DQQ ODD MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, 27th. 28th. 29th. Organdies Lawns and .... Dimities. in all colors, grades and styles. These are all new goods and dainty in patterns and colorings. This is the time of year to boy this class of . goods, for they will have to be ma.de early in order to. be prepared for the warm days that we have in the early spring. Come, and make your se lections while the stock is unbroken, for the choicest patterns come in the smallest pieces. Kew Lacs;, Hew Egfoilimes, New pons. All these things are requisite with the and we have them in the most approved stvlea. Remember that three days sale is a very short yon are inclined to avail yourself of this chance. line mentioned above, time, but ample if So uvemr Glothing Sale Our Furnishing Goods' Department asks your attention and for the balance of tho week with the most complete line of Men's Clothing ever shown in this city. Prices that will fit any pocket book and styles to please the most fastidious. .We shall call; your atten tion particularly to the Famous H. S. & Wi. Line of Guaranteed Clothing This is the clothing now being advertised so extensively in the lead ing magazines of the country. We would suggest to intending purchasers the desirability of seeing this clothing and making comparisons, as we know there can be bat one result, You will buy Your Clothing of Us. With this Rale in view, we purchased some months ago a number of souvenirs of value. . We shall give one Souvenir with each suit sold during the week from Ten Dollars up. We are displaying these souvenirs in oar Furnishing Goods window. They will interest you, come and see what they are. .- PEASE & MAYS. t ..... . All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - MARCH 28, 1999 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hartford bicycles, '99 models, $35 at' Mays & Crowe's, Columbia Vedette bicyclee, '99 model, $25 at Mays & Crowe'B. 14c burs a good serviceable garden rake, and 19c buys a steel garden hoe at Maier & Benton's. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouee. Finest -kind of chicken feed. - - mch25-tf Capt. Short now has a pilot house on the Dalles City, which is second to none on the river. It has been entirely re arranged and fitted . up to the- queen's taste. .' 'i-i . - Andrew Keller is nfet prospecting in front of his place of business, bnt mere ly intends, to tap trie : main and secure a force of water. sufficient to manipulate his icecream freezer, thus making a great saving in elijow grease. ''The condition of Mrs. J. H. Wood is considered very .'critical today, - and much fear is entertained for her recov ery. A: consultation of physicians was however, held this afternoon, and the report ., given was , somewnat more en- at his home in - that city yesterday morning. While the mayor's ailment was sorosis, or enlargement ot the liver, superinduced by an attack of la grippe nearly two months ago, the immediate cause of death was lack of nourishment. Being deprived of the necessary fuel the machinery of the human system refused longer to operate. One of the very best ways of advertis ing a city or country is -by means of the special editions gotten out by the various newspapers. The latest one to visit us is that of the Walla Walla Statesman, which-has a style peculiarly its own, and deserving of especial credit from the fact that the entire publication is the work of the Statesman office.-- It is a splendid advertisement for that city, and covers every field necessary to that end. . - . Watch your chance, for it isn't often that a man has the good luk to find in the vest pocket of a new suit of clothes a bran new watch ; but bhoee who are so fortunate as to purchase a suit at Pease & Mays' this week will be thus privi leged, for with every suit costing $10 and over, you wilbbe presented - with a good open-faced; silver watch, war ranted for a yer. It behooves you to call at their lothing department and inquire into Jae matter. Last Saturday-morning as The Dalles stage was leaving the stable, one of the wheel horses fell and scaring the others they proceeded up the street in a lively manner. The driver got rattled and threw down the lines and jumped off the stage. We -suppose to catch the leaders. After dragging the horse about a block, they were caught by some passer by. - The horse that had fallen was severely hurt and another one had to be put into Lis place. Prineville Re view. Frank J. Alexander is in the city to day representing the "Editorial Sou venir," a publication which will be gotten up description of the various cities of the state, and forwarded to 1 every member 01 the .National .Editorial Association, which will visit our state in July. This will give them an idea of the different places along their route, and just what to expect as they make the trip. The Dalles should at least be represented by a page or two regarding our city and the vicinity, with some cuts of the ecenery hereabouts. Much concern has been felt by the relatives and friends of John Cooper eince the dispatches received yesterday that E. D. Cooper had been injured in the conflict Sunday. It was thought bv some to be one of the two nephews of D. J. Cooper who are among the volunteers, but their initials were W and P. J. P. Lucas, of the land office, however, has an explanation which it seems to us is a very plausible one. He says that among the volunteers from Dallas was Emmett Cosper, who was a mem ber of Company M, and that while the name of the company and the initials are right, Cosper- has been ' taken for Cooper, and Dallas for The Dalles The steamer Spokane has been placed in Eervice on the Snake river between Sparta and Lewlston with double daily service and will be operated as a through mail, . express and - passenger steamer, making round trips daily except Satur day. Leave Riparia at 2 :30 a. ro-, ar riying at xewiston at i& o clock; noon. Leave Lewiston at 2 :30 p. m. arriving at . Riparia at 7 o'clock p.. m. ' The steamer Lewieton will, take the place of the Spokane on the same schedule - Sat urdays and at other times will be . oper ated on a wild schedule, - taking card of all local work. The object of 'this new schedule is to place the Wisten and Buf falo Hump countries more in touch with points on the O. R. & N. tf Yesterday Mr. E. P. Fitz Gerald received a letter from bis son,' Lieut. C. C. -Fita -Gerald, now - on duty near Havana, and with it a number of very interesting pictures taken from the time he boarded the transport en route to the scene of conflict up till the present time. Among them are photographs