The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 14, 1899, Image 3

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In dainty colorings and designs for the adornment
of the gentle sex and for the admiration of the sterner
sex. These goods yovi will find in our store in great
quantities for
Shirt Waists,
Street Costumes
House Gowns
Evening Gowns
Daring this week we are quoting
you prices that are sure to interest
you if you are acquainted with
qualities and priceB. Oar initial
.number will be
And they are indeed a beautiful line, and we think ought to intereet
almost anyone who would accept something for almost nothing.
Twenty-five yards Trouville Novelties for $1.00.
A full line of these goods at Ihe remarkable price of 4c per yard. .
This line of goods has never been shown in this city at such prices
as are here quoted : 18 yards for $1.00, or 5)c per yard.
Thirty-six inch goods in choice patterns, fast colors, and exceed
ingly choice at 6Jc per yard.
close in
This double line runs so
choice at 7c per yard.
price that we "will
V ,
give yoa your
Are principally in , high colors, and for Fancy Waists are quite 'the
thing, as they can be so elaborately trimmed with embroidery...
These are offered at '9c. s . " '
Those who are-seeking a beautiful peods for summer dress and-want
something inexpensive can find it in these goods at 12J.jc per yard.
A strictly summer fabric and dainty in the extreme, at 7)c yard.'
The great variety of new and elegant things that we baye makes it
an almost endless task to discuss each one separately, but yoa can appre
ciate these things only by seeing them. Come early and often. Enjoy a
eight of theBe goods, though you may not want them.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
The Daltes .Daily Chronicle.
- MARCH 14. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be banded in! before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes wiil be accepted" in the aft
ernoon. This rale will be positive.
The Dalles, January so, 1899.
"The Gold King" -Tonight
at the Vogt. . v .
Metropolitan Opera Company in
"La Mascot" at the Baldwin tonight.
Miss Cora Joles, whohas been visiting
in Portland for the past week, returned
home on the boat lajst night.
The Metropolitan opera company will
arrive on the afternoon train. . Thf y
should play to a full house tonight, for
there is no doubt as to their merit.
Miss Christine Farrelly, of Portland,
accompanied her cousin, who was on
her way to Walla Walla, at far as this
city. She will spend today with her
sister, Mrs. Ed Sharp, returning borne
Mrs. Ed Beck, who' hu been visiting
in Portland, came up to the Cascades
Sunday, and, after -spending a day with
friends there, arrived home last ni&ht.
Eet Evans, pastor ' of the M. E,
church in Goldendale, accompanied by
his wife, arrived yesterday from bhatj
place and will spend a day or two. in the
Linen collars with wide stripes of picak
or blue on white ground, are the latest
fad in mens' furnishings, and ' can- fee
procured at . A. M. Williams fc Co.V.
Price 15c; tgro for 25c.
Mrs. Sarah Heed, of the Viavi Co.,
arrived in the city last night from Port
land. Read the notice of her lectures
in another eolamn and be sore , to hear
her, or you'll miss something good. -
Those who fail to bear the Metropoli
tan Opera Company tonight at the
Baldwin will miss something that Dalles
people rarely hear a good opera. From
all reports we can obtain they are first-
class, and should have a good house.
Henry IT lanerty, who enlisted in
company L. at this place last spring, is
numbered among the list of the recent
dead at Manila. He Is a eon of J. E
O'Flaberty, who lives .at Barberton
Wash., and was not known here as far
as we can learn. However, the death of
the brave boy is not less regretted, and
eome boiiie is made desolate by the
news.;; x
".' The Knights held another of their
famous "fun and Sociability" meetings
last evening.' -These are becoming very
popular, and 'tis not to be wondered at
if the good times reported really occur.
Next Thursday evening the Rathbones
expect to give a dancing party, v
Brigadter Marehall, of Portland, as
sisted b7 Staff Captain Willis, will
conduct salvation army meetings at the
army barracks on Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings. . There will also be an
ice cream supper on Thursday night.
Capt. Dutbie will bid farewell the same
evening. Everybody, invited.
Letters received by friends from C. E.
Bayard, who is .now at Spokane, tells of
the improved state of his health. When
he left this city many were deeply con
cerned as to his condition, fearing, his
disease would baffle medical skill, but
the change has seemed to greatly bene
fit him, and he is very hopeful.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chipp, who were
married recently in Portland, came up
yesterday on the boat and remained over
in the city until the midnight train. In
the meantime a pleasant reception was
given them by the Euworth League, at
the home of Mrs. Nelon on Third and
Liberty etreets. About twenty-five were
present to greet Mr. and Mrs. Chipp and
afterward accompany them to the train,,
wishing them a happpr wedded life.
Rev. Gentry Ruehing, pastor of the
Christian church of La Grande, will ar
rive in the city this 'afternoon, with a
view of taking the paBtorate of the
Christian church of this place. Rev.
