The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 21, 1899, Image 1

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    A A
NO 296
W It. mi J
$5.00 to $25.00.
You are invited to attend our
Spring Opening Display.
Handsome tailor-made cob tomes for women, babbling over with new
ideas in beauty and shapeliness. The art of ladies' tailoring may be candidly
referred to as never having attained so high a degree of perfection as charac
terizes the ready-to-wear suit of the present season. The marked contrast
stamps the suit tailoring ideas of last season as mere experimental effort. - A
parallel of price and worth is noticed at a glance. The earliest blossoms of
spring fashion are on display today in oar cloak rpom. Every woman will be
interested in the latest decrees of fashion, as exemplified in these dainty new
costumes. These are only the first of a long and brilliant series to come.
Ladies who .buy their suits at this store wear exclusive styles. We have
no two suits alike. They are certainly worth your inspection. ;
The new shapes in SEPARATE- DRESS SKIRTS, such as the panels, Dewey flounce, bell shape, circular
flare, etc., are very much admired and are exceedingly fashionable. The new styles in Silk Waists must be seen
to be appreciated. They are very rich, beautifully made, entirely new designs, most artistic in general effect. Oar
advance shipment of Shirt Waists now on display will give you a glimpse of the roost popular styles for this sea
son. Particularly do we mention our White Duck and Pique Waists. In Petticoats, something entirely new is
shown for this season the "Metallic" Skirting, Silk Taffetta, Near-Silk, and others, contribute toward offer
ing value and variety. New Wrappers new designe, new finish, new prices. Our spring Btock is ready.
"You must not overlook, if money is an object
The Curtain' Department re
moved to lower floor ;' in con
nection with Shoe Department.
' Entire Stock LACE CURTAINS, including all
Spring Importations, will be offered this week
At Wholesale Prices
Positively the most attractive Lace Curtain Sale ever offered the people
of this city. Every home needing Curtains should profit by it,
.50 Lace Curtains . this week only $ .3s)
.65 Lace Curtains this week only .50
.75 fiace Curtains .', . . this week only .55
.95 Lace Curtains this week only .75
1.25 Lace Curtains this week only .93
1.35 Lace Curtains . this week onlv 1.05
1.50 Lace Curtains this week only 1.15
1.75 Lace Curtains this week only 1.29
1.85 Lace Curtains this week onlv 1.39
2.00 Lace Curtains this week only 1.55
2 50 Lace Curtains '. .this week only 1.85
2.75 Lace Curtains .- this week only 1.95
3.00 Lace Curtains this week only 2.15
3.25 Luce Curtains this week onlv 2 35
3.50 Lace Curtains .this week only 2.50
3.75 Lace Curtains this week only 2;70
I 4.00 Lace Curtains this week only 2.9i
4.50 Lace Curtains this week onlv 3.35
4.75 Lace Curtains this week only . 3 67
5.00 Lace Curtains this week only 3 80
5.50 Lace Curtains this week only 4.10
6.00 Lace Curtains this week only 4 35
6.50 Lace Curtains this week otlv 4 48
7.00 Lace Curtains this week only 4.90
7.50 Lace Curtains '. this week onlv . 5.25
A. IW. Williams & Co.
Mexicans Resist Enforcement of Quar
antine Regulations.
attempt to isolate smallpox cases. The
Mexicans fired on the civil officers today
and one of the latter was hurt. All is
quiet at present. I believe the situation
will be in my control. Ayers.
Captain of the 'Texas Rangers is
Wounded Governor Sayer Asks
For Troops.
Laredo, Tex., Match 20. Two men
were killed, and a captain of the state
rangers wounded in a fight with Mexi
cans over enforcing the smallpox quar
antine here this morning.
San Antonio, Tex., March 20. State
Health Officer Blunt, in charge of the
smallpox situation at Laredo, has aeked
for more state police, and twenty 'four
men were sent him today.
The .Mexicans refused to allow the
officials to remove their relatives, who
were afflicted, to the pest house', and
firing began in the western portion of
the city. Two men were killed, and the
captain of ' the Btate rangers was
wounded. United States troops from
Fort Mcintosh was marched to the scene
at 11 o'clock.
St. Louis, March 20. A special to
the Post Dispatch from Laredo says the
mayor today issued an appeal to the
house of representatives for aid for the
Laredo smallpox sufferers. The epi
demic is the worst ever known in Texas.
(Story of a Slave.
Te be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how anch a
slave was made free. He says : "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could not turn over in bed
alone. After using two bottles of Elec
tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do her own work."
This supreme remedy for female dis
eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, beadache, back
ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This
miracle working medicine is a godsend
to weak, sickly, run down people. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 6
The Betel Leaier Determine! tee War
snail Go On.
Condemns to Death Twelve Residents
. of Manila, Who Advocated Sur
render Gallant Work of a Com
pany of Washington Volunteers.
falling from the ranks, were Strang along
for a distance of almost six . miles,
numbers returning to camp in the
artillery ambulances, which were always
close np in the lines. The work .of the
ambulances was especially worthy. of
In the fighting of Sunday the American
losses were seven killed and thirty
wounded. Among the list of the dead
are found the names of Fred Brown, of
Vancouver, Wash ; James Page, whose
home was at La Grande ; Thomas J.
