The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 22, 1899, Image 3

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No More Conjecture.
These. Are Facts.
Those things that have so long been - a
dream have now become a reality. We
have asked you repeatedly to wait just a
little longer and you have been patient,
but the time has arrived, and so have the -goods,
that will make every mother's
heart leap for joy.
Our Infant's and Children's Slips
In white are the loveliest things you ever saw.
For shirt waists, party and graduating dresses are
dainty in the extreme.
The swellest things known for the adornment of
Ladies' and Children's dresses and underwear.
The most elaborate creations of the foreign manu
facturer's imagination.
That so many have wanted are here and are the
latest thing for head gear.
Have you seen them? If not, come in and ask
for them as they are the rage from ocean to ocean.
They are chains for the neck, and ito see them is to
have one.
TKese things herein mentioned are 'but a few of
the numerous things that are) ready for the purchaser.
Of our Shoe Department is one evidence
of the popularity of Eastern Oregon's
Greatest Department Store. Another is
the increasing demand for our Gentle
men's Medium-priced Footwear, a few
advance styles of which we have on dis
play in our show window. To help you
make a selection we quote:
Men's Tan Kangaroo Lace, "Cambridge Toe," .
a swell Shoe, "the Real Thing" , $4.00
Men's Tan Calf Lace, "Grecian Toe;" good .
color, new toe; "right in it" 3.50
Men's Sterling Kid Lace, "Cambridge Toe;"
easy as a Vici; one of the latest 4.00
Men's Colt Skin Lace, Plain Round Toe; soft
as Kid, tough as Calf. v.t... 3.50
Men's Calf Lace, New Coin Toe; a good
wearer and dress' 3.50
Men's Glaze Kangaroo Lace, Plain Toe. Ah !
these will cure your corns 4.00
We have others at your own price.
AH Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
Ihe Dalles Daily Chf oniela.
Telephone No. 1.
f crop is anything bat encouraging. " Mr.
Boon brought to this office this morning
some branches of apricot trees, the buds
of which are as dead as a door-nail, and
the branches have everv appearance' of
being in the same fix. The peaches and
many of the grape , vines we-e badly
nipped at his place. Mr. Schanno in
forms us that he judges - about seventy
five per cent of the peach crop will be a
failure, mosfcof the earlv Crawford he-
All Changes in Advertisements rdust jn bevond hooe. while the anricots
be handed in before ip o'clock A. M.,as were aleo badiy injured. Aa to other
no changes will be accepted in the sttfnui. bethinks there is a good show for
ernoon. ihis rule will be positive
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Prof. Bartholomew's
lloiss Extravapliou
12-Wcnderful Educated Horses-12
" Baldwin 0j)8ia Bouse,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Admission, 15, 25, 35 ct
al lot ce.
a lair crop.
Two second-hand Feather stone wheels
for sale cheap at Maier & Benton's. '
Those who have waited so patiently
for "W. B." corsets will now find their
size at Feaee & Mays'.
Lime, sulphur, salt and No. 1 winter
spray for San Jose scale, and cure leaf of
the preach at Maier & Benton's.
Three of oar little friends, Leslie and
Herbert Clarke, and GraHara Kuark,
reminded us tbaf spring a really here
by leaving on our desk today a' bouquet
of the early blue bells Thanks, boys,
call again
Everyone who has seen the horse show
which will be here Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, speaks well of it. It is
no doubt well worth seeing. To see the
animals alone is worth the price of ad
mission 15, 25 and 35 cents.
The ladies of the Congregational
church are arranging to give an Irish
concert on the evening of St. Patrick's
day. A well prepared program will be
rendered at that time, consisting of
sqlos, trios, quartets and choruses. Don't
fail to remember the date.
Through a mistake some lady ' ex
changed "fascinators'.' at the Elk's party
last week. If any one finds in her
possession a new white ice-wool fascina
tor, which is not her. own, she will
greatly oblige the owner by leaving it at
this office and receiving the one belong
ing to her. f20-3t.
The board of fire delegates met last
evening, bat the new board was not or
ganized, all the new members not being
present and the secretaries of the dif -ferent
companies were dilatory in send
ing in tneir reports. The different in
surance companies in the city have signi
fied their willingness to furnish fire
patrolmen with proper badges.
