The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1899, Image 3

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"Hope Deferred Maketh the Heart Sick.'"
But the Sight of Our
Will make every
first installment of Silk Shirt Waists, and
for beauty, style and workmanship, they are
perfect gems. Another important thing is . there are
not two alike, so that your neighbor will not be seen
with your waist on
Some of these may be seen in our window on the
corner of Second and Federal streets today.
All Goods Marked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - MARCH 16. 1899
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft'
ernoon. This rale will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
H. W. French returned last evening
from a few days' visit in Portland.
fMiea Anna Dnfur came up from Port
land last night, and left this morning
for Dafur to visit relatives.
Mr. P. G. Bant returned laBt night
from Portland. Mrs. Daut will regain
In that city to receive special medical
There will be an Epworth League re
union at the Methodist church tomorro
nigbt. Membeis and friends of tin
League cordially invited.
W. a. Myers, who was appointed;!).
tne council to collect the city load tax
is at present engaged in that work, and
so far has been very Bncceseful.
The lady friends of A. M. Williams &
Co., are invited to call and inspect their
very choice line of tailor made suits,
and separate skirts. First shipment of
spring garments just received.
Z-"1 Br. G. O. Eshelman has made ar-
I rangementBto be in The Dalle every
f Saturday from 1 till 4 o'clock in the
afternoon. Any order9 left at' Clarke &
Falk's will receive his attention. ..
, A." Clapp," representing the Pacific
Bridge Company,, came .up from. Port
land yesterday for the purpose of placing
in gate boxes, and completing the work
on the new water system recently put
. in by that company., .
- Mra. T. J. Seufert is the fortunate
winner this month of the beautiful bent
r m
Heart Leap for Joy,
in Plain Figures.
iron trophy donated to the lady bowlera
of the club by J. C. Hosteller. . It must
be won by the Bamelady three successive
timea before it is awarded to her. -
If plane were carried out as intended,
Joe Bonn is now a married man, having
been joined in he 'wholly bounds
yesterday afternoon' at Bellevue, Iowa.
Joe expected to atonce start lor Oregon
with his bride. If so, they will probably
arrive Monday.
A special meeting of the Kathbone
Sisters will be held at the K. of P. hall
this evening at .7 o'clock. At its close
a dance will be the order of the hour,
the admission to which will be 50 cents.
An invitation is extended: to their friends
to be present.
A cordial invitation is extended to the
ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to at
tend the opening of spring and summer
millinery goods at the millinery parlors
of Campbell & Wilson, on Second etreet.
'March 21 and 22. The. finest line of
goods on display ever shown in this city
'.' lotd
1 1
We were sorry to learn last night from
a friend who bad iust received a letter
from Mrs. S. French, who is now In
New York, that she has been quite sick
for the past month and only able to be
up the day she wrote. Dr. Gertrude is
however, much improved, . and her
pnyetcians give tier great eneourage-
Theerrrion delivered by Rev. Rush
ing at the Christian church last evening
was indicative of unusual ability on the
part of the . speaker. . His . subject
-wnrisi as a leacoer," was Handled in
a masterly and eloquent manner. Rev
Rushing will again conduQt services this
evening ana a cordial invitation, is ex
tended to all.
xne nanaicap DowiiDg contests now
being held at the club each Wednesday
evening, between the ladies and gentle
men, create quite an enthusiasm,, and
the bowling room is crowded on these
occasions. Again last night the ladies
came out ahead, with 37 . pins to their
credit, the gentlemen winning one game
out of the four. Mr. Nolan was high
man last night, having SO in one game
ahd a total of 163. Mrs. Houghton was
"leading lady,": both in single game,
which score was 47, and in her total
score of 146. Her's is the highest score
yet won by a lady in the contests here.
Another contest will be held next week.
Mr. Houghton has received a letter from
Astoria saying that a team of men will
be sent here from that city some time in
The Dalles baa had a feast ot music
this week. Noble's band is making the'
town vibrate with melody. TheChbo&
icxb office was especially favored today
with a selection by fbem, and our only
regret was that we had no refreshments
other than pi to offer in return for
their kindness. They have some splen
did musicians in their hand, and we
greatly appreciated their visit.