Smith, who lived - in Portland ; John
Spierings also' died in Manila of
One Quarter of the 1898 Crop of Lane
County Not Sold.
Washington. March 20. Governor
Sayer, of Teias, last night requested the
government to order the United States
troops to assist the local authorities in
preserving the peace at Laredo, saying
very serious riots are pending. General
Corbin ordered Captain Ayers, at Fort
Mcintosh, to at once proceed to Laredo,
and has received the following reply :
Laredo .March 19. Adjutant-General :
Have informed the- mayor of Laredo of
your instructions. ' There is a great
bitterness on the part of Mexicans on
this side of the river on account of an
Eugene, March 19. Men state that
fully twenty-five per cent of the wheat
crop of 1898 in Lane county is still in
the hands of the growers. No sales are
being made, as the price quoted in
Eugene is only 45 cents per bushel.
Prospects are that better prices will not
prevail for some time. Farmers state
that this year's crop of wheat will be
short. Fall wheat of rank growth was
killed by the cold weather, but in no
case reported has . the damage bten
sufficient to warrant re-seeding. Scat
tered over the fields were spots of rank
grain, and that was killed, leaving the
balance of the field in good condition.
One farmer says that in a field of fifteen
acres on his farm fully one-third of the
crop is destroyed, but the damaged spots
are so scattered that reseeding is un
warranted. Similar reports come from
all parts o the country.
Manila, March 20. 8:20 a. m. It is
reported on hitherto reliable authority
that Aguinaldo is taking extreme meas
ures to suppress signs calculated to
cause a cessation of hostilities. Twelve
adherents of the plan of independence,
residents of Manila, have been con
demned to death because they wrote ad
vising surrender, and all loyal Filipinos
have been called upon to perform the
national'eervice of dispatching them.
On Friday last La ' Garda visited La
gordas for the purpose of advising
Aguinaldo to quit. ' He argued with
the insurgent leader, and attempted to
convince him of the folly of his persist
ence in the face of overwhelming odds.
Aguinaldo was furious at the advice,
and ordered General La Garda to be ex
ecuted immediately. The unfortunate
general was promptly decapitated.
Among the incidents of yesterday's
fighting was the coolness exhibited by a
company of the Washington volunteers,
who crossed the river in a canoe under a
heavy fiie, fifteen being taken across on
each trip of the small boat, to attack
the enemy's trenches. The inability of
the commissary train to keep up with
the advance led to considerable suffering ;
and many of the men were completely
exhausted when they were recalled, and.
Serious Clashes Feared Between Amer-
icans and Canadians British and
American Governments Soon to
Take theMatter Up.
LrxV LJvid IPotyraiEQ
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Canada, with a view to obtaining the
concession of a port in Alaska, in
exchange for concessions to the United
Collector Ivey has reported that the
Canadians have established a customs
office thirty miles from Cbilkoot inlet, at
a point believed to be southward of the
summit of Chilkoot pass, which is
understood to be the international
boundary line. '
Mayp & Crowe are uow doing business
in their new store.
New York, March 20. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Despite the representations of this gov
ern ment res pecting the encroachments of
subjects of Great Britain upon Alaska
territory, and of the danger of a clash
between them and Ameiicans, the fialis-
dury governaent has made no satisfactory
It is the expectation of well-informed
officials that the . Alaska-boundary
question will be seriously discussed
between the United States - and Great
Britain during the coming month. It is
believed by the administration that if
the boundary were well denned there
would be no danger of trouble, but the
lack of definite knowledge concerning
the location of the line eives to Canadians
opportunity to encroach upon American
territory, and the Americans to retaliate
by encroaching upon Canadian territory.
Where the land is valuable on account of
the presence of gold trouble is likely to
arise. .
Some consideration has been given to
the advisability of sending troops to the
district'' in dispute, but this might be
objectionable to Great Britain and also
be provocative of trouble; therefore none
will be sent.
. It is thought the British government
will try to hold 'the i:.atter open until
the joint high commissi on reassembles,
after the elections have been held in
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which . settled on her lungs ; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeles victim of consumption
and that no medicine could care her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delight found herself
benefited from the first dose. She con
tinned to use and after taking six bottles
found herself sound and well ; now does
her own housework, and is as well as
she ever was. Free trial bottle
Great Discovery at Blakeley &
ton's drug store. Only 50 cents
Every bottle guaranteed.
of this
apd Ipdrs
Day U?eI( or
Qor. 4H7 ar;d tlriop.
Was Villa mil's Body.
Santiago De Cuba, March 19. After
a careful investigation, Major-General
Leonard Wood, the military governor,
is convinced that the skeleton found a
few days ago, tied in an arm chair, on
the shore, about four miles west of 1
Morro, is the remains of the Spanish
Admiral ViMamil, who commanded the
torpedo-boat destroyers Furor and
Plntonin'the battle which resulted in
the destruction of Cervera's squadron.
: As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, 'coughs,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guarded against,
notbinK "is . a fine substitute." will
"answer the purpose," or is "just as
good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That
is the one infallible remedy for all lung,
throat or bronchial troubles. Insist
vigorously upon having it if "something
else" is offered you. - Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Public I
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and Hi9&t.
Courteous treatment
to all Bowlers...
Speeial Rtttfaetions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully solicited.
Harry Esping, Proprietor.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago.
St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
- Collections made at ail pointe on fav
orable terms.