The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1899, Image 3

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March 20th, 1899,
we will Exhibit
Exquisite Designs.
Newest Effects.
Exclusive Patterns.
You are cordially invited. ,
Our salespeople have special instructions not to ask you to purchase.
This da; has been set apart to show you these goods.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- MARCH 18, 1899
Telephony No. 1.
All Changes .in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be .positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Lucky Ranch"
At the Vogt tonight.
Cbaee & Sanborn's Red Seal Boston
coffees at Maier & Benton.
A set of parlor furniture will be given
away tonight at the Vogt.
Smith Bros, call attention to their
soiree tonight at the Baldwin.
H. J. Maier has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Roderick
McNeil. .
Keep in mind the Easter sale to be
held by the ladies of the Guild directly
after Easter. They will have on sale
articles of every description in the
needlework line.
If yon want to see some of the
prettiest silk waists ever displayed in
The Dalles, be at Pease & Mays' store
Monday. Yon will not be asked to pur
chase, bnt to Inspect them.
Chas. Johnson, of the Wallie Cash store, 1
has accepted a position with Williams &
Co. and will return to The Dalles. Mr.
Wallis will himself take charge of tbe
store here. Moro Observer.
Last night the bowling team com
posed of Nolan, Ogden and Stadleman
won the medal in tbe regular weekly
contest. Some rivalry , having been
caused between tbe two teams which
played in the contests with the ladies,
a contest will take place Monday
evening, the losers being out the price
of oysters for the crowd.
The Chronicle is pleased to learn
that W. H. Hobson, who has been con
fined to his home for a week past, is
much improved, and expects to be in
his accustomed "glass case" in Pease &
Mays' dry goods store Monday.
Tbe perfectness of the day brought to
tbe city farmers from all parts . of the
country near by. Each has a satisfied
expression which speaks well for exieting
conditions in the country. No doubt the
rains have brought the smile to their
The reunions frequently held. by the
Epworth League of the M. E. church
are a very pleasant feature of their work.
Last night a large number of the mem
bers and their friends gathered at ' the
church, and spent the evening in a
happy manner.
A telegram received this morning an
nounced that Mr. and Jars. Joseph
Bonn would arrive in tbefcity tomorrow
afternoon. The happy efrent took place
Thursday morning. JThev will be oc-
companied by Mrs. t6hn Eberle, whose
hubband has decided to go into business
here, and they will occupy the Schanno
residence on west Fourth street.
Whitelaw Reid has been invited to
deliver an address before tbe National
manorial Association, and may appear
in Portland on July 4th. He has sign!
'fled his willingness to come,. if business
engagements win not interfere. . it is
the desire of President Maccabe, who is
a warm friend of Mr. Reid, to have the
latter as one of the speakers on that
day. -
Previous to this time tbe bowling
scores of the ladies have not been
counted for the Hostetler trophy and
handicap average on Tuesday night.
Next Tuesday evening and thereafter
the scores will be included in-averaging.
Any lady who may desire to receive the
benefit of the handicap should present
her name, and her average will be de
termined by the first twenty games.
Dr. Geisendorffer, wjio was called to
Albany - Tuesday on account of the
serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Burk
bardt, will return home tonight. Tbe
doctor did not arrive in that city until
Wednesday noon, and his siBter died
that morning. Mrs. Geisendorffer ac
companied him, and both were present
at the funeral. , .
A cordial invitation is extended to the
ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to at
tend the opening of spring and summer
millinery goods at the millinery parlors
of Campbell & Wileon, on Second street,
March 21 and 22. The finest line of
goods on display ever shown in this city.
Last Wednesday eveniBg in Portland
Fred Keller, of this city, and Miss An
nie Free were united in - marriage.
Thursday evening the bride and groom
arrived in The Dalles, and have rented
a small cottage near Seufert'e fruit farm,
where they will make their home. Mr.
Keller has been in the employ of Seufert
Bros, for the past ten . years, and is a
very industrious, worthy young man,
whom everyone wishes well.
Ian Maclaren, who is now on a lectur
ing tour in this country, begins in an
early issue of The Ladies' Home Journal
his latest piece of literary ' work. It is
a series of popular articles in which he
defines the relation that a minister holds
to his congregation : bow a preacher is
helped by his people ; how a congrega
tion can make the most of.the minister,
and other phases of the rrioet satisfactory
attitude of a congregation to a pastor.
