The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1899, Image 3

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In dainty colorings and designs for the adornment
of the gentle sex and for the admiration of the sterner
sex. These goods you will find in our store in great
quantities for
Shirt "Waists,
Street Costumes
House Gowns
Evening1 Gowns
Daring this week we are quoting -.
you prices that are sure to interest
you if yon are acquainted with
qualities and prices. Oar initial
number will be ':
And they are indeed a beautiful line, and we think ought to interest
almost anyone who would arcept something for almost nothing...
Twenty-five yards Trouville Novelties for $1.00. .
1 A fall line of these goods at the remarkable price of 4oC per yard.
This line of goods has never been shown in this city at such prices
as are here quoted : 18 yards for (1.00, or 5c per yard. r ,
Thirty-six inch goods in choice pattemB, fast colors, and exceed
ingly choice at 6c per yard.
This double line runs so close in price that we will give you your
choice at Tc per yard.
Are principally in high colore, and for Fancy Waists are quite the
thing, as they can be so elaborately trimmed with embroidery.
These are offered at 9c. '
Those who are seeking a beautiful geods for summer drees and want
- something inexpensive1 can find it in these goods at 12JoC per yard.
A strictly summer fabric and dainty in the extreme, at 7)4c yard. -
The great variety of new and elegant things that we have makes it
an almost endless task to discuss each one separately, but you can appre
ciate these things only by eeeing them. Come early and often. Enjoy a
sight of these goods, though you may not want them.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. -
The Dalles Daily Chronicle."
MARCH 15, 1899
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before jo o'clock A. M., as
no changes will, be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Among the chief quartermasters to be
mustered out on April 12th Is Captain
Hiram E. Mitchell, of Oregon.
The Telegram speakB of Capt. Glenn
being in Portland. We knew he was
captain of the crew on "Smoky Row,"
but who gave it away to the Telegram?
There has been some talk of having
Manager Kinersly endeavor to secure
the Metropolitan Opera Company for ' a
return engagement at the Vogt, when
they' return from the Sound.
Tonight another handicap bowling
contest will take place between the
ladies and gentlemen 'at the club.' The
teams will be composed of Mrs. Seufvrt,
Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. Nojan, Mrs. Daw
son, Misses Anna Lang and Alms Schan
no, and Messrs. Houghton, Nolan,
Pbillipe, DeHuff, Saaipson, Baldwin.
oousa win De tne next attraction in
Portland for Dalles people. He will be
there next Monday and Tuesday
Rosenthal, the great pianist and Ian
Maclaren, will also be there during the
Every lady wants to hear Mrs. Read
tell every other lady how to regain and
keep her youth. She will do so tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the K. of P. hall
She speaks to married men and women
tonight on "Nature's Method of Curing
A cordial invitation is extended to the
ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to at
tend the opening of epring and summer
millinery goods at the millinery parlors
of Campbell & Wilson, on Second street,
March 21 and 22. The finest line of
goods on display ever shown in this city
' lotd
If there's one thing above another
that a person appreciates when they
enter a store it is to have it well lighted
so that the goods may be seen. .' Evi
denlly A. M. Williams & Co. was aware
of this fact and intend 'that customers
shall enjoy all advantages when dealing
with them, their latest improvemen
being a 1200 candle power incandescent
arc light in their shoe room, and for
their spacious, clothing department an
ordei has been placed for a second one.
These arcs shed a very .bright and at
tractive light, and serve to dispel the
usual objections to buying goods in the
evening. Let the good work go on.
Coroner Butts has removed his office
to the undertaking parlors of Wm.
Michel!, on the corner of Third and
Washington. If you have died from
any unknown cause, call on the coroner
there and he will sit on yon.' But if you
only wish to take up your abode in the
city, or near the city, and are desirous
of consulting him about it, you'll find
Dad Butts at that same headquarters.
"Ruben Glue," which will be played
tonight by the Noble company, is one of
Neble's best plays, and exclusively their
own. Though the - Yankee character is
the prominent one in the play, 'tis not
the same old Yankee thaf we meet in so
many productions, but a different in
dividual. The opening scene is laid in
England, while in the last we are trans
ported to Australia. Go and have a
good laugh.
ihe fourth winter scene in this year s
drama met our gazs as we pwsred out of
the window on arising thia morning.
Snow covered the ground, ad instead of
March it looked like Dec in ber. But
twas not cold, and before fee knew it the
foresaid "congealed element" was gone.
