The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 16, 1899, Image 3

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Zero Weather
Suggests comfortable clothing. To add
to your comfort we offer this week a few
specialties in good, seasonable Footwear,
' which, compared with their real market
' value, will be sold at, almost
Zero Prices.
Men's heavy soled Box Calf Lace I...,'....:. $3.00
Men's heavy soled Tan Box Calf Lace. 3.00
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Cloth Top, Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Calf, Button : '. 2.00
Misses' Pebble Grain Button, sizes 11 to 2....:. ...... . 1.00
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, "Button, sizes 11 to 2 s, 1.25
Ckilds' Heavy Sole Kid, Button, sizes 8 to 11 . ....... ......... .75
A few pair of Woinens Pebble CG-rain, Button, sizes Z to 6 ............... .60
Ail Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
Bicycles .
FOR 1899.
The models for the coaling: eeaeon will
be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62,
woman's 'special light roadster, $50;
No. 66, men's regular roadsters, $75 ; No.
67, woman's regular roadster, $75 ; No.
69, men '8 roadster thirty-inch wheel,
$75. Quality is Cleveland throughout;
not a part slighted not a machine on
worthy of a Cleveland nam plate."
1899 changes Wider handle bars, with
new internal expanders, improved auto
matic oiling device, flush frame head,
increased gauge of tubing:, longer frame
and new reinforcements, new ball bear
ing spokes.also new hobs. The Burwell
detachable tire, more air, more comfort;
special bearings along new lines. Crank
yoke changed, doing away with disc on
chain side; dust proof ped?ls: im
proved Clevelandgear case; new saddles.
The 1899 models are superior to any
Cleveland ever offered to the public'
They have more original ideas.
We have just receved some '99 models.
Call and see them. ' It's quality that
talks these days, and Cleveland quality
is talking loud. '
rnaier s Demon
We will move into our new store building oft
or about March loth.
Our store will be complete in every depart
"We have a complete line of '99 model Column
bia and Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices.
See our line before purchasing a wheel.
Mays c&5 Ororo.
Opposite old stand.
The -Dalles Daily Ctonfefe.
Telephone No. 1.
Ail .Changes ,i a AdverDssemente:-must
be lhanCcd ia before 10 o'clock A. TKI., as
0 changes will be acocpted in "tie aft
ereoon. Mhis rule will be jpemitive.
Tie fieillss, January io, 599.
Walla, where he intends i remain dur
ing the -season. ,
Yesterday 'five carloads -at cattle were
received at Saltmarshe's stock -yards
frooa M-eeeve. McCully and I-u Eurke, of
Elgin. Three carloads were destined to
Portland -antd two to'Troatdale. -
Miss Tayler wishes to aattoance it bat
hrr Kio-derBTten school will be rescued
Monday afternoon at 1 oViloefc, wben
she deeiroe ftemeet ail former pupils,
and many new ones as well.
Jos. S. Turner, formerly a fireman on
the 0. R. & 2SL. died last Saturday. t
Los Angeiea, of consumption. He wrll
be buried in Walla Walla under tfee
.auspices of the .order of A. O. U. W..
(He was well kown in railroad circles;
nd highly respected.
Des Chutes grade-eeeros to be a hoodoo
to 'the trains of late. This morning the;
throttle on No. '22, a through freight,
beeame disconnected at that place, and
an engine had to be sent from here
to assist her in making the grade. No. 8
was taereby delayed until 10 o'clock.
This . evening Mr. and Mr;. C. E.
Bayard will leave tor Spokane,' where
they wilt remain for some time in hope
that the change will benefit Mr. Bayard,
who, since an attack of the grippe eev-1
oral weeks ago, has been suffering with
an ailment, which the physicians have
failed to diagnosis.
If anyone thinks Recorder Gates is
not an artist, they should visit his office,
on Court street. Not content with hav
ing the floor nice and clean'and the cob
webs removed from the ceiling, be ; baa
had the walls covered with the daintiest
kind of bine paper, with a ceiling to
match, and the woodwork painted white
His office is now as tasty as a parlor, and
looks very inviting in its new toggery.
Jokes are all right when not carried too
far; but there are cases when what is in
tended to be a joke tarns oat very ' dis
astrously. Such it is feared will be the
case unless a number of tonne men, who
'have been in the habit of running ont in
front of Mr. Ruadtfll, as he carries the
express from the office to the night train,
and calling upon him to '"hold tp 'bis
hands!" ""look a little oiat-T Theeentle
man often nas in his cbarge' valuable
packages and ex press,and in discharging
his duty., may discharge bia revever
well. He ia not Supposed to know a jjolfer
from a real live foot-pad. Those young
men evidently mean no barm,, tart haras
may result to them, ad "'twere well
that they take warning.
The sellowing ladies fesve finished the
fifty bawling games required in ctfae
individual association -championehip
touroa-oaent, Miss Alma Scbanno twin
ning the medal for Too Dallies with a
score of :36.98: Miss R. Boch4er,29lQ2;
Mrs. Bfckeley, 27.96; Mrs. Bradsbew,
31.14; Mrs. Fish, 28.62; Mrs. Houghton,
30.26; Mrs. Huntington, 35,60; Miss
Lang, 22:50; Mrs. Phillips, 24.28;; Kiss
Schanoo, 36.98 ; Mrs. T. J. Sepfert.
