The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 24, 1899, Image 3

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    For the
Balance of this Week
we will Exhibit
Exquisite Designs.
Newest Effects.
Exclusive Patterns.
You are cordially invited.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 24, 1999
Telephone No. J.
All Changes la Advertisements must
"be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
men and will some day be a ead annoy
ance to their . parents and friends.
J net before the accident yesterday, as
the engine came down, two boys jumped
on and rode a ebort way, much to the
annoyance of the engineer. There is an
ordinance in oar city prohibiting this
habit, and it is high time it was en
forced. As far as the younger boys are
concerned, their parents shoula take
the alternative in. tbe matter, tbas
preventing tbe possibility of having
them brought home lifeless or maimed
for life..
; Realizing the - great benefit -which
would come, to them by being in i ca
rat diate communication with the outside
world, Endersby people have for some
time been-. insisting on having a tele
phone eervice established in that neigh
borhood. Yesterday Mr. Vorse, manager
of the Oregon Telephone Co., made a
trip to Dofur and . Endereby -- for the
purpose of consnlticg with the people
regarding the matter. The result was
that it is more than likely a branch
line will be pnt in from Dufur connect
ing with the Endersby postofficn- and
if the plans are carried into effect,, later
a party line of abont ten 'phones will be
connected with various farms in that
district. This will be of untold benefit
and satisfaction to the- people there.
This company has recently placed twelve
new 'phones in at Dafur, and will toon
have every portion of: the conntry near
and far included in their district.
Just Received Full Line of
Mike Wagner, Who Was Injured Tea
' terday. Dies Last ICrenlng;.
worth of the scrip. On February 21st
he also sold to Andrew Baldwin an
order for $31.50. As coon as the lacte
were determined Constable Jackson was
sent in pursuit of Aubin, who was found
at upper Trout creek, in Croak county
He brought him to this city this morn
ing, where he was arraigned and put
under $200 bonds to appear before
Justice Bayard tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock.. . ,- ;
Mr. Kinersly has received word from
the manager of the Metropolitan Opera
Co. informing , him that- on account of
the advance agent booking them for the
Sound at an earlier date, than was ex
pected, it will be impossible for them to
visit this city before their engagement
there. However, they will play in
Portland in about two months, when he
will endeavor to secure them for one
night at The Dalles.
Excitement ran. high at tbe club
bowling alleys last night, and feeling
waxed warm as tbe first team which
yielded the honors to tbe "ladies played
a challenge game with those who gave
up the palm in the second game with
them.. Having come out of the contests
with exactly the same scores a challenge
followed, and last night Messrs. Brad-
shaw, Schmidt, Mays, jlurtz, Van
Noxden and Hoetetler played against
Houghton, Baldwin, Sampson, Nolan,
jJeuaff and f hUlipe, the latter proving
by majority of twenty-five points that"
the 1 adies had '- the :'; more formidable
rivals fn themV : The. games were-even,
the first team-winning tbe two firet, and
tbe second the two last and twenty
five points more, entitling, them to the
oysters as - well the honors. : Not
willing to yield to' defeat 'so easily.
another contest will take place tonight
- The " accident ";of "yesterday .isi ' only
another . '.reminder to Dalles- people, of
the fate which is.' awaiting some tit, the
foolish: boys (and 'boys - of- an' older
growth ) - w hopersie it , : ,i n . t he face ; of
tle88on after lesson, in boarding tbe train
when it is passing through our city,. and
after riding, a -lew blocks,1 jumping, .off
-while the train is in motion." It is a
At about 5:30 o'clock last evening,
when the nurse was watching over him,
death came to tbe release - of . Mike
Wagner, who was run over by the train
yesterday noon, and be gradually sunk
away, seemingly unconscious of his
sufferings. After the right leg had been
amputated, daring which . time he was
under tbe ' influence of anesthetics, he
seemed to be In a stupor, and remained
in' that condition until the end came. :
At 7 o'clock his body was taken to the
undertaking parlors of , Wm. MiJhell,
and this morning an inquest was held
over tbe body, resulting in the following
We, the jury summoned by W; H.
