The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 03, 1899, Image 1

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NO 281
Conference on the River and Baroor
fill ProMWy Settle tie Matter.
Investigation of Both the Nicaragua
and Panama Routes Is Contem
plated, Alter Which the Secretary
of War Is to Go Ahead With the
Wort. '
Washington, March 2. Tbe indica
tions from the conference on the river
and harbor appropriation bill are that a
compromise on the Nicaragua canal
amendment will be agreed to.
One of tbe recent propositions made
and being discussed is for an appropri
ation of $500,000 with authorization of
the president to investigate both tbe
Panama and Nicaragua canals and
when tbe best route is found, the secre
tary of war is to go ahead with the
work and enter into contract for its
It seems to have been determined that
tome canal legislation will be passed.
4 Ewdeb
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Branton had by some means procured a
gun, but kept cool and said : "Oh, come
off." In a few seconds Branton conclud
ed that his ruse had been discovered and
laughed and claimed be meant nothing.
Later be stated that if it had been a real
gun he would have 'done some "real
Tbe alleged pistol was. an- ingenious
modefof a navy revolver. It was made
out of a roasted potato for a barrel, and
a piece of tin from one of his suspenders
for a sight, whilo the chamber was made
from a piece of boiled potato, and the
leaden messengers were pieces of burned
bones, and the whole was covered with
tin foil. ' ' ' .
Day In Congress. .
Washington, March 2. Tbe confer
ence report on the bill authorizing gov
ernors of states to be reimbursed for
expenses incurred in raising and equip
ping volunteers was agieed to in tbe
The conference report on the naval
personnel bill was agreed to.
A bill reported by Hawley, of tbe mil
itary affaire committee, amending the
act suspending the operation of certain
provisions ot the law relating to the war
department was passed.
The senate passed the Alaska code
bill. ' '
Slor Machines Taken Out.
Astokia, March 1. Tonight, for the
first time in several years, there is not a
nickel-in-the-slot machine running in
Astoria. Under instructions from the
-deputy prosecuting attorney, notice was
given today that the new state law would
be strictly enforced, and all the machines
were immediately relegated to the back
rooms. There is a disposition on the
- part of Borne to test the validity of the law,
but, until something definite is deter-
. mined upon, the machines will not be
used. It is also ' intimated that all
gambling in the city will be closed down.
Tire Result of
Digestion of
La Gnna de Bayo Scattered Tfcem Alter
a Lively. Engagement.
Rebels Returned to Their Positions as
Soon as the Gunboat Bad With
drawn All Is Quiet Along the
Lines. ' ,
Murderers Branton and
' tempt to Escape.
Smith - At
Eugene, Or., March 1. Clande Bran
ton, the condemned murderer, made an
unsuccessful attempt to escape jail today.
Sheriff Withes, as is bis usual custom,
went -to the jail about 3 o.clock this
morning to relieve Mr. Pratt, the death
watch, who secures the breakfast for the
prisoners. He opened the door of Bran
ton's cell and let him out into the corri
dor between the rows of eteel cells, to
exercise and wash.
While sitting in a chair reading his
morning mail the sheriff was suddenly
ordered to "throw np your hands."
Looking up he saw Branton standing a
little in the dark and holding in his hard
-what resembled a navy six-shooter. The
sheriff was amazed, and thought possibly
Every living thing, plant or animal,
contains within itself the germa of cer
tain dscay and death.
In the human body these germs of
death (called by -scientists Ptomaines),
are usually the result of imperfect diges
tion of food ; the result of indigestion or
The 'BtomactT, from abuse, weakens,
does not promptly and thoroughly digest
the food. Tbe result is a heavy, sodden
mass which ferments (tbe first process of
decay) poisoning the blood, making it
thin, weak and lacking in red corpuscles ;
poisoning the brain caueing headaches,
pain in the eyes.
Bad ' digestion weakens the heart,
causing palpitation and finally bringing
on disease of this very important organ.
Poor digestion poisons - the" kidneys,
causing brigbt's disease and diabetes.
And this is so because every organ,
every nerve depends upon tbe stomach
alone for nourishment and renewal, and
weak digestion shows itself not only in
loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak
nerves and muddy complexion.
Tbe great English scientist, Huxley,
said tbe best start in 'life is a sound
stomach. Weak stomachs fail to digest
food "properly, because they lack the
proper quantity of digestive acids (lactic
and hydrochloric; and peptogenic pro
ducts; the most sensible remedy in all
cases of indigestion, is to take after each
meal one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia.
Tablets, because they supply in a pleas
ant, harmless, form all the elements that
weak stomachs lack. ' . '
Tbe regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure any form ot trouble,
except cancer of the stomach. "
They increase flesh, insure pure blood
strong nerves, bright eye and clear com
plexion, because all these result only '
from wholesome food well digested.
Nearly all druggists sell Stnart'e Dys
pepsia Tablets at ou cents lull sized
package or by mail, by enclosing price to
Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. but ask
your druggist first. A little book on'
stomach diseases nailed free." Address
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Didn't Pay for the Cattle.