Regarding the challenge -made'
by our ladies to the Astoria team, the
AstoriaK-eays:. "The probabilities are
that the .challenge of the ladies of The
Dalles Commercial Club to meet a team
of A. F. C. women bowlers on tfee Ore
gon Road -Club alleys will not be ac
cepted. Atfull team cannot be seoored
it appears, and the proposed match may
fall through." Wonder if they're afraid
of our bowlers?
This morning Agent AUaway made a
trip to Klindt's place, below town, in
order to determine not how the land
lies, but how the ice lies thereabout.
He found the river clear' at the Point,
and from reports obtained from places
farther down, the same condition exists
all along the lane. It hat therefore been
decided that the Dalles City make the
trip from Portland tomorrow, no fears
being entertained bat that she will suc
ceed in the attempt, as, from all indica
tions, the blockade, here will be suf-
cently cleared .far her to make her way
through. She will make her regular
trip to Portland Saturday, leaving the
doek at 7 o'clock. The Telegram says:
"Ia 'the meantime freight for points be
tween Portland and The Dalles is piling
up, filling Oak-street dock to its full
capacity. It will takeeeveral trips after
the boats start running before the
freight now on hand can be disposed of."
Meeting of Odd Fellows. .
Regular meeting of Colombia Lodge
No. 5, I. O. O. F. tomorrow (Friday)
evening at 7:30. " Work' in the Initiatory
degree. Visiting brothers welcome.
-:," ' ' C. J. Chandall, N: G.
' Paul K. Paulsen, Sec'y.
Mot a True B4U Aiatnst Bhek other
CMei Disponed of. 1
'forty-five minutes earlier than bow, or
mtTt a. m., allowing ample time for the
transfer which will be made at the anion
depot. Spokane Review.
In the caee of the State we. John'
Sheehe, charged with an assault . with a
dangerous weapon on the pereoaof Mifeeil
Schwartz ia Micbelbach's saloon on the'
morning of (fee 4th, the grand rjuny
brought in aot a true bill.'
t In the matter of the State ve. W-m,
IRolfe, charged with aeeaulting B. -C
Reese with a -dangerous weapon, the de-
endent withdrew his plea of eot guilty,
nd entered a plea of guilty. He will be
entenced Saturday morning.
The grand jjury brought in tre bill
gainst L. Morris charging bim with
arceny from a dwelling.
The caee ot. the State vs.' Wm. Eolfe,
barged with Assault with a dangerous
veapon, comaxiitted at Antelope on the
erson of Mrdock McKay, we on
tinaed for the term, owing to the condi
tion of the prosecuting witness who is
not able to be ipresent.
Al Mesplie withdrew his plea of ixat1
guilty and enteoied a plea of guilty aol,
was fined $50. . '
The court wasbusy all yesterday after
noon and evenuig securing a jury in the;
case of the State vs. Frank Forester.;
charged with kitltng Phil Brogan, and
on adjourning bad succeeded in getting
ten jurors.
Shortly after noon today the remain
ing two were selected. The entire panel
was exhausted a&i a special venire- had
to be issued before be requisite number
were chosen. The following gentlemen
compose the jary: O. B. Connolly, E.
E.Lyons, F. C. Benson, H. J. Hibbard,
John Wajrenblast, J. J. Luckey, Fred
Fisher, W. H. Taylor Wmv Haynes,
Jesse Imbler, C. S. 6mith and J. L.
Thompson. The court room wasxrowded
this afternoon with spectators who are
apparently taking great interest in tbe
case. A. A. Jayne made the opening
statement for the prosecution and F. P.
Mays for the defense.
New Schedule.
-So Say bar Legislator Salem Still Ke
tmlne the tMt Fair. -
State House, Salem, Feb. 3.6. Both
houses have consented to adjourn Sat
urday. -
j-ering the, senate bills, while tbe eraate
is also busy with the house bills. .
Three appropriation bills were intro
duced yesterday, and three otbene passed
last night.
A measure providing for the -election
of road supervisors passed tbe house,
and now goes to the senate.
After all tbe excitement over the etate
tfair problem, and Portland's opposition
to Salem retaining it, the capital came
oat on top.
The time has been extended for tbe
extenson.of the Siaslaw railway.
Senate today confirmed the appoint
ment of Beebe as brigadier-general. .
Verdict ol Coroner's Jury
1 In Olden Times
People pverlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; bat
now -that it is generally' known that
Syrup of Figs will permanently over
come habitual constipation1, well in
formed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure the system. ' Buy the genuine,
made by tbe California Fig Syrup Co.
February 19th is the date set by rail
road reports for a new. time card to go
into effect on the Great Northern and O.
R. & N. roads. No official- information
has been received by tbe local offices of
the companies, but it is believed the
change will be made nevertheless.