Butts, coroner of WaBCO county, Oregon,
to inquire into the cause ef tbe death of
the body now before us, after viewing
the body, and afcer bearing the teati
mmv of the witnesses produced before
us, and after due and careful consider
ation ana deliberation Una the follojw
ing facta: ' ; -
That the name of the deceased pas
Mike Wagner, a German, whose lage
was about 35 years ; that he was about
s:x feet tall, whose weight was
220 pounds, and that be was light com
plexioned ; that he was a laborer, and
had no fixed place of residence; that he
cametobis death on the 23d day of
March, 1890, in Dalles City, which death
was caused by woundsreceived by being
run over across the - lees bv a moving
freight train, while attempting to board
saia train.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th
day 01 Marcn, lbaa.
C. F. Stephens,
W. A Kibbt,
L. J. Hunger,
A. A. Ubquhakt,
T. A. Ward, .
Ned H. Gates.
further than was reported
was determined concerning
deceased, as be was unable to cob verse,
He claims to bave no relations, and will
therefore be buried by the county this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Bicycles Rented
and Repaired.
Cupid has "certainly taken up bis
residence and gone into the wholesale
business in The Dalles, judging from
tbe number of weddings which are at
present taking place in the city. This
month is a veritable wedding March.
ydast niht, at the homa of the
bride, on the hill, Mr. O. S. Pratt and
Mrs. Emma E. Shearer, both of this
county, were united in marriage, Elder
A. G. Hoering, of the Christian church,
performing the ceremony. -.
15 cents buys a good, serviceable gar
den rake and 20 cents buys a good steel
garden hoe at Mays & Crowe, . . .
Happy he who possesses a good supply
of spuds these days, as the price Is fast
advancing,' having now. reached the
dollar mark for a sack.
The Good Intent Society will have
their regular sale of all kinds of pastry
at J. H. Cioss' store all day tomorrow.
Yon can save youreelf the trouble of
cooking by calling upon them.
J. T. Neff, principal of tbe Frank ton
school, and E. B. Allard, of the- Hood
River school, will be among those who
will attend the educational meeting at
Dufur a week from tomorrow. It is the
intention of the conntv srmerintendent
and the teachers ot the schools here to
leave this city, early, that morning and
spend the day attending tbe institute,
returning in the evening. -
John Aubin, alias "Slim," who figured
so prominently as a witness in the
Forester trial j is again before the public
This time he was arrested for. obtaining
money under false pretense. ' It seems
that his fee as a -witness in the afore
said case was (35.00,' to be paid in
county scrip. While here on February
14th he gave Cor net t, who is a stage
' driver, an order on the county for $10' source of great annoyance to railroad
Resolution ol Thanks.
At the last regular meeting, of St.
Paul's -Guild, held on - Wednesday,
March 22, the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted. .
Resolved, - That our thanks are due,
and . hereby , tendered to Court - The
Dalles No. 12, F. of A., for tbe generous
donation of the nse of their lodge . room
on the evening of April 7, 1899.
Resolved, That said - favor bespeaks
for Court The Dalles, . No. 12, F. of A.
tne praise ot an giving, people, and oar
w lanes are with it - lor undaunted - pros
perity. M. V. Douthit,
Secretary St. Paul's Guild.
. Best of All -.
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly, beneficial - -manner, when tbe
springtime comes, use the true and per
feet remedyr Syrup of Figs. Boy the
genuine. Manufactured by the Call for
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale bv
all druggists, at 50 cents 'per bottle.
Rubber Garden- Hose.:
i We can furnish yoa with strictly first
class garden hose at the same prices yoa
have been paying for inferior quality
We have jast received a -large- stock of
the Gutta Percha Robber Co'a Maltese
Uross.iiosa, wnicn brand is used ex
clusively by the city fire department.
