The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1899, Image 1

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    ' jj ' '
Alliance From Meyoauayan Was Mate
Against Heayy Resistance.
Enemy Driven Back Leaving One Hun
dred Dead on the Field and Many
Prisoners Two Killed and Ten
Wounded Among Oregon Boys.
Washington, March 27.- The follow
ing dispatch from General Otia reached
Washington at 8:55 this morning:
Manila, March 27. Mac Arthur's
brigade hold Marilao. There' were
severe fighting today and onr casualties
number about forty.
The insurgents have destroyed the
bridges, which impeded the progress of
our train and artillery.
Our troops met the concentrated in
surgent forces on the northern line com
manded by Aguinaldo in person, and
drove them back with considerable
slaughter. They left nearly one hun
dred dead on the field, and many prison
ers and small arms were captured.
The column will press on in the morn
ing. OTIS.
It is supposed that this dispatch was
eent this (Monday) evening.
- Manila, March 29. 3:25 p. m. Gen
eral MacArthur's division spent the
night and morning at Meyoauayan, the
next station beyond Polo. After recon
noitering his front, he pushed along the
railroad toward Malolos. -
If the statement of the thirty-five
prisoners captured today is . true, the
main body of the enemy has retreated to
Malolos. There are no more trenches
to encounter, although over thirty
villages, including the larger settlements
of Bulacan and Gudguinto, intervene
The Washington regiment had an ex
citing experience today, and displayed
much gallantry. The soldiers found a
band of insurgents concealed in a stone
house over which the French flag was
flying. A private approached to set fire
to the building. He did so, and the
troops approached while it was burning,
and the Filipinos had apparently fled,
bnt they Were greeted with a sudden
volley from the balcony of the house,
resulting in the building being cleared
of the enemy in short order.
The American forces advanced from
Meyoauayan, the brigade commanded
by General Otis being on the lett of the
railroad and General Hale's on the right
They eventually discerned white roofs
and steeples among the green trees be
yond the river, looking not unlike a
Massachusetts village. The rebels had
the unformiable river in front of them
and pouring in fire so effectively that it
showed they were veterans, probably
members of the native militia, which
the Spaniards organized.
The American artillery put a dramatic
end to the battle. Approaching under
cover of the bushes to about sixty yards
. from the trenches, the artillery emerged
- upon an open space commanding the
town. When the Americans appeared
they gave a great yell, and the Filipinos
were panic striken, about one hundred
seeking eafety in flight, while a white
flag was raised by those who were en
trenched, who also shouted "Amegos
Colonel Fanston, with twenty men of
the Kansas regiment, swam across the
river to the left of the railroad bridg
and captured eighty prisoners, with all
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
their arms. The Pennsylvania regi
ment captured forty prieonere. By this
ime the right of the Filipinos was de
4 p. m. A thousand Filipinos, com
posing the rear guard of the rebel army,
which is retreating on Malolos, Aguinal
do'a headquarters, made a stand today
in some strong entrenchments about
Marilao, across the Marilao river. In
the engagement, six Americans were
killed, including three officers, and forty
were wounded.
7:40 p.m. The Americans refrained
from burning the town, and are resting
there tonight. Otis' brigade is crossing
the frame aork of the bridge, Hale's
brigade remaining on the south bank of
the river.
The United States Phillippines com
mission proposes to issue a proclama
tion immediately after the rebel govern
ment at Malolos is dispersed, believing
the most effective moment to secure the
allegiance of the natives will be after
they have received an object lesson of
America's power.
Late casualties report L. B. Strawde-
man and Hayes B.Taylor, of Company L
among the dead, and l.eo Grace, Dan
Bowman, Richard Brickdall, Charles
Cochran, John . Davis and Frank
Edwards, wounded.
Deafnesa Cannot be Cared.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure." Send for circulars : free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Homecoming of Oregon Boys.
Pekdleton, March 26. Mrs. Shall.
mother of Dean bbull, one of the mem
bers of company D, Second Oregon vol
unteers, has written to Secretary of War
R. A. Alger, asking him to state posi
tively when the Oregon regiment will be
sent home from Manila. She has - re
ceived a personal letter from the secre
tary, in which be says that as soon as
the regulars who are now on their way
to the Philippines arrive and diBem
bark, the Oregon boys, with all the vol
unteers, will be sent home as fast as the
transports can bring them.
