The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 14, 1899, Image 3

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Bicycles . . .
Clearance Sale of Bicycle
Zspo Weather
Suggests comfortable clothing. To add
to your comfort we offer this week a few
specialties in good, seasonable Footwear,
which, com pared . with their real market
value, will be sold at almost .
Zero Piriees.
Men's heavy soled Box Calf Lace $3.00
Men's heavy soled Tan Box Calf Lace '.,.:... 3.00
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Vici Kid Cloth Top, Button 2.25
Ladies' heavy soled Calf, Button , ..... 2.00
Misses' Pe"b"ble Grain Button, sizes 11 to 2... 1.00
Misses' Kangaroo Calf, Button, sizes 11 to 2 1.25
Childs' Heavy Sole Kid, Button, sizes 8 to 11 .75
A few pair of Women's .Pebble G-rain, Button, sizes 3 to 6 60
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Mrs. A. M. Walker is reported some
what better today.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and'
the beginning of the Lenten seaaon.
Parson's orchestra, which will furnish
. music for the ball tonight, will arrive on
the evening train.
There will be a meeting of the Dalles
Club Minstrels tomorrow night at the
Vogt at 7:30 o'clock.
Those attending the Elks' ball tonight
are requested to be on hand at 8:45, as
the grand march will begin at that hour,
regardless of the number present.
The bowling conteBt between the As
toria and The Dalles Iadv bowlers will
take place on the Road Club alleys in
Portland on the 23d of this month. -
W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, will be
in The Dalles the first week in March.
uraers leu at eitner Jaeobsen a or
xiicselsen s will receive prompt at
tention. 10-td
A number of residents from Antelope
and that vicinity arrived in the city yes
terday and today to be in attendance at
court when the Forester case comes up
tomorrow afternoon.
jli yon want some place to spend an
hour or two very pleasantly this evening,
wend your way to the Christian cbnrch
and enjoy the valentine social. Go pre
pared to bid on the lunch 'boxes, full or
The weet-bound trains are beginning
to behave somewhat better than of late,
No. 3 being on time this morning, and
No. 1 only an bour late this afternoon.
The blockade on the Short Line has been
cleared away.
Saturday, February 25lh, is the date
fixed for the meeting of cattlemen at
Dufur. 'The purpose is to consider th
question of keeping the Cascade timbe,
reserve as a reserve lor the raoirincr n
. . 1 . 1
came ana norees.
, Elliott Roberts, thfe 7-year-old son ol
Representative A. St Roberts, while try
ing to run rapidly down the stairs lead
ing from the eeconfl to the ground floor
at the statehouee jfii Saleui Sunday after-
ters, landing on his baok. Fortunately,
he escaped eerious injury.
The latest from Portland papers is
that the D. P. & A. N. boats will etart
tomorrow. Will they? The agent says
he wishes they might, but the blockade
gays "No," and an icy denial- at that.
While the ice seems to be breaking con
tinually above, it is piling up just at
this point, and really makes a very
pretty sight to look upon, attracting
many spectators to the banks of the
The funeral of Mrs. T. L. Headley, of
Boyd, took place from the home of Mrs.
A. M. Walker, on the hill, this afternoon
at 2 o'clock, and was conducted by Rev.
Wood. Her death was particularly Bad,
coming ae it did so soon after Mr. Wal
ker's and in the same house. Bat sad
dest of all is the fact that she leaves
eight children, the youngest ten days
old. The interment took place in Odd
Fellows' cemetery.
No society event which has taken place
in The Dalles for years has created such
an interest and anticipation as the Elks'
party, which occurs at the Vogt tonight,
perhaps due to the fact that everyone
understands just what to expect when
the Elks are at the helm. For several
days they have been busy in arranging
the decorations, which are said to be
very beautiful. Those who have received
invitations may consider themselves
favored, and will no doubt have one of
the most enjoyable times socially they
have yet experienced.
This morning Harry Liebe received a
letter from Rev. W. C. Curtis, whose
home is now at Belden Place, Norwalk,
Conn. Mr. Curtis, although perfectly
contented in his Eastern home, says he
still has a warm spot in his heart for the
Pacific coast and his friends here. He
is, as ever, much absorbed in collecting
Indian curios, and sent to Harry for
some mounted arrow points, which he
wished to exhibit, together with his
Indian curios, at the Women's Club in
Norwalk. He is also anxious to obtain
additions to his already large collections
Indian baskets.
A large number of friends attended
he funeral of Father Walker yesterday
afternoon at the TT"thnri' i 1 Inn ntn and
e tribute paid to the de
ceased by Rev. Wood, who chose for
the basis of his remarks the words of II
Xim.1V, o verse,. Uencexoitu thre is
laid up for me a crown of righteous'
nees," drawing lrom his life lessons ap
plicable to those who mourned his loes.
