The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 22, 1899, Image 3

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For the
Balance of this Week
we will Exhibit
Exquisite Designs.
Newest Effects.
Exclusive Patterns.
You are cordially invited.
J. I
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
The Choir Invisible
Will furnish selections
At the reception to the Aid Society
Read A. M. Williams & Co's ad. and
then ask yourself if you can't afford a
new set of lace curtains.
Garden hoes and rakes, lawn mowers
and lawn rakes ; new line just received
at Maier & Benton's.
We are very sorry to learn that Mrs.
J. H. Wood is verv ill of pneumonia at
her residence on the hill.
The large workshop of Mays & Crowe,
situated behind the new store, is going
up rapidly and will soon be completed.
Sheriff Kelly reports having paid over
to the treasurer as taxes collected,
$3766.34 on March 18th, and $7263 63
on March 21st.
The winter is very unsettled as yet;
but it isn't too early to c'.ean up your
yards. Commence on the vacant lots
first and tbey won't escape your notice
as they don't any one's else.
Millinery openings are all the go these
days. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Wilson
. displayed come beautiful bats yester
day, while today Mrs. Periano's parlors
are attracting the attention of the
It won't be long before EiUer, and it
would be well to remember that the
Easter sale by the Guild takes place
directly thereafter at the K. of P. hall,
which the Foresters have kindly given
up for that occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen, of this
city, have adopted the five-weeks-old
baby girl, whose mother, Mrs. E. Wand,
died a short time after its birth. The
little child has fallen into the best of
hands, and no doubt will be tenderly
cared for by those whose kindness of
heart prompted them to make it their
The lack of rains in California has
made meat so scarce and high-priced that
beef is now selling at 8 cents at wholesale,
as is also pork selling at a higher price.
Much of the supply for Southern Cali
fornia is now received from the ranges of
Oregon. Hay is very short and grain
has advanced to $24 per ton. Con
siderable Kansas and other hay has been
shipped in as well as many importations
from Oregon and Washington by sailing
vessels. Telegram.
Those who have the good judgment to
be present at the reception at the home
of Mr. W. H. Wilson this evening, will
not only have the pleasure of being en
tertained by the debutant?, Messrs Wil
son, Glenn, Hobson and Kelsay, but
will be privileged to listen to the "Choir
Inyieible" which is a rare privilege
As to the refreshments' prepared by the
hosts, we would say that pepsin and like
antidotes will be furnished with them,
so that guests need tear no fatal results.
The. Salvation .Army officers and
soldiers are -now holding their annnal
week of self denial and prayer. Every
body is invited to take part, by denying
themselves some luxury or necessary
article, and giving the proceeds to the
benefit of the social operations of the
S. A. "work in America and also to help
the army operations in some of the
heathen countries. There will be special
meetings this week on Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday. Holiness meet
ing Friday night. Everyone welcome.
- Mrs. Wm. Tackman, who has a very
large and complete greenhouse, will
have for sale this season all kind J of
plants for decorating, also other
plantB, among which are roses, carna
tions, heliotropes, . verbenas, colious,
geraniums and all the latest chrysanthe
mums. Cut flowers in abundance and
funeral designs of all descriptions. In
fact, everything which can be found in
a first-class greenhouse.' She invites all
to inspect the plants. Telephone No. 74.
A detachment of the U. S. Geological
Survey, in charge of Mr. Carlock, has
been making its headquarters in The
Djlfes for the past week or more and
is now working several miles above
the city. They are running a series of
levels to be a base for field operations
in 'taking up topography this season.
They have established a bench mark in
the southeast corner of the court house
yard, the top of which is 103 feet above
the sea level. On the top .of this mark,
which" looks as if it might be a large
pipe, is the inscription "U. S. Geologic
al Survey. Altitude 103 feet. Datum
Astoria. B. M. Two hundred and
fifty dollars fine for disturbing this
The many friends of Mr. C. B. Cash
ing have been much concerned as to his
physical welfare of late, he having re
ceived a great shock to his nerves. Not
from the electrical current at the power
house, but, living in the neighborhood
of our estimable county clerk, he was
invited to sample a cake which the
latter had prepared for the reception
tonight. Never dreaming of the fearful
result, be partook, and that night he
experienced a dreadful nightmare, im
agining that a horee had kicked him.
He was unable to get rid of the result,
which became a reality. Howeyer,
hopes are now entertained for his re
covery. Keleay now claims he has a
"horse" on his unsuspecting neighbor.
The West will soon be teeming' with
home-seekers ; but, like a stage coach,
this country is never full, and there's
room enough for all, if they're made of
the right kind of material. It takes grit
to get along ia the West, and with plenty
of that, success is aseured. A dispatch
from St. Paul yesterday says: "The
home-seekers' half-fare rateon the trans
continental lines went into effect today
and the Northern Pacific and the Great
Northern were compelled to double their
facilities in order to handle the crowds.
Not less than 5000 people took advantage
of the low rates, and the Great Northern
sent out an extra train at noon, while
the Northern Pacific was compelled to
add a second section to its, through
trains. The railroad officials report that
many of the travelers bought only one
way ticket?, which is taken as an indi
cation - of 'an intention to locate
permanently in the West. .
Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock,
the dwelling house of Hugo Scholz,
which was situated on Mill creek, or on
a branch road leading out from the Mill
creek road, and near the old Hill place,
was burned to the ground with all its
contents. At the time of the fire Mr.
