The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 23, 1899, Image 3

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Balance of
we will
You are cordially invited.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule Mill be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Another shipment of silk waists just
arrived at A. M. Williams & Go's.
15 cents buys a good, serviceable gar
den rake and 20 cents buys a good steel
garden hoe at Mays & Crowe.
The Good Intent Society will have
their regular sale of all kinds of pastry
at J. H. Cioea' store Saturday next.
Tou can eave youreelf the trouble of
cooking by calling upon them.
icenae to wed was today granted to
Wm. O. Johnson and Constance Harri-
man. Also to R. E. Clan ton, and Laura
E. Cooley. Mr. Clan ton is a resident
of Centerville and Mies Cooley a well
known Dalles young lady.
We are glad to learn that Mrs. James
Blakeney is again able to be around, as
it was much feared that the result of a
fall which she received while working
.about the bou bb the latter; part of last
week would prove serious. Having
struck the back of her head on a tub
which was standing near as she fell,
brain fever was feared for her, and she
was confined to ber bed for several days
Mrs. Wm. Tack man, wbo has a very
large and complete greenhouse, will
have for Bale this, seaeon all kind of
plants ' for decorating, also other
plants, among which are oses, carna
tions, heliotrope?, verbenas, colious,
this Week
geraniums and all the latest chrysanthe
mums, out nowera in abundance and
funeral designs of all descriptions. In
fact, everything which can be found in
a first-class greenhouse. She invites all
to inspect the plants. Telephone No. 74.
The zero mark of the river gauge at
The Dalles as determined by the U. S.
Geological Survey, is 45.3 feet above sea
level. As stated yesterday in The
Chronicle, they have determined the
altitude of the city to be 103 feet, in
stead of 116, as was given us by the rail
way survey several years ago. The
highest point between this city and
Portland is Clarnie, and the second
highest is at a point five miles below
the city.
Engineer Hunter, who came into the
city this morning, brought the news of
the death of C. S. Wike, who is better
known as "Jack" among Dalles people.
No particulars were given regarding his
death, other than that he fell between
cars while braking on the Canadian
Pacific near Alberta, in the Northwest
Territory several days since, and was lit
eraiiy cut in two. lis remains were
shipped to bis relatives in Illinois. Mr.
Wike was for years employed by the
O. R. & N. here, and was one of the
most popular and best known railroad
men on the road. .
Tbe tables turned last night at the
club bowling alleys, and the ladies were
not in it, not even for a minute, being
beaten by the gentleman' in all four
games rolled, although in the first game
by but one point. The total score of
tbe men was 918 and the ladies 872,
making a victory of 46 points. Mrs,
Seufert and Mies Schanno held tbe
highest total score for the ladies, with
130, while Mrs. Nolan was highest in
single score, 39. Mr. Nolan was high
man all around 184 total, and 48
single score. A return contest will take
place on Wednesday of week after next,
when tbe ladies will no doubt regain
their former good luck.
The managers of the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua Association have finally
' eucceeded in securing the renowned
lecturer, Sam Jones, to appear at the as
sembly at Gladstone Park this season.
The difficulties of making the arrange
ments for this engagement have finally
been cleared away, and recent inform
ation from headquarters announces that
everything is satisfactory. This has
been a matter of deep concern to the
assemblies on the coast, and the news of
its final settlement will be highly
gratifying to the public as well. Sam
Jones' wit and . wisdom are familiar to
students of literature, but to have the
opportunity to hearing and seeing him
in person would be a rare intellectual
treat to bis many admirers.
Lovers lane (for such the walk on
Fifth street, leading to the bluff is
termed) is not an exception to the gen
eral rule which is applicable to many
walks in our city, and therefore is sadly
in need of repairs. About half way up
the walk, a section of the railing is miss
ing, probably torn asunder by some des
perate maiden who was intent upon
giving her'lover a railing, and never re
placed. As love is said to be blind it is
a very dangerous state of affairs to have
a narrow walk like the one in question,
ungarded by a railing, particularly as a
misstep would probably cause a serious
accident. Some years ago in this city
such a small matter as the absence of a
barrier of this sort caused the death of a
visitor to our city a Mr. Skottowe, and
a serious injury to bis wife. These mat
ters which appear to' be trifling, are
often productive of much harm and
should be attended to.
Wagner 1 Fearfully Mangled
Willie Attempting- to
Steal a Ride.
In spite of the numberless lessons
given to the tramp fraternity as to the
fearful results of attempting to steal
rides, another one was this morning
added to the long list of victims to that
foolish habit.
About a quarter to 12 o'clock this
morning a man, who gave his name as
Mike Wagner, with his partner, "de
termined to get to Portland by riding
on the brake beams. Just as a freight
train was passing the crossing at the
foot of Court street, the latter succeeded
in getting himself into position for the
ride; but not so. with Wagner. ' The
train wa9 going at a good rate of speed,
and, stepping on a rock, he slipped and
fell under the wheels. Several who saw
the accident hastened to bis assistance
and found his right leg fearfully mashed
and broken just above the ankle. His
left leg was in about the same condition,
while both legs were badly bruised
above the thighs.
Wm. Van Bibber arrived with his
wagon a few minutes later and took the
poor fellow to the city jail, and Drs.
Hollister and Logan were then sum
moned. His moans were heart-rending
and he besought Mr. Van Bibber to kill
him or give him something to cause bis
death, claiming that he has no relations
and nothing to live for. Many who
stood by felt it would be a deed ot mercy
to end bis sufferings at once. The eur
geons made him as comfortable as pos
sible and finding it necessary to ampu
tate both legs below the knee, placed
him on the operating table this after
noon and, assisted by Mrs. Ida Craw
ford, a trained nurBe, amputated tbe
right leg just below the knee. The
patient was eo weak that it was found
impossible to attempt to amputate the
other member, the man being nearly
dead when taken from the table. It is
thought he cannot eurvive the shock.
