The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1899, Image 1

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NO 292
THree TlicnsanJ Jmi Don on tie
Towns aai Tere Sriren
Four Hundred Rebel Prisoners Were
Taken, of Whom the Washington
Regiment Captured Three Hun
dred and Fifty.
Washington, March 15. The follow
ing dispatch from General Otia baa been
received :
"Manila, March 15. Three thousand
insurgents moved down last night to the
towns of Pasig and Pateroa on the shore
of Lagana de Bay, fronting Wheaton's
troops orf the Pasig river line. By heavy
lighting Wheaton haa dislodged ' and
driven them back, taking 400 prisoners
and inflicting heavy losses in killed and
wounded. He reports his losses only
moderate. He now occupies these
towns with sufficient force to hold
them. Otis."
Manila, March 15, 4 :45 p. m. Gen
eral Wheaton, commanding the United
States flying column, attacked and de
feated a force of 2000 Filipinos at Pasig
this afternoon, inflicting heavy loss up
on them. The Americans captured 350
Filipinos. Many bodies of rebels killed
in the engagement are floating down
the river. , Tne American loss was
slight. '- .,
6:55 p. ra. Private Fornoff, of the
Twentieth infantry was killed today.
Private Newman of the Twentieth
infantry and Privates Carroll, Marshall,
Coombs and Rogers, bf the Twenty
Second infantry were wounded.
About 350 Filipinos surrendered at
t'ie town of Taguig o the Washington
volunteers, and ' 175 Filipinos were
captured at Pasig by the Twentieth in
fantry. Our troops found 106 dead
Filipinos and 100 new graves near Pasig.
The prisoners were unarmed, and tbere-
fore it is presumed they executed their
threats of throwing their arms into the
London, March . 16. The Evening
News this afternoon publishes the fol
lowing from Manila: General Wheaton
has completely routed the Filipinos, and
has occupied Pasig, Taguim and Pater'os.
Several hundred of tbeenemy were killed
and as many were captured. General
Otis says this the greatest victory since
February 5tb. The Americans will now
press toward Aguinaldo's headquarters
Among the casuality list are found the
following names : .
Second Oregon Company B, Private
Walter Ervin, foot (moderate).
First Washington- Company E, Pri
vate Van Buekirk, killed.
Second Oregon Wounded Company
D, Private Alfred O. Carden, chest
(severe); Company F, W. D. B. Dodeon,
Blightly ; Company E, Charles J. Olson,
foot (.severe).
There Will Not Be a Wether for Sale
This Springy
Goldendale, March 14. "Jack" Lee
a typical sheepherder, who has been a
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
trusty sbepherder over Klickitat flocks
r nearly twenty years arrived ia Golden-
dale last evening from the Horse
Heaven ranges. The veteran sheep
herder says there will Dot be a wether
for sale this year from Klickitat flocks,
east of Bock creek. He says that the
buyers gathered in all the marketable
wethers in that section last fall. He
says sheep went through the winter in
good shape, but the feeding period was
longer than he ever knew in Klickitat.
The 2000 head under his care were given
daily about two tons of rye bay with a
half-ton of barley. The older sheep
were given the most attention as to the
grain feed. And it was only up to last
week he killed on an average of one
coyote a day. Further he says it is one
of the most aggravating scenes he ever
witnessed to see a number of coyotes
skulking about watching a band of
starving horses, and the inBtant one
would get down and could not get np, a
coyote would quickly have the helplees
animal's blood flowing from the jugular
vein, and in a few hours the dead animal
wonld be utterly devoured. The. old
herder has great '-feeling for the poor,
starving horses, and says he dispatched
a number of the devils that were pursu
ing the horses.
La Grippe Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered from the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," Bays
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publishei of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the former at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this emedy as 1
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' " j
For sale byBlakeley & Houghton.
Tension is Severe.
Havana, March 15. The report of
the resignation ot Civil Governor Mora
18 untrue. A certain nervoua tension
and uneasy restlessness, especially
during the evening, is noticeable in the
vicinity of Central Park, where they con
gregate and talk politics. The police do
not allow- groups to assemble, and are
dispersing fbem. Another Gomez mani
festation has been planned for this
afternoon, and it is said that the Cuban
officers will organize a manifestation in
favor of the Cuban .military assembly,
which, if it takes place, will probably
lead to a clash between the opposing
factions. In fact, some people declare
such a conflict cannot be avoided.
General Gomez conferred with General
Brooke from about noon today.
The Junta Patriotica dissolved, pass
ing resolutions of adherence to Gomez.
Bow to Prarent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always resulta from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. DuriDg the
epidemic of La Grippe a few years ago
when bo many cases resulted in pneu
monia, it was observed that the attack
was never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippa to result in that dangerous
disease. It is the best remedy in the
world for bad colds and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted. For sale by
Blake'.ey fc Houghton, druggists.
5 .
That Throbbing Headache
Would qaicklv leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong.nerves
and build up yonr health. Easy to take
Trj them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. '5
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For the
Heart troubles, at least among the
Americans, are certainly increasing, and
while this may be largely due to the ex
citement and worry of American busi
ness life, it is more often the result of
weak stomachs, of poor digestion.
- Real organic disease is incurable; but
not one case in a hundred of heart
trouble is organic.
The close relation between heart
trouble and poor digestion' is because
both organs are controlled by the same
g-eat nerves, the Sympathetic and Pneu
m agastric.