of many of Havana's noted buildings and scenes of historical interest. Strange as it may seem, Lieut. Fritz Gerald tells his father that one. day while in the vicinity of "Intrenchment No. 2,". near Havana, he came across a salmon can containing the brand of Senfert Bros' cannerv. The question now is, would it not be well to organize a court oj inquiry .and investi gate the ... qneetion whether - or. not .the aforesaid firm has not. been smuggling into the enemy's headquarters- some of their "embalmed salmon," and if so make the" punishment fit! the t crime We-beiieve, however, that ven the Balmon, would revolt against such estate of affair; " - E3ew Today... Just Received Full Line of Be a ays & lrowe customer Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tackle Bicycle Sundries Crawford Bicycles Cleveland Bicycles Golden Eagle Bicycles Smokeless and black Powder Loaded Shells. Bicycles Rented and Repaired. After an illness of nearly two months, Mayor W. S. Mason, of. Portland,: died State Superintendent Ackerman will arrive in The Dalles -this evening,: and spend tomorrow visiting pur public schools, after. which. lie will make a.,trjp to Heppner, returning in time to attend the educational meeting at-Dofur.- - He was in attendance at the teachers asao. ciation at Walla Walla last week-where an organization was effected which Standard Trout Flies .-. ..12ic per doz. English Trout Plies.. 25c per doz. Jointed Fish Poles, Lancewood Tip 50c each Jointed Fish Poles, Split Bamboo, Silk Wrapped, Uork handle.... $1.00 each Reels, large assortment 20 to $1.50 each pinBioii means much to the teachers of Oregon: Deeming it best, the Oregon State Teach era Association was divided in two divisions, to be known as follows : All the territory east of the Cascade moun tains, as the eastern division of the Ore' gon State Teachers Association ; and all west of the Cascade mountains to be known as the western division of the Oregon State Teachers' Association Since so many teachers from Eastern Oregon were present at the Inland Em pire Teachers' Association . meeting, the state superintendent thought it an op portune time to perfect an organization, and the first meeting is to be held at La Grande, about-the let of September The definite time will be announced later. FIGHTING AS SHE IS. Harry Fredden And Karle Sander Into the Fray by Strategy. IT PAYS. We have a complete line of- Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. Call Hays rOVG S New Store. . Copywrighted-l Todes apd pabrie We are ready to show them in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the earliest selections secure beet results. The stock is complete and new and we invite you to look at it. 5. p Steprps. A. Ad. KELLER, ...Tile gowned Old Oro Fino Saloon... 90 Second St.,. second door from Court. THE DALLES, OREGON The following letter was received yes- terday from . Harry Fredden by bis mother, and givee an idea of his expe- r.ence at the beginning of the recent conflict. No doubt Harry has since seen more fighting than be dreamed o'. He eays:. ... ,, .-. ,, .. .-. If you remember in my letters to you, I spoke of trouble we expected .to. have with the natives before we left here. It baa come at last, and it is a hot eerape, too. The battle of San Juan,' in Cuba, or the charge of the Bough-Riders are not in it with the .fighting that is going on .here. I believe, from all .reports, it is the hardest tight we nave bad eince the beginning of the -war .with .Spain We have been ; fighting both day and night lor the past eight days- and - it is just as near, the end as when we began It will take almost too long to go into detail and repeat it all as it happened but you can get the most of it out of the papers which X will eend you. We have loBt . a great many , men, killed ; and wounded even more than the paper8 state. But the Negro loss is so large they can't count them, nor will sever know the exact number; for you can go on the battlefield and see them piled up in bunches of eight to ten feet deep, where a shell from . Dewey's fleet has exploded, while others are just torn to pieces, i , As they do not hurry the burial of these victims, the dogs just feed upon them. It's a scene which I will always remember as long as I have life. I was on the firing line and took part in battle, which very few men from the Oregon regiment can say, as we have taken no part in the fight. All we are doing is guarding the walled city to eee that.no outbreak occurs ia the streets. It is a great eight to see Dewey's fleet shell the town, -blow up a church, or to have a shell burst in the enemy's line. It does a man good to witness it, and stilt it jeems wrong; but everything is fair in "love and war," as they have de liberately shot down our brave soldiers jast as they would a dogi Who can .blame us for killing every native we meet? We will do it yet if they don't stop fighting, in fact we have done more 118 October 15 A. AD. KELLER The Dalles. Or. 0.90. $1 worth ' of checks good for 10c drink, r cigar. . Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey Specialty In Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars. ti IT Tf HI TT IT IT -K.lfbJrl rltn each purchase The Largest and Best of Angust Buchler Home-made Beer and Porter. Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. Aftet the Holidays.. - We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. - ! - : Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. already in one week than the Spanish army has done in three years. : .Dewey has the - German warshipB tinder arrest for landing war. necessities to the natives, for they Bay, on the field., guns were found which came from Germany. Yet we don't know whether this is true or not, but I do know that Dewey has warships on each side of it Continued on Fourth Cows Herded. All persons wanting their cows herded, (beginning April let), will do well to see Joslin & Sons, on Tenth street, west end. Mch4-lm Ruober Bose. We lead, others try to follow. The Dalles City fire department uses our brand of hose exclusively. Prices and quality talk. Don't be humbngged. - Maier & Benton. White Russian ' Granulated Rye Meal. Fine for Breakfast Mush and . ' Gems, 25c per sack. The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats . From 100 to "150 busheis per acre has been raised from ti.ese Oats. For sale at . ? J. H. CROSS, B Feed and Grocery Store. . .- . Z S 22 22 Jalm 2X CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS ' In Bulk at : J. H. CROSS ' Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d Si Federal Sts. T75 S B' 22 23 . S