlying districts
in a Maine town. He and his wife have
always worked hard and been "saving"
as folks have to be who make a dollar
out of a farm in-this particular part of
the Pine Tree state. .
Among their visitors that night were
Hiram and Mirandy Treat. Now the
Treats were even more saving than the
Murches, and the latter were said to
be 6nugger than the bark of a yellow
But they felt in duty bound to give
something. Not having bought any
plate, they could not add to the col
lection of pickle jars and casters which
adorned the sitting-room table, so they
waited till the hat was passed.
Passing the hat may strike some
readers as a novel feature to introduce
at a wedding anniversary, but Ezekiel
didn't propose to let anyone go away
without a gentle hint that those who
accept invitations to a silver wedding
must settle in the white metal.
For the benefit of those as didn't
have a chance ter get a present, we
win now pass round the hat an' those
as feel moved so to do can add their
piece of silver," explained the host.
When the hat reached Hiram he
pulled out his wallet, carefully abstract
ed a half dollar, looked at it lovingly
and then dropped it into the chapeau.
That night, after they got home, Hi
ram and Mirandy were talking it over,
speculating on the probable value of
those two pickle jars and trying to set
tle in their minds how much was put
into the general collection.
There was 50 cents that I give 'em,"
said Mirandy.
What!" cried Hiram, "you give 50
cents?" - ...
Why, yes, Hiram, we cal-lated to
give em that mueh, you know. We
talked it over beforehand, and agreed
that we could spare it.
"But Lord bless ye, wife, said the
husband, quivering with excitement,
"don't ye, can't ye, understand I
dropped a half dollar in the hat my
self?" It was a late hour before the two
ceased talking about that lost coin, and
the next morning Hiram was no more
reconciled to the accidental generosity
than the night before.
All summer long it worried him, and
he couldn't keep from thinking how far
that half dollar would have gone in
Lately Hiram and Zeke had a settling
up of some old accounts for wood and
labor. Their figures tallied, and. after
the money had shifted hands Hiram's
thoughts reverted .... that unintended
gift. . . .
"Zekiel," he began, softly.
"Yes, Hiram."
"You remember that silver wedding
of yours last spring?" He was begin
ning with diplomatic evasion of the
real point at issue.
"O, yes." Zeke remembered all about
"Wa'al, when the hat was passed
round, ye remember I put in 50 cents?"
"Yes, Hiram, I remember."
"Wa'al, unbeknown to me, my wife,
Mirandy, she put in 50 cents."
"Ya'as,'said Ezekiel, slowly, but very
carefully avoiding any show of under
"Wa'al, we didn't intend to give but
one of 'em, and I want you to give me
back the half dollar that Mirandy give
ye." ;l; . -
Ezekiel said nothing- .
"It's no more'n right ye should,"
pleaded Hiram. "We didn't intend to
gin ye but half a dollar. We can't spare
that other 50 cents nohow. I ve wor
ried about it all summer long an' I
made up my mind to speak out to ye
about it. I've thought it all over an
Mirandy, she s thought it all over an
we sartmly can t spare the 50 cents.
Ezekiel had been gathering himself
for a burst of scorn.
"Wa'al, of all the dog-gonedest mean
critters I ever sot my eyes on ye're
a leetle the wust: No, I wont give
ye back your half a dollar!"
But Hiram wasn't going to be touched
by scorn. The justice of his cause led
him to make one last appeal.
"No, I ain't mean; Zeke, for here I've
waited till now without sayin" a word.
Just think on it, Zeke, you've had the
interest on that half a dollar for over
six months an' you oughter be all fair
an wilhn' to give it back to me. Won t
ye, Zeke?"
But. Zekiel's ear was deaf to pleading
and he still retains the half dollar.
Lewiston (Me.) Journal. ' .
Happy is tha man ' or woman who
can eat a good heatty meal without
Buffering afterward. If you cannot do
it, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cube. It di
gests what you eat, and cures all forms
of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood-Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
clasp, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the beat.. Phone 25.
Mchl. Jos. T. Peters &'Co.