In another way, also the heart is ef
fected by the form of poor digestion,
which causes gas fermentation from
half digested food. There is a feeling of
oppression and heaviness in the chest
C tused by. pressure of the distended
s omach on the heart and lungs, inter
fering with their action; hence arises
palpitation and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
making it thin and watery, which irri
tates and weakens the heart.
The most sensible treatment for heart
trouble is to improve the digestion and
to insure the proiupt assimilation of food.
This can be done by the regular use
after meals of some safe, pleasant and
effective digestive "preparation, like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may
be found at most drug stores, and which
contain valuable, harmless digestive
elements in a pleasant, convenient form.
' It is safe to say that the regular per
Bietent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal time will cure any form of
Btomach trouble except . cancer of the
Full sized package of these tablets
sold by druggists at 50 cents. Little
book on stomach troubles mailed free,
Address F. A. Stuart, Co., Marshall,
Mich. -
Drought is Broken.
San Francisco, March 15. The
drouth which has threatened the loss of
millions of dollars to the state has been
broken by a rain storm which promises
to continue for several days. Nearly
an inch .has already been distributed
over the Sacramento valley. Reports
show that both grain and fruit crops are
in excellent condition throughout the
big valley.
Only a trace of rain has fallen in the
southern coast counties but there, as
elsewhere, indications point to a big
rain storm, where it is needed more than
in any other part of the state. .
San 'Francisco, March 15. It has been
raining here steadily for the past 24
honrs, and the storm has become gen
eral throughout the state.
Aa the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guarded against,
nothing "is a fine substitute." will
"answer the purpose," or is "just aa
good" aa One Minute Cough Cure. That
is the one infallible remedy for all. lung,
throat 'or bronchial troubles. Insist
vigorously upon having it if "something
else" is offered you. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send ns your orders and get
tne Dest. .rnone zo. ,
Mchl. Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Use Clarke & Talk's. Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
Brails InstnicM to Treat Willi Gomez
s Eepresentiiig Cubans.
Supporters of Gomez and the Assem
bly Have Each Arranged for Dem
onstrations to be Given and a
Clash Seems Unavoidable.
Chicago, March 15. A special to the
Times-Herald from' Washington says :
Discretionary authority has been given
to Major-General Brooke, governor
general of Cuba, to dissolve the Cuban
assembly. From the tone of General
Brooke's dispatches, officials expect that
he will immediately avail himself of the
authority invested in him.
Such action will (be tbe first inter
ference of the government of the United
States with the persons styling them
selves the representatives of the Cnban
people, and if it occurs it will be entirely
due to the illegal and unjustifiable acts
of those persons:
Furthermore, Gen. Brooke will recog
nize General Gomez as the represent
ative of the Cuban people until such
time as the national assembly of Cuba
shall be organized. He will be consulted
on all points relative to the welfare of
Cuba, and General Brooke will continue
to show him the deference due his
position as the recognized leader of the
Before the discovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis
turbed by coughing congregations. No
excuse for it now. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
TTie Columbia Packing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
3. S. 8CBIKK,
H. M. Biil ,
First i Hational Batik.
- - - OREGON
A General Banking Business transacted
- Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold o
flew York, San Francisco and Port
D. F. Thompson. Jko. 8. Sckbhck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbs
11. M. hi ball.
Cures Impotency.Kight Emissions and
was tin? - diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink grlow to pale cheeks anr
restores the fire of youth.
By mailSOc per box; G boxes
tor $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
i ....
Clinton & Jackson St&, CHICAGO, IU
Freae Saunders haa purchased the
wood business of J. T. Reynolds in tbi
eity. Those desiring good wood will find
him by ringing up. 'phone number 12.
r Oor Clii DpliDt I
I - is
Be sure yon see our
Copyrtgrht I8M, " v
, rechheimer, Fishal0.
Neat Hairline Worsteds, dark,
medium and light, cut to fit
perfectly ; made to give perfect
satisfaction; all sizes.
$8.75 to $6.50.
Special Values at $5.00
A. IW. Williams & Co.
Boualing Alley
: Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and flight.
Courteous tPeatrjoent
to all Bomleps...
Special flttf aetions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
th public respectfully nolicited.
Harry Esping, Proprietor.
aijd tpdrs
Day U?eK or
moi?tl?. t
Qor. 4tr) ar)d Ugiog.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
Stylish Coats, for spring wear,
season of '99. -iffp-We
have them ; have them in ml
Tan Covert and Whipcord, as
well aa the new Herringbone
stripe. jnc
O -
c adfecjAr Skj&k: jrAt
- -V "V- XT""
Regulator Line
The Dalles.. Portlaoi ani Astoria
Navigation Co.' -
sits. Regulator & Dalles City
Doily (except Bundav) between
TJae Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks, "
and Portland.
Touching at way poina on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt,
and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899.
The Kegalstur Lin. will endeavor to give Its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, . Economy and Ple8nr,
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
Lin. ,
The above steamers leave Portland and Dallea
at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office. . The Dalles Office,
Oak St. Dock. Court Street.
W. C. Alla-way,
. General Agent.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned
haa been regularlv appointed by the county
court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county a
administrator of 'he estate of John Urookhouse,
deceased.- AH persons having claims against
said estate an. nereby notified to present them,
with the proper vouchers, to me at the odice
of Si jnott 4c Bin not t, in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Dalles City, Oregon, January -JO, 1899.
K. J. trtKMAS, Administrator