Under the present schedule O. R.iN.
train No. 4, from . the south and west,
arrives at'7 :45 a. m., while tbe arriving
time ot the Great Northern' "flyer." from
the east is 7 a. m. Thus the connection
is missed by three-quarters of an hoar.
The O. R. & N. No. 4 connects . with tbe
east-bound Great - Northern train and
with the north-bound Spokane Falls &
Northern train, but a connection with
the west-bound Great Northern is also
desired. " ' -
The change contemplates setting back
tbe Great Northern "flyer" half an hoar
so it will not arrive until 7:30 a. m.,
and bringing tbe O. R. & N, train ia
Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
Tbe following is the verdict of the
coroner's jury in . the case of tbe man
found dead at Viento bridge yesterday:
Viknto, Feb. 15, 1899.
We, the jury empaneled by W. 'H.
Bntta, coroner of Wasco county, to in
quire into the case of tbe death of tbe
body now before us, find his name to be
Daniel McDonald, age about 40 years,
height six feet two inches, weight.about
ZIU pounds. It) at he came to' his death
on tbe night of tbe 14th inst., by falling
(rom Driuge sso. ius, wnne in an intoxi
cated condition. That the deceased fell
a distance of thirty feet; ' his head was
mashed on therocks, and that death Was
instantaneous. The following 'articles
were found on tbe body: One Bilver
watch, key wind, and $12.05 in money.
. i M. J. Bird, " .' -.
. . R.J. Tuckeb, ',
, . . Jas. Mill'igax,. ; -
- . O. J. Baceman, " .
. x . D. P. Harvey.
' , A. J. Hamilton, ,
Hfter the Holidays.
We have a large stock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete..
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170. Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
...Tile Henovvnea Old oro Fino saloon...
90 Second St., second door from Court.
ai8 October 15
The Dalles, Or..
il -worth of checks
cood for 10c drink.
or cigar.
cuock witn each purchase
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty la Imported French Liqtiocs audtOogaiw.
Best Dom&stie Liquors, Wines and Cigars'.
The Largest and Best of August Buchler" "
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Wasco Warehouse
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds..
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot a n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o? mTllfeed
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOUI Thi8 Flonr 18 manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell oar goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Cub In loir ChMki
All conntv warrants registered prior
to Mcb. 14, 1895, will be paid at. my
office. Interest ' ceases after Jan. 14,
1899. ' ' C. L. Phillips,
,' Conntv Treaenrer. -
La Grippe is again epidemic. Every
precaution should be taken to avoid it.
Its specific cure is One Minute-Coueh
Care. A. J. Shepard, publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden,
Mo., eays : "No oni will be disappoint
ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for
La Grippe." ' Pleasant to take, quick to
act. Snipes, Jinersley Drug Co.
Mea Wanted . ' '
To cut cord wood. Inquire at The
Dalles Lumbering Co. 24tf
Al Esping is in from Antelope.
VJ3. Cv Dyinocd is up from White Salm
on. : v- ;
C. W. Hoffman is a Mitchell visitor in
the city. . -
W. H. H. Dufur came in from Dufnr
eBterday.- .-
K. J. Gilmore is in the city from Weis-
l-ep, Idaho. . ,
Y . Mrs. T. L. Roberts left this morniner
for Portland.
Bert Phelps will etarn to Heppner
this evening.' '. - '
A. L. Bunnell. cime over from Center
ville yesterday.'
. E. Jacobsen came up from Portland on
last night's train. . ' ,v.
. Julias Wiley is ainoog the "Moro peo
ple who are in town. .
- "Will Cowne, of Canyon ' City,, is in
town attending courts '
W. Payne, of Eutledge, is in the
cfty on a business trip.' . , ..
Rev. and Mrs. Chris Nickelsen are in
the city visiting relatives.
N. Whealdon-,was among the passen
gers bound for Portland this morning.
Miss Harriet Stevens returned to her
home in Portland yesterday afternoon..
Lane Smith, who has been to the city
on business,, returned to his home in
Prineville today. . '
Rev. Rhodes, who has been assisting
in the revival meetings here, returned to
Arlington on last evening's train. '
Wrh. Rnffeno, who has been steward
on tbe Elmore, which . recently was
damaged' by backing into the Salem
bridge, is spending a short time in this
city, while the steamer is being re
paired in Portland.
Tbe Misses Hart, who have been the
guests of Mrs. Otis Patterson while in
lithe city, return to Heppner on this
Vrening'a train.
I H T XT A J t . i a i .
mro j. n. auiiiis, oi roruanu wno una
been visiting in the East arrived in the
city last night and remained over till'
this morning's train visiting her friend
Mrs G. L. Mans.
85 llewartl
Will be paid to the person finding a re&
pocket book which was lost last night
between, Obarr'a hotel and Umatilla
house. It contains. $ 30 a $10 and (20
bill. Finder please leave at Obarr'a
hotel and receive reward.'
Horrible' agony' is caused by Pi lee
burns and skin diseases. These are
immediately relieved and quicklv cured!
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless imitations. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Northern Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d & Federal Sts.
5 B S