The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 23, 1899, Image 3

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    No More Conjecture.
, These Are Facts.
Those things that have so long been a
dream have now become a reality. We
have asked you repeatedly to wait just a
little longer and you have been patient,
but the time has arrived,, and so have the
goods, that will make every mother's ,
heart leap for joy. - .
Our Infant's and Children's Slips
In white are the loveliest things you ever saw.
For shirt waists, party and graduating dresses are
dainty in the extreme.
The swellest things known for the adornment of
Ladies' and Children's dresses and underwear.
The most elaborate creations of the foreign manu
faclurer's imagination. . .
That so many have wanted are here and are the
latest thing for head gear.
Have you seen them? If not, come in4 and ask
for them as they are the rage from ocean to ocean.
They are chains for the neck, N and to see them is to
have one. t
These things herein mentioned are but a few of
the numerous 'things that are ready for the purchaser.
Of our Shoe Department is one evidence
of the popularity of Eastern Oregon's
Greatest Department Store. Another is
the increasing demand for our Gentle
men's Medium-priced Footwear, a few
advance styles of which we have dn dis
play in our show window. To help you
make a selection we quote :
Men's Tan Kangaroo Lace, "Cambridge Toe,"
a swell Shoe, "the Real Thing" $4.00
Men's Tan Calf Lace, 'Grecian Toe;" good
color, new toe; "right in it" 3.50
Men's Sterling Kid Lace, "Cambridge Toe;"
easy as a Vi'ci; one of the latest 4.00
Men's Colt Skin Lace, Plain Round Toe; soft
as Kid, tough as Calf. 3.50
Men's Calf Lace, New Coin Toe; a good
wearer and dress' 3.50
Men's Glaze Kangaroo Lace, Plain Toe. Ah!
these will cure your corns...:... 4.00
We have others at your own price.
All Gooda Marked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
Telephone No. i.' ;v-
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule Mill be positive.'
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Horse show
' Tonight at the Baldwin.
Saturday is the day when, the ladies
will have on sale, in the window at J,
H. Cross' st"re, all kinds of pastry.
itiis morning about 1 o clock fa
Hilarious citizen of The Dalles, who was
intent on disturbing the peace of the
city during the entire night, was
''jugged" by the night watchman, antf
has spent today in regretting his folly.
What was our surprise this morning
to be greeted by a genuine snow storm,
which was far from what might have
been expected. However, it soon dis
appeared, silently stealing away, and
the sun soon obliterated all traces of :t.
No. 1, the west-bound passenger,
which should arrive at 2 :55, ia reported
as eight hours late, which will bring it
in about 10:55. However, trains are
mighty "oncertain," so' don't take ou
word for it; but inquire further, or y
may get left.
Mays & Crowe's new store will be t
pride of the city when it is finished a
the finest hardware store in the Nor
west. It will probably be a month be
fore it is completed and the goods all in
place; but already it is easy to tell what
it will be like:
Reports are continually coming in as
to the wheat crops which are said to be
lost. While this is no doubt true in
many cases, in others the conclusion is
premature. Those who know, say much
of what is thought , to be lost, w ill yet
rove itself all right.
Last night at a banquet erven by the
Oregon Society of the Bona'bf the Ameri
can Revolution in .Portland, ixed W.
Prof. Bartholomew's
jloiSB Extravagation
12-Wonderful Educated Horses-12
Baldwin Opera House,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Admission, 15, 25, 35 cts
his thoroughbred, "Queen Anne," with
out reins. He will compete with any
one driving with reins, and choosing a
spot or object anywhere cn the street,
such as a telegraph pole, .will, by indi
cating to the horse, touch that object.
'J his is different than anything you have
ever seen. Don't miss it.
Dancers have no cause to complain
as to the scarcity of this amusement
in The Dalles recently. Another oppor
tunity was afforded them last evening,
when an impromptu dancing party was
given at the K, of P. hall by eome'of
our society youug men. About thirty
couples were present, just enough to
cause everyone to feil perfectly at borne
and in a humor to uiake the most of the
evening's pleasure. Music, was fnrnithed
by the Baldwin orchestra. The floor
was never in' better condition, which
added much to toward making the affair
the success it was.
A bill has passed the -state senate
wliich practically nullifies the present
grand jury system. The bill was .intro
duced by Moody during the closing days
of the legislative session and passed dur
ing the rush of business without it be-
t had the en-
ar Association
Wilson, ot this city, responded to the
toast, '.'Westward theCouree of Empire,"
and if Fred equaled' his former efforts,
his speech was pot excel lea by any
Don't forget to remember that tonight
s the night .for Smith Bros.' dancing
class. You can pass a few hours very
pleasantly by - beim; present. Their
soiree on Saturday night will be held in
the K. of F. hall, instead of the Baldwin,
as the latter ia occupied for the evening
by the horse show. '
One of the men who had been called
to the city as a witness in the Forrester
case, but who was not put on the stand,
seems to have been determined to make
the most of his visit, and. proceeded to
get on a "tear." After caueing consider
able trouble, he was last night arrested
and fined $10 bv the recorder. '
Bartholemew's trained horses arrived
in the city Tuesday night. No parade
was given today as the band has not yet
arrived. You will recognize the animals
as they are taken up and down our
streets, by their fine appearance, all of
them being California thoroughbreds.
It is said they have an expression almost
For the past two nights star-gazers
haye observed a large circle around the
moon, and having run out of a topic for
conversation have commented as to its
beauty and what it may portend. Tbev
are assured bv thoee who have made
astrouomy 9 study, that in this part of
the country it has no particular sig
nificance, although in many places it
would declare a storm. ' "
This morning in putting on his mack
intosh the owner found in the outside
pocket a pair of cream opera gloves,
which was evidently put there by some
one through a mistake at the Elks' party
last week, as that is the last time he wore
the coat. As the gloves are expensive
ones, no doubt" the owner will be pleased
to recover them, and can do so by call
ing at this office and paying for the
advertising. " ' "
Among the great losers of stock from
the scarcity of feed to tide his- sheep
over ' during the severe winter, is
"Kishwalk," a Warm Spring Indian.
Out of a band of 5000, he is said to have
lost about 2000, and the corrals are
covered with their carcasses. Three
men are kept busy ekiniag the sheep in
order. to save the pelts. Kishwalk is an
energetic man and a bard worker, whose
bad luck is to be regretted.
Be down on First street near the Uma
tilla House tomorrow afternoon at 1 :30,
if you want to see x Prof.- Bartholomew
give a scientific exhibition in. driving
coming generally ion
dorsement of the Oregon
and becomes a law ninety days after be
ing signed by the governor. It provides
that the district attorney shall in
vestigate information in cases which are
held to the grand jury. The law does
not abolish the grand jury system, but
leaves it optional with the circuit judge
whether a grand jury shall be convened
The case of Wm. Floyd, et al., 'vs.
Wasco County is being tried in the cir
cuit court before the following jury :
Frank - Fleming, T. C. Benson, Fred
Fisher, E. E. Lyons, Alex Fraser, Jon
Wagenblast, Lane M. Smith, T. H.
Johnston, J. F. Markham, O, B. Con-
and ank Ppahnrly Council
agreed that the case should be tried be
fore eleven jurors, as the panel was ex
hausted. This case is an appeal from
the decision of the county court as to
the amount of damages allowed by the
appraisers t3 property through which a
road was to be opened. B. S. Hunting
ton appears for the appellant while A.
A. Jayne represents the respondent.
The Ladle of the Aid Society and Their
Friends Highly Entertained.
emoval Notice.
We will move into our new store building on
or about March 15th.
Our store will be complete in every depart
ment. We have a complete line of '19 model Colum
bia and Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
Washington's birthday was not forgot
ten yesterday by the Ladies' Aid Society
of the Congregational church, who cele
brated it in a very happy manner, being
entertained by Mrs. 6. E. Sanders and
Mrs. J. M. Huntington, at the home of
the latter. . ( '
' About eighty ladies were present, in
cluding many members of the Good In
tent Society of the M. E. church and
outside friends. Each was met at the
door by two diminutive George Wash
ingtons and two Martha Waehingtons,
who presented them with a small sou
venir flag and ushered them into the
parlors, when they found themselves in
a most patriotic atmosphere. Every
where was the red, white and. blue, re
lieved by evergreene, and ever preeent
was the memorable hatchet. The dining
room was especially, beautiful in its de
coration, the bunting forming a canopy
and the pretty-foliage and berries of the
California pepper tree were much in
As an opening, all joined in singing
"America", after which a short program
was given. Mrs. Myers read an excel
lent paper on ''The Life of George Wash
ington;". Mrs. Huntington' and Mrs.
Corson Bangs very pretty duet; Miss
Cashing rendered "Ben Bolt", with
guitar accompaniment, and then all
were expectant, as it had been an
nounced that A. R. Thompson, J. Hunt'
I ingtpn and G. E. Sanders would eing a
trio. The ladies had gotten their em ell-J
ing salts put and made up their minds.
come what would, they would "face tha
the music." What was their surprise
(having not calculated upon the little
sons having been given their fathers'
names when christened; as in walked
the junior A. R., G. E. and J. Of course
the pleasant surprise added to the enjoy
ment of their selection, which was very
pleasing. ,
Elaborate refreshments were served
after all had joined heartily in playiog
games, "stage coach", being the very
amusing game chosen as the favorite.
Not only was the social part of the
afternoon very successful ; but the ladies
added to the fund of their society-a neat
little sum.
Opposite old stand.
Aftet the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical-Instruments,
etc., that we are selling at popular prices. '
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jacobsen Book & Music Go,
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
. . .He Reno wuefl Olff Oro Fia Saloon.
90 Second St., second door from Court.
118 October 15
The Dalles, Or.
1 worth of checks 3
good for 10c drink.
E .orflgar.
cueck wan purchase
I Tom Burke's f Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
I Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigara.
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York. .
Will Be Held Here on 'Wednesday and
Thursday A. Good Program.
In Olden Times -
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; but
now that it is generally known that
Syrnp of Figs ' will 'permanently over
come ' habitnal constipation, well in
formed people will not buy other7 laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
' Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair
Tonic for dandruff and fal'ing hair. tf
The liveliest man in the. state was in
the city last evening R. C. Judson, in
dustrial agent of the O. K. & N. Com
pany. If we had a few more such un
tiring workers as he, we would have an
immigration such as the state could not
He is now holding institutes in differ
ent towns, and after one he is now pre
paring to be held in Milton, be will
reach The Dalles on Tuesday, February
28tb, to complete arrangements for the
farmers' institute to be held here, on
Wednesday and Thursday, the 1st and
2d of next month. Those who remember
that throngh his efforts the wool-growers'
convention was the Buccess it was
last year, will know what to expect of
this meeting. While it will be especial
ly instructive to farmers, it will be little
less interesting to our citizens, and al
though the former are urged, for . their
own good, to make an effort to be pree
ent. It is also expected that Dalles peo
ple, will appreciate the opportunity.
Among the speakers who will be pres
ent are Hon. James Withycombe, who
will epeak on ''Tillage a .Factor In the
Conservation of Moisture.'! Prof. A. B.
Cordley has for his subject "Fruit Pests
and Spraying;" Prof. A. E. Lake, "The
Coming Horticultural Problems;'' Prof.
G.W. Shaw,"Education of the Future;"
Prof. A. B. Leckerby, the well known
expert on grasees, "How to Make Our
Homes Pleasant;" and Prof. W. W:
Phillips will epeak on an all-important
subject to fruit-raisers, "The Packing
of Fruit for Eastern Markets."
The ladies are not to be forgotten, and
it is to be hoped that our friends from
the country will bring their wives and
daughters. All who have heard of the
famous lectures on cooking by Miss Susie
Tracy in Portland, will be glad to know
that she will be hereon the 2d and give
an illustrated lecture on the subject.
Mrs. Dr. Snell, of the state university,
will also speak during the institute, ou
"Hygiene of the Home." This question
is one which should interest everyone.
The meeting will be held in the court
room, and with such a program it should
be packed.
The smallest things may exert the
greatest influence. De Witt's Little
Eaely Risers are nnequaled for overcom
ing constipation and liver trouble. Small
pill,' best pill, safe pills. Snipea-Kin-
ersly Drug Co.
Information Wanted .
Regarding a sorrel mare, reported to
be on government flat. Said mare is
branded L. O. on left shoulder ; has etar
in forehead ; is six years old. Party who
will deliyer same to me at Endereby
post office, will be suitably rewarded.
Address, . AtjgustXonghen.-Feb.l5,lm-i
Endersby, Or
While moving household goods recent
ly, a pair of navy blue trousers was lost,
somewhere between Filth and Court
streets and the bluff. ,. Finder pleaee
eave at this office and receive reward
' 20-3t-
To Cnre a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine ' Tab
lets. All druggists refund the mooey if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Golden Eagle
Crawford and
$20.00, $25.00,
$30.00, $60.00,