The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 01, 1899, Image 1

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NO 279
Hospital Slit Belief Will Sail at tie
Earliest Possitls Moment.
Belief Is That the Vessel Will Reach
the Philippines Within Forty-Five
Days Hospital Corps and Med
ical Supplies the Chief Things to
Be Carried by the Transport.
New Yobk, Feb. 28. Orders have
been issued to the hospital ship Belief
to sail for Manila at the earliest possible
moment, and to move at as great speed
aa ib safe. It is expected that she wii
start on Thursday afternoon. This is
sooner than was thought possible a week
ago. The engineer of the relief thinks
she can reach the Philippines in forty
four or forty-five days. The boat hss
frequently made seventeen knots.
The Relief is taking on supplies, and
will coal today. The first orders were
for the Relief to sail February 15, tut
the severe weather hindered the work
of renovating the boat. For the leng
voyage heavy strengthening beams have
been put in the upper works. All the
machinery has been put in good ehape,
and a new propeller fitted so that she
can make good speed.
Major A. E. Bradley, surgeon in the
regular army, is in charge of the Relief.
His staff is composed of Captain H. R.
Stiles, LleutenantN. P. Cbamberlin and
Drs. W. P. Read, C. Van Wagoner and
H. C. Rowland. Lieutenant G. L. Ir
win, of the Fifth artillery, is the quarter
master of the boat. The Relief is to
carry a hospital corps of one hundred
and fifty enlisted men and seven women
The Relief's cargo will consist of
enough medical supplies for 15,000 men
for a year.
The work of refitting the transport
Berlin is going on, and she will be ready
to sail for the West Indies March 6.
The transport BarnBide will sail in
about ten daya. She will take 200 re
cruits from Governor's island to Havana.
They will be in charge of Captain
Brewster, of the quartermaster's de
partment. The Obdam will sail tomorrow for
Force and Santiago.
Desperado Gives Milton Officers a Live
ly Battle Over One Hundred
Shots Fired.
. Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 27
Meager particulars of a desperate battle
between officers and a desperado named
William Nackle, on Pine creek, near
Milton, Or., Sunday, were received here
by telephone today.
Nackle waa released from the peniten
tiary here about three months ago.
Knowing bis bad record, the police
ordered him to leave town. He obtain
ed employment from a German named
Gebhardt, on Pine creek, near Milton.
Last Friday he had an altercation with
a neighbor, and threatened to blow his
bead off with a rifle. The threatened
vinan went to Milton and swore out ' a
warrant. Constable J. W. Dykes went
to serve the warrant, and while read-
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ing it to Nackle, the latter excused
himself to go into the bouse for his hat
and coming out with a Winchester rifle,
he drove the officer off the ranch.
Dykes returned to Milton, and in
company with the city marshal, re
turned to the abode of the desperado.
Several shots were fired, but failed to
dislodge Nackle, and the officers again
returned empty banded.
A posse of twelve men was organized
in Milton, and at 1 o'clock Sunday morn
ing repaired to the Gebhart ranch, to
take Nackle dead or alive. Thehonse was
surrounded and the posse waited for the
appearance of its man. About daylight
Nackle made his attempt to escape, and
a running fight occurred for three milea,
during which from one hundred to one
hundred and fifty ehots were fired, but
no one was badly hurt. Nackle was
finally cornered, and surrendered. He
was taken to Milton, where bis prelim
inary examination will be held to
morrow morning.
Nackle was sentenced from Colfax in
June, 1893, to serve eight years for gran 3
larceny. He waa a very refactory prisoner.
DealneM Cannot D. Cared.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There ia only one way to cure deafness
and that is bv constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Ib en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever: nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars : free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
tJ&Sold by Druggists, 75c. , 6-10
Proof That French Royalists Planned
a Coup Against the Republic.
Madrid, Feb. 18. A newspaper pub
lished in Genoa, capital of the province
of that-name, northeast of Barcelona,
says :
"Don Jaime, eon of the pretender, ar
rived here last Thursday after visiting
Valencia and Barcelona. There is no
doubt that a formidable Carlist conspira
cy actually exists."
Paris, Feb. 28. Rappeli and other
papers etite that the papers ot royalists
who were seized, show clearly the exist
ence of an Orleaniat plot, which had
been aided by subscriptions by certain
foreign sovereigns.
The authorities are convinced that
they have foiled a dangerous conspiracy.
Xja Orlppe Soccesftfally Treated.
"I have just recovered from the sec
ond attack of La Grippe this year," says
Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think. with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days against ten days for the former at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have been equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this emedy as 1
had to go to bed in about six hours after
being 'struck1 with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
a Hon t t vert tuva HofnrA cptf in 'Hntpn
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
DeWitt'a Little Early- Risers,
The famous II; tie Dills. "
The Result of Imperfect Digestion of
Every living thing, plant or animal,
contains within itself the germa of cer
tain decay and death.
In the human 'body these germs of
death (called by scientists Ptomaines),
are usually the result of imperfect diges
tion of food ; the result of indigestion or
The stomach, from abuse, weakens,
does not promptly and thoroughly digest
the food. The result is a heavy, sodden
mass which ferments (the first process of
decay) poisoning the blood, making it
thin, weak and lacking in red corpuscles ;
poisoning the brain causing headaches,
pain in the eyes.
Bad digestion weakens' the heart,
causing palpitation and finally bringing
on disease of this very important organ.
Poor digestion poisons the kidneys,
causing bright'a disease and diabetes.
And this ie eo because every organ,
every nerve depends upon the stomach
aione for nourishment and renewal, and
weak digestion ehows itself not only in
loss of appetite and flesh, but in weak
nerves and muddy complexion.
The great English scientist, Huxley,
said the best start in life is a sound
stomach. Weak stomachs fail to digest
food properly, because they lack the
proper quantity of digestive adds (lactic
and hydrochloric; and peptogenic pro
ducts ; the most sensible remedy in all
cases of indigestion, is to take after each
meal one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, because they supply in a pleas
ant, harmless form all the elements that
weak stomachs lack.
The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure any form ot trouble
except cancer of the stomach.
They increase flesh, insure pure blood
strong nerves, bright eye and clear com
plexion, because all these result only
from wholesome food well digested.
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets at 50 cents full sized
package or by mail by enclosing price to
Stnart Co., Marshall. Mich., but ask
your druggist first. A little book on
stomach diseases mailed free. Address
Stuart Co., Marshall; Mich.
' . Seen Near Stayton.
Stayton, Or., Feb. 27. Tbe two con
victs who escaped from tbe state peni
tentiary Saturday were tracked to this,
vicinity today, and the bridges over the
Santiam river at Stayton, Mebama and
Mill City were ordered, closely guarded.
It was learned from J. H. Porter, a peni
tentiary officer in pursuit, that the con
victs made, an unsuccessful attempt to
secure a change of clothing at the farm
house of John Lewis, between Salem
and this city.
For frcst bites,, burns, -indolent sores,
eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first
and beet. Look oat for dishonest people
who try to imitate and counterfeit it.
It's their endorsement of a good article.
Worthless goods are not imitated. Get
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes
Kinerslv Drug Co. -
Branton Was Cool. ' "
1 Eugene, Or.,Feb. 27. Claude Branton,
the condemned murderer, showed but
little concern today when notified that
the supreme court bad sustained the de
cision of tbe circuit 'court in his case.
His attorney states that an application
will be made for a bearing. :.
Before the discovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis
turbed by coughing congregations. . No
excuse for it now. Snipes-Kinersly
.Drug Co. . . , '.-
Filipinos PnKtinETteir Usual
All Aim American Lines.
Captain and a Private of the Twentieth
Kansas Seriously Wounded Cali
fornia Volunteers to Sail for Ne
gros Tomorrow.
Manila; Feb. 28, 4:35 p. m. There
has been the nsnal desultory firing along
various parts of tbe line, but the only
casualties today are those of Captain
David' Elliott, Twentieth Kansas volun
teers, and a private of the same regi
ment. Both are seriously wounded.
They were shot by the enemy sharp
shooters near Calocan. A battalion of
the Twenty-third infantry received a
battalion of the California volunteers at
San Pedro Macato today. The later will
be orderedto embark on the transport
St. Paul tomorrow for Negros.
Manila, Feb. 28, 10:10 a. m. The
rebels at Malabon fired upon the cruiser
Calao from the jungle yesterday while
Admiral Dewey waa visiting tbe Monad
nock. Three Bhella were dropped by
the monitor into the Malabon church,
demolishing the structure and killing a
number of rebels who were inside.
A factory at Malolos is reported to be
running day and night to supply am
munition .'for the insurgents. The
ignorance of the natives ia shown , by
the fact that they have collected empty
Springfield shells and are refilling them.
Over two thousand of these cartridges
have been discovered in bouses in
Pandayean by an officer of the Washing
ton volunteers. The cruiser Charleston
and the gunboat Concord have gone on
a ten days' crnise, presumably looking
for filibusters. It is believed that arms
are being landed in small quantities at
northern ports.
Everything was absolutely quiet last
night, both inside and outside tbe city.
Tbe ' commissioners appointed by
President McKinley to study the con
ditions in the island are expected to ar
rive here Saturday.
Million Glren Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in tbe land who
are not afraid to be generous to tbe
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion tf knowing it baa absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, and get a free trial bottle.
Regular size, 50 cents and $1. Every
bottle guaranteed or price refunded. 3
' Great Northern Won't Build.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 27. President
James J. Hill, of tbe Great Northern rail
road, authorized a denial of the leport
that the Great Northern would build a
branch line into the Republic mining
district. He said tbe business would
not justify tbe exteneion.
Bed Hot From the Gun
Was the'bell that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for - twenty years. Then
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
euaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists. 3
as to our just claim of having;
Muslin Underwear of high
quality combined with low
price, can best be obtained at
our .Muslin Underwear de
partment this week. 3
1 W M 13
. . .. '
I K. m. ttlilliams & Go.
Demonstration in
iVluslin Wear.
Counters heaped with a collection ot well-made, neatly
trimmed Muslin Undergarments, offered you at prices that
are less than the cost of each single garment, if vou did
the sewing, muslin and trimming buying.' You know what
home-made garments cost; make a memo, of the figure,
then come here and see if we can't give yon a better gar
ment for the same money. Muslin Undergarments at
10c, 12c, 19c, 29c, 55c, 79c and $1.13.
Ghroniele Publishing Co.
fleat lXXotk.
Quick GUork.
Reasonable Prices,
The Dalles, Oregon.
wasco warehouse C
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ? feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
(Y" TJlOIlT - Thia Flour ie manufactured expressly for family
vJH. use: every Rack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.'
' We sell our goods lower than any honee in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced. -
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. ,