A number of Antelope people- who
have been attending the Forrester trial
here, many being summoned as wit
nesses, and others through an interest
in the case, returned to their homes to
day. Others will leave tomorrow. Ante
lope must liaye 'been almost depopu
lated, from the number of its citizens
who haye been here during the week
The soldiers monument committee is
doing well at this place. The history
of the Unitd States that they give is
worth the twenty-five cents and you
keep the fun besides. Some of the books
wiil be left with menbers of the com
mittee here, or with Mr. Gilbert, the
county school superintendent, and if
you haye not bought a book go down and
get one. The monument will be built.
Today haB been an ideauday for a holi
day, a regular summer day, making it
all tne harder to settle domn and imagine
we're hayin' a birthday party. The on
ly way we can tell it isA holiday at all
is because the schools are closed, the
blinds at the bank are down with a little
notice telling us its a "legal holiday"
and a few stores cloed their doors this
afternoon. The ofty seems somewhat
deserted after theexcitement which has
prevailed during the past week
State Superintendent Ackerman wil
in a lew days, issue a pamphlet co:
tainingall the legislation affecting th
echools of the state passed by both th
Bpecial and the regular sessions of the
twentieth legislative assembly. Thi
will be distributed throughout the stai
each county superintendent receivin
sufficient copies to supply all the officers
of all the districts in his county, so aa to
give the public an opportunity to be
come acquainted with the new laws- af
fecting the public school system. .
Glen O. Holman, of Pendleton, so
well known all over the state, and who
has been attending the legislature, is in
the city today, on bis return home. He
stopped oyer in the interest ot the
soldier's monument, soon to be erected
in memory of our heroes who died dur
ing the recent war with Spain, and has
spent the day in selling the book "Uncle
Sam's Own Story, Colum and Me,"
Mr. Holman is the writer and pub
lisher, and the price of the book, which
is 25 cents, will go to the monument
fund. He has been very successful in
disposing of a number of books.
; From many fruit-raisers in and in the
About the most important personage
at the D. P. & A. N. Co.'s dock is
Jack," the wharf boat dog, who is the
property of Mr. Eastwood, but who,
with his important air, really wears the
purple, and lords it over bis subjects at
the dock. One might say that be puts
on a great deal of "dog," but one thing
is certain, he has more than horse sense,
and is "Jack" of all trades " when it
CDmes to rendering assistance in land
ing the boats, etc. Indeed, he eeeme to
think a landing could not be made, nor a
boat started, without his presence, and
just as soon as the whistle is heard m
the distance, Jack is prancing back and
forth in his eagerness to do his duty.
The moment the line is thrown he
grasps it in his teeth and jumps around
in the endeavor to around the
piles, some limes holdirg it till the rope
tightens and takes the bark off of his
mouth. He is always more anxious to
be on hand when the Dalles City arrives,
and has been seen to turn up his nose
when the Flyer comes in sight, knowing
full well there is no "hand out" for him
there. During the tie-up this winter
when he could not reach the wharf boat,
his attics were amusing and he was like
a water-dog out of water, tie is a terror
to'rats, and never gets rattled in his at
tempt to rid the docks of them. He is
the pet of all,, and the doggondest dog
in the bunch. .,
Court Room Packed Jury Returned
Verdict In resa Than ' TV5
An Hoar.
When court convened? yesterday after
noon the court house was crowded with
spectators to hear the pleas in the For
rester case. Prosecuting Attorney A. A.
Jayne made the opening address for the
state, and spoke from 2:45 until 4:25.
He was followed by H. S. Wilson', for
the defense, who spoke from 4 :30 until
5 :55. Court then adjourned until 7 :30
p. m.
it is estimated that when court con
vened in the evening there were over
five hundred people present. ; Every
seat in the house was taken and the
aisles were filled with men and women
anxious to hear the closing arguments.
The room became so crowded that at
7 :80 an order was issued by the court in
structing the bailiff not to admit anyone
further. . After this order was issued ful
ly two hundred applied for admission,
but were turned away. Pierce Mays
made the final plea for the defense, and
spoke for nearly two honrs when A. S.
Beunett addressed the jury until 11:30,
making the final .plea for the prosecution.
Some very eloquent and forceful
speeches were made, and tne large au
diences was very attentive during the
entire afternoon and evening.
me court men instructed tne jury,
who adjourned to their rooms at 11 :55,
and within fifty-five minutes brought in
a verdict of not guilty. The ballots being
taken, the fleet resulted in a vote .of
nine for acquittal, two for manslaughter
and one for murder in the second degree.