Story of a glare.
Te be bound band and foot for- years
by the chains of disease is the woist
form of slavery. ' Geo. D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such
slave was made free. - He says: "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that Bhe could not turn over in bed
alone. After using two bottles' of Elec
tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do her own work.'
This supreme remedy for female die
eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and dizzy spells. ' This
miracle working medicine is a godsend
to weak, eickly, run down people. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 6
For a quick remedy and one that is
perfectly safe for children let us recom
mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is
excellent far croup,, hoarseness, tickling
in the throat and coughs. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Charles Corey, of Tacoma,
His Wife Twice.
Tacoma, Wash.",' March 26. Dr.
Charles Corey shot and killed his wife
this morning while the two were lying
asleep. Corey was ill, and his story of
the affair is that he was laboring under
a nightmare, believing his wife was being
pursued by a stranger who was intent
on killing her. In his dream Corey says
he followed the two from Tacoma to
Washington, and just as he fancied the
man was about to stab bis wife, be fired
twice with his revolver. He awoke with
a start to find himself sitting in bed with
a smoking revolver in hand. His wife
lay beside him, shot twice through the
bead. Corey had drawn his revolver
trom its place under his pillow and killed
his wife. The relations between Corey
and his wife have been very affectionate,
and the authorities believe his story.
He is nearly crazed with grief, and friends
are watching bim to prevent his suicide.
Mrs. .Corey was a leader in social club
circles. She was afraid of a revolver, and
frequently suggested a fear that she
would be killed by one. Corey was not
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs ; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeles victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Diecovery for consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delight found herself
benefited from the first dose. She con
tinued to use and after taking six bottles
found herself sound and well ; now does
her own housework, and is as well as
she ever was. Free trial bottte of this
Great Discovery at Blakeley & .Hough
ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed. 6
Pendleton Man Makes Good Use ol a
Pendleton, March 26. John H. Pree,
a farmer living at Lee's crossing of Birch
creek, came marching into town yester
day carrying a loaded shotgun, and
driving ahead of him two hobos. Pree
was at work in the field near his bouse.
when he saw the two hobos leave the
house with some plunder and, hurrying
to the dwelling, found that he was short
about $20 in cash, besides several arti
clea of value. He took down bis old
shotgun, loaded it carefully with buck
shot, and went in pursuit of the thieves
Overhauling them, as they trudged along
the road with his property rolled up in
their blankets, be ordered them to right
about face, and, without stopping, kept
them marching until he reached Pendle
ton, eight miles away.
For froBt bites, burns, indolent soree,
eczema, skin disease, and especially
Piles, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
stands first and best. Look out for dis
honest people who try to imitate and
counterfeit it. It's their endorsement
of a good article. Worthless goods are
not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.
For the best results use . the Vive
Camera, For sale by the ' Postoffice
Pharmacy. " tf
Tne Transport Indiana Has Arriyed
. Witn Reinforcement.
Rising of the Hill Tribes
Recently Re
No Political
: ported Was of
Significance. -
New York, March 27. A dispatch to
the Herald from Ilo Ho, island of Panay,
says : The transport Indiana has arrived
here - with reinforcements for Negros
island, where the situation is still satis
factory. The rising of the bill . tribes
was of no political significance.
The committee of natives, with Colonel
Smith, the Americn governor, presiding,
proceeded with the work of drafting a.
constitution as the basis of the document.
It has been formally proposed to raise
the island's revenue entirely from ex
ports instead of by the present method
of levying upon land values and cedula
personae, thus relieving . the laboring
class as far as possible. The natives
desire the immediate introduction of the
English system of education
A gentleman who has had excellent
opportunities for studying the political
situation advocates a separate govern
ment for each - of the islands, with a
representative assembly at Manila for
general control, under the supervision of
an American governor-general, who shall
be free from interference from Washing
ton, except in regard to international
The deputies for the island of Negros
will meet on April 3 to discuss the draft
of the constitution.
Ensign Everhart, captain of the port
of Ilo Ilo, recently re-established light
bouses in the neighborhood of Panay,
Guimaras island. Insurgents from Con
ception island of Panay, acting under
the orders of General Problador, twice
raided Calabazas lighthouse, carrying
off the lamp and appurtenances.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains -end aches
Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. 2
Bids Wanted.
Until March 21st, the Oregon Tele
phone & -Telegraph Company will re
ceive bids at their Dalles office for haul
ing and distributing 500 - 25-feet round
poles for use on their Prineville line,
Poles to be delivered from their pole
yard in The Dalles to points staked be
tween Dufur and Tygh Valley. No com
pensation till contract is filled.
Marl7-td H. L. Vobsk, Manager.
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs
colds, catarrh, bronchitia and lung
troubles are to be guarded against
nothing "is a fine substitute," .will
"answer the purpose," or is "just as
good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That
is the one infallible remedy for all lung.
throat or bronchial troubles. Insist
Vigorously upon having it if "something
else" is offered you. Snipes-Kinersly
Lrug Uo. . . -
Retnors Pimples. Prevent
Bdionsneis, Purify theBlood,
Care Henri&nh nri I :-
tec Sold br dragguM. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phila. Pa.
"Easter-Sunday" Suits
variety at this store.
YvW, Lilies
I 1 Ask for this make.
"V i t If lt' guaraDtosd,
"Name the style you wish, we have it."
Extra "preparations this Spring. Extra for the man
who is hard to fit, for the man who is hard to please, and
for the man who's short of money. Remember when you
are buying a suit you are not buying anything else; you
want full suit-value. We can give it. Our suits in Serges,
Worsteds, Cheviots and, Cassimeres at $7.50, $10.00,
$12.50, $15.00 and $17.50
They Were Founded Chiefly by Eng.
llahmen, Bat the Scotch Are
in the Majority Now.
latterly all the employes of the Hud
son Bay company were caught young;
only lads born in the solitudes of tie
highlands could habituate themselves
lo the life of loneliness; only constitu
tions of iron, hardened under hered
itary conditions, could endure so tre
mendous a strain. It was essential that
the brain power of the factors, should
be unimpaired, an-d that their energies
should rise superior to the depressing
surroundings in fact, that the mail
mist be all there when a sudden call
v as made on his mental resources, says
liiackwood's Magazine.
It may be assumed that the first ad
venturers consisted chiefly of English
men, although the Scottish invasion of
England had seJin with the accession
of King James. But it is certain that
afterward, both with the Hudson Bay
company and its great Canadian rival
the names of factors, traders and prom
inent partisans, with scarcely an excep
tion, were Scottish. Tbe story of trade
end discovery in the northwest reads
like a muster roll of the clans, and main
ly of the northern clans of the second
order. There are MacTavisbes, Mac
Oillivrays, McKays, McLellans, Mc
Dougalls, with Frasers aad Stuarts and
the French Frobishers. A McKenzie,
u Fraser and" a Thompson gave their
names to as many mighty rivers. That
came in the natural course of things.
The company found its best recruiting
grounds in the highlands, and enlisted
the martial spirit of the mountaineers
for a country where local feuds were
forgotten. .
NO 302
can "be seen in greatest
and Easter Ees-spectatlsas
stiffgests Spring attire to
welcome the return of
(lad Spring, when
glistening blades of grass
point Joyously toward
Heaven's canopy of blue,
and the fair flowers unfold
their tiny petals to the
warm sun, making fragrant
the beauty of the day
doesn't It suggest to you
the necessity of arraying
yourself In proper dressP
Our stock of K., N. & P. Co
Clothing- does fitting honor
to so universal a day.
prove it.
Bouuling Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Cay and HiQht-
Courteous treatment
to sill B oculars...
Special Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully elicited.
Harpy Esping, Proprietor".
Car Sale at a Bargain.
One single open buggy; also one set
of single harness. . Address H. R.
Richards. The Dalles, or call at my place
near 8-Mile. Mcbl6-2wkir
S Boarders ,
I aid !pd?rs I
h Day Uek; or m