The choir sang "My Heavenly Home,"
Meet Me There" and "Servant of God,
Those who bore the re
mains to its last resting place were
Messrs. Cross, Kirby, Cates, Riddell.
ler and Jones.
"Roses red, violets bine, sugar's
sweet and so are yon." So eayetb the
Valentine which has fonnd its way
throneh the mail today. These harm
less little school boy and gtrl messages
are all right, unless the teacher happens
to catch them being written. .'Tis the
comic valentine, calculated to remind
one of his defects and cause hard feel
ings, which should be abolished. Many
are able to look upon them in their true
light and pass them by unheeded ; while
to the sensitive they are as a dart, and
find the mark which the archer really
meant. It ia to be hoped these were
left on. the store shelves, where they do
the least damage.
What' wrong with the married men
in the East? If "Pet" .Strahan were
to be tried in the West the district at
torney would be compelled to ship all
the married men East in order to obtain
an unprejudiced jury. A Pittsburg
paper says: "An ucusual proceeding will
be observed at-the next trial of FayDe
Strahan Moore, t,he. alleged 'badger'
woman. Every one of the jurors will be
a married man at least that is the dis
trict attorney's intention at present.
Fayne's winsomeness and beauty .were
too much for the last jury who tried her.
Most of them were single men, and they
disagreed. The district attorney will
try married men, in the hope that they
will not be prejudiced by tte fair"
prisoner's beauty."
80 Says Oar Correspondent Lobbyist
Loses His Influence.
FOR 1899.
The models for the co.nine season will
be No. 61, men's roadsters, $50; No. 62,
woman's epecial light roadster, $50;
No. 66, men's regular roadsters," $75 ; No.
67, woman's, regular roadster, $75 ; No.
69, men's roadster thirty-inch wheel,
$75. Qnality is Cleveland throughout,
not a. part slighted not a machine un
worthy of a Cleveland namn plate.
1899 changes Wider handle bars, with
new internal expanders, improved auto
matic oiling device, flush frame head,
increased gauge of tubing, longer frame'
and new reinforcements, new ball bear
ing spokes, also new hubs. The Burwell
detachable tire, more air, more comfort;
special bearings along new lines. Crank
yoke changed, doing away with difc on
chain side; dust proof pedrls: im
proved Cleveland gear case; new saddles.
The 1899 models are superior to any
Cleveland ever offered to the public.
They have more original ideas.
We have just receved some '99 models.
Call and see them. It's quality . that
talks these days, and Cleveland quality
iB talking loud.
.. JOaief a Bioo
Sole Agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
For Less than Half Price
We wish t,o p.lfiAr ont all old stock befm . mov-
7 ing into new store and have some bargains.
P' This is an opportunity to get bicycle si
9 All wheels sold at half regular price.
the influence with the individual mem
ber,' which in paBt years has been eo
Senator Mulkey, on Saturday evening.
made a brief address before a select au
diejice, composed of Women of Wood'
craft and their friends, ' in, which., he
stated, that heouce was a lobbyist, "and
oh? how I wished, above all things, to be
one of the members":' "But now," he
continued, "how I wish I were a graft
er." Concluding his remarks he said
"Here's to the lady clerks, - the third
house ard the Women of Woodcraft,
God bless them all." -
It is very apparent that the present
session will not be the means of increas
ing good laws to any great extent. In
fact is has been stated by those who
reallv ought to know, that little more
will be accomplished in that direction.
The sugar beet bounty bill lies buried
in the senate with a hundred bills on top
of it, while several meritorious measures
have suffered the same fate.
Since two appropriation bills are yet
to le considered, it looks like a blue day
was surely about to dawn on all the im
portant items of legislation.
Court Motes.
Salem, Oregon, Feb. 13, '99.
To the Editor:
Only five days of the working session
left several members declaring thev
will ad'jonrn Friday and the summary
of accomplished legislation is very small.
The record of the lower branch is as fol
lows :
Bills introduced 1 . . .380
Bills passed 164
BillB withdrawn ...21 ,
Bills failed to pass. . .'. 14
Bills indefinitely postponed. ; . 7 206
" Leaving unconsidered 174
In the senate there have been 235 bulla
introduced, 106 of which have paesed
that body.