The stage driver from ASoldendale says
there was little enow at that place, but
about two inchee and a half on the
mountain as he came over.
A regular meeting of the Board of Fire
Delegates was held in the city hall last
evening and ' the old board having
finished their labors, retired.' The new
board was instituted, after which the
following officers were elected to serve
for the ensuing year: President,. Chae.
Lauer; secretary, E. M. Wingate, and
treasurer H. A. Falk. Matters of im
portance to the fire department were
taken up and discussed, after which the
meeting adjourned.
Last night Mrs. D. W. Vause received
word of the death of her brother, Leslie
Knaggs, in Ainsworth, B.C., on. the
nigbt of March 13th, of laryngitis. He
was about 36 years of age, and it has
been about eighteen years since be left
The Dalles to "run on a boat on the
Snake river. From Lewiston he went
to Spokane, afterwards going np into
British Columbia, where be has 'since
been engaged in mining. Eight vears
ago he visited his mother and eiejer here
for a day or two ; but having been away
from the city for so v many years, he is
remembered by Dalles people mire as a
mere boy, going to and from school, for
later as he was growing into manhood
he left his boyhood's home and never
returned for any length of time.
No ead of trouble has been Caused by
the similarity of the names hi the two
places The Dalles and Dallas. Most of
this has been caused by' the mail in
tended for one place tieing sent to the
other. The latest - trouble, however,
was with another kind of a male, and
if that piece of humanity isn't walking
the deck of the bo&t today swearing
vengeance on those who named the two
places, it is because the ecenery has
captured him. He is a member of the
Third ' Artillery And was bound for
Dallas, ' but by some unaccountable
means hied himself to the D. P. & A. N.
dock and purchased a ticket for The
Dalles. Nothing loth be boarded the
boat and blissmlly unconscious landed
at the dock last night to find that he
didn't know where he was "at." He
shook the duet from his feet, bought a
return - ticket! and has by this time
found out that the difference ' between
Dallas and The Dalles is about (4, and
two days' travel. - -
PRICE $25.00.
"Gold King" Well Presented.
1 be chase of the dollar nowadays is best accom
plished on a Srst-class Bicycle. A winner in the
:hase for the Best Rfcvcle, must, in this Cows, land
at the store of THE AGENTS FOR
PRICE $30.00.
Fully warrented.
PRICE ,$50.00.
.Jaier & 3eriiori
A Splendid ' Opera by tlie Metropolitan
Company Last Night.
" 'Tis the same thing over again," and
majority of Dalles people over-
Altbongh' the attendance was fairly doubt the Noble company would
have bad a much larger audience last
night had it not been for the counter
attraction at the Vogt. There are just
enough theater-going people in the city
to make one good audience, consequently
when there are two attractions on one
nigbt both must suffer therefrom.
However, in spite 01 tne tact tnat an
enthusiastic audience is almost a neces
sity in order to give a good show,' the
'Gold King" was "well rendered on this
occasion, and some good acting was
witnessed by those who attended.
Noble is an all around actor, as has
already been proven by the two nights'
plays giyen, and he has some 'splendid
support. If an audience is looking- for
fun, they will find their desire for a good
laugh gratified by Kit Wilson in his
Irish characters.
The music furnished by the company's
orchestra is worth the admission to their
entertainments. The band is first-class
and the orchestra is equal to it, furnish
ing .fine selections during the entire
evening. . .
Tickets are given out each evening for
(he drawings for two sets Of furniture,
one to be given away tomorrow night
and the otber Saturday night. - ,.
- Tonight they -- appear in ''Reuben
Glue," and if yon want to have a good
laugh be sure and attend.
looked an opportunity to hear a splendid
opera last night at the Baldwin. Many
looked at it in the light that a dollar
seems a good deal to pay for the priv
ilege 1 of bearing ah opera, which re
quires a -good stage, put on where .there
is absolutely no facilities for euch a pro
duction, and only one. thing in its favor
that the acoustic properties are good .
Over and over again last night did the
audience wish that it might be heard
from a large stage, with better settings
But many times have onr people paid
75 cents and ,$1 for plays which could
not be mentioned in connection with
last night's opera, despite the disad
"Mascot" is a very pleasing little
opera, and the music at once classic and
catchy. This company has added many
comic features and situations ' which
keep the audience in a roar of laughter.