On the second ballot the jury stood
eleven for acquittal and one lor man
slaughter. On taking the third ballot
"all agreed on acquittal
Forrester was brought into court and
when the decision of the jury was an
nonnced to mm, tears came to his eyes
and be seemed overjoyed. He shook
hands with the jury and a number who
were in the court room, and then left
for the hotel to break the news to bis
wife and friends.
ltiua ends one oi tne mou tioliy con
tested cases ever tried neie, and one
which has perhaps caused more wide
SDread interest than any previous one
K The Dalles, Or. A
Hit ME
$1 worth of checks 3
vicinity of the city we
outlook for a ' part of
learn that-- the
this year's fruit
Pacific Northwest Sheepmen to Meet In
Fendleton, Or., on March 7, 8, 9.
The Pacific Northwest Wool Glowers
Association will meet in annual conven
tion in Pendleton, Oregon, on March 7th
8tb, and 9tb. At this meeting, there
will be gathered, representative sheep
breeders from all parts of Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho and Montana; experts
from experimental stations; prominent
railroad representatives ; as well as sev
eral exhibits of blooded sheep brought
from the East. An attractive program
has been-arranged, in which His Excel
lency, Governor T. T. Geer, of Oregon
will appear, and dellyer an address.
.Breeders of hne sheep are invited to
W.e will move into our new store building on
or about March 15th.'
- Our store
will be complete in' every depart-
We have a complete line of '99 model Colum
bia and Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
"JSLsuym db'Crowe.
' Opposite old stand.
flftet the Holidays..
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. '
Jacobsen Book & Music Co,
170 SecDnd Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
$1 worth of checks
good for 10c drink.
or cigar.
fleriowoed Old Ofo Fin Safc..
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac
Best Domestic Liquors, Wine3 aad Cigars.
cueck wltn eacn purchase
The Largest and Best of August Buchler
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
communicate with Mr. C. B. Wade,
chairman of the arrangements commit
tee, with reference to any exhibits they
may desire to take to Pendleton at that
Railroads will give a low fare, proba
bly one fare for round trip.
Pendleton business men will extend
to the visiting sheepmen such courtesies
as will bear out their reputation for
hospitality, and features of entertain
ment will be provided in addition to the
program hereto appended :
Tuesday, Maech 7.
Tbo convention will be opened at 11 :S0
m. with music. Following this will
be an address of welcome by Governor
T. T. Geer, with a response by the
mayor of Pendleton. The afternoon ses
sion will conclude with reading of the
president's annual address and secre
tary's report.
Evening sessioD Address by Profes
sor H. T. French, of Moscow, Idaho,
subject, "The Sheep's Foot is Golden ;"
paper by Professor Shaw, . of the agri
cultural college o Minnesota, on "The
Feeding of Range Lambs for Market."
Wednesday, Marcs 8.
Morning session Address, Dr. Know-
let, state veterinary surgeon for Mon
tana, subject, "Infections Diseases of
Sheep and Their Management;" discus
sion, Professor G. W. Shaw, of the agri
cultural station at Cor vail ic
Afternoon session Hon. A. O. Fox
will tell what he knows about h;ep
from a breeder's stand poin.
Evening session Professor A. B. Leck-
enby, on "Range i mates;" discussions;
B. S. Pague on "Weather from a Scien
tific Standpoint."
Morning session Annual election cf
officers; address by D.-. N-l'Oi, state
veterinary surgeon of Washington.
Afternoon session Professor John A.
Craig, professor of animal industry of
the agricultural college, Ames, la., sub
ject, "The Mutton Breeds;" discussion.
Evening session Address by George
A. Yunay, president of the state Wool
Growers' Association. Illustrated lec
tures on sheep n l wool by Dr. Jamep
Witbycombe assisted by Professor E.
F. Pernot. of the experiment station at
Carvallis. .
W. L. Phiverick,
' E. P. Dodd,
John E. Lathrop.
Press Commitee.
In Oldvo l'lmn
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; bat
now that it is generally known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation, well ID
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, bnt finally
injure the system. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Information Wanted
Regarding a sorrel mare, reported to
be on government flat. Said mare is
branded L. O. on left shoulder ; has star
in forehead ; is six years old. Party who
will deliver same to me at Eodersby
oostofSce will be suitably rewarded. '
Address, August Loncbkn.
Feb.l5,lm-i Endersby, Or
To Care m Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money it
it fails to cure. 25c.
Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Golden Eagle
Crawford and
lllfljijfj" OS
$20.00, $25.00,
$30.00, $50.00,.