The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 20, 1899, Image 1

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PMfef iillS Ctesuu
NO 295
Trtr i-Ir tJ1t --r -dftr tp5i
-Tir -vr -r-
CTn Trftr -ir -Jr ftr -Jir -Jar ir lftr -ftr A: Tir W?lir lAc
Syringe i'jan,yc ac
. .
$5.00 to $25.00.
You are invited to attend our
Spring Opening Display.
Handsome tailor-made costumes for women, bubbling over with sew
ideas in beauty and shapeliness. The art of ladies' tailoring; may be candidly
referred to as never having attained bo high a degree of perfection as charac
terizes the ready-to-wear suit of the present Benson. The marked contrast
stamps the suit tailoring ideas of last season as mere experimental effort. A
parallel of price and worth is noticed at a glance. The earliest blossoms of
spring fashion are on display today in our cloak room. Every woman will be
interested in the latest decrees of fashion, as exemplified in these dainty new
costnmes. These are only the first of a long and brilliant series to come.
Ladies who bay their suits at this store wear exclusive styles. . We have
no two suits alike. They are certainly worth your inspection.
. . -y
The new shapes in SEPARATE DRESS SKIRTS, such as the panels, Dewey flounce, bell shape, circular
flare, etc., are very much admired and are exceedingly fashionable. The new styles in Silk Waists must be seen
to be appreciated. They are very rich, beautifullv made, entirely new designs, most artistic in general effect. Onr
advance shipment of Shirt Waists now on display will give you a glimpse of the most popular styles for this sea
son. Particularly do we mention our White Duck and Pique Waists. In Petticoats, something entirely new is
shown for this season the "Metallic" Skirting, Silk Taffetta, Near-Silk, and others, contribute toward offer
ing value and variety. New Wrappers newdesigne, new finish, new prices. Our spring Etock is ready.
"You must not overlook, if money is an object."
1 V-
The Curtain Department re
moved to lower floor ; in con
nection with Shoe Department.
Entire Stock LACE CURTAINS, including all
Spring Importations, will be offered this week
....At Wholesale Prices........
Positively the most attractive Lace Curtain Sale ever offered the people
of this city. Every home needing Curtains Bhould profit by it.
$ .50 Lace Curtains this week only $ .39
.65 Lace Cnrtains ; this week only .50
.75 Lace Curtains -. .. .this week only .55
.95 Lace Curtains this week only .75
1.25 Lace Curtains .this week only .98
1.35 Lace Curtains this week only 1.05
1.50 Lace Curtains . . this week only 1.15
1.75 Lace Curtains , this week only 1.29
1.85 Lace Cnrtains this week only 1.39
2.00 Lace Curtains . . t this week only 1.55
2 50 Lace Curtains this week only 1.85
2.75 Lace Curtains ... this week only 1.95
3.00 Lace Curtains . . this week only 2.15
3.25 Lace Curtains this week only 2.35
3.50 Lace Curtains -. this week only 2.50
3.75 Lace Curtains this week only 2.70
4.00 Lace Curtains this week only 2.90
4.50 Lace Curtains .this week only 3.-35
4.75 Lace Curtains , this week only 3.67
5.00 Lace Curtains this week only 3 80
5.50 Lace Curtains . this week only 4.10
6 00 Lace Curtains this week only 4 35
6.50 Lace Curtains this week only 4 48
7.00 Lace Curtains '. this week only 4.90
7.50 Lace Cartains this week onlv 5.25
A. M. Williams & Co,
Searcl for the Bote of Victims at
the WMsor.
Sixteen Dead, Sixty-Six Missing and
Fifty-Seven Injured, the Record
Great Values.
the wreckage of the great hotel. One
family lost jewelry valued at $200,000,
and the total will rnn up at somewhere
near $1,000,000.
Mrs. Nancy Kirk, who lost her life,
and her daughter, Miss Mary Kirk, had
family jewels valued at more than $200,
000 with them.. There were scores of
other wealthy families'who lived in the
hotel, and who lost jewels worth thous
ands of dollars.