Never did we hear so many new and
pithy witticisms so well gotton off as
those of last night. The puns were not
of the "chestnut" nature so often heard
ut new and good and wnen coming
from two such perfect comedians as
Maurice Hageman and .Eddie Smith
were simply side-splitting. Indeed, the
make-up and acting of these two could
not be beat, while their constant ap
pearance on the stage was a source of
great satisfaction. Hagemen alsohas a
good voice, and Smith is not far short
of him in this respect. They are im
Will Rising as "Peppo," the shep
herd, has a form and carriage just
suited to the character, and as the lover of
"Bettina" was not, as is so often noticed
In etage love-making, lacking in th
ardor so necessary to the part. His
voice is also good and, blended with that
of ""Bettina" in the "Gobble duett,'
was particularly rich ; but showed to the
best advantage in hie solo in the second
act. , '
"Bettina," the "MaFcat, was very
pleasing, and the mot energetic little
actress that has been in The Dalles for
many a day. Although her voice was
lacking as to depth in the middle and
lower tones, it is so sweet, her acting so
good and her appearance eo taking that
not a fault was found with her. r
The choruses were filled with good
voices and splendidly acted. Indeed
the whole performance was one which
should have demanded a crowded house,1
and ' cause those who failed to attend
much regret. 1 - T . j . ''
We will move into our
or about March 15th.
Our store will
new store building on
be complete in every depart-
We have a complete line of '99 model Colum
bia'and Featherstone lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
Mays Skz Oxo-we-
Opposite old stand.
...Tiie iluQOwneil Old Qio Fioo
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
tl worth of checks
good for 10c drink,,
or cigar.
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty In Imported French Liquors and Cognac'
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Largest and Best of August BneWes
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
ffodes a pd pa brie
. We are ready to show them rn Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Those who make the
earliest selections secure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invito
you to look at it.
Aftei the Holidays-
We have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
numbered Among its many victims.
Helen Koontz was born in the state of
Ohio, March 27, 1832, making her nearly
67 years old at the time of her death.
When she was 11 years old her parents,
Martin and - Lydia Koontz, moved to
Iowa taking ber with them, and there
she met Peter Ruffner, whom she after
ward married when in her 20th year.
A month after their marriage they
started across the plains to this coast,
arriving in Vancouver, Wash., on the
11th Jay of October, 1852. They made
there home near Portland until 1854,
when they moved to Southern Oregon.
In 1862, thirty-seven years ago, they
came to The Dalles, and ' this has been
their home ever since. Many old resi
dents remember when they resided on a'
pretty little place about a quarter of a
mile up the railroad track, a place which
has since been destroyed, but was then
as an oasis in a desei t.
Besides ber husband, Mrs. Ruffner
leaves eight children, a daughter, Mrs.,
Laura Boebmer, having died on Sept. 9,
1898. The others are Andrew Euffner,
of Seattle; Mrs. Jos. Marsh, of Wasco;
Death Claims Mr. Helen Rnffner.
' Last evening about 8 o'clock Mrg.Helen
Ruffner, who has been a great sufferer
for years, died at her' home ' on Ninth
street -' 'To one whose constitution was
80 broken down by long years of sickness
the grippe, which attacked hei about a
month ago, proved too much and she is.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
' Feed and Grocery store -Cor
2d & Federal Sts.
Mrs. John Koontz, Mrs. Alice Koontz,
Frank and Wm. Ruffner and Clara and
Maude Ruffner, all of The Dalles.
Although a great sufferer, she was s
patient one, endeavoring to make all
happy about her, and exemplifying her
Christianity in the many, trials which)
came to her. '. She ia greatly mourned by
her husband and the large family to
whom she has ever, been a faithful
The funeral will take place from the
family residence on Ninth street Friday
at 2 o'clock, the interment being in Odd
Fellows' cemetery. '
Best of All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial , manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy Syrup of Figs, Buy the
genuine. Manufactured bv the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Stockholders Meeting;.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astor
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 1, 1899, at 2 p. m., for tne pur
pose of . electing seven directors,- an3
transacting such other business as may
properly come before said meeting. By
order of the president.
The Dalles, March 6, 1899.
. '. . ' LJ E. Cbotc, Secy
Boarders or Koomen .Desired.
Anyone desiring to rent a room (or
rooms), with or without board, or to
secure board alone, may do so by apply
ing to me at my borne, on the corner of
Fifth and Court street.
15-lw -'-' Mss. WlTBAH,
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf