The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 287
Mo Has Been Quiet, anil Orderly
Since American' Occupation.
Battalion of Troops From the St. Paul
Also Set Down on the Island
Officers Magnificently Received and
Entertained by the Natives.
Manila, March 9. The Maritime
Steam Navigation Company's steamer
Nustra Zeno del Rio baa arrived bere
from Iloilo and reports all quiet there,
although skirmishes are frequent in the
ontlying districts.
. TheNegros commissioners landed Fri
day last at Bacold, and have been doing
excelled work since.
The St. Paul landed a battalion of
troops at Negros March 4. Colonel
Smith and other officers were magnifi
cently received and entertained by the
natives, who were extremely' kind and
courteous. Within an hoar of landing
the signal corps had established com
munication with Iloilo. Captain .Tilly
reporting news of the reception of Gen
eral Miller.
: Goodall's battalion was subsequently
landed at Cebu without opposition, and
is quartered in the city.
The steamer Gloria', which has ar
rived bere from Curimac in the northern
part of Luzon,. reports that the steamer
San Joaquin is stranded, that ber cargo
has been jettisoned and that her native
crew mutinied and murdered the Span
ish officers of the veesel. Some of the
mutiners are reported to have been ar
rested at Vigan. . '
The British first-class "cruiser Power
ful, has arrived here from Hong Kong,
- in order to relieve the first-class cruiser
Narcissus. "
The United States transport Arizona
has Bailed.
All is quiet at Manila.
Not Officially Informed.
Washington, March 9. Regarding
the Vancouver story to the eTect that
Dewey is in ill health, Secretary .Long
eays he has no official information on
the subject. Reports are all traceable to
private reports, and though the officers
of the navy who have returned recently
from Manila state that Dewey's health,
so far as it could be gauged from appear
ance, was about the same as it had been
for the past year, they agree that the
private reports probably have a fair
basis of fact. The admiral, however,
recently stated that he thought it his
duty to- remain at Manila, and finish
the work be began in the Philippines.
Dewey has the president's permission
to return to the United States at any
time he deems such a course necessary.
Canada. This is one of the oldest settle
ments in Alaska. The people desire to
be the center ef Canadian travel to the
mines ol the' interior, ana tmntc a
change of flags would Velp their busi
ness chances.
The only .excuse they offer for their
deBire to get from nnder the American
flag is that the principles and laws for
which that flag stands are not in effect
in Alaska. They . claim that the terri
tory has been abused and neglected,
and that the present laws, are-unfit to
liye under:
Wrangle is the starting point for the
interior by the Stickeen or all-Canadian
trail. It proved a dismal failure last
year, and the Canadian government has
about given np bopeB of getting to the
interior that way. It is doubtful if
Canada would accept Wrangle as the
BritiBh entrance. Wrangle is one of
the oldest settlements in Alaska and has
about 500 population.
Wrangle's Citizens Will Petition the
Joint High Commission to Cede the
Town to Canada,
Seattle, Wash., March 9. The citi
zens of Fort Wrangle, Alaska,. are said
by late arrivals from the North to be
drawing np a petition asking the joint
high commission to cede their town to
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Do Not Be Alarmed, But Look For the
Robbed Her and Then Tried to Make
Her Drink Poison.
Heart troubles, at least among the
Americans, are certainly increasing, and
while this may be largely due to the ex
citement and worry of American busi
ness life, it is more often the result of
weak stomachs, of poor digestion.
Real organic disease is incurable; but
not one case in a hundred of heart
trouble is organic.
The close relation between heart
trouble and poor digestion is because
both organs are controlled by the same
great nerves, the- Sympathetic and
In another way, also the heart is ef
fected by the form of poor digestion,
which causes gas and fermentation from
half digested food. There is a feeling of
oppression and heaviness in the chest
caused by pressure of the dietended
stomach on the heart and lungs, inter
fering with their action ; hence arises
palpitation and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
making it thin and watery, which irri
tates and weakens the heart.
The most sensible treatment for heart
trouble is to improve the diegestion and
to insure the prompt assimilation of
food. ' '
mis can De none oy the regular use
after meals of some safe, pleasant and
effective digestive . preparation, like
fctuart s uyepepsia Tablets, wnich may
be found at most drug stores, and which
contain valuable, harmless digestive
elements in a pleasant, convenient form.
It is safe to say that the regular per
sistent nse of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal time will " cure any form of
stomach trouble except cancer of the
Full sized package of these tablets
sold by druggists at 50 cents. Little
book on stomach troubles mailed free,
Address F. A. Stuart, Co., Marshall,
Mich. ' .
Vigilantes at Tacoma.
Tacoma, Wash;, March 9. Citizens,
indignant at the many recent 1 robberies
and hold-ups, held a public meeting at
the Chamber of Commerce rooms this
morning and decided to form a vigilance
committee. The incompetency of the
police was denounced and a citizens'
patrol organized. 'A subcommittee of
ten called on Sheriff Mills after the meet
ing and asked him to act as head of the
vigilantes. ' It was decided that all sus
picions characteis muBt leave the city.
De Witt's Little Early R isers,
Tho famous Hitler Dili.