Rushing is said to be a talented minister
and an eloquent speaker. He will
preach in the Christian church tomorrow
evening, and probably the remaining
Levenings of the week.. A general invita
tion is extended to all to be present.
Our senators , and representatives are
returning from 'Washington' seemingly
glad to get home again. Sunday Repre
sentative Tongue returned to his borne
in Hillsboro, while Senator .Simon came
Saturday night. ' Senator MoBride will
remain in the capital for about ten days.
His home coming will be a sad one, bis
sister, Mrs. B. F.. Giltner, having died a
few weeks since. Mrs. Ellis' health be-
ng very poor, Congressman Ellis will be
compelled to remain for an indefiuite
length of time. ' -
At a meeting of the water commis
sioners last night bids were received for
the construction of the man bole on
Union Btreet, near Seventh. . Four bids
were . submitted, the two lowest by
Messrs. J. C. Beudahl and J. Applegate,
bein for $109. As the bid of the former
covered more work, the contract was let
to him, providing he furnished good
bonde. Some misunderstanding, bow-
Lever, came up afterward 9 to the plane,
and it has not as yet been" decided who
will take the contract;. . ,
"The Dalles is generally considered bo
be a pretty slow city btit has got ahead
of Walla Walla by commencing a sewer
system. The pipes are to he of terra
cotta., and the cost will be charged to
the property benefiting thereby." - So
eays the Walla Walla Statesman. We
would lifc-e to be informed where that
paper got the information regarding the
slowness of QTbe Dalles.' Just move
down here, Mr. Editor, and we'll show
yon what it means to live in a town
where fonsinees Is transacted. No Walla
Walla aits will answer here, aaA you
don't have to search down into the
sewer -system to find that oat.
(In writing to the committee on en
tertoinuient m Portland, one of the
editors, whom re remember ae being
onedf the most enthusiastic and daring
on -the trip through Colorado, expressed
a desire' to see Mt. Hood iltanamated.
The committee has made arrangements
to .gratify the wish and W. G. Steel has
consented to "Carry-. out the 'echetne
Tbie will be a wonderful sight to iSany
who have no lidea of the grandeerof our
enfoval Notice.
PRICE $25.00.
The chase of the dollar nowadays is best accom
plished on a first-class Bicycle. A winner in the
:hase for the Best Bicycle, must, in this town, land
at the store of THE AGENTS FOR.
PRICE $30.00.
Fully warrented.
PRICE $50.00.
v We will" move into our
or aboutr March 15th.
Our store
new store building on
will be complete in every depart-
We have a complete line of '99 model Colum
biaand Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
Opposite old stand.
Ri tet the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is completes.
Jacobsen Book &, Music Co.
170 Second Streetj The Dalles, Oregon.
s Benton
turn home they went up to the wagon
and placed a mackintosh and overcoat
on the seat, going out of the yard after
ward to make some purchases they had
forgotten. Upon returning they found
the coats gone, and started out to in
vestigate the matter. At one of-the
second-hand stores they wore told that
two men had been there" attempting to
sell some coats. The marshal was then
found.and together with the store keeper
went up to "tramp's camp" above
the city, where two men were found
whom the latter identified . as the men
who called at his 'store. The mackintosh
was finally given up, but not the over
coat. .They were arrested, and now
occupy the city jail awaiting a trial.
A large number of friends attended
the funeral of Roderick . McNeil, which
was held at the Catholic church this
morning at 9 o'clock, and regret was ex
pressed by alias they contemplated the
suddenness of the call which had come
to one who was in tbebest health, and
who it seems was so sadly needed by
the lArge family of children who sur
vive him. Father Brongeest spoke of
his life in a. manner which told to the
anaience wnat an nonest, upright man
the 'deceased bad always )jroven him
self and of the kindness of his heart for
all. '. The' office and work-shop, of Mr,
Glenn were closed daring tta services,
ana among the sorrowing mends were
found -many of his fellow workmen, who
appreciated his worth. He was buried
by the side of his wife, who died about
eighteen months ago, and whose body
was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
Yesterday afternooa the case of the
comantment.ot the three Wand -children
to the Boys' and Girls Aid Society-came
up before Judge Mays. The comulaint
had been that the. fa-Oher was not a 'fit
persea to have the care of the children
and that he was unkind to then. It
however, appears that the father and
mother of Mr. Waad have been aring
for the little ones, and being very much
snow-capped peaks and who would go j attached to them are willing to see that
into ecstacies over the Klickitat hills
covered in snow. Now , if this eefaeme
is only a success, as we hope it be,
it will be a great- feature on the pro
gram prepared far our visitors. . '
The Noble Dramatic Company -offers
great inducements to the people ef Ifae
Dalles. Being need to playing to erowded
bouses they offer the following isduee
menta, that people may attend tonight
and determine for tbemselves what their
merits are., Each gentleman buying a
50-cent ticket for tonight's play at, the
Snipes-Kinerely drug store will be en-A
titled to be accompanied by a lady who
will be admitted free; or two ladies will
be admitted on the same ticket if it be
procured In ' the manner mentioned.
