C i J III VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1899 NO 297 -THIS WEEK'S STORE NEWS.- $5.00 to $25.00. You are invited to attend our Spring Opening Display Ladies' TAILOR-MADE SUITS TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS SILK WAISTS SHIRT WAISTS PETTICOATS WRAPPERS A GRAND COLLECTION" of NEW GOODS. Handsome tailor-made costumes for women, babbling- over with new ideas in beauty and shapeliness. The art of ladies' tailoring may be candidly referred to as never having attained so high a degree of perfection as charac terizes the ready-to-wear suit of the present season. . The marked contrast stamps the soit tailoring ideas of last season as mere experimental effort. A parallel of price and worth is noticed at a glance. The earliest blossoms of spring fashion are on display today in onr cloak room. Every woman will be interested in the latest decrees of fashion, as exemplified in these dainty new costumes. These are only the first of a long and brilliant series to come. . . Ladies who buy their suits at this store wear exclusive styles. We have no two suits alike. They are certainly worth your inspection.' The new shapes in SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS, such a3 the panels, Dewey flounce, bell shape, circular flare, etc., are very much admired and are exceedingly fashionable. The new styles in Silk Waists must be seen to be appreciated. They are very rich, beautifully made, entirely new designs, most artistic in general effect. Our advance shipment of Shirt Waists now on display will give you a glimpse of the moat popular styles for this sea son. Particularly do we mention our White Duck and Pique Waists. In Petticoats, something entirely new is shown for this season the "Metallic" Skirting, Silk Taffetta, - Near-Silk, and others, contribute toward offer ing value and variety. New Wrappers new designs, new finish, new prices. Our spring stock is ready. 'You must not overlook, if money is an otject. OUR SPECIAL SALE Lace Curtains The Housekeeper's Opportunity. The Curtain Department re moved to lower floor ; in con nection with Shoe Department. Entire Stock LACE CURTAINS, including all Spring Importations, will be offered this week .At Wholesale Prices -k4r iAr tAtr iAr -vA- J'W lAr -aAir TaAr iJr -er -JW Tdir Positively the most attractive Lace Curtain Sale ever offered the people of this city. Every home needing Curtains should profit by it. $ .50 Lace Curtains ... .this week only $ .39 .65 Lace Curtains " this week only .50 .75 Lace Curtains this week only .55 : .95 Lace Curtains this week only .75 1.25 lace Curtains : ; . . .this week only .98 1.35 Lace Curtains r. .... .this week only 1.05 1.50 Lmce Curtains . .tbis week only 1.15 1.75 Lace Curtains . . . . . ; .this week only 1.29 1.85 Lace Curtains .this week only 1.39 2.00 Lace Curtains this week only 1.55 2 50 Lace Curtains ., , '. .this week only 1.85 2.75 Lace Curtains , this week only 1.95 3.00 Lace Curtains this week only 2.15 3.25 Lace Curtains this week only 2.35 3.50 Lace Curtains this week only 2.50 3.75 Lace Curtains . . this week only 2.70 . 4.00 Lace Curtains ..this week only 2.90 ; 4.50 Lace Curtains : this week only 3.35 4.75 Lace Curtains this week only 3.67 5.00 Lace Curtains .this week only 3.80 5.50 Lace Curtains '. this week only 4.10 6.00 Lace Curtains this week only 4 35 . 6.50 Lace Curtains this week oirlv 4.48 7.00 Lace Curtains this week only 4.90 7.50 Lace Curtains this week only 5.25 A. SVL Williams & Co. REBELS LOSS AT ILO ILO Mart on the American Oaljists Precij itates a Hea?y Engagement. . ONLY ONE AMER ICAN KILLED Insurgent Losses Estimated at Two Hundred Killed and Three Hun dred Wounded Gallant American Advance. New York, March 21. A. dispatch to the Herald from Ilo Ho, island of Panay, eays: A battalion of the Eighteenth in fantry, a platoon of the Sixth artillery' and the machine gun battery made a re connoissance in the direction of Mandur rioaoand Santa Barbara Thursday. While they were returning the insurgents at tacked the outpoBts on the right. Although fatigued from marching in the boiling sua for two hours, the entire command proceeded to the assistance of their comrades, the artillery pouring shell and shrapnel upon the insurgents, who were strongly entrenched in large numbers. Companies C, K and H, of the Eighteenth, deployed to the right, driving the insurgents back, and then, wheeling to the left, made a junction with companies B and I. A heavy en ' gagement ensued. Companies B, C, M and I, of the Ten nessee volunteers. Major Cheatham com manding, arrived later and formed on the left, and two more companies of the Eighteenth marched from Ilo Ilo to .act as support to the other troops. Theline advanced by rushes 3000 yards under a hot fire, pouring in deliberate volleys upon the ensurgenta' position, the artillery making good practice. By the time the forces were within 300 yards of the enemy's final position dart ness prevented the charge for when the Tennessee men and the companies of the Eighteenth on the right bad already prepared by fixing bayonets. The ad vance upon Jaro was accomplished in good order. The engagement was brought on by the enemy's persistant attacks upon the outposts of Jaro Bridge. Nothing conld be gained by forcing the enemy back, as it was impossible with the limited number of troops to hold the position. The American troops were exhausted by the fighting, and having to wade knee-deep through the rice fields and sagar cane. There were several cases of prostration by the heat. The only man killed was Private Louis Biehl, of company B, Eighteenth in fantry. Fifteen wounded. The severity of the engagement may be judged by the fact that the Eighteenth regiment alone fired 62,800 rounds. It is estimated that the ineurgents, with their more than 2000 rifles, fired double our total of ammunition. ' Private Biehl brought in Daly, wounded, and gave warning to hurry up some ammunition, as most of the men were short. He then returned to the fighting line and was struck in the chest. He fell, saying: "I'm done . for," and died in ten minutes. It is impossible to tell accurately the insurgent losses, as the American troops converged at a given point without trav ersing the ground shot over, but on the day after the battle one could see from Jaro belfry the enemy carting away the dead. The minimum estimate of their losses is twenty killed and 300 wounded. JOHN SHERMAN IS DEAD Aged Statesman EiuM on the Paris While En Route from Kingston. Potatoes for San Francisco. Stayton, Or., March 20. Representa tives of San Francieco commission houses have been scouring the country here abouts in search of potatoes. Yesterday they offered George Custer 65 cents per bushel for his entire crop, f. o. b. cars at Kingston, sacks furnished. Custer sold all. he had. About all .the surplus potatoes railed in this section last year were sold In the all at 25 to 35 cents per bushel, and thousands of bushels were lost in the Fe binary freeze. It looks now like holders of this product . will make a rich strike. - - . " Kotioe. Have yon a farm for sale or for rent, or do you know Of any person holding farming lands that they wish to dispose of? If so, please write to any agent of the O. K. & N. Co.. and be will send you a circular which will interest yon. HIS DEMISE WAS EXPECTED tellectual giants of the war and recon struction days. Always a leader, twice a member of the cabinet, first as the head of the treasury and then of state affaire, three times a candidate' for the Republican nomination for the presi dency, and for years one of the great creative forces in congress, his name was identified with the laws, the law making and the political straggles whicb engaged attention for almost half a century. Few men had more con tinuous public service in such a diver sity of fields, and in all of them his work was conspicuous. - Hot Weather of the Past Two' Days in the West Indies Hastened the End. New York, March 21. A special from Caimanere, Cuba, to the Evening Tele gram, reports the death of John Sher man " on board the American line steamer Paris. It was realized last evening by those in attendance upon Mr. . Sherman that the end was near. . The hot ' weather of the past two days had proved exceeding ly wearing on the patient, and doubt less hastened the end, although from the time he was stricken it was realized that he would not recover. . The Paris sailed from Kingston at 6 o'clock last evening with Mr. Sherman and party on board, for Santiago de Cuba, where the patient was to have been transferred to the cruiser Chicago and carried to the United States. It is probably bis body will be brought home on the Chicago. . . IS IT A TRIFLE? THAT COMMON TROUBLE, ACID DYS PEPSIA OR SOUR STOMACH. Now Recognized as a Cause of Serious Disease. ' The passing of John Sherman removed from the public stage about the last of those towering figures whose public lives, beginning with the civil war and covering a period of the last forty years, were interwoven with the great events of that epoch. As his illustrious brother William Tecumseh : Shtrman, shared with Grant and Sherdian the highest . place among the military heroes of 'the nation, so, too, John Sherman stood in civil life along with Seward, Samner, Evart, Blaine, and that coterie of in- Acid, dyspepsia, commonly called heartburn or sour stomach, is a form of indigestion resulting from fermentation of the food. The stomach being too weak to digest it, the food remains until fermentation begins, filling the stomach with gas, and a. bitter, sour, burning taste in the mouth is . often present. This condition 'soon becomes chronic and being an every day occurrence is given but little attention. Because dys pepsia Is not immediately fatal, many people do nothing for their trouble. Within a recent period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is known as Stuart's 'Dyspepsia Tablets and is becoming rapidly used and pre scribed as a radical cure for every form of dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by all druggists for 50 cents per package. It is prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., and while it promptly and effectually restores a vigorous di gestion, at the same time it is perfectly harmless and will not injure the most delicate stomach, but on the contrary by giving perfect digestion strengthens the stomach, improves the appetite and make life worth living. - Send for. free book on . stomach diseases. - . . itBSCi-UTEtv'PURE 7VAfl BACSQN& Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAt BAKTNO POWDER CO., HEW VOftK. Yon need have no boils if you will j take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Suicide Near Walla Walla. Walla Walla, Wash., March 21. Samuel Wilson, a young man about 23 years of age, committed suicide laet night at his fruit farm five miles south of tbis city, by shooting himself in the bead. Wilson had been accused of ruining seveial young girls in the neighborhood, and though he always asserted bis in nocence, the charges weighed on his mind. Last- night on his way home from the city he met a friend, who charged him 'with intimacy with his 13-year-old daughter. Wilson proceeded on home, wrote a note to his friend saying he was innocent of the charge, and hoped he would continue to be regarded as a friend. Then he went out on the porch and shot himself. His parents reside at Nevada City, Mo. Story of a Slave. . Te be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says : .' "My wife has been so helpless' for five years that she could not tuin over in bed alone.. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells. Tbis miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 6 Cannot Spare Volunteers. Washington, March 21. The war de partment has received the following: Manila, March 21. --Tne transports Ohio and Senator left March 20. The Grant starts March 25. She carries all the sick and wounded it is necessary to send home. The Sherman is expected tonight. Cannot commence the' ship ment borne of volunteers at present. Hope to do so soon. Will ship addition al battalion of Californias to Negros this afternoon. . - Otis, Mayp & Crowe are now doing Lusineas in their new store. ' f- a Day U?eI( or a fa moptl?. . fa fa BBflr$. fT)eu, j 7 Qor. aijd Uijioi. 9 Public Bouuling Alley Next to Columbia Hotel. Open Day and flight. Courteous treatment to all Boculeps... Special Attractions For Bowling Parties. Patronage of the public respectfully solicited. Harry Esping, Proprietor. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEKAL BANKING BUELNE8 Letters of Credit issued available in tha Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointa in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms.