The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 25, 1899, Image 3

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A WBidwinter Scene
in Summer Goods.
On Monday, the 27th inst., we will offer the public
the choicest collection of
itfs Inserilons
Narrow, Medium and Wide, both single or in sets, and of the daintiest
patterns the manufacturer is able to produce.
The goods will com mence at
per yard, and will gradually increase until they have reached
giving you a range of prices as follows : 2c, 3c, 5c, 7c, 9c, 11c and 17c.
These are virtually the former prices
Cut in Two, One Week Only.
And that, you may have materials tor using this Embroidery
upon, we will place at your disposal a line of
commencing at the nominal price of
per yard, and ranging as follows : 5c, 6c, 7c, 9c, 13c and 15c.
Bat this is not all, for we anticipated the wants of all housekeepers at this
time of the year and have just received the largest invoice of s
We have ever had, and in order that you may thoroughly appreciate
the price we paid for them, will quote you some prices that will thorough
ly convince you that they are cheaper than you ever saw them, and that
it will not justify you to make them when you have other spring sewing
to do.
45x36 inch Hemmed Pillow Cases. 13c each
45x36-inch Hemmed Pillow Cases .19c each
63x90-inch Hemmed Sheets 37c each
23x2 yards Hemmed Sheets 43c each
2x2 yards Hemmed Sheets 53c each
2x2 yards Hemmed Sheets 59c each
2x2 yards Hemstitched Sheets 63c each
We are constantly receiving new goods and will give yon special lines
with special prices from time to time. Some of the newest things are
and above all the moat complete line of
ever shown the critical public of Eastern Oregon. ,
AH Goods Marked in Plain Figures. -.
Advertise in...
The Dalles My Chronicle.
. .FEBRUARY 25, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Additional local an Fourth page.
Pease & Maya ad ot white goods should
be read by all the ladies.
It is requested that all Elks meet
promptly at 7 :30 this evening.-
Smith Bros soiree will be held at the
K. of F. ball tonight at 9 o'clock. The
usual good time will be had.
Tomorrow evening at the Congrega
tional church the audience will have
the opportunity of hearing the A. L. P.
S. quartet. '
Everyone should plan to attend the
Farmers' Institute Wednesday and
Thursday. It is not for farmers alone,
but for all.
Prices that are not duplicated else
where on the same qualities of muslin
underwear are now current at A. M.
Williams & Co.'s.
The "A. L. P. S."began rehearsing to
day for the concert on March 1st, to be
given by the Lutheran ladies in the
Baldwin opera house.
For the next few days Pease & Mays
will give to each purchaser of a 15-cent
packageof H. O. Oatmeal, one package
of H. O. Buckwheat -free.
David Garrison, who has been con
fined to his home by a severely-sprained
ankle for the past two months, is again
1 1 .1 1 : . 1 1
.uio iaj wain aiuuuu a ubbie.
The condition of Mr. and Mrs
Just how much Dalles people are in
terested in the D. P. & A. N. Co. and its
boats was evidenced yesterday by the
large crowd, about one hundred in num
ber, which boarded the new Regulator
at 2 :30 o'clock, for the purpose of taking
a spin down the river and determining
what she . could do after donning her
new clothes. Captain Sherman was at
the helm ready for the fray.
The breezes got wind of the trial trip
and look part in the circus, walking the
tight ropes and tumbling around the
decks until the passengers took refuge
in the cabin. Then, too, the rains de
scended and got the drop on the few
who still insisted on remaining outside.
until the Dalles Citv hove in sisrht.
I. wjth CaDt. Short at the wheel, as thev
Sargent is reported as somewhat im-lreached Ranking Landing. . Await-
proved over that of a few days since, h, nnenferlM f, , must make
When they were confined to their beds. he iandiDg8, at i.yie the race began,
day, Wednesday and Thursday of next
week- The order of the repertoire will
be as follows : Monday and Wednes
day evenings, "The School for Scandal ;"
Tuesday evening, "Othello;" Wednes
day matinee, "Hamlet ;'Thursday even
ing, "Macbeth." A number of Dalles
peoole are planning to go down, and it
would be well were others to improve
the opportunity of hearing such famous
actors. To hear them in either one of
the plays mentioned i9 worth many
times the cost of a trip to Portland.
Prof. S. N. Steele, the first bass of the
A. L. P. S. male quartet, arrived on
last night's train from Albany. He is
accompanied by his father, who is on
his way to Spokane, but will lay over to
hear the quartet rehearse. Mr. Steele
is a brother to the famous artist whose
paintings received the highest award at
the World's Columbian Exposition.
Mr. Steele is a mnsician of a high stand
ard, possessing a rich baritone voice and
a very delicate ear, so' essential to quar
tet singing. He is also the funny man
of the quartet, and his humorous selec
tions never fails to bring down the house.
Regulator Ahead, But the Dalles City Is
Bard to Beat.
Of special interest to the ladies at find at 6:22 the whistles 00 both
present, is the muslin underwear sale announced that all was ready.
now on at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. A
glance at their show-windows will ex
plain. G. F. AlcKinnon was arrested last
night for being drunk and . disorderly.
This is his third offense of this character
and he will no doubt be taught a lesson
hard to forget.
This morning Mrs. Waud, wife of Ed.
Wand, who was formerly in the employ
I of Maier & Benton, died at her home,
I just across Mill creek bridge on Fourth
I street, of blood poisoning. She is about
I 27 years of age.
Mr. Ryan, the instructor on the banjo
and guitar, and his assistant, Mr. Alden,
gave a musicale at the Hotel Pen
dleton, which was a very pleasant affair
and enjoyed by their pupils and friends."
East Oregonnnia.
Mrs. C. Guintber, whose death was
noticed inyeeterday'eCHRONicLE.was the
wife of C. Guintber, deceased, who was
buried at Moro Wednesday. At the
time ot her husband's death ehe was
very low, and unable- to attend tbe
We are informed that the stage line
from The Dalles to Priieville intend
I soon to put the coaches' back on tbe
road. This is doubtless a good move
ment as the accommodations for pas-
II sengers at present are ft a very peculiar
nature. feu&DiUUh.
The body of John F. Mohr will be
brought to this city this evening from
Hood River for burial. The funeral will
be held at the Catholic church tomorrow,
probably at 3 o'clock. Definite arrange
ments will be made upon the arrival of
tbe relatives this evening.
The Heppner Gazette says : "City
Recorder Richardson was one of the for
tunate participants in the Elks' festivi
ties at The Dalles. , The judge reports a
most enjoyable time among bis many
friends there, and feels that The Dalles
Elks are fully up to the requirements of
a good time, irregardless of expense, and
took special pains in tbe entertainment
of visitors from neighboring towns."
Being much later than was expected
in returning from the trip down the river
yesterday, the passengers began to be
aware of the fact that tbey could not
subsist on wind and were about to start
for Hungry Harbor when the lights 'of
heme met their gaze. ' The lives of two
hungry reporters were prolonged ' by
Mine Host of the Umatilla, -who took
pity on them and gave them a handout
from a light lunch he had hurriedly put
In his pocket. Judd declared news
paper reporters wfere not alone on tbe
scent for news; but would chase bread
and cheese as far as they could - detect
the odor. . ' .. w' . v
The Ward-Kidder -James triumvirate
will be in Portland on Monday, Tues-
The Regulator was about a half a
length ahead as the race began, and al
though she led all tbe way, the Dalles
City was "right at her heels" aa the say.
ing goes, and tbe greateet distance be
tween them at any time was about a
length and a half. It was a pretty sight
as the passengers watched them intent-
y, eager that their own boat come out
bead. As they neared the city tbe
Dalles City began gaining, and it eeemed
o be a question which would throw
he line first ; but the good old Regu-
ator, (long may she sail), touched the
ipock first, as the shout of trinmph arose
ana tne wnisue tola ot victory.
The distance, which is nine miles, was
made in about twenty-five minutes,
which, if exactly correct, would make
nineteen miles an hour. "Then, too, an
allowance of three miles must be made
for current. j
The Dalles City, which is allowed 250
pounds of Bteam, carried from 160 to
185; while the Regulator, whose limit is
151 pounds, carried from 90 to 150. The
conditions not being as perfect as they
might have been, as the Regulator's
steam pipes are not as yet covered, and
some features in regard to conditions on
the DalleB City being taken into con
sideration, this is not considered a per
fect test, and tbe engineer is confident
that becan beat this time by five or six
minutes ; but it has certainly added to
the faith which the owners have in the
tw boat?, and tbe pride which" our
citizens feel in having two such steamers
on the river.
Two better hulls do not enter the port
of Portland than are possessed by these
boats. Of the Dalles City Capt. Short
says: "She Is the best handling boat I
have ever managed ;"and Capt.Sherman
is equally as confident of the Regulator.
It fact, eyeryone is unanimous in their
estimate of the boats owned by this
Clrctilc Court.
L. Morris, who plead guilty to simple
larceny, was sentenced this morning to
serve one month in the county jail. This
is tbe case in which two overcoats were
stolen from the residence of M. T.
Nolan. . . .
- Wm. Rolfe, who took a shot at C. B.
Reese at Antelope, was fined one hun
dred dollars.
In the case of Wm. Floyd, et. al., vs.
Wasco County, the jury returned dam-
ages to the appellant to the amount of
$120. This is the same sum as was al
lowed by tbe county court. . u
, . Wanted.
A girl or middle aged lady to do gen
eral bouse work. JS'o children and no
washing, inquire at this office. ' 25-lw
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. '. tf
lemoval Notice.
We will move into our new store building on.
or about March 15th.
Our store will be complete in every depart
ment. We have a complete line of '99 model Colum
bia and Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices. ,
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
Mays c&3 Orowo-
Opposite old stand.
Hftei the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books ia complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co,
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
.. He Mw0 H flio Fin Saloon...
'90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Daiies, or. a Tom Burke's jjP Homestead. Whiskey
$0.90. 1
3 Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
$1 worth of checks a
good for we drink. Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars.
E or cigar. 3 .
The Largest and Best of August Buchler'
Home-made Beer and Porter.
check witn each purchase
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Prof. Bartholomew's
florae Extravaaaiion
12-Wcndsrful Educated Horses-12
Baldwin Opsra House,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Admission, 15, 25, 35 cts.
In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with tbe transient action ; but
now that it is generally known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well in
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Cq.
We have just received a large ship
ment of the
"H. O." Steam
Cooked Cereals.
In order to thoroughly introduce thepe
goods we will for a tew days GIVE
WITH EACH 15c package of "H. O."
Oatmeal, - '
...Absolutely Free...
Obe package of "II. O." Buckwheat.
"H. O." will build up bone and mnscle,
tone the nervous system and assist di
gestion in young and old alike.
Golden Eagle
Crawford and
$20 00, $25.00, ;
$30.00, $50.00,