Wagner is a Swede about 35 years of
age, and has not the appearance of a
common tramp. He claims that this Is
his first attempt at stealing a ride. That
ha has been working up in the country,
and reaching town without any means,
thought be would get a free ride to
Portland, and attempted it with tbe
dreadful result, which is even worse than
Instant death.
Mr. Miller, of Des Chntee, who is in
the city, identified him as being a man
who worked for bim last fall and says
be is a splendid workman and a trust
worthy fellow.
Beat of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
feet remedy. Syrup of Figs. Buy 'the
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Girl Wanted.
A family of two desires a school girl to
work for - her board and act in the
capacity of a companion; or .a girl to do
general housework. Apply at this
office. 23 2t
Knbber Bol,
We lead, others try to follow. Prices
talk. Give ub a call and be convinced
Mays & Cbowk.
Cut prices on all. lace curtains to
continue for the week, at A. ' M.
Williams & Co'e.
Just Received Full Line of
Shot Guns
Fishing Tackle
Bicycle Sundries .
Crawford Bicycles
Cleveland Bicycles
Golden Eagle Bicycles
Smokeless and black
Powder Loaded Shells.
Bicycles Rented
and Repaired.
Their Quartet Highly Appreciated.
Also the Cate,
The success of the gentlemen as hosts
was proven last night when the Ladies'
Aid Society and a host of their friends,
at the invitation of Messrs. W. H. Wil
son and A. M. Kelsay, gathered at the
home of the former and were so admir
ably received and entertained by them.
At the door they were greeted by Mr.
Wilson, whose duties in the dining
later required that his evening suit be
guarded by a neat white apron. Mr.
Kelsay, dressed in the same manner,
assisted tbe ladies to remove their wraps
and gracefully arranged the bon bon
caps on their beads.
When tbe parlors were crowded with
guests the program began, and con
sisted of solos by Wm. Frank and Rev.
Poling, a quartet by Messrs. Landers,
Doane, Gifford and Jayne ; an Irish read
ing by J. F. Hampshire, and a classical
quartet by Messrs. Wilson, Glenn, Hob-
son and Kelsay. As (his is tbe first
appearance of these gentlemen as musi
cians, all were anxiously awaiting their
entree. Their extreme modesty sug
gested to them the idea of appearing in
a manner which would hide their
blushes. They therefore appeared in a
sheet and '- pillow case costume, with
masks hiding the facial expressions,
which otherwise must have been touch
ing in the extreme. As the perfect
melody filled the room, surprise was
depicted on every countenance and all
deplored the fate which bad for lo these
many years kept them in ignorance of
the wonderful talent-in our city. It
was, however, suggested that the singers
must be drawing their inspiration frOm
the two large American flags which
formed a background for the quartet
and covered a window in the room.
through which it seemed was wafted
strains frou the "choir invisible." A
suspicion at once ran . through tbe as
sembly, deepened by the fact that
neither ot the singers turned the leaves
of bis music, bnt sang the entire' selec
tion, as well as an impressive encore
entitled "Kig-a-Gig, Gig" from one page
of music. Far be it from us, however,
to accuse these reputable gentlemen of
duplicity, ' and we await their re-
apoearance at some future date.
'Tis to be regretted that the suggestion
of the choir invisible caused a feeling of
distrust to remain when refreshments
made their appearance and also sag
seated the. idea of a "cook invisible,'
But again we refrain from passing an
opinion and say that be the .cook who
the may, her cakes take the cake.
On exhibition in the dining room
were two fine looking cakes, frosted
with care (but not by the guests) and
labeled with their bakers' marks, Kelsay
and Wilson. Each one present was
furnished with a sample and as eagerly
grasped a pepsin tablet which lay near
by. All were loud in their praises of
tbe flavor and lightness of these cakes
and, as no fatalities are reported today,
Can alter the
have the
that money can
See them on display
...ine fieoowfieo am oio Fiao saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or.
Si worth of checks
P good for 10c drink, 8 Roof Hnmft:fif l.ifliMPt Winnct Ann Hunum
er cigar.
a 1
cueck witn each purchase
(Todes ai?d pa brie
Ritev the Holidays-
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street,
we must ioin in saying that although
they must have been beaten, they are
hard to beat.
These gentlemen were successful in
turning over to tbe Aid Society a neat
3U-J1 of money as a result of their efforts.
Bobber Garden Hose.
We can furnish yon with strictly first-
class garden hose at tbe same prices you
have been paying for inferior quality.
We have jnst received a large stock of
the Gutta Percba Robber Co's Maltese
Cross Hose, which brand is used ex
clusively by the city fire department.
Buy your garden hose from us and ' get
tbe very best there is on the market.
m22-lw Maier & Benton.
Boarders or Roomer Desired.
Anyone desiring to rent a room (or
rooms) with or without board, or to
secure board aloDe, may do so by apply
ing to me at my home, on tbe corner of
Fifth and Court street.
15-lw Mas. WlTHAM.
fact that
best line of
at our new store.
Tom Burke's tf Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Tbe Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
for the Swiss Pub. Co.', New York.
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those wbo make the
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
p Stepl??r;s.
The Dalles, Oregon,
Cows Berded.
All persons wanting their cows herded,
(beginning April 1st), will do well to see
Joslin & Sons, on Tenth street, west
end. Mcb4-ln
Children's garden sets, consisting of
hoe, rake and spade, 35 cents per set at
Mays & Crowe's.
JZji Jem
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.