Auother Victim.
New York, March 19. Archibald
Clavering Gnnter, the well-known
novelist, was a patron of the Windsor,
and it is feared by his friends who have
not seen him since the fire, that he has
lost his life with his child.
New Yoiyc, March 18. Through the
incessant rain today, their efforts
hindered by choking smoke that rose
from the half quenched ruins, more than
200 men froth the building, police and
fire departments, sought, but with only
half satisfactory results, for the bodies
of persons who are believed to have
perished in yesterday's fire at the Wind
sor hotel. The effjrts were concentrated
on clearing away the debris, aud no
more bodies were taken from the ruins
today. The latest estimate tonight is
sixteen dead, 6ixty-six missing and
fifty-seven injured. It is believed the
men will be able to proceed with the
gruesome search tomorrow, with more
satisfactory results.
It was learned today that Eldridge T.
Gerry bad the building and furniture
that belonged to the hotel fully insured,
and even the annual rental, from which
he indemnified himself with policies
aggregating $75,000. Gerry carried
policies aggregating $505,000 on the
building, and had an insurance for
$120,000 on the furnishings. In addi
tion to all this Leland ' had policies
aggregating $103,000 on his own furni
ture in the hotel.
No estimate can be made of the
precious metals and gems which havp
withstood the flames and lie hidden ic
Now Recognized as a Cause of Serious
Acid dyspepsia, commonly called
heartburn or sour stomach, is a form of
indigestion resulting from fermentation
of the food. The stomach being too
weak to digest it, the food remains until
fermentation begins, filling the stomach
with gae, and a bitter, sour, burning
taste in the mouth ia often present.
This condition soon becomes chronic
and being an every day occurrence is
given but little attention. Becanee dys
pepsia is not immediately fatal, many
people do nothing for their trouble.
Within a recent period a remedy has
been discovered prepared solely to cure
dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is
known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
and is becoming rapidly used and pre
scribed as a radical cure for every form
of dyspepsia.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been
placed before the public and are sold by
all druggists for 50 cents per package.
It is prepared by the F. A. Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich., and while it promptly
and effectually restores a vigorous di
gestion, at the same time it is perfectly
harmless and will not injure' the most
delicate stomach, but on the contrary
by giving perfect digestion strengthens
the stomach, improves the appetite and
make life worth living.
Send for free book on stomach
fasliiuEtoa an! Oregon, Volunteers
Whip a Force of Filipino Troops.
General Otis Will End the War in
Short Order Is Planning Another
Blow at the Insurgents.
Manila, March 19. (Sunday, 9:30 a.
m.). The Filipinos in force attacked a
company of the Washington volunteers
at Taguig last night. Two companies of
the Washington and Oregon regiments
were sent to the assistance of their com
rades, and drove the rebels back in front
of the twenty second regulars, who also
engaged the enemy.
Two American soldiers were killed,
and one officer and thirteen privates
wounded. The enemy's loss was severe.
Manila, .March 19. (Sunday, 9 a. m.)
The island of Cebu has been made a
subdistrict under Lieut. Col. T. R.
Hammer, of the First Idaho volunteers.
The other officers are- Captain W. ' L.
Wood, eighteenth regulars, collector of
customs, and Lieut. Thos. F. Schley, of
the Twenty-third, infantry, port captain'.
Ensign Everhart baa been relieved as
port captain at Ilo Ilo, by Lieut. Wm. B.
Hanna, of-the Montana, volunteers.' ,
Washington, March 18. General Otis
is planning another blow at the insurg
ents, in the execution of his general
scheme of hastening the end of the re
bellion in Luzon before the advent of the
rainy season.
ransom of the prisoners in the Philip
pines were interrupted by General Otis,
because he feared the sums offered would
be employed against his troops. We
pray you to earnestly Intercede with your
government to insure the triumph of
humanity. With profound gratitude.
(signed) Marquise yillabos, president
Spanish Red Cfoss."
The cablegram has been communicated
to the secretary of war.
Manila, March 18-10:20 a. m. The
entire American forces have been re
organized, two divisions, of three bri
gades each, being formed. The .Oregon
regiment is under General Wheaton.
An attack was made by the rebels
yesterday upon the battery at Lona
church, but they were repulsed by the
Pennsylvanians with heavy Ioes.
Washington, March 18. Miss Clara
Barton has received the following
"Clara Barton, Washington X. C.
1 he negotiations begun for a pecuniary
Battle-Ship Oregon Arrives at Manila.
Washington, March 18. Xhe navy
department has" been advisecLof the ar
rival at Manilaof the battleeliip Oregon.
Following is the cablegram received
from Admiral Dewey.
Manila, March 8.The Oregon and
the Iris arrived tocbfy. The Oregon is in
fit condition for any duty. Dewey.
Mrs. B. J. Kelly Killed at Corvallis by
Falling Down the Stairs While
Asleep.. - "
r " i 4 tup w ubll. u-m
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Corvallis, Or., March 18. Mrs. B
J. Kelly, wife of the pastor of the United
Evangelical church, of this city, was
killed this morning by falling down the
stairway of the family home.
The accident happened at 5 o'clock.
The pastor was awakened by the noise
of a heavy .fall. His wife was a
somnambulist, and, divining the truth,
be leaped from bed and hurried down
the etaiis. On the landing near the foot
of the stairway . he found-Mrs. Kelly.
There was a three-inch gash across the
forehead and the neck was broken.
Mrs. Kelly lived for an hour and a
half after the accident, but never 6 poke
or regained consciousness.
May Give Us the Klondike.
Seattle, March . '18. News was
received here that five Finlanders claim
to . have discovered evidences of the
original Russian boundary line in
scribed on a series of old mounds, which
if established, will place the Klondike
cuntry within the United States. It is
stated that United States Consul Mc
Cook. at Dawson, will communicate
with the .Washington authorities re
garding the matter.
Remarkable Kecue.
Mrs. Michael Certain, Plainfield, 111.,
makes the statement, that ebe caught J
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeles victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's Sew
Discovery for consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delight found herself
beneficed from the first dose. She con
tinued to use and after taking six bottles
Tound herself sound and well; now does
her own housework, and is a9 well as
she ever was. Free trial bottte of this
Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed. 6
The new steamboat Spokane, built by
the O. R. & N. Co-to ply on the Snake
river between Riparia and Lewieton, is
now complete, and in service. . Steamer
Lewiston is also in service, and the two
steamers will alternate between Riparia
and Lewiston, leaving Riparia daily ex
cept Sunday on arrival of train No. 4
from Portland and reaching Lewiston
next day at 1 p. m. Returning, will
leave Lewiston daily except Saturday
at 12 o'clock noon, arriving at Riparia
at 7 p. m.. connecting with train No. 3
from Spokane. The Spokane has been
specially constructed for the rnn men
tioned above, and is thoroughly equip
ped with all modern appliances, electric
lights, etc., and for speed and comfort
will excel any craft that has ever been
built tor the Snake river. The Lewis
ton is her steady old self. Mar 4-lm
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send ue your orders and get
the beet. ; Phone 25.
Mchl. , Job. T. Petebs & Co.
tory of a Slave.
Te be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst,
form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how ench a
slave was made free. He- says : "My
wife has been eo helpless for five years
that ehe could nt tuin over in bed
alone. After neing two bottles of Elec
tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do her own work."
This supreme remedy for female dis
eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and dizzy epells. ThiB
miracle working medicine is a godsend
to weak; sickly, run down people. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 6
Bouuling Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and HiQht.
Courteous treatment
to all Bouilevs...
Speeial Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully solicited.
Harry Esping, Proprietor,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicauo,
St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various point
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points ob fav
orable terms.
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