Buy your garden bore from and get
tbe very best there is on tbe market.
m22-lw - Maibb & Benton.
; '- -- .-! Kabbu Boss.
'! We lead, others try. to . follow.- Prices
talk. Give us a call and he convinced.
Mats & Ckowb.
Shot Guns
Fishing Tackle
Bicycle Sundries
Crawford Bicycles
Cleveland Bicycles
Golden Eagle Bicycles
Smokeless and black
Powder Loaded Shells.
Who'll Be the Next?
Last night at the home ot Mr; Hoyle,
on the East Hill, Miss Constance Harri
man was wedded to Mr. Wm. O. John'
eon, Key. J. ti. wood, ot the Methodist
church, officiating. Both are residents
of Wasco county.
At the home of the .bride's mother,
Mrs. J. H. Wilder, on Eleventh street,
in this city yesterday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock, Presiding Elder Warner, of tbe
Methodist church, performed the cere
mony which -united in. wedlock Miss
Laura E. Cooley and Mr. Richard E,
Clan ton. Miss Cooley, who is a young
lady of more than ordinary merit, has
many friends in Tbe- Dalles, where she
has lived for the -past -two years, while
Mr.- Clanton is a merchant of Cleveland
Wash., and a worthy young man. ... They
left for their future home in Cleveland
on the afternoon tram, carrying witn
them the good will 'and best wishes of
C. W. Elkina is up from Lyle.
J. J. Haight is in the city from Ridge
way. .
ITT). Driver. Jr.. is in the city from
v&alanw ...
Cant. H. O Coe came up from Port
land yesterday.
Alt. Allen and is. Jf. Jones came in
from Prineville yesterday.
L. Lamb, M. Dichtenmuller and
Root are visitors from Dufur. .
J. E. Barnett is up from . Portland
spending a few days at "home."
Frank Roberts, of Heppner, spent
yesterday and today in the city.
(Jhas. Butler, a stock: buyer, is up
from Port Towusend on business.
W. A. Bell arrived in the city last night
from Portland on bis way to bis home
in Prineville.
rJatnes D. Whitten, who was in the
city from Kin gal ey yesterday, returned
C Angel and family arrived in The
Dalles yesterday from - La Grande and
will make their home among us.
Eugene - Loooey, one of Mitchell'
leading stockmen, came dovt n from
Mitchell yesterday and left this morning
lor Portland.
Dr. W. W. Oglesby, of Junction City
is in The Dalles on bis way to the Ocboco
mines, for the purpose of Investigating
and reporting' to capitalists interested
concerning them.' He will be accom
panied by T. B. Milliorn. . ". '
"Use Clarke &. Fa Ik's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
Can alter the fact that
have the best line of
that money can purchase.
See them on display at our new store.
Hartfords. Victors.
...T Repneil oitfOioRno Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court. .
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or. . s
SI worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
er cigar.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liqaors, Wines
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
(Todes ai?d pa brie
We are ready to sbow them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' "Capes and Jackets. "Time enough'?
is a poor principle. "Those who make tbe
earliest selections secure best results. Tbe
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
5, F
After the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at. popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
For Sale.
Two lots on which are situated a house
and barn, also a good well of water. On
corner of Tenth and Liberty." For sale
on reasonable terms. See Dad Butts.
' - - - .24 2t
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
White Russian
Granulated Rye Meal
Fine for Breakfast Slush and
: i'i Gema, SSS-e per aack. -
The Celebrated
Lincoln Seed Oats -
From 10a to 150 bushels per
' acre bus been Taised from
these Oats. For sale at
, J. H. CROSS,
Feed and Grocery Btore.
-. Cows Herded. ."
All persons wanting their cows herded",.
(beginning April 1st), will do well to see
Joslin Sc Sons, on Tenth street, west
end. Mch4-lm
Children's garden sets, consisting of
hoe, rake and spade, 35 cents per set at
Mays & Crowe's. ... .
S E .B 2 3
rr j
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d Sl Federal Sts.