Use Clarke & Falks Roaofoam
To whom it may concern:
By virtue of an order, made bv the Common
Council of Dalles City, Oreeon, "on the 7th day
of March, A. D. 1899, notice is hereby given that
the Common Council aforesaid will cause to be
constructed, in accordance with the laws per
taining thereto, a sewer system in and for said
city; the nature, extent and location of said sys
tem is hereinafter set forth; and the cost there
of will be charged to- the property, benefited
That all of said sewers are to be of terra cotta
pipe and of such sizes as may be hereafter de
termined by said Council .
First A main sewerr commencing from the
low water mark on the Columbia river at the
foot of Union street, thence running south on
Union sireet to the intersection of the allev be
tween Fourth an-i Fifth streets with Union
street, thence south on Union street to the in
tersection of Tenth and Union streets.
Second A main sewer, commencing at and
connected ith the sewer at the intersection of
the alley between Fourth and Fifth streets with
Union street, thence running easterly, through
private property in block 10, thence easterly
through the alley between Fourth -and Fifth
streets to Washington stteet. thence south on
Washington street to Fulton street.
Third A sewer commencing at and connected
with the sewer at the intersection of the alley
between First and Second streets with Union
street, thence running easterly on said alley to
Laughlin street, thence south on Laughlin street
to Fourth stieet.
Fourth A sewer commencing nt and connect
ed with the sewer at the intersection of the alley
between First and Second streets with Laughlin
street, thence running easterly through said
alley to Jefferson street, thence north on Jeffer
son street about 100 feet, thence easterly to a
point in the middle of Tcylor street about 130
feet north of the north side of the intersection
of Taylor and Second streets.
Fifth A sewer commencing at the intersec
tion of the alley between Second and Third
streets with Taylor street, thence westerly on
said alley to Monroe treet. thence north to con
nect with sewer in alley between First and 3ec-
ona streets.
Sixth A sewer commencing at and connected
with sewer on Laughlin street at the intersec
tion of the alley between Second and Third
sts. with Laughlin St.. thence easterly through
said alley to Madison street, thence southerly
on Madison street to the intersection ot Third
and Madison streets, thence easterly on Third
street to the intersection of Third and Monroe
beventn A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Laughlin street at the in
tersection of the allev between Third and Fourth
streets with Laugblin street, thence running
easterly lu aiauiyuil Hiieeb
Eighth A sewer .commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Laughlin street at the in
tersection of Fourth and laughlin streets,
thence easterly on Fourth street to Jefferson
Ninth A sewer commencing at and connect
ed with sewer on Laughlin street at the inter
section of Fourth and Laugblin streets, thence
westerly to asnington street.
Tenth A sewer commencing at and connect
ed with sewer on Laugblin street at the inter
section of the alley be' ween Third and Fourth
streets with Laughlin street, thence westerly to
vrabmngum stieeu
Eleventh A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Laughlin street at the in
tersection of the alley between Second and Third
streets with Laughlin street, thence westerly to
Twelfth A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Union street at the inter
section of the alley between Second and Thiid
streets with said Union street, thence running
easterly along said alley to the intersection of
said aiiey witn w asnington street.
Thirteenth A sewer commencing at and eon-
nected with the sewer on Union street at the in
tersection of the alley between Third and Fourth
streets with Union street, thence easterly
through said alley to the intersection of said
alley with w asnington street.
Fcurteenth A sewer commencing at and con
nected with the sewer on Union street at the in
tersection of the alley between Fifth and Sixth
streets with Union street, thence easterly
tnrougn saiu aiiey to tne intersection oi saia al
ley with v asnington street.
Fifteenth A sewer commencing at and con-
neciea witn tne sewer on iDion street at tne in
tersection of the allev north of First street with
Union street, thence-running easterly through
saia auey to tne intersection ot said alley with
laugniin street.
Sixteenth A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Union street at the inter
section of the elley between Second and Third
streets with Lnion street, thence westerly
through said alley to the intersection of said
alley with Liberty street, thence southerly on
Liberty street to the alley between Fifth and
Sixth streets.
Seventeenth A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer on Liberty street at the
intersection of the alley between Second and
Third streets with said Liberty street, thence
running westerly through said alley to the west
ena oi saiu auey.
Eighteenth A sewer commencinsrat and con
nected with sewer on Union street at the inter
section ot the alley between Third and Fourth
streets, thence running westerly through said
alley to the intersection of said alley with Lib
eny street.
