TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF HGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes Saiown to the California Fig Syrup Ca only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As - the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califokhta Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pat ' ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fr? Stkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. ' It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and towels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CL Kerns vrLLE. k7. kkw tore. w. . PKKSUNAL MENTION. R. C. Wallis is a Rufus visitor in the city. T. C. Benson ia up from the Locks to day. VV. C. Allaway returned from a short easiness trip to Portland last night. Leslie Butler made a trip to Portland yesterday morning, returning last night C. M. Cartwrigbt, of Hay Creek, came op from Portland yesterday. .Misses Effie and Vesta Bolton left this morning for a few days' visit with rela Uvea iu Ooldendale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrester expect to leave in a few day for Mitchell, where be has secured work. Mrs. Belle Keys came down yesterday from ber home at Mayville, and will .epend aiew days in the city. TSepTeemlative A. S. Roberts and jr family, who returned Monday from Ja!eui, left this morning for tneir ranch 1 near Dea Chutes. Representative K. N. Dcraneliy, who is uosv called the "father of Wheeler county," spent yesterday in the city, leaving labt night for fiis home in the new county. . Mrs. Waffle, mother of Mrs. W. H. Fowler, arrived in the city this morning feoxa Pendleton. She found her little grandson much improved when she reached the city. I'rr. .h,tv4 Mrs. C. B. Yeackle, of Cen Xerwille, returned this morning from "Oalikosh, Wis., where they have been visiting for the past three months. Mr. Chas. Eleitz, a brother of Mrs. Yeackle, '-returned w.ith them and will make . Klickitat-eounty his future home. While v in tJfeast . Mr. Yeackel purchased a i'0-horse-power Burtzel threehing Xjcv&c'iine. .NO 5TOCK OF ANY KIND. Oot Corr syondent Wishes All Stock Excluded. TrtE Dallks. Feb. 20, '99. Editor Chkoniclb : We have seemed to have bad a mild attack by W. E. G. through your issue of the 15th inst. ; therefore, with your fctnd permission, we will try to show that it was some cattle man or men that ie was training his guns on. Our posi tion is that there shall be no driving up on, herding, or pasturing our timber re serve with stock of any kind ; and right here we will say that we feel as proud of Che sheep industry as any man, and have . always been found working hard for that industry with ballot and political in fluence. Can W. E. G. say as much? We perhaps would know Mr. W. E. G better if he would give us the name his another gave him. For the Rake of the forest reserve and forest influences, we say all herds off; and a strong government police on. The policy of requiring those who lease the reserve to take with them fromj.400 to 00 pounds of grass seed to sow in the mountains implies that they must burn off the ground, or hunt for places where someone else has fired tire ' mountains for it would be of no use to sow the grass eed among the forest leaves. Another yery important reason why -the herds should be kept off tbe reserve is that there is not half room for all and thus liie more pity that the forests and iicnae-e should Buffer so much injury for ttiie benefit of so few. It is doubtful if there baa been as little snow in tbe mocirtains for the last forty . years as (tkeere today. Fourteen years ago last noct& -was the last deep snow that has Satien in this country, and the water has not run out on ' the bedrock bat very little since that deep snow.' Before that year, it was ,very common for the snows to fall deep and the waters to run in the little draws and on the bedrock until in the month of May. and first of June. Mr. W. E. G. says that wheat could not be. raised on these plateaus tbuncb grass land) twenty years ago. Say, W. E. G., go ask yonr poppy about that, if you have one. J. J. Grif fin more than twenty years ago raised a field of wheat that averaged forty bush els to the acre, and a few other measured acres averaged sixty bushels to the acre. More than thirty years ago the writer raised barley on this bunchgrass land that grew eo tall and heavy that it lodged in places. Since about fourteen years ago our enowa have been less abundant, our rains have been less and more irregular and crops lighter and our climate drier. Give us back- the mulching on tbe ground, the nnder growth and timber destroyed by fires, the snows that were held by these until late in the spring; and then agree this Eighty forest in summer will inhale at night waters from the snows beneath, tbe dews and rains from above and in the hot summer days will exhale thousands of tons of water that will impregnate, this dry atmosphere of Eastern Oregon and will generate dews and snows which will again give us good crops. For authentic information on forest cljmatic influences see bulletinNo. .. 7 for 1892 by secretary of argicul-" tore. We are glad to see the relief given as east of Mt. Hood by Com.' Hermann as set forth by S. B. Ormsby, forest superintendent. H. Bice. . How to Prevent Pneumonia. Yon are perhaps aware that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an attack of La Grippe. Daring the epidemic of La Grippe a few years ago when so many caees resulted: in pneu monia, it was observed that tbe attack was never followed by that d . ease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or La Grippa to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad colds and La Grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by Blakeiey & Houghton', druggists. Fighting With Fire. Manila, Feb. 21,-9 :35 A. M. The natives of the village ofPaco made a bold attempt last night to born tbe quprters of the First Washington volunteers by setting fire to the huts adjoining their quarters in the rear. Fortunately the wind changed at tbe moment the fire was discovered, and, fanned by a stiff breeze, the flames spread in the opposite direction, destroying fully 20 shacks and houses opposite the ruins of the church The incendiaries escaped. Mysterious signals were frequently made along the enemy's lines during the night, and this led to the belief that an attack bad been arranged, but nothing happened. The rebels are leaving tbe vi-.'.inity of San Pedro Macati in small parties, and are reported to be moving toward Sing- alon. Lost. While moving household goods recent ly, a pair of navy blue trousers was lost, somewhere between Fifth and Court streets and the bluff. 'Finder please eave at this office and receive reward. 20-3t , Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no . treat rnent helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him.. It cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeiey & Hough ton, druggists. I To the Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for La Grippe, colds or whooping cough. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Try it. Blakeiey & Houghton, druggists. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it, Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Suepard, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden Mo., eays: "No on3 will be disappoint ed in nsing One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. stupes, iinwrmey urng Uo. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. De Witt's Little Early Risers are unequaled for overcom ing constipation and liver trouble. Small pill, best pill, safe pills. Snipes-Kin ersly Drug Co.s For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take larger pictures , than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke fc Falk. tf AN ALASKA H0ER0R. Greedy Indians Murder and Rob Prospectors. Not Satisfied with Reasonable Par the Red Fiends Kill a Shipwrecked Crew o Whites Many Lives Lost. The number of lives lost in the rush tr. Alaska, in the search for gold prob ably never will be known, and tbe man ner m which hundreds oi persons have met death in the wilds of Alaska will ver remain the subject of speculation among friends and relatives. The latest c-ports tell of the fate of IS persons A-ho are said to ba.ve been killed while rv.ing' to enter the mouth of the Kus- cokv.im river last June on the lit-t.l iearr.er Jesse. The story has just been jrcught from that' section in a letter to Barneson and Chilcott, who were part owners in the wrecked steamer. The letter was written by a hunter and trader on Nuinivak island, ICO miles from the mouth of the Koskok win, and in it he claims to have posi tive information that all hands were rescued from the steamer and the barge when they went ashore in the breakers, only to meet death a, the rands of savages. According to Marsten s letTer his wife, who is an Indian woman, paid a visit to her relatives at the mouth of the Kuskokwin river shortly after the wreck of the Jesse. While there she attended a feast given by the Indians, during the progress cf wihioh the In dians got drunk on a kind of liquor made by themselves. While indulging in the general debaucn they quarreled over the possession of certain articles taken from the shipwrecked crew. Her suspicions were aroused by see ing tihem in possession of many valu able articles of wearing apparel, watches, breech-loading rifles and abundant supplies of provisions. She made, inquiries of her grand- trcther, an aged squaw, who related to her how, when the Jesse and the barge Minerva went ashore, the Indians as sisted in saving the whites and the cargo of the barge, and after the whites had established a camp the Ir.cians de manded pay for their services. They wanted nearly "everything the whites had, not leaving, them enough to last the party through the winter. The whites offered' a reasonable amount, which did not satisfy the Indians, whe immediately began planning to take possession of everything. A council was held and it was decided to kill all the whites, which was done the nextnight while they were asleep. The bodies were taken to the sea in c&noes and thrown overboard. Nothing was known of the fate of the -unfortunate prospectors for nearly a month after the wreck, when several bodies came ashore badly decomposed The Indians then reported that the Jesse and the barge had been wrecked and all lost. Report was made to an agent of the Alaska Commercial company, who vis- itl the scene and identi.led the bodies of Capt. Murphv- and Rev. Mr. Webber, a Moravian missionary, who with his wife and children joined the expedi tion at Dutch Harbor and was going to establish a mission among the sav ages who murdered him. It is further stated that the Kuskokwim Indians threaten to stop the whites from pros pecting in the Kuskokwim country, as thev claim it is their hunting and fish ing reserve. Port. Townsend (Wash.) Telegram. Cash tn Yonr Cheeks. All county warrants registered prior to Mch. 14, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 14, 1899. C. L. Phillips, County Treasnrer, Good Wood. To get the best dry fir and pine wcod that tbe market affords ting up 40. Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber ing Co. . Jan27-2m Horrible agony is caused by Piles, burns and skin diseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of worthless imitations. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. W, S. Geary, the piauo tuner, will be in Toe Dalles the first week in March Orders left at either Jacobsen's or Nickelsen's will receive prompt at tention. 10-td STALLION FOR S&LB. One Clydesdale stallion for sale. Can be seen at Ward's ranch, near Dufur For terms apply to Ward Bros., Dufur Or, 123 lmw Men Wanted To cut cord wood. Inquire at Tbe Dalles Lumbering Co. 24tf ' Freas Saunders has purchased tbe wood business of J. T, Reynolds in thi city. Those desiring good. wood will find him by ringing np 'phone number 12. Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teeth. ' tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf You need have no boils if . you will take Clarke & Falk's sore cure for boils, DeWitfs Little Early Risers, The famous little Dills. - La tirlppe SuccesvfullT Treated. . "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of La Grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I nsed Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days against ten' days for the former at tack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first bnt for the usa of this eraedy as 1 had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down,' " For sale by Blakeiey & Houghton. Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers between Portland and Chicago have just been placed in service via the O. R. & N., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern railways daily every day in the year. Cars are of the very latest pattern, in fart being the most improved up-to-date sleeping cars turned out by the Pullmau 'Company. These new palaces will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the O. R. & N. arriving at Chicago the morning of the ourtb day and running through with out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf Wood Wood Wood. We can furnish you with 'strictly first class, dry, fir wood at the same prices, which you have been paying for inferior quality. Send us your orders and get the best. Phone 25.- Mchl. Jos. T. Peters & Co. Mr. S. A. Fackler, editor of the Micanopy (Fla.), Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from - La Grippe One Minute Cough Cure was tbe only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting after effects. Never fails. Snipes-Kineraly Drue Co. Government Lands With fine timber and running: water in Hood River Valley, suitable for homestead and timber entries. We locate individuals or colonies on these lands. Large Milling in dustries now being located here; also town lots ana outer lands for sale. Some of these ' Government lands are the choicest Apple land of the Famous Hood Klver valley. VV. R. WINANS. Land Locator. f22-lm Hood River,Wasco Co., Oregon. NORTHWESTERN T2A7ELEBS ARE "North-Western" Advertisers 6erct3A Is the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST via MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; Anrl also, tht? pmiinment of its trains is the most modern of the car builder's art embodying aty bbc luxuries, comforts ana necessaries oi travel "IBS SEW HORTH-WESTESS LIMITED" (20th Century Train) Is ?fectric lighted both inside and -out. an equipped with handsome bullet-sraomng-iiDrarj sar. comDartment ana standard Sleepers, xret chair car and modern dav coach: and on which no KTUA ( ak.bis cnarged. n mates connec tions at Minneapolis and St. Paul with Northerc Pacific. Great Northern, and "6oo-Pacific" trains: and leaves dailv Minneapolis 7 SO p.m.; St. faui p. m. ; and arrives tjmcago v.tu a. m. For berth reservations, rates, folders and illustrated booklet FREE of the .'Finest Train the World " call at or address Ticket Offices 248 Washington St.. Portland; 606 First Avenue. Seattle: 205 oranite Biocit. Helena; 113 Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis; 395 Robert St.. St. Paul: 406 wes superior St.. Dulutn, or address T. w. Teasdai. General Passengej Agent, St. Paul. Minn WE DO. FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. ; THE DALLES, OREGON. Boarders t. , Day UeK or; r ,' ''--.',. Qof. 4th aijd ilgioi?. Job.... Printing t Regulator Line Tie Dalles.. PprUana ani Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator Dalies City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Rood Klver, Cascade iocks and Port land daily, -c"t Sunday. DOWN THE VALLEY . OR TO EASTERN OREGON? Are von going 1 If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The Wft-t-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving In Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengerB arriving la The la)es In time to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dailes. Oregon. Public Bousing Alley I Next to Columbia Hotel. Open Day and flight. Courteous treatment to all Boculevs... y Special flttractipns For Bowling Parties. Patronage of the public respectfully boliciled. Harry Esplng, Proprietor, E 33 3D 5 CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS . In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery store Cor 2d & Federal Sts. SEEDS Restores' VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting- diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail SOc per box; boxes ior &2.50; with & written guaran tee to cure or refund tne money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson sts CHICACO, ILL. A Beautiful Skin. Ladies, if you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect is simplv magical, possessing tbe wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautiful trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion. shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft and smooth sKin where the reverse exists. Even the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar redness, yellow and muddy skin are permanent ly removed, and a deliciously clear and refined complexion assured. Price per small box, 50 cents; large box, tl.or six large Doxes, a. ent co any auaress pose paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of tne above amount, w rice ior iree circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St San Francisco, Cal, Santa Fe Routt OfFerB travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their ecemc attraction. O. R. & N. view Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Sbaeta Eoate view Sacramento, Xas Angeles and Alberqaerque. A dailv line of through PULLMAN PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Chicago. This is . k The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. Ii. & N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders and descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester, Bldg. Portland, Or. PLEASE LOOK WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAJ 33S GNV 3 WOO J. ti. BCHKNi, President. H. M. Beil , Cashier First national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections mode and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIREOTORS D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schenck. Ed. M. Wiixiam8, Geo. A. Liebb. ' H. M. Bbalu. Mlumbia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKKHS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BAdON OUEO BEEF. ETC. 1 i BROS.. GENERAL BlacKsmiifis ...AND. rs Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers Wagon. Pnone 159 1 TM and Jefferson. ORTHERN y PACIFIC RY. , 0 H s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cars Pining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL HINNEAPUI.I . RTJ LTJTH VAHGO GRAND FOR CKOOK3TON WINNIPEG HELENA an BTJTTE . TO ThFough Tiekets Chicago . : " T WASHINGTON rHllADKLPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, map and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon A. D. 25 ARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., rrieon Cor. Third. Portland Oregon DeWitf Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Cams. Hone