Fred Zirka, who left here with our
soldier boys la6t April, came back last
night looking somewhat the worse lor
wear. Fred had been eick for some
months before he left Manila,' and for
the past three weeks has been confined
in the hospital at San Francieco. While
Fred is pleased to again be at home, be
regrets not being able to be in Manila
now while the boys are in the thick of
the fray.
Maurice Hageman, the comedian who
so delighted the audience at the opera
Tuesday night, was a member of the
Jennie Winston company which cap
tured Portland in 1884, and Tuesday waa
renewing acquaintances there. ' The
Metropolitan company is now in Astoria
and their next engagement will be in
ancouyer, when Mr. Kinerely V will en
deavor to have them return to thie city
for one night. -
Perhaps it would be well for The
Dalles to heed the precaution given by
the Telegram to Portland people when
it says : "No time should be wasted in
the erection of a pesthoase Smallpox
is epidemic in Los Angeles, and semi
epidemic in Spokane and San Francisco.
The weather is favorable for its migra
tion, and there is no assurance that we
shall be exempt from a visitation from
this loathsome, disease."
The largest house that has yet greeted
the Noble Company was preeent last
night to bear them in "Reuben Glue."
Tonight the "Train Wreckers" will be
placed on tne boards, a four-act sen
sational scenic production, in the second
act of which will be presented a realistic
railway scene, and in the third a great
storm scene with lightning effects. The
drawing for -one of the furniture sets
will also take place this evening. Those
holding tickets should have them on
band, as their number may be the lucky
one The furniture was bought at great
expense to the company, and is a great
drawing card.
xne continued winter which we are
experiencing is seemingly - having its
effect on the tramps, with which, the
city is infested at present, and overcoats
are their latest fad. Not any particular
style or cut is desired, but "all over
coats look alike to him." and any. he
may run across can fill a space io his
trunk. Tuesday two were stolen from
Sexton's feed yard, and veaterdav after
noon: Air. a. a. jttowe lett a good over
coat lying on a pile of lumber in his
lumber yard, near where be waB work
ing, and upon looking for it later, found
it had been taken. The marshal waa at
once notified and search is being made
for him. The beet means to be used
in dealing with these petty robberies is
to preeent the offenders with a "wooden
overcoat" and thus end the overcoat
business. The trouble is that they are
not punished sufficiently. In endeavor
ing to let the "punishment fit the
crfme,M they are let off too easily. ; '
Millinery Announcement.
Mrs. M. Periano has recently received
a full stock of spring and summer' mil
linery, including street and trimmed
hats, moat of her stock coming directly
from the East. The date for her opening
will be announced later; and in the
meantime she invites the ladies of The
Dalles to call at her parlors and examine
the beautiful hats there displayed. Also
to see that her prices are more reason
able ttjan can generally be obtained.
Cedar Circle.
All members of Cedar Circle are re
quested to attend regular meeting to
morrow, 7 :30 p. m. sharp. Business of
great importance. By order . .
Mas. Stephens, Guardian.
Miss Wrenn, Clerk. .
Best of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, . when tbe
springtime comes, use the true, and per-
feet remedy. Syrup of Figs. -T Buy the
genuine. Manufactured bv the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for eale bv
all druggists, at oO cents per bottle. :
: " - BORN, ; ; ""
In this city, March . 16th. to Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Stouter, a daughter.
1 . Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. . -, 7 tf -
PRICE $25.00.
The chase of the dollar nowadavs is best aecsm.
jlished on a, first-class-Bicycle. - A winner in the
:hate for the Best Bicycle, must, in this town. land,
at the store of THE AGENTS FOR.
1 PRICE $30.00. .
"Fully warrented. .
PRICE $50.00.
II. BIddell Named by the President
For the Office. ..'
The following dispatch, which ap
peared in- the Oregonian last night,
eettlea the postmaster question, which
has so agitated Dalles people cf late:
Washington, March 14. The presi
dent Las appointed H. H. Riddell post
master at Tbe Dalles, Or. It is a recess
the matter 01 the appointment , was
entirely with the president, as The
Dalles is a presidential office. Mr. Riddell
will be notified at once of th president's
action, and will be asked to file tbe usual
bond of Tbe Dalles office. When the
bond has been received and approved.