Tacoma, March 8. Two unknown men
entered the house of J. B. W. Johnston,
in the heart of the residence portion of
the city, in broad daylight, today, while
the family was away, and attacked
Myrtle Fulmer, a 15-year-old adopted
daughter.' They said they wanted to get
the money they understood to be in the
house, and commanded the girl to -produce
it. She refused, and they ap
proached her. She struck one in the eye
with a stick of wood and knocked a false
mustache from the lip of another. The
ruffians then put a revolver to her head
and made ber go about the house with
them while they collected the jewelry
which had been left in the drawers. The
girl was so frightened she gave them $3
of her own money. ' This they pnt in a
purse, and then turned upon the young
girl. They attempted to make her drink
a cup of carbolic acid, but she knocked it
trom their hands. They then chloro
formed her, tied a towel about her mouth
and fled. They tailed to take the puree
of valuables, leaving it behind the door.
The girl did not come to until two
hours after sha was chloroformed. She
is uninjured. f
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold or from
an attack of La Grippe. ' During the
epidemic of La Grippe a few' years ago
when eo many cases resulted in pneu
monia, it was observed that the attack
was never followed by that disease when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a cold or
La Grippe to result in that dangerous
disease. It is the best remedy in the
world for bad colas and La Grippe.
Every bottle warranted.' For sale by
uiaKeiey & uougntou, druggists.'
Railroad to Goldendale.
Goldendale, Waeh., March 7. J. H.
O'Neill, of the O. R. & N. Co., J. J.
Devereaux, of the Santa Fe system, and
M. J. Roche,' of the Rio Grande Western
visited Goldendale today. 'J heir visit to
Goldendale was particularly noted by
many citizens. -
Mr. O'Neill declined to be interviewed,
but incidentally said he believed Messrs.
Ly tie and O'Reilly were going ' to build
a railroad to Goldendale and 'that the
proposition was a -"sure go." ' Further,
he was positive the O: R. & N. had no
interest in the project, further than that
later they may make a traffic agreement.
The other two gentlemen desired that
tneir visit receive no newspaper mention.
MHr jfa-- -Jt- .-jft-r -Jfc Jk, iJk- -Sm- JJr -jfcar nAr -jfcr-
Timely Suggestions
to Hotise Ieepets.
Rug-buying time will soon be here. You've no doubt planned some
changes to be made and only await house-cleaning time to begin.
Might be well in the meantime to get posted on prices of all differ
ent things you'll need. Our spring line of Lace Curtains, Nets and
Draperies by the yard, Mats and Rugs are ready. Speaking of Rugs,
we believe we show as bright an assortment as anybody hereabouts,
and at prices just a little lower. Qualities to suit all purses; from
the genuine Smyrna at $5.00 to the brusseline door mats at 25c
each. Our window shows some of the following at present:
Brusseline Rugs,fr inged ends, each - - -Bangor
Smyrna Rugs, fringed ends, each
Moquette Rugs, beautiful colorings, each - ,
Imperial Smyrna Rugs, reversable, knotted fringe,
25c and 63c.
$1.37, $1.87 and $2.68.
$1 .00.' $2.25 and $4.00
$3.00, $3.50, $5.00
"Where it is possible to' use Rugs we recommend them, as they are
very durable and sanitary, because so easily liftedj cleaned and
turned, and unlike a carpet, they fit any room. People living in
rented houses especially appreciate this fact.
jt- "vr- if -ym
Her Policy of Supporting That Empire
Against Aggression Not Modified
. by Recent Concessions.
Not one child dies where ten formerly
died from croup. People have . learned
the value of One Minnte Cough Cure
and use it for every lung and throat
trouble. It immediately stops coughing.
It never fails Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
recovery, by purchasing or us a bottle of
Dr. King's New DiscDvery for Consump
tion, and was so much relieved on taking
first dose, that ehe Blept all night; and
with two bottles, has been absolutely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz."
Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of
Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Uonghton's Drug Store.
Regular , size 50c and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed. . , 4
" ,
To the Public. '
We are anthorized to guarantee every
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
money to the purchaser. There 1s no
better medicine made for La Grippe,
colds or whooping cough. Price 25 and
50 cents per bottle. Try it. Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Londox, March 9. In the house of
commons today the parliamentary sec
retary for foreign affairs, Sir John
Broderick, said her majesty's govern
ment had not modified its undertaking
to support China against any power com
mitting aggression in China because the
latter had granted British subjects per
mission to make or support railroads or
publicworks. But he added the govern
ment did not anticipate that a question
of this description -would arise with re
spect to the British contract for Che
northern . railroads.
' The questions and answer arose from
the Russian protest against the British
railroad contract and the statement of
the British . minister at Peking, Sir
Claude McDonald, that any attempt to
repudiate the contract will be regarded
as a breach of faith meriting retributive
measures. He at the same time recalled
Lord Salisbury's assurance of support for
China if another power attempted to
force ber to repudiate the contract.
- He Fooled tlio Surgeon.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
months from Rectaf Fistula, be woud
die unless a costly operation was per
formed; but he cured himself Kith, five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box; Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4
DeWitt'A n c A
' . CfwPi!..Sy.
Ghfoniele Publishing Co.
pleat Cdofk.
Quick Hlopk.
Reasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon.