The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 13, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 289
Active Uampaisn Against toe Filipinos
Vill Be Begun.
The Second Oregon Made a Part of
General Wheaton's Brigade, Sev
enteenth Regulars Releaved Them.
Manila, March 1211 :30 a. m. In all
probability the current week will see the
. beginning of an active campaign on a
scale hitherto unknown in the Filipinos.
For the last few days there has been un
usual activity at headquarters, and there
is every indication of a complete reorgan
ization of the entire corps in the near
future. .
Since the arrival of tbe American re
inforcements several changes have been
made, the most important being tbe ap
pointment of a divisional brigade under
General Wheaton, consisting of the
Twentieth and Twenty-second regiments
of infantry, eight com panics of the Wash
ington and seven companies of the Ore
gon volunteers, three mounted troops
of caValry and a battalion of light artil
lery. All tbe troops have disembarked. A
battalion of the Fourth regular infantry
is already on the firing line, assigned to
General McArthur'a division. The others
have been beld in reserve, and are en
camped on the Lnneta parade ground.
A battalion of the Seventeenth regulars
have been assigned to protest guard,- re
lieving the Oregon volunteers.
During a rainstorm whicb occurred be
fore daylight this morning the rebels on
the extreme left fired eeveral volleys at
the Americans, but without effect.
Otherwise everything is quite.
half digested food. There is a feeling of
oppression and heavinees in tbe chest
caused by pressure of the distended
stomach on the beart and lungs, inter
fering with their action ; hence arises
palpitation and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
making it thin and watery, which irri
tates and weaken b the beart.
The most sensible treatment for beart
trouble is to improve the digestion and
to insure the proiupt assimilation of food.
This can be done by the regular use
after meals of some safe, pleasant and
effective digestive preparation, like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may
be found at most drug stores, and which
contain valuable,- .harmless digestive
elements in a pleasant, convenient form.
It is safe to say that the regular per
sistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal time will cure any form of
stomach trouble except cancer of thd
Full sized package of these tablets
sold by drnegists at 50 cents. Little
book on stomach troubles mailed free,
Address F. A. Stuart, Co., Marshall,
Manila, March 11 3:15 p. m. At
daylight the rebels were caught enfilad
ing the entrenchments at Calocan, and
were shelled by a battery. Desultory
firing also took place at San Pedro Macati.
The United States cruiser Charleston
has relieved the armed transport Buffalo
off Paranaqae.
The last batch of Spanish soldiers'
numbering 885 men, excepting a few,
who are in the hospital, were embarked
on the transport Buenos Avers today.
Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For
Heart troubles, at least among tbe
Americans, are certainly increasing, and
while this may be largely due to the ex
citement and worry of American busi
ness life, it is more often tbe result of
weak stomachs, of poor digestion. .-
Real organic disease is incurable ; but
not, one case in a hundred of heart
trouble is organic. - '
The close relation between "beart.
trouble and poor digestion is because
both organs are controlled by the same
. great nerves, the Sympathetic and Pnen
xnogastric' .
In another way, also the heart is- ef
fected by the form of poor digestion
which causes gas fermentation : from
nrfNVA n
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Tne Cuban Military Assembly's Action
Regarding Him.
Money Sent From New York to Pay
the Island Troops Who Fought for
Not the Place for Officers' Families.
Washington, March 11. The war de
partment today issued the -following
cablegram from General Otis :
" "Manila is not tbe place for officers'
families ; the great difficulty experienced
in caring for those now here, and their
safety, is one of the chief causes of
anxiety. Officers' families should
main in the Uulted States."
Under such conditions the secretary
of war regrets that no more families of
officers or enlisted men will be permitted
to accompany the troops. The families
of officers, for which quarters are legally
provided, will be permitted to retain
their quarters at posts from which tbe
troops depart.
Must Make Choice of Two Evils.
Peking, March 11. The Italian min
ister here, Signor Martine, addressed a
note to tbe Chinese foreign office yester
day evening, requesting it to give back
the Italian dispatch asking for a con
cession, and notifying the foreign office
to accept tbe latter request as a demand,
adding that be was willing to enter into
friendly negotiations as to the details,
but insisting upon an answer within
four days.
Thenpte was couched in courteous
terms, but the Chinese regard it in the
nature of an ultimatum, to which they
will probably yield.
Congressman-Greene, of Nebraska Dead.
Omaha, March 11. Congressman W.
L. Greene, of tbe sixth Nebraska district,
died suddenlv of heart failure in the Bur
lington station in this city at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Greene arrived this morning from
Washington, and spent the day with
friends in the city. At 7 :45' p. m., he
left his hotel for the train in company
with three friends. On arriving at the
depot he was found to be in an uncon
scious condition, and was taken to tbe
station, where he soon expired.
Bow to PreTOnt Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. During the
epidemic of La Grippe a few years ago
when so many cases resulted in pneu
monia, )t was observed that the attack
was never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippe to result in that dangerous
disease. It is the best remedy in tbe
world for bad co'lds and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted. For sale by
Blakeley & Hongbton, druggists.
;To Bond Arlington.
Arlington, Or., Marcb 11. The prop
osition to bond the city was carried to
day by an almost unanimous vote. Only
eight votes were cast in tbe negative.
DeWitt'a Liti c tarty Risers,
The amaus li tie oil Is.
Havana, Cnba, March 11. The Cu
ban military assembly, in public session
this afternoon, impeached General
Maximo Gomez and removed him from
his command as general-in-chief of the
Cuban army, the first ballot result
ing in twenty-six votes being cast in sup
port of the motion to, impeach and re
move General Gomez, against four in
re j-opposition. Tbe original motion pro
vided for the abolition of tbe grade of
general-in-chief, but an amendment was
offered to this by Senor Aguerro, which
read : '
"To abolish the grade of general-in-chief,
and remove General Gomez, for
failure in bis military duties and diso
bedience to the aesembly."
Much passion was evident in the
speeches, in some of which Gomez was
declared to have been delinquent in his
duties and disobedient, because be had
accepted the proposition of Robert F.
Porter, President McKinley's special
emissary, without consulting the as
sembly; because be had taken upon
himself arrangements for the payment
and disarming of Cuban troops, inde
pendent of tbe assembly, and because
be bad .declared to tbe assembly that
he would observe its rulings in so far as
he could see them beneficial to Cuba.
The assembly then declared that $3,
000,000 is sufficient, and that it has not
yet accepted the proposition. Tbe dis
cussion of this question will soon be
taken up, now that General Gomez
: T&ar -rflSr nil6r -n!Sr -n!r -aSr -wAfer Trhr -afar -fcr
Visit our
Not expected that you should buy. Like to have people
come even if its just to look around, and there are lots
of pretty things to see. Spring weather is almost due
and suitable wearables are coming "in daily shipments.
Last week brought us another invoice of Children's Nov
. elty Suits, by far the prettiest we have ever shown, and
which you must make it a point to see while the line is
complete. You will be delighted if art in clothes-mak
ing has any attraction for you. Those who saw them last week all admired and
a goodly number purchased. Prices to $7.50 a suit.
Our Shoe
P- y- JrJK. JSfh. JMh. jajyftt. JNBL UB. JUfH. JsjK. JaB. JhT' J"i -"js-- J"j- J. JkK. JJB. JtjK. JSjjfc. JMfC JtoK. JKK JjyML
The same good feeling prevails throughout the store.
Our sales-people will most willingly show you any
. thing you wish to see, and, newness and prettiness
are plentiful in all departments. Our shoe sales
men are highly elated over their spring goods, de
claring that such shoe style and beautify has never
before graced their counter, and that is a pleasure to
handle and sell such mer- '
chandise. You will agree
with them when you see our
line of boys' and little gents'
fine shoes for spring and sum
mer, and . also will pardon
their enthusiasm. Lookers
become buyers willingly.
;rfV jfc. aiV
been removed.
Money For Cubans.
New Yobk, Marcb 11. The United
States transport Meade sailed today for
Havana. She has on board $3,000,000
provided by the" United States govern
ment to pay Cuban troops
. Much interest is centered in the re
moval of the treasure from the sub
treaeury. A large crowd watched the
proceedings. - Captain Littel, of the
quartermasters department, had charge
of tbe detachments of soldiers. There
were about fifty men, each with a Krag
Jorgensen rifle and a full belt of cart
ridges. They formed in line at the
treasury building, and the boxes and
safes of coin were passed out between
them. The money was put on trucks,
and eight men got on each truck to guard
tbe treasare en route to the steamer. '
tub GoiumDia PacKingCo.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof Jjf BRAND -HAMS
a)RIED beef. etc.
H. M. Be a I. ,
First national Bank.
- - - OREGON
Ha Pooled the Surgeona.
All doctors told Eenick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O. after - suffering 18
months from Bectaf Fistula, be would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed; but he cured himself with five,
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tbe
surest Pile cure on J3artb, and the best
Salve in tbe World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.. 4
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jmo. S. Schkncx.
Ed. M, Williams,. Geo. A. Libbb. "
H. M. Bbai.i..
Bouiling Alley
Next to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and qht
Couvteoas treatment
to all Botulevs...
Special Attractions
For Bowling Parties. Patronage of
the public respectfully uolicited.
Harry Esping, Proprietor.
Rttitoic VITALITT ,
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases,; all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund tbe money.
Clinton & Jackson St& CHICAGO, IUU
To Core Cold In One timy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tbe money if
it fails to cure. 25c,'.-
Day U?eJ( or
5or. 4ttp aijd Uijior;.
Letters of Credit issned available in tbe
Eastern States.
Sight -. Exchange and Telegraphic
xraneiers aoia on jnbw xorK, unicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. -Collections
made at ail points' on fav
orable terms.
Regulator Line
Tie Dalles, Portlani ani Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regulator S Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way poin on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt,
and are in excellent shape for the season of
Tne K.egrulator Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure,
travel by the steamers of The Regulator.
The above steamers leave Portland and Dalles
at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office. The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. Court Street.
W. C. Alia way,
General Agent.
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guarded against,
nothine "is a fine substitute." will
"answer, 'the purpose," or is "jast as
good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That
s the one infallible remedy for all long,
throat or bronchial troubles. Insist
vigorously upon having it if "something
else" is offered yon. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.