Scholz was plowing, and his wife and
baby were in the house. The roof evi
dently caught fire from a spark from
the flue, and Vbtn Mrs. Scholz discov
ered it, it was all ablaze. She at first
attempted to extinguish the flames, but
upon entering the room where the baby
was s!eeping,found the roof was on fire
and cinders were falling around the
child. She at once grabbed the baby
and escaped just in time, being unable
to save a particle of the furniture. The
family are now stopping at the farm of
Mr. Speicinger, who with another
neighbor, Mr. Kneabel, are soliciting
throughout our city to obtain funds to
enable them to rebuild their home.
Tbey were very successful, as our citi
zens responded liberally.
Two Versions.
Who weeps with you when you are
sad, ' and laughs with yoa when you
are glad, and swears with you when
you are mad? . The edito. Who has to
be both kind and wise. ad never (hardly
ever) lies, and whenhe does, creates
surprise? . The editr. Who owns a
heart as well as cheek, is possessed of
a spirit proud but ineek, and lives on
40 cents a week? The editor.
Who bears in a patient, gentle way
the man who "just drops in" to say,
"your paper's doggoned poor to day?"
The editor. Who loves the cuss who
will not balk but comes at 10 o'clock to
talk And stays till four and will not
walk? The editor. .Who when he gets
to heaven will look on men delinquent
on his hook, and smile when they're by
Peter shook? The editor. '
Just Received Full Line of
Shot Guns
Fishing Tackle
Bicycle Sundries
Crawford Bicycles
Cleveland Bicycles
Golden Eagle Bicycles
Smokeless and black
Powder Loaded Shells.
Bicycles Rented
and Repaired.
Would It Not Be Advisable to Close
the Stores Early Daring the
Heated Term.
Best of All j
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy,' Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured' by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling bair. tf
The people of Salem are now strongly
advocating a question which, it seems to
us, it would be well for the people of
The Dalles to begin to take into -consideration
before the heat of the summer
ia upon as. We refer to the question
of early closing of our business houses
during the heated summer months.
While we would not advocate the ad
visability of such a course until perhaps
during the months of July and August,
we would suggest that the matter be
agitated prior to that time and the good
judgment of the patrons as well as that
of our merchants, be need iri consider
ing the matter.
Previous to those months it will prob
ably be necessary to keep the stores
open ontil a late hour to accommodate
the country trade; but after that time
would it not be an unselfish deed for the
ladies of onr city to unite in the deter
mination . to, for two montbs at least,
agree to do their shopping during the
day, although it may seem a trifle bard
at times, for the greater benefit ttat will
come to those who are compelled to be
shot up during the entire day, in
close atmosphere which is at times al
most unbearable. Most of the ladies of
our city consider it a necessity to super
intend the marketing. Then why not
at the same time attend to the shopping,
which is a minor matter during the
months when the beat prevents much
dressmaking being accomplished.
Much may be said pro and con con
cerning the question ; but to many who
have unselfishly looked into the matter,
it seems that it would be a commendable
movement for the ladies of The Dalles
to inaugurate, as tbey are in a great
measure responsible for the large
amount of trading which is done in the
evening, deeming it impossible to get
out during the beat of the day. But
(when looked upon in an unselfish way)
what of the numberless merchants,
bookkeepers and clerke, who after stand
ing all day behind the counters are
compelled to spend two or three hours
in the evening at the same poet of duty,
while their more fortatnate neighbors
are driving by enjoying the bracing
evening air, because many simply re
fuse to put themselves out in the slight
est manner by doing their trading dur
ing the other nine hours afforded them.
Were they privileged to have these
hours in the open air, they would arise
in the morning invigorated and ready
toSwithstand the depressing days; but
having no time for recreation, tbey are
unfitted for the duties required of them
and before the summer is over are com
pletely worn out. .
Our object in bringing up this matter
at so previous a date is that it may be
thoroughly canvassed,, and the result
be satisfactorily to all concerned. -
. Chase & Sanborn's Bed Seal Boston
coffees at Maier & Benton.
The following lines are to be found at
iUiays & Crowe.
Garden Tools, Deep Well Pumps Blacksmith's Tools
Rubber and Cotton Hose Bar Iron and Steel
Winchester and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coal
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
B c5'cles and Sundries Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings
Smith & Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
Planet Jr. Garden Tools Rushford Wagons
John Deere Plows and Harrows Racine Buggies and Carriages
Bean Spray Pumps Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers
Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
Our stock of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
is complete in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before "buying elsewhere examine our Stock;
...Tiic Henovvnca oia oio Fiao
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles. Or.
1 worth of checks 3
good for 10c drink, 3
er cigar. .
check wltn each purchase
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Lienors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of Angnst Buchler
Home-mode Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Todes ar?d pabrie
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure beet results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
F Steppe.
Ri tetf the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co;
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
Bobber Garden Hose.
We can furnish you with strictly first
claes garden hose at the same prices you
have been paying for inferior quality.
We have jnst received a large stock of
the Gutta Percha Robber Co's Maltese
Cross Hose, which brand is used ex
clusively by the city fire department.
Buy your garden hope from us and get
the verv best there is on the market.
m22-lw Maier & Benton.
Boarders or Koomerl Desired.
" Anyone desiring to rent a room (or
rooms) with or -without board, or to
secure board alone, may do so by apply,
ing to me at my home, on the corner of
Fifth and Court street.
15-lw . Mas. Witham.
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
S 22 JS2
Northern 'Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
3D fS