Arlington, Or., March 1. A few of
our cattlemen were treated to an unpleas
ant surprise last week by a couple of pro
fessional cattlebuyers, who failed to fur
nish the money to pay for tbe cattle they
bought. , A draft was given on Portland,
but came back unpaid. The purchasers
were located at Portland and brought to
this city, where they were given a pre-
iminary trial. Evidently the court be-
lived the preponderance of evidence to
be against tbe buyers, whe were held for
appearance in the circuit court.
Freas Saunders has purchased the
wood business of J.. T.' Reynolds in this
city. Those desiring good .wood will find
him by ringing np 'phone number 12. -
New York; Macch 2. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says: .The for
mer Spanish gunboat La Guna de Bayo
steamed up the river opposite Macati
this morning and opened fire on the in
surgents on the opposite side from
General Wheaton'a -brigade. She fired
her four Gatiing guns, two Nordenfeldts
and one one-pounder.
At first the insurgents replied with
rifle fire, but they, could not stand be
fore tbe hail frqm"the Gatlings. The
engagement lasted three-quarters of an
hour, and then the insurgents scattered
but as coon as the gunboat withdrew, the
insurgents returned and again opened a
slow and annoying fire across the. river,
Quiet Along the Lines.
Manila, March 2.-5 :30 . p.- m. 'Jhis
is the hottest dav of the eeason,' but
fortunately all is quiet inside and out
side ot our lines, and a, majority of the
men were kept in the ehade. , -Tbe
transport Morgan Citv has ar
rived here. The wives of the officers
and other women passengers were not
allowed to land, the authorities consid
ering conditions ashore unsettled. .
Canadian - Officials Said to' Have
Changed the Boundary Line on
Dalton Trail. A
We open next week with a "Racket" in ,HAT3. We may have bought
too many may have allowed '' ourselves ,td get enthused over the many good hat
things shown U3 this s'easpri or we may, be doing this, as before "just for fun"
4;he reason would not interest you anyway, so right to the point:
MONDAY we place on sale "and in our window," the following:
made . to sell for no less
5 doz.
4 dpz.
4 doz.
4 doz.
Men's Black Fedora Hats, worth and
than $2.50. " ,
Men's Fine-Fur, Brown Fedoras,
no less than $2.50. ' .. ; ' -
Men's Java, Fine Fur Fedoras,
no less than $2.50.
Men's Otter, Fine Fur Fedora Hats,
for no less than. $2.50fc .
worth and made to sell for
worth and made to sell for
worth and made to sell
All bright, clean, 'new, direct-from-the-factory hats, and strictly up-to-date,most-desirable
styles, in every way just-as-we-say,and we say they are worth
fully worth $2.50, which we intended to ask for them when the order was
placed, but for reason of "just for fun" we say
choice $1.50
Don't wait to long there are only some 15 dozen in the lot but tell
your neighbor and. your brother aboukit, or anyone else you think would accept
a free dollar, and come.
. - Good things in Boy's Hats; Pearl. Gray,
Brown and Black Fedoras. "Just for
fun" next week, 50c and 25c.
' .-. - . - - - "''.'.. r " ' " ; .
A. iVl- WBLLOASyiS & CO.
While Insane She Ends Her'
' - Life Poverty - Believed
Been the Cause. -
! to Have
Victoria, B. C, March 2. Miners
who have just arrived here on the steam
er :Tee8 from the North eay that the
Canadian officials on- the Dalton trail
have seen fit to change tbe boundary
line to euit themselves. They have ad
vanced a considerable .distance into
American territory and according to the
story which ' has reached here," have
planted tbe British flag within eeven
miles of Haines Mission, the entrepot to
tbe Procupine district. '
The point to which the Canadians
have advanced will throw a big area of
the recently discovered mines of .the
Porcupine district into British territory,
if the new boundary is allowed to stand.
' .
Tracy Inman Killed:
Pendleton, Or., . March 1 1. Private
advices from Manila, received today, are
to the effect that Tracy Inman, of thie
city, a member of company D. Oregon
volunteers, was killed yesterday while
engaged in signal service work. - No fur
ther particulars have been received. -
Portland, March 1. Mrs. Xaura
Browning, mother of four children, blew
her brains out at Montavilla today, after
taking, laudanum herself and forcing
three of ber children to drink'the drug.
There are hopes for two of the little girls,
but the- two-year-old baby will probably
die. Although there is no evidence that
the woman-had" been of unsound mind,
the theory of insanity is : the- only one
which will account -or the crime. Mrs.
Browning was alone with her four chil
dren. She asked, them to take a dose of
laudanum, callinjg it tea. Air the chil
dren drank the laudanum except a nine-year-old
boy. The' family was in poor
circumstances, and it is said poverty
drove the mother insane. v - . .
Chronicle Publishing Co.
TLm Urlppe Saecenf ally Treated.
: "I have just-recovered from the eec-
oqd attack of La Grippe this year," says
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher "ot tne
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Congh Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the formerat
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would bave been equally as bad . as the
first but for the use of this emedy as 1
bad to-go t bed in about six hours after
being 'struck'' with. it, while in Tbe first
case I was able to attend ; to business
about two days before getting ?dqwn.' "
For sale by Blakeley & "Houghton.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la whri It was ipjdt f
w 1
We Have...
Quick Cdopk.
Reasonable Pv iees.
The Dalles, Oregon.