The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 20, 1899, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 20. 1899
Telephone No 1.
AH Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule 'will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1809.
Read A. M. Williams & Co. 'a ad.
Chase & Sanborn's Red Seal Boston
coffees at Maier & Benton.
Special sale of lace curtains at A. M.
Williams & Co.'s.
May & Crowe are now doing business
in their new store.
Rubber and cotton garden hose 4 cents
per foot, and higher, at Mays &
A meeting of the fire police patrol is
called for tonight in the recorder's office
at 8 o'clock. Every member is especially
requested to be preeent.
The ferry boat "Klickitat" is to be
moved from its present run between
Lyle and Siding Landing to ply between
Stevenson and Cascade Locks, towing
logs to be need for the new Roesell saw
mill at that place.
On Wednesday afternoon and evening
Mrs. M. Periano will display a beautiful
line of spring and summer hats. She
invites all the ladies to be present at the
opening on that date, and judge for
themselves as to their style.
Elder A. M. Qhage, of Lamoni, Iowa,
who is an evangelist of the reorganized
.Latter Day Saints, is in the city today
and will preach tonight In the council
chambers. All are invited to be preeent.
He says : . "I will speak as to wiee men.
Judge ye what I say." "
A. R. Thompson today brought 1600
head of eheep over from the Washington
side, where they were wintered. They
are in very good condition after each a
hard winter. Mr. Thompson informs
ua that feed is more plentiful in Wash"
ington, where they raise so much alfalfa.
He will take the sheep to 5-Mile for
pasture at present.
Mrs. Phillips extends an invitation to
all Dalles ladies to be present at her
opening of millinery next Tuesday after
noon and evening." She has in her stock
some of the most beautiful trimmed hats
ever shown in the city, and an endless
line of street hats.'
Mr. E. L. Grimes is in the city from
Portland visiting his son,C. M. Grimes
Mr. Grimes who was a resident of The
Dalles for many years, has not been in
the city for nine years, at which time he
moved to Portland. He is kept busy
meeting his old . iriends and noting the
changes which have occurred in that
time, and he finds niany. .
v A cordial invitation is extended to the
ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to at
tend the opening of spring and summer
millinery goods at the millinery parlors
of Campbell & Wilson, on Second street
March 21 and 22. The finest line of
goods on display ever shown in this city
The most artistic souvenir we have
yet seen from Manila is one sent by
Arthur Traek, formerly of Cascades, to
H. D. Parkins.' It is a cane made of
white bone, which is placed together in
sections, each, of which is beautifully
carved with trees, birds, landscapes etc
Mr." Parkins is very proud of it, and has
suddenly discovered he mast walk with
a cane.
Maier & ' Benton evidently have de
ter mined to pay up all their neglected
calls, and to that end visited . many of
their friends , this morning; but. like
many ladies whom we know, muBt have
been sure they were not at home,' and
hung their cards on the door. - As this is
wash day no doubt the ladies were
pleased to find only a card, as well ai to
receive the benefit of a lesson in coffee
Yesterday Deputy U. S. Marshal A.
A. Roberts passed through this city
having in charge M. L. Dodson,' whom
he arrested in Prlneville Saturday for
counterfeiting. . He is supposed to be
connected with a" gang in Portland three
of whom have been held for trial, haying
been caught with $150 in counterfeit
half dollars in their possession. Nothing
incriminating was found upon Dodson
or in his possession.
On exhibition Spring styles ladies'
tailor-made suits and skirts at A.M.'
Williams fe Co.'s.
The large number of passengers who
boarded the boat this morning were
treated to some fine musical selections
by the Noble Compaq j'e band, that
company going by boat to Portland.
The last heard of them they were play
ing "The Gtrl 1 Left Bebind Me," and
from all appearances they were '.'play
ing" the same girl while here. Certain
it was that ample opportunity was given
them, and while the members behaved
remarkably well here, if the young girls
of a city have no more regard for them
selves than to flirt with every stranger
who comes to that place, they are not
to blame if they fail to overlook such
encouragement. There are a half-dozen
young girls in the city, who instead of
being in school where they belong, have
appointed themselves a reception com
mittee, with headquarters on . Second
street, to entertain every stranger who
may chance to come their way.
The gentlemen who have in charge
the reception for Wednesday evening
at the residence of W. H. Wilson, have
informed their lady friends that Suzy
Tracy would not dare attempt to serve
anything half so delectable as will be
the refreshments on that auspicious
evening. . To speak plainly we have no
idea that she would. Reports which
come to us from saddened homes where
refreshments are being prepared assure
us that "civilized woman could not live
with cooks" very long. One gentleman
poke o. recording his recipe for cake,
while another will introduce his cake
into court to receive judgment thereon.
Certain it is there will be no cake walk,
as Dalles young people pride themselves
on winning the cake every time. The
quartet, ' composed of Messrs. Wilson,
Glenn, Kelsay and Hobson, are bnsily
engaged in practicing, while the neigh
bors are as busily engaged in "packing
And still they invite their friends to be
The severe snow storm which visited
Grant. Sherman and a portion of Wasco
counties during the early part of la6t
week seems to be the straw which broke
the camel's back. Sheep and cattle
were already in poor condition from an
unusually nam winter, feed is scarce
and unobtainable, and when the worst
spell of the eeason was added to this
state qf affaire, it necessarily produces
desperate conditions. What the out
come will be, no one dares say. A dis
patch from Wallowa county says: "A
few days ago it seemed as if spring were
coming, but winter took a fresh hold on
the 13th. Wednesday morning there
was an inch of freeh snow. .The outlook
for stock is serious. When the snow
is gone it is not warm enough for the
grass to grow much. Wednesday morn
ing the thermometer registered 8 deg. ;
this morning 28 deg. Along the foot
mils toe snow is two feet deep, but on
the level much lees. All agree that this
has been the longest winter in the
Jos. Bonn Returns With, ill Bride.
PRICE $25.00.
Yesterday afternoon Joseph Bonn ar
rived in the city from Belleyue, Ion
with his bride, and at once repaired to
their neat little cottage on Washington
street. Today Joe has been surrounded
by friends eager to extend their congratu
lations and welcome him home.
Of the wedding the Bellevue Leader
said in part:
"At St. Joseph's church this morning
at 9 o'clock, RevyTather Bies offici
atinsr. occurred thfe marriaee of Mr.
Joseph Bonn of THe Dalles, Oregon, and
Mies Maude Kilborn of this city.
"At its conclusion the bridal party and
friends repaired to the-, home, of the
bride's mother, wherea sumptuous and
epicurean repast was served and other
festivities took place. The bride is one
of our most estimable and charming
young women who is universally liked
and whose social place in the community
will indeed be difficult . to fill The
groom, formerly a resident ot this city
is now a prosperous and well-to-do
young man of The Dalles, Oregon.- He
is exemplary in bis habits and withal a
young: man who commands the' respect
and esteem of all who know him.. The
happy couple will leave tonight for their
far weBtern"faomer taking with them the
best wishes-, of their - many Bellevue
friends.-' "- : -- - '
" BeK of AH"
To cleanse the system' in. a gentle -and
truly "-' beneficial1.; manner, when;:, the
springtime comes1, use the true and per
feet remedy. . Syrup of ' Figs.-.. Bu y . the
genuine. Manufactured bv the California-Fig
Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
The following lines are to be found at
Hflays Crowe.
The chaie of the dollar nowadavs is best lenm.
Wished 00 a first-class Bicycle. A winner in the
:!;ase for the Best B'eyclo, mnt, in this Iowa, land
at the store of THE AGENTS FOR
PRICE $30.00.
Fully warren ted.
PRICE $50.00.
.Jaier S Ceriiofi
In Some Beapeeti It Doea-Let Us WmKe
Up and Clean Up.
The Oregonian of Saturday kindly do
nated to our city more than a column
descriptive of its resources, for which
we would not be ungrateful, although
we were compelled to take the bitter
with the sweet, for it pleased the cor
respondent to advertise to the public
our failings as well as our good points.
Like the people of old, of whom we
read in sacred history, he need9 to be
reminded that only 'those who are guilt
less should cast the first stone. '
We acknowledge our failings when it
comes to the untidiness of our postoffice,
wbich is not a model of neatness.
but needs a little soap and water
also that it would seem that we love
darkness rather than light; but on the
other hand' we yield the palm to Port'
land when it comes to the cobwebs on
our citizens, for where could be found
place that would presume to vie with
Portland when it comes to moral de
pravity. Let that city remove the cob'
webs from her own buildings before she
attempts to sweep those from the skies
so far above her. Let her attend to her
own house-cleaning before ehe criticises
At the same time, the observation of
this correspondent only emphasizes the
fact so often advocated by The Chron
icle that these small matters produce
an impression detrimental to the city
welfare. . Time after time nave we
urged upon Dalles people the necessity
of giving their individual attention to
the minor details which go to make np
the general appearance' of a city the
care of unoccupied' lota; removing debris
from- the same ; repairing broken down
fences, etc. In Bbort, giving each at
tention to- your property, whether
occupied or unoccupied, that it will not
be an eye-sore to your neighbors who
are endeavoring to make their homes an
ornament to the town in which they
live. Not alone from a pride in what
belongs to you should this be done, but
for the sake of the-entire city, and the
impression which an untidy place leaves
on visitors who may come here as sight
seers or with the intention of locating,
, Sight-seers certainly cannot be disap
pointed by walking through Trie Dalles
for some of the sights they behold would
cause, them to inquire if certain lots
were intended for a general garbage
pile. ' While we have homes which are
a credit to any city, we have very many
tumbled-down shacks which are as
much of a di 'grace; buildings that were
erected at the time of the fire or flood.
' Spring is the time for house-cleaning.
Cannot Dalles people make it a time of
general cleansing? While Dame Nature
has rolled up her sleeves, pinned up her
skirts, and is now slashing on a bucket
or two of water and immediately sending
the March winds to do her sweeping,
can we not assist in the work and rid
the streets, lots and alleys of all objec-
Garden Tools, Deep Well Pamps Blacksmith's Toole
Rubber and Cotton Hose Bar Iron and Steel
Winchester and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coal
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
B. cycles and Sundries Wrought Iron Pi pe and Fittings
Smith & Weeeon and Colt's Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
Planet Jr. Garden Tools ' Rushford Wagons
John Deere Plows and Harrows Racine Buggies and Carriages
Bean Spray Pomps Buckeye and Piano Mowers and Reapers
Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
- Our stock of '
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
is complete in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before "buying elsewhere examine our Stock.
...Tne neaovvnea Old Oro Fino Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October IS
The Dalles. Or.
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink.
. er cigar.
K . er cigar. 3
.Tom Burke's jcj5 Homestead. Whiskey
5 Specialty in Imported French liquors "and Cognac
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars. '
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Todes apd pabrie
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who .make tbe
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
Ritet the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.'
tionable, unnecessary rubbish?
This year is certainly to be the banner
year for immigration, when our city will
be visited by numberless tourists, who
will stop over here to view the grandeur
of our situation and note how we are
blessed with natural sceuerv, which
certainly is wonderful. Caa we afford
to mar the beauty of the picture by a
foreground ot dilapidated looking, un
kept spots, where grass should be grow
ing, surrounded by neat fences at least.
As trivial as these matters may appear,
they are nothing short of suicidal to the
growth of The Dalles, and if we have no
personal pride in regard to theee things,
for the sake of our home town let ns
wake up to its importance, and re
member that cleanliness is next to godliness.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam
Northern Grown
In Bulk at '
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
3 Hm
D- S