have to search for greener fields in which to weave its web than can be found in our poBtofSce. The walls and ceiling will now look rather deserted. Millinery openings are not the only openings being held in our city at i3ew Today... Just Received Full Line of Columbias. Featherstones. DQO 000 present. A large line of boys' and NO ARGUMENT men's tine suns will be displayed a A. M. Williams & Co's. store Monday. Call and see what is to be worn this MONDAY, 27th. TUESDAY, 28th. WEDNESDAY, 29th. Organdies Lawns and .... Dimities. in all colors, grades and styles. Tlt833 are all new goods and dainty in patterns and colorings. This is the time of year to buy this class of goods, for they will have to be made early in order to be prepared for the warm days that we have in the early spring. Come and make your se lections while the stock is unbroken, for the choicest patterns come in the smallest pieces. Hew Laces, Haw Egiodisiies, Hew pons. All these thiugs are requisite with the and we have them in the most approved stvles. Remember that three davs sale is a very short yon are inclined to avail yoarself of this chance. line mentioned above, time, but ample if So uvemr Clothing Sale if ' " ' Vp Our Furnishing Goods' Department asks your attention Od ruDnaau- pianH 2716, and for the balance of the week with the most complete line of Men's Clothing ever shown in this city. Prices that will fit any pocket book and styles to please the most fastidious. We shall call your atten tion particularly to the Famous H. S. & M. Line of Guaranteed Clothing This is the clothing now being advertised so extensively in the lead ing magazines of the country. We would suggest to intending purchasers . the desirability of seeing this clothing and making comparisons, as we know there can be but one result. You will buy Your Clothing" of Us. With this sale in view, we purchased some months ago a number of souvenirs of value. We shall give one Souvenir with each suit eold during the week from Ten Dollars up. - We are - displaying these souvenirs in our Furnishing Goods window. They will interest you, come and see what they are. PBASB & MAYS. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. . ipjia. Mr. J. T. Peters is erecting a neat cottage on the lot oy the corner of Third and Laughlin streets. We under stand when finished it is to be occupied by Frank Chrisman. ' Chas. JobnBon hss rented the McGrum property on the ot adjoining. Tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Methodist church the Ep worth League will hold a rally service, to which all are especially invited. The rally will be opened by a song service, followed by a short address by the pastor. Rev. Wood, to the yonng people. The regular even ing sei vice will be postponed that the pastor may devote his attention to the care of his wife, who is quite ill. - This morning at 10 o'clock J. Aubin charged with obtaining money nnder false -pretense, had a preliminary bearing in Justice Bayard's court and wan bound over in the sum of $300 to appear before the next grand jury. Slim" had employed no attorney, but seems to think he will comeout all right. He is now in the county jail, having ob tained no bondsmen. One week from tomorrow will be Easter Sunday. The season seems some what backward this year, which is un fortunate for those who loo upon Easter as a time for the display of new bonnets and summer coetnmes. How ever, it's an ill wind that blows nobody good, and the less fortunate who cannot afford the Easter risrgin' will' watch with anxiety tr-e weather report in hope it may portend a storm on that day. The Stevenson paper says that the Regulator passed there Monday with The Dalles band on board plavine "Annie Kooney." That is the "most un kindest cut of all." We are much afraid that paper is following in the steps of the Oregonian, which always attacks a person after he is unable to defend him self. Were our band still in fighting trim it might resent the insult, for in its palmy days it was never known to do anything quite so rash as play "Annie Rooney," and never played itself out on neither that nor ,After the Ball." Mrs. A. Keller, accom pained by her little son and daughter, Josie, returned home on last night's train. Mrs. Keller has spent the past five months visiting in different portions of California. She is particularly taken with San Jose, which she says is a veritable garden of blossoms at present. Max Blank, who left this place for California about two years ago, has one of the most beautiful places imaginable, situated about three miles from San Jose. Mrs. Keller also visited the family of H. Genres at Los Vatos. The people of California are in the best of spirits over the showers they are now having.' . Gov. T. T. Geer is in receipt ot a letter from J. E. DeVoe, ot Lima, Ohio, who, writing for the Epworth League of the Grace church of that city, asks Oregon's executive to contribute a handkerchief, apron or some other article, to be sold at a fair which the league will conduct in the spring, for the purpose of paying the church debt of $3,300, a portion of which the league is to raise. Gov. Geer said that ha would gladly assist the young people of Lima, Ohio, and if any others desire to do likewise, he would be pleased to near lrom tbem. The goy- ernor has the right kind of a spirit in the matter, but we imagine it will be eometning lite establishing the pre' cedent of kissing babies the applica tions will come hi thick and fast Rifles Shot Guns Fishing Tackle Bicycle Sundries Crawford Bicycles Cleveland Bicycles Golden Eagle Bicycles Smokeless and black Powder Loaded Shells. Bicycles Rented and Repaired. Can alter the fact that MAYS hare the best line of BICYCLES that money can purchase. . OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. See them on display at our naw store. Hartfords. Victors. piP.rjtm.nlnnnsapd Fabrie She Escaped From an Officer at Portland Last Monday. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MARCH 25, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tomorrow will be Palm Sunday, and a week from tomorrow Easter Sunday. Reports brought in by the stage drivers Bay that it was- still etorming in the sections of the country between Bake oven, and Antelope and beyond yester day, and that the roads are in a terrible condition. Dont forget to remember the soiree at the Baldwin tonight. They are alway enjoyable. Important meeting of the Elks to- night. Every member is requested to be present. 14s buys a good serviceable, garden rake, and 19c buys a steel garden hoe at Maier & Benton's. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouee. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-tf 15 cents buys a good, serviceable gar den rake and 20 cents buys a good steel garden hoe at Mays & Crowe. This morning Cbas. Butler brought a large band of cattle to this city from Hay Creek. He will ship tbem to Port Towsend. The quietude of spider heaven was distuibed today, and tbat inBect will Uvesle PERSONAL MENTION G. R. French is up from Lyle. A. J. Brigham, of Dufur, was in town rday D. Laneille came up from Hood Kiver last night. Tjos. J!;, rkinney and f. iiolton are among the Kingsleyites in town today Chas. Ebi and wife came down front Arlington last night and spent today in thecitv. CAPTURES INSANE WOMAN. Geo. K. Burton, representing Miller SIosb & Scott, of San Francisco, is in the city today in the interest of his company. . Mr. E. L. Grimes will return to his home in Portland this afternoon, having spent the past week among old friends in The Dalles. Beat of All To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy. Syrup of Figs. Bny the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for eale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle, ".v - Kubber Bon We lead, others try to follow. Prices talk. Give ns a call and be convinced. Mays & Ckowk. Last evening Mr. Jim Wood informed Nightwatchman Fhirman that be web in Baker City last Sunday when the sheriff started from that city with Annie Gordon, Tan insane woman, who escaped from him when they reached Portland, and tbat he was positive he saw the same woman on the streetB of our" city during the evening. Mr. Phirman staited to investigate the matter and about 8 o'clock discovered her walking along on Fifth stieet. When he saw her she was starting to go is the gate at CM. Grimes' residence, as was her manner in Baker City, walking right into private residences. Phirman asked her if she was looking for some one and she answered him that ehe knew- what she was about ; to "go along." He then told her 'twas his duty to look after strangers, tbat he was an officer, and ehe said if he was an officer to show her his star. After some persuasion she was induced to follow him in search of a hotel, as she euppoeed. She told him tbat she had some friends by the name of Stewart living about a mile up the railroad and that she wanted to go there; that she came down from Baker City Snnday and some one showed her the bouse. As a' matter of fact there are no' such people living near here. She also said she came up on a freight train from Portland. Mr. Phirman finally took her to the city jail, and after promising to take her to her friends this morning, she de cided to remain there, and when the reporter called there this morning she was sitting by the grating crocheting contentedly. She is a small women with light hair, and apparently about .20 years old. Wears a pink calico dress ekntand blue jacket, with a dark fasi nator over her head. She has not the appearance of an insane woman, but her expression is more that of an idiot, al though she is shrewd in many ways. It seems that when ehe was taken to Portland a lady of Baker City accom panied ber and remained in the room with ber until 2 o'clock in the morning, and tbat after she left, the insane woman climbed out the window and down the fire escape of the hotel. Noth ing had been Been of ber since, and no doubt she has been wandering around and finally stole a ride on the freight to this city. There is little doubt that she is the right person, as Mr. Phirman telephoned to Sheriff Huntington last night and her description tallies with that of Annie Gordon. The sheriff said he would ar rive on the afternoon passenger and take her on to Salem. - We are . ready to show them in Dry Goods, Notione, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the -earliest selections secure beet results. The stock is complete and new and we invite you to look at it. 5. p Stepf??fJ8. A. Ad. KELLER; ...Tie Henowaed OW Oro Fiao Saloon... 90 Second St., second door from Court. THE DALLES, OREGON U!A!lrJUL-JL-jm&1JLJK-a 118 October 15 A. AD. KELLER The Dalles. Or. $0.90. $1 worth of checks good for 10c drink. r cigar. Tom Burke's jf Homestead Whiskey Specialty In Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars. . clieoK witn each purchase The Largest and Best of August Buehler Home-made Beer and Porter. Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. flftct the Holidays- We have a large stock oi Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. i Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Oak Wood Oak Wood. For the next thirty days I will sell for cash, oak wood, either first or sec ond growth, at actual cost, delivered. A good chance to get yourwintei'a supply cheap. 'Phone 199, or leave orders at Wilk'n sou warehouee, First street. - m25 F. B. Saundkbs. - Rubber Hose. We lead, others try to follow. The Dalles City fire department uses our brand of hose exclusively. Prices and quality talk. ' Don't be humbugged. Maier & Benton." White Russian G-ranulated Rye Meal. Fine for Breakfast Musb and Gems, 25c per sack. The Celebrated Lincoln Seed Oats From 100 to 150 bushels per acre bns been raised from tiiese Oats. For sale at J. H. CROSS, Feed and Grocery Store. Cowa Herded. All persons wanting their cows herded, (beginning April let), will do well to see Joslin & .Sobs, on Tenth street, west end. . ' Mch4-lm "Give me a liver regulator and- I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druegist banded him a bottle of De Witt's Li t'e Early Risers, the famous little pills. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. S ' --3E5 33 CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d & Federal Sts. is