Of the 164 bills of its own which have
passed the house, only twenty-seven
have passed the Benaie, and nineteen of
these have become laws. Of the 106 sen
ate bills which have paesed that body,
but 23 have y et obtained favorable con
sideration in the house, while one has
been indefinitely postponed, leaving at
present 174 of its own and 82 senate bills
before the house, making a pretty. . large
job for five days' work. Of the 23 senate
bills which have also gone through tbe
house 15 have become laws.
Should the legislature adjourn even on
Saturday there would be only five work
ing days left, since thtre will be no ses
sions of either of the branchesof Oregon's
legislature Tuesday forenoon or after
noon. . ' i
: One thing is very much in evidence at
this session of our legislature, and that
is "the push." Tet there are also other
things which can be plainly seen, and
one of those is that the lobbyist has not
In the case of S. L. Brooks vs. Phil
Brogan Jr., judgment was taken by de
Geo. W. R. Robertson vs. Robt. Kelly,
sheriff; settled and dismissed.
1 he grand jury brought in two in
dictments; one in the case of Al
Mesplie, charge! with assault and bat'
tery, and one against Wm. Jaegar
charged with issuing a forged paper.
Owen Jones, a native of Wales, was
admitted to citizenship.
The petit jury was excused until to
morrow afternoon at 1 :30.
Tu tbe Public.
We are authorized to guaranteed very
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
money to the purchaser. There ia no
better medicine made for La Grippe,
colds or whooping cougb. Price 25 and
50 cents per bottle. Try it. . Biakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
SS Reward.
Lost, somewhere between the postof-
fice and my home on west Second street,
a gold watch. $5 reward will be paid
for its return. ' Fall name, Emma Janet
Fisher., engraved inside. Return to this
office or to Mrs. Emma J. Rees.
Good Wood.
To get the best dry fir and pine wood
that the market affords ring up 40,
Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber
ing Co. ; Jan27-2m
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
HVEeEWs cs Crowe.
Opposite old stand.
flftei the Holidays.
We have a large Btock ot Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Instru
, ments, etc., that we are selling at popular prices.
Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete.
Jaeobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dallee, Oregon. '
...Tne neaownsa om Dm Fino Saioor.,.
90 Second St., second door from Court.
Tom Burke's Homestead Whiskey
Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac.
Best Damestie Liquors, Wines and Cigars. .....
I 118 October 15 "
g - The Dalles, Or. 1
jjj ' $0.90. I
i $1 worth of checks . 2
0 good for 10c drink,
or cigar. ' 1
cneck witneaenpurcutse
The Largest and Best of August Buchler"
Home-made Beer and Porter.
Agent for the Swiss Pub. Co., New York.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot s?n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, lfed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
jn "Flfinf This Flour is manufactured expressly for faraly
. jJi-L J- J lJ. . nBe . eVerr sack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction.
- Wa sell our roods lower than anv house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and jjet our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Ball of Kepresentatlves.Crowded Today
Talk ot An Extra Week.
State House, Salem, Feb. 1411:30
p. m. The assembly and a large nam-,
ber of invited guests crowded the hall
of representatives this morning to par
ticipate in the celebration of admission
day. Two hundred and fifty people
came upon a epecial from Portland to be
present. Gov. Geer is presiding, and a
splendid program it being rendered.
Both bouses meet tonight.
Datv's school bill .consumed most of
the day yesterday.
The general and epecial appropriation
bills w'ill be introduced Wednesday.
There is talk now of calling an extra
week of special session. It seems 'that
tbe work can't be finished by Saturday.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to core. 25c. . .,
Men Wanted
To cat cord wood. .
Dalles Lumbering Co.
- Inquire at The
1 In Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects and were
satisfied with the transient action ; .but
now that At is generally known that
Syrup of .Figs, will permanently over
come habitual ; constipation, well in
formed people- will not buy other - laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally
injure-the system. Buy tbe genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take .larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
'. .".--'' '
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
- That is what it wis m-S- for
A Beautiful Skin,
I ndies, if you desire a transparent, clear and
fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French.
Arsenic Complexion Waters. Their effect is
simplv magical, possessing tbe wizard' tonclt
in producing and preserving a beautiiul trans
parency and pellucid clearness of complexion,
Bbapely contour of form, brilliant ets, aoifc
and smooth skin where tbe reverse exists. Even
the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by
freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgair
rtduefs, veilow and muddy skin are permanent
ly removed, and a delicioasly cleur and refined
complexion assured.
Price per small box, 50 cents; large box, $1, or
six large boxes, $5. bent to any address potfc
pnid and under plain wrapper upon receipt c
the above amount. Write lor free circular.
The Parisian Drug Co.r
131 Montgomery St San Francisco, Cal,
& JE1 15 !
Northejn Grown
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d Si Federal Sts.
H 2