Th3 Dalles Dally Chronicle. SUB8CBIPTION FB1CE. One week One month....... One year 15 50 .... 6 00 "WEDNESDAY - - - MARCH 15. 1899 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEST. For- generations the theory of thinking men bus been that the Pacific slope would eventually be the com mercial center of the" world. They estimated the time required to work the change would be centuries. Re cent events, however, have set the movement going with great rapidity, and while it may be several genera tions before the predictions of com mercial supremacy are realized, the fact remains that the greatest trade current of this or several centuries now has its trend directly toward the western slope of this continent. The eyes of the world are on the Pacific nort-jwestern states. New and wider markets are the need of the civilized world. Wuh .America it is becoming an especially pronounced need. Overproduction has been the cry throughout, this nation. The United States possesses the raw material, the mills and 1 factories and the skilled labor, but these did not save them from passing through a prolonged and depressing period of commercial inactivity from which they are now emerging. . But with another i evolution of the cycle of trade such another period may come. Those new markets are to be bad in Asia and the countries that border on tho western limits of the Pacific. The imports of Japan, China, British Australasia, British India and the Straits Settlements amount to about a billion dollars a year. More than half of this is composed of articles that can be produced in and exported from the United States. The larger percentage of such imports can best come from the Pacific northwestern states. The opening of the Pacific markets is at hand. Add to the possibilities of trade with those countries and the in creased market they provide for agricultural and manufactured prod ucts the immense mineral wealth of the Pacific northwest, the timber, the ability to build ships, the best of the few harbors on the western shore of the continent and the numerous transportation lines, and you have a land certainly strangely and mar velously blessed. Is it any wonder that when, last week, the various transcontinental lines offered excep tionally low rates of passenger fare from the east to Pacific northwestern states, eastern people were quick to avail themselves of those rates and are swarming into this favored region in great numbers? " The east is awake to the possibili ties of the west. Here is a significant item from the Chicago Chronicle of last Wednesday: "Over 300 homeseekers and specu lators left ' Chicago yesterday for north Pacific coast points. It was the largest movement of this class of passengers in the history of the rail Toada, and it was due to the boom expected on the western coast ' be cause of . the acquisition of the Hawaiian and Philippine islands." Spokesman Review. Bobbed the Grate, . A startling incident, of which Mr. Jihn Oliver of Philadelphia, was the sibjtC!'., Ia narrated by him as follows: "I was in a rnott dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, t tngue coated, pain continually in back id eidee, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me np Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first .. bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their nse for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, gnaranteed.'at Blakeley & Houghton's drag store. 5 Deafness Cannot be Cared. by local applications, as ' tbey cannot reach the diseased portion ' of the ear There ia only one way to care deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deaf riess ia caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. . '; We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. XSold by Druggists, 75c. . 6-10 ' The new steamboat Spokane, built by the O. K. & N. Co-to ply on the Snake river between Riparia and Lewiston, is now complete, and in service. Steamer Lewiston is also in service, and the two steamers will alternate between Eiparia and Lewiston, leaving Eiparia "daily ex cept Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Portland and reaching Lewiston next day at 1 p. m. : Returning, will leave Lewiston daily except Saturday at 12 o'clock noon, arriving at Riparia at 7 p. m.. connecting with train No. 3 from Spokane. The Spokane has been specially constructed for the ran men tioned above, and is thoroughly equip ped with all modern appliances, electric lights, etc., and for speed and comfort will excel any craft that has ever" been built tor the Snake river. . The Lewis ton is her steady-old self. - Mar 4-1 m A TbonMDd Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cored her of a backing cough that for many years bad made lite a bnrdea. All other, remedies and doctors con Id give her no help, bat she says of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now eleep soundly, something I can ecarcely remember doing before. : I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe.'.' So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug 'store; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5 Cub tn lour C necks. All countv warrants registered prior to May 1st, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 27, 1899. . C. L. Phillips, Gpnntv Treasnrer. STALLION FOR SALE. One Clydesdale stallion for sale. Can be seen at Ward's ranch, near Dufar. For terms apply to Ward Bros.,Dufur Or. 123 lmw. A Ladies, if you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect is simplv magical, possessing the wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautiiul trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant ees, soft and smooth skin where the reverse exists. Even the coarsest and most repulsive sltin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, . vulgar rtdness, vellow and muddy skin are permanent ly removed, and a delicioasly clear and refined complexion assured. Price per small box, 50 cents; large box, II, or six large boxes, $5. Bent to any address post paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of the above amount. Write for free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 M utf aj.