They also give ont tickets each evening,
which will entitle, each one to a chance
in the drawings for two sets of furniture
that will be. given .as souvenirs during
their stay. v .
Yesterday morning two farmers, whose
names we did not learn, came into the
city and left their team and wagon in
Sexton's feed yard. ' Being ready to re-
ioej iN Drougnc npia tne right m
ner. It was therefore decided that it
wae not' necessary to -commit .tbeaa to
the care of others.' This is a wise move
for if ite discovered that relatives of
the children thus left are capable ' and
willing to care for ttvem, that is the
place for them. The Boys' and' Girts
ami society nas enouga ot a burden no
its shoulders in doing its duty. by those
es peciall- speeding its -care, and who
have no one -to look to for help. -
- Loctarci on Health.
...Tfte Henownetl Old Oro
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
?1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink, '
er cigar.
check wltn
t0.90. i
i each
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in imported French Liquors and Cognac. .
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
The Lartrest and Best of August BuchleT
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
C. L.
Schmidt for Clvrfc and J. G.
' ley Omr Mew IMrector.
Where' were all the voters in the
district yesterday Did they imagine it
was collection day and take to the
woods? Oat of 540 voters, only 85 were
in the city, for surely bad they been
here they' would have taken enough
interest to vote for a clerk and director
for our school district. But then eighty-
five weie enough to elect them, and we
have a new director in the person of
O. J. Ferlny, and C. L. Schmidt, who so
successfully filled the unexpired term of
G. P. Morgan, deceaeed, was re-elected
Mr, Schmidt had no rival candidate
for the office, but had there been a
number he would no. doubt have re
ceived the majority of voteB, being just
the man for the place, and one who will
keep a- thorough and complete account
of the school records of the district.
All are satisfied with the choice.
For director there were two candi
dates, G. J. Farley and J. T. Peters, the
latter being placed in the field at a very
late hour. Mr. Farley came out ahead,
with four votes more than his opponent.
The new director has always been
interested in everything pertaining to
the welfare of the city, and as the
schools are a large part of that intereet,
be will undoubtedly fit well in place
so well filled by his predecessor.
'-The school district can boast .of three
competent directors Dr. Doane, Judge
"Liebe and G. J. Farley, in whose hands
she ehould fare well.
drunk act," as it might be called, wa
especially good. The Irish character
was also very taking, his make-up beilg
perfect, while with his amu8ig ansSfos.
he kept the audience in a rear o:;:
laughter. The character comedcani
P. Burt, who took the part oi -Bepper,'.'"
the dude, came in for his eJiare ofcpre--his
facial expressions nd,f easy grace
4 when he appeared and avea monologue)
by wayof introduction, at onca winning,.
bis audience.
Bat of coarse, as la always the caseV
the tots captured every one present, the '
older one with her graceful dajrcJ&afrahSJ
the younger by her. cute ?ittle action'
and sweet voice. When she imitated
her older sister in the dance and kicked
her tambourine with her tiny foot,
everyone seemed to feel like bagging
her, so gracefully and cunningly did ehe
dance about the stage.
We bespeak for them a better au
dience tonight.
Best or All
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy. Syrup of Figs. Bny the
genuine. Manufactured bv the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Noble's Dramatic Company.
Mrs. Sarah XI. Read, of Portland, will
speak in the small K. of P, hall, at - The
Dalles as follows : Tuesday, March 14,
at 2:30 p. m., to women, on, "The
Physiology of Digestion;" Wednesday,
March 15, at 8 p.- m., to married men
and women, on " "Nature's Method of
Curing Disease," and Thursday, at 2:30
p. m., to women, un "How - to Regain''
and Keep One's .Youth.',' A' cordial in
vitation is extended to all interested in
these subjects to be present. -No ad
mission charged. ; ,
The character of the play last night at
the Vogt probably accounted for the
small house , which greeted the Noble
company. Dalles people were never
known to be taken with a play of that
description, preferring rather one of the
quieter kind, such as the one to be given
tonight, "The Gold King." It appears,,
however, that our tastes differ from thoBe
of audiences in other places tbey have
visited, where they have always opened
with "The Strategists". Perhaps we
have too much strategy the year around
in our ownmidst.
As to the company. It contains some
gjod actors. - Ifoble himself, with
his wonderful talent of impersonating, is
a whole show, and in the several climax
where he found himself completely
cornered, bis acting was immense. The
In this city this morning, Tuesday,
March 14th. to Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Haworth.a daughter ; weight ten pounds.
For the beet results nee the Vive
Camera, For sale by the Postoffice
Pharmacy. tf
Have yon seen those bonnets at Pease
& Mays'for grown, half grown and grow
ing people?
Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair. tf
A girl to do general housework. Ap
ply at the Wasco warehouee. 7-lw
S J35 E D S
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.