Mr. Riddell's commission will be sent to
him, and be will take chargeof the office,
relieving J. A. Urosaen, the present pojt
Regarding recess appointments the
dispatch further says:
"It was unfortunate for Oregon that
the senate failed to confirm H. H. Rid
dell, who was nominated by the presi
dent, on the - recommendation of the
Oregon delegation, for postmaster at
Tbe Dalles. Mr. " Riddell's - name was
not eent to the senate until March 2,
a day and a half before adjournment and
as there were-many other names having
precedence, the late hour killed his
nomination. Mr. Riddell waa not the
only postmaster who failed to be con
firmed. - A number of other large offices
in various states are now running under
the old order, because the senate failed
to act.' Incases, of this kiud, there is
but one course to be pursued, that here
tofore followed in past years ; the present
incumbent will remain in office until re-
leaved by a newiy appointed man.
-"A 'recess appointment' is similar in
all respects to the regular presidential
appointment, only the aDpointee is not
confirmed by the senate." The presi
dent acts in regard to him just as he
would were the senate in session. Seen
an-appointment holds good until tbe
adjournment of the next succeeding ses
sion of congress, when the term expiree,
but at that time the president is allowed
to reappoint k is choice if he eo desires.
so that in effect a recess appointment is
equal in all respects, at least in matter
of time, to tbe regular appointment and
confirmation. An instance of 'recess
appointment' was witnessed during
President Cleveland's second term
when be eent to the senate the name of
a man be had chosen for a certain post
office. The senate refused to confirm
the nominee, and the president refused
to make" another nomination. This
blocked the power of congress in the
matter, and when tbe eenate adjourned
President Cleveland made a 'recess ap
pointment', naming tbe same man, who
held the office until the close of the nex
session of congress.- - Hie term then ex
pired, but the president again came to
hia aid and reappointed him to tbe same
office, so that in the end, while his term
was shortened by the time between the
rejection of the nomination by the sen
ate and adjournment of congress, the rest
of the term was exactly the same aa
the senate had acted in compliance with
We will move into our
or about March 15th.
Our store
We have a complete line of '99 model Colum
bia'and Featherstone bicj'-cles at lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel. ,
ISZscm &
' Opposite
..Tie fleiwnetf H O10 Rno Saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
il8 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink,
er cigar.
check wltn each purchase
Todes 2T)d pa brie
Aftei the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street,
the wish of President Cleveland.
Ia tbe case of Tbe Dalles, when the
piesident makes a 'recess appointment',
it will bold until the adjournment of the
first session of tbe Fifty-sixth congress,
and if the appointee is not satisfactory
to the eenate, but backed by the presi
dent, he may be re-appoined to serve to
the end of the Fifty-six congress. Marc
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Uniy zo cts. a doz.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.' 5
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate tbe world," said a genius. The
druggist banded him a bottle of De Witt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pille. : Snipes-KiDersly Drug Co.
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at'
Feed and Grocery tore'"''
Cor 2d &. Federal Sts.
S 3 ",2E3"" XX.
new store building on
will be complete in every depart-
old stand.
Tom Burke's -gP Homestead Whiskey
Specialty In Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Domestic Liqaars, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. .
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough'.'
is a poor principle. Those who make tW
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it.
$. p Steppe.
The Dalles, Oregon. v
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 1, 1899, af p. m., for- the pur
pose of electing seven directors, and
transacting such other business as may
properly come before said meeting. By
order of tbe president.
The Dalles, March 6, 1899.
L. E. Cbqwe, Secy.
Boarders or Roomers Desired.
Anyone desiring to rent a room (or
rooms) with or . without board., or to
secure board alone, may do so by apply
ing to me at my home, on the corner of
Fifth and Court etreet.
15-1 W , . . ME8. WlTHAM,
For Sale Cheap.
Buggy and good set of single harness'
for Bale cheap. Inquire et Gaud's stable.
H. S. Bartow.
Ask your grocer lor Clarke & Falk'
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
" fc4 " BO YEARS''
.Trade Marks
rm ' Copyrights A.C
Anyone sensing sleet ch and description mar
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
- invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest axency for securing 'patent.
Patents taken turoucn Mnnn A Co. recelTe-
spertal notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Americas..
A handsomely iltafftrated weekly.
m Irtt.ion nf Aiir kill till O loarnaL
Terms, 3 m
A5U D Ha. A0 r j Maui VawIp
ItiUIIII CX WU "Itilll IUI ft
Bnacb OAoe. 623 F Bt. Washington. D, C.
srai-a M m is an DiriursniT. ic m w i iui
. r . -.