-y iz,' San Francisco Cal, PROFESSIONALS. rvB-OKISBNDOBFr KB Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, TeL 828 ' ' Vogt Block JJA. STURDEVANT, . Dentist.. ' Office oyer French & Co.'s Bank PhoneS," THE DALLES, OREGON yjOLLIE V. O'LEARY, ' Art Studio. Room 3, Chapman Block. China painting a specialty. F RED. W.WILSON, ATTORN EY-AT "LAW, THE DALLES. OREGON OfUoe over First Nat. Bin. B 8 HUNTINGTON H WIX80N HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, , THE DALLES, OREGON Office ovor First Nat. Bank. Branch Office Oregon Viavi Company, .Room 7, ovei French's Bank. ' OfFce hours, 2 to 4 p. m Charlotte F. Roberts. ; , Local Manager, Just "What Voamant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at. ordinary prices. Good papers at - cheap paper' prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yoars for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D, . VATJSE, Third St. A Neglected1 Cold is the forrunner of almost every ailment. It de bilitates the svstem and leaves it an easy nrey to disease. Loss of bearing and dimness, of sight are amongst its ill enects, Oar Syrup of Tar, Tola and IVUd Cherry for Colds and Coughs is not only a cure but a preventative. It tones up the system, increases the vitality and acts as a general bracer. Price 25c anl 50c per bottle. But if you don't like our preparations we have ail otner itinas. we mi tne ooctor,s orders too. M. Z. DONNELL ...DRUGGIST... A good drug sign. Yon well know that a good drug sign Is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the pnrity of the goods handled and the manner of doing buei ness that makes and keeps this business We are pleased with the result of pur ef forts to supply the best drugs at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Seconil Street. THE DALLES Santa Fe Offers travelers choice of the following routes eaet. Thev .are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. R. & N. view Ogden and Denver, Shasta Route view Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. . Sbaeta Route view Sacramento, Los Angeles and Alberquerque. A dailv line of through PULLMAN PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Chicago. This is ' The Short-Line from southern California To the East Apply to the agents of the O.K. & N. Co. or -the undersigned, for folders and descriptive literature. . . , . . J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester, Bldg. Portland, Or. pie To) ifllo lilb Depart fob tims schedule. From Dalles. Arrtvb From. Fast Mail Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast Mail. 8:15 p. m. worth, umana, Kan 11:50 p. m. sas city, tsi. ixmiB, umcago ana iL&at. Spokane Flyer Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer. 5:00 a. m. Minneapolis, &i. raui. 5:40 p. m. D n 1 u t h, Milwaukee, (jnicago ana .cast. l p. m. From Portland. Ocean Steamships. 4 p. m. For San Francisco January 22, and every live days thereafter. 8 T). m. 4 p. m. Ex.bundaj Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers, To Astoria and Way Saturday 10 p. m. uinaings. 6 a. m WrLLAMETTB River. 4:80 t. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex.bunday Daxem at wayjanas. 7 a. m. WnxAHmi and Yam hill ttlVKBS. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-Landings. 8:30 p. m. Mon.,Wed., and FrL Tues.Thur. and Sat. 6 a. m Willamette River. Portland to Corvallis, and Way-Landings. 4:30 T. m. Tue..Thur, Tue., Thur and Bat ana bat. Leave Lewiston. daily except Saturday. Lv Riparia daily , except Sunday. Snake River. Kiparia to Lewiston. Parties desirine to sro to Hemner should take No. 4, leaving The Dalles at 5:30 p. m., making direct nrtnnpetinnft At HpTinrtor lunntion. Returning makingdirectconnection at Heppner juuuuon wim pio 1, arriving at rne Dalies at 8:15 p. m. Ko. 32, throueht freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2:50 a. m., departs 3:50 a.m. No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east bound; arrives 4:30 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arriyes 8:15 p. m., departs 9:80 p.m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address ' W. H. HURLBNRT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or. fl ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n . s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cari Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. PA lit, " M1NNKAPOI.I DCLUIH KAKGO GRAND FOR CBOOKSTOH, WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE TO Through .Tiekets CHICAGO WASHINGTON . PHILADELPHIA . , VMSW YORK BOSTON AND ALL' POINTS EAST mod SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon D. 25 AELTON, Asst. G. P. A.r rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon HOETHWESTESN TRAVELERS ABE "North-Western" Advertisers becntisa Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment of its trains is the most modern of the car builder art embodying all the luxuries, comforts and necessaries of travel. "IHE-KEWGaTH-WESTEEH LIMITED" , 30tli Century Train) Is electric lighted both inside and out. and equipped with handsome buffet-smoking-libraijf car, compartment and standard sleepers, fret chair ear and modern d.iy coach; and on which no EXTRA FA BE is cha.-ged. It makes connec tions at Minneapolis and St. Paul with Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and "Boo-Pacific" trains; and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 SO p.m.; St Paul 8.10 p. m. ; and arrives Chicago 9.30 a. m. For berth reservations, rates, folders and illustrated booklet FREE of the "Finest Train in the World" call at or address Ticket Offices 218 Washington St.. Portland; 606 First Avenue. Seattle; 205 Granite Block. Helena; H3 Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis; 895 Robert St.. St. Paul; 405 West Superior St.. Dulnth. or address T. v. Teasdau General Paasenget Agent, St. Paul, Minn. , 111. it li;- C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEYlrom $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPOBTED OOQffAO from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (IX to 20 years old.V A-LIIOOJA BBAKDIIB ' m tS.Xb to 16 TO rer gallon. 4 to 11 years old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and-Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Rockford Quick Shot' 12-Plate Magazine Camera. Simplicity Durability "Tarn the leverand yon are ready for another." No plite holders with elides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog platee. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot,'a the only magazine cams era that holds the plates securely after they are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Best on earth. 3x4 $6.00 4x5 .$9.00 With one dozen plate holders. Manufactured nnder the Conley patents by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., ROCKFORD, ILL. We sell onlythrough local agents. AskourTho Qnlnao-Klnoi-clv rtriicr Cn agents to show you this "Quick bhot." ! 1 no onipes-rvlnersiy Urug KtO I AGENTS, Ihe Dalles, Oregon. Grandall DEALERS IN' All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBAIiMERS The Dalles, Or. . Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bake, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ...Spring Is Coming.. And F. 8. GUNNING, the blacksmith, is prepared to put your buggies plows and farm implements in proper shape. Second and Langhlm Streets, Phone 157. llfasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot sii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, ShortSo?MT"LkrnEdEr Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- tOTI nOlir ThisFlonr ia manufactured expressly for family "'JAA nee : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa eell onr goods lower than any faonse in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Advertise in.. 5 The... and Retail Blatz. and Hop Gold Beer in bottles . . , - Quick Sellers No Complaints -V'V.. & Burget Hobes, Burial Shoes, Etc. THE DALLES, OREGON. ,iit" m' m 'f j im, mi p.,. I v fi ' ,' Giionieie