A circumstance which was very com
plimentary to the Noble Dramatic Co
occurred at a small place where they
were playing East Lynne recently. The
hall was crowded, and on a seat almost
touching the stage sat an old lady, who,
becoming very excited during tbe scene
between Francis Leyison abd the woman
he had wronged, jumped to her feet, and
with the tears streaming down her
cheeks, said : "I'd juBt like to get hold
of tbat Bcamp. If I wouldn't give him
a shaking!" But Francis kept out of
her way and survives.
Superintendent J. H. Ackerman leaves
today for an extended visit in Eastern
Oregon. He will attend a number of
county teachers' institutes in the various
towns he visits, and will also attend the
interstate teachers' association at Walla
Walla, Washington, on March 24th and
25th. Next Saturday and Sunday he
will visit bis daughter, Miss Lillian
Ackerman, one of the teachers of the
high school of La Grande. He will visit
La Grande, Baker City, Union, Walla
Walla, Milton, Weston, Pendleton, The
Dalles and Dufnr before returning home.
Salem Statesman.
. If any one may be desirous of having
the "knotty" problem settled in as short
a time as possible, we would refer them
to Judge Gates, who can sentence a
couple for "life" with as easy grace as
be could send a man up for a day, who
is charged with vagrancy.. As soon as be
discovers they are willing to take each
other, he doesn't stop to inquire whether
its for better or worse, but iutt tells
them all right, and settles the question
right there. However, bad he listened
to the production of East Lynne before
instead of after tbe ceremony last night,
no doubt he . might have hesitated in
passing sentence with such a clear con
A dispatch from Heppner, dated
Thursday, says : Snow has . been
falling since midnight Tuesday, and has
every appearance of continuing for an
other day or two. The snow is very wet,
and as there was no frost in the grouna
it melts almoBt as quickly as it falld. It
is now almost four inches deep. Reports
from Monument and Canyon City are to
tbe effect that the storm is the heaviest
known for years, A large number of
stock, especially sheep are sure to perish.
On the mountains ' twenty-five miles
south of here the snow is thirty inches
deep. The loss of sheep in this section
will be nnormous, unless the storm ceases
within twenty-lour hours.
Tbe many friends ot Miss' Charlotte
Roberts will be sorry to learn tbat
she has been confined to the house
for the past ten days as tbe result of an
accident which occured a week ago last
Saturday night. Miss Roberts had been
busy in ber office ail day and was late
starting borne and about 7 :30 o'clock as
she was driving up the narrow grade
near Mrs. Eva Morgan s barn her
horse took fright at a man coming down
tbe road leading a bicycle, and backed
the buggy off the road. One wheel
went up over a big boulder at tbe side
of the toad and Mies Roberts' horse and
buggy went over the embankment,
crashed through the fence ten feet-be
low, .breaking tbe buggy and harness
and throwing Miss Roberts to the
ground inside the corral. She gathered
herself up and managed to walk home
assisted by the gentleman whose bicycle
frightened the horse, and congratulated
herself that she wasn't much hurt. She
managed to come in town for awhile on
Monday, and again on Tuesday, but by
that time began to realize that her in
juries were more serious than she had
supposed. She took her bed Tuesday
PRICE $25.00.
The chase of the dollar nowadays is best accom
plished on A first-class Bicycle. A winner in the
:hase for the Best Bicycle, must, in this town, land
at the store of THE AGENTS FOR.
PRICE $30.00.
Fully warranted.
PRICE $50.00.
...piaieis Beaton
evening, and hasn't been out ol the
bouse since though she was able to
sit up part of Wednesday and Thursday
of this week. i It was much tocher re
gret that she was not able to co-operate
with Mrs. -Read in her lectures this
An Old Play Wall Produced.
Noble Company.
by tbe
Like the "old songs," many of the old
plays are ever new. ' Such a one is
"East Lynne," which never tails to im
press an audience and produce lasting
lessons for good, reaching many
hardened heart found onlv in daces of
amusement. East Lynne is - a Bermon
in itself, depeicting every-day occur
renoea in such- a light as to show the
awful consequences which follow a false
step taken by one over whom the green
eyed monstar has gained control ; while
not in- such" a tragic manner as does
'Othello," its results are far more reach
ing, causing a living sorrow to those
whom it effects, while in the former tbe
tragedy atonce reaches a climax.