Nineteenth A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Liberty street at the inter
section of the alle between Fourth and Fifth
streets with said Liberty ttreet, thence running
easterly tnrougn saia auey to tne intersection of
saiu auey witn v nion street.
Twentieth A sewer commencing at and con
nected with sewer on Liberty street at the inter
section of the alley between Third and Fourth
streets with said Liberty street, thence running
weBieriy ana mrouun saia aiiey to tne intersec
tion oi saia auey witn uneoin street.
Twenty-first A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer on Liberty -treet at the
intersection of fourth and Liberty streets
thence running westerly along Fourth street to
the intersection of Fourth and Lincoln streets.
Twenty-second A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer in alley between Second
ana inirastreets at tne intersection ot fentiana
stieet with said alley, thence running south on
said street to Third street, thence west on Third to the intersection of Third and Fourth
Twenty-third A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer at the intersection of
Third and Pentland streets, thence running
easterly on Third street to the intersection of
Third and Lincoln streets.
Twenty-fouith A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer at the intersection of
Fourth and Lincoln streets, thence running
westerly along Fourth street to the intersection
oi intra ana f ourth streeta.
Twenty-fifth A sewer commencing at and
connected with sewer running on Third street
at the in tersection of Third and Fourth streets,
thence running westerly and 75 feet more or less
north of the road leading to the Mill creek
bridge, to said Mill creek bridge.
Dated at Dalles City. Oregon, this the 10th day
oi jnarcn, iktj. ,tu, a. ijjits,
mchll Recorder of Dalies City,
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests tbe food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted die-estive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digests
uut ana t,omc. jxo otner preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, "Nausea,
an oiner results oi imperfect digestion.
"pio oycbutwitia go, coicago.
Ghtfoniele Publishing Go.
The Dalles, Oregon.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Fortlai
press, eaiem, j&ose-
burg, Ashland, Sac- I
ramento, Ogden,San 1
Franciseo, Molave, (
6:00 P. M.
9 A. M.
ixs A.ngeies,r.i iraso.
New Orleans and
8:30 A. M.
Roseburg and way sta
tions . .-
fVia Woodbura fori
I Mt. Angel. Silverton.
4:40 P. H
West Scio, Browns-
vuie.Bpringneia ana
Natron J
17:30 A. M.
jCorvallis and way
(stations (
5:50 P. M
uaiiy (except Bunaay;,
i;50p. m. (Lv Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m
) 8:25 a. i
5;50a, i
4:ft0a. i
7:30 p.m. Ai..McMinnville..Lv,
8:30 p.m. Ar.. Independence.. Lv
Daily. tDaily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at San Krancisco with Occl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
All above trains arrive at and depart iron
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. ,
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday 8nd
Friday at 9:40 a. m. Arrivo at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. m.
Except Sunday. Except Saturday.
Asst. G. F. fc Pass. Aet
Through Ticket Office, 1S4 Third street, where
through tickets to aU points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Restores VITALITY,
Hiii-m Tmnnl-MiCT. TJio-rifRmiasions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood, builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks anf
restores the .fire of youth.
WJH X 'J " 1'-- 1
lor $Z.5U; with, a written guaran
tee to cure or refund, tbe money.
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILU
ww44 eo YEARS'
Trade Marks
rrtt1 Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain oar opiulon free whether an -invention
Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents.
Patents taken through Mann Jb Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
sciemnic nmencam
A. handsomely Illustrated weekly.
Iarerest cfr-
enl&tion of mnw acientiflo lonniaX
Terms, 3 a
MUNN & Co.36'8" New York
ionr montos, 91, CKua oj &11 newsaeaiers.
Branca uroce. ss r tsu, wasnuwton. u. u.
3 -s-SJTI
eat mottk.
Quick Odopk.
Reasonable Prices.
Wagon and Carriage Work. 9
Fish Brothers' Wagon. jt
TbiM and Jefferson. Phone 159
r -
..GHflS. FRftIlR.
and Fatmcps
Keeps on draught the celebrated
. edged the best beer la The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
. Finest brands of Wines, Liquor
and Cigars.
of all Kinds always on hand.
Tiie Columbia Packing Co.,
Fine -Lard and Sausages
Curersof V BRAND
H. M. BiiL ,
First Kational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
. Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbb.
H. M. Brai.i..
For Five Dollars you can bnya Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Horsesnoers :