The audience which listened to the
rendition of this touching play by tbe
Noble Dramatic Company last night
heard the'etar production of tbe week
and were more than pleased.
The part of "Lady Isabel" was ad
mirably taken by Vina Noble, who
showed in every portion of the play
calculated to bring forth any depth of
feeling, a keen sense of the true in life
and the nobler side of womanhood. Her
scenes with Levison when remorse bad
taken possession of ber, and also that at
the bedside of ber dying child were es
pecially good, and brought tears to many
eyes, bbe showed throughout tbat she
was Lady Isabel while on the stage.
She was well supported by Geo. Noble
as Archibald Carlyle, the faithful, but
wronged husband. Mr. Noble seems to
have a true conception of the character
and brought out every minor 'detail
perfectly. v
the part of tbe villain is always . more
difficult to take, from the fact that he
feels that he has not the. sympathy of
the audience. However, ' it would be
hatd to find a person who could fill tl
character , more acceptably than did
Barton Booth last night. As the scbem
ing home destroyer he was crafty, an
tne noncnaiance displayed by him was
equally as well assumed.
In the character of Miss Corney, Mies
Carrie Wyman brought out everthing
that was in tbe part, which gives ampl
scope for displaying one ability in that
line. No meddling old woman could
cause more trouble and at tbe same time
show back of it all the heart of sympathy
than did tbe "guardian ' angel of the
houi ehold."
The other characters were well taken',
Burt as Irish policeman, and the. little
tots making a pleasing variation. '"
la ken as a whole tbe week s engage
ment ot this company has been appre
ciated by Dalles people, who in each
night's - performance found many fea
tures especially creditable.
Miner's Gold Pans and Picks,
Ammunition, Guns and Fishing Tackle, Revolvers,
Y okes, Neck, Hardwood and Blacksmith supplies,
5 pray pumps Beans, and Bicycle Sundries,
Corn Planters, Knives and Popers, Rubber Hose,
R ushford Wagons, Racine Buggies and Carriages,
O il, Sewing Machine and Bicycle,
VVashing Machines, Weeding Hoes and Rakes,
E nameled Graniteware $p AntRust Tinware,
Columbia and Featherstone Bicycles.
...Tie Renovnea m Oio Fino Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
er cigar.
check wltn each purchase
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of Angnst Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Todes apd pabrie
Ritef the Holidays..
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough'
is a poor principle. Those who make tbe
earliest selections secure. best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
5.F' Steppe.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
Wool is Weaker.
E. Y. Judd of the Pendleton Wool
Scouring & Packing Company, writes
from the East that the recent organiza
tion ef the worsted mill trust has de
moralized the wool market and is largely
responsible for the decline in the price
of wool, as buyers are at sea as to the
future action of the trust and are unable
to determine what their own action is
to be.
Mr. Judd says that this trust alone
will consume 100,000,000 pounds of wool
annually, which is one-tbird of tbe total
annual product -of the country. The
wool trust have not yet entered the
market and have given no hint of their
intention. As soon as the uncertainty
of their action is removed the market
may have a firmer tone and it may not.
The outlook for wool this year is not
tbe beet, as everybody is timid on a
declining market.
Beat -of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, nee the true and per
fect remedy, Syrnp of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured bv the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Millinery Opening;.
Mrs. Phillips extends an invitation to
all Dalles ladies to be present at her
opening of millinery next Tuesday after
noon and evening. She has in her stock
some of tbe most beautiful trimmed bats
ever shown in the city, and an endless
line of street hate.
Far Male at a. Bargain.
One single open buggy; also one set
of single harness. Address H. K.
Richards, The Dalles, or call at my place
near 8-Mile. Mcbl6-2wks
Millinery Announcement.
Mrs. M. Periano has recently received
a full stock of spring and summer mil
linery, including street and trimmed
hats, most of her stock coming directly
from the East. The date for her opening
will be announced later; and in the
meantime she invites the ladies of The
Dalles Jo call at her parlors and examine
the beautiful hats there displayed. Also
to see that ber prices are more reason
able than can generally be obtained.
Have you a farm for sale or for rent,
or do you know of any person holding
farming lands that they wish to dispose
of? If so, please write to any agent of
the O. K. & N. Co., and he will Bend
you a circular which will interest you